Timothy shot down three blue planktons. He was very effective at killing them, however, the system wasn't giving him any points for it. She just accumulated the points that he had earned by killing those Hunched Humans earlier on.
[You've accumulated a total of 49,000 system points. The Hunched Humans that you killed today, really buffed up your sum.] She beeped, but Timothy didn’t care much for these points, because he didn’t like the number four.
“Good,” He said, and continued attacking other planktons.
There were hundreds of them in front of him, and he attacked even those who weren't bothering him. He assumed every plankton was an enemy of his, so they had to be destroyed! He killed tens of them, and at some point he got bored of doing this, so he stopped killing them. His decisions weren’t thought out all that much.