Now, roads only exist near the big towns in the Blasted Lands, and the Bowl in general. Ditto with paths. This comes from a rarity of horses and supply carts. Not absence, just rarity. What I raced along was more of where convention had worn away patches of grass.
I made good time until my [Fleet of Foot] ran out, and suddenly I had only my fatigue meter of four, equal to my health. Holy crap, how had I forgotten that? With a yawn, I decided against stealth, and just walked openly along the path.
Hm? Oh, that's an advantage of my System stomachs. My physical activities and condition seem to just not affect them.
And yes, of course I needed to forage as well. My actual Might read as three, but somehow my System was locked upon five from my last life so far as determining how much nutrition I needed each day. And yes, I had tested my strength to ensure it wasn't actually higher.
For a chapter without dramatic action, this was hard to write. I hope that I managed to show instead of tell how the wars have damaged and depleted Achea.
As always, thank you for your continued readership; it makes it easier to cope with reality.