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Chapitre 5: Chapter 1.4

“Phew… just in time.”

I’ve made it. I made it to the Student Council’s Building with a few minutes to spare.

Let’s see… there’s snow on my hair, in my blazer, and my feet. It’s troublesome to get rid of them. I think I look neat enough, aside from being barefoot.

As I approached closer, the blurry glass door slid open with a quiet whoosh, allowing me to enter into a world of luxury and refinement. The room was adorned with opulent furnishings and elegant decorations, giving off an air of sophistication that seemed to permeate every corner.

Fancy chairs and tables were arranged with precision, while high-class paintings adorned the walls, their intricate details illuminated by the soft glow of the crystal chandelier above.

Sunlight streamed in through the glass ceiling, casting a warm, golden light over the space.

I noticed there are teabags and coffee machines placed on the left.

I believe this lobby was made as a waiting place for the students before their appointment to meet with the respective Student Council Presidents.

However, since class starts at 8:30 am, I believe no students will be waiting at this hour, aside from one.

A beautiful girl with blonde hair and light blue eyes was elegantly sitting at the corner of the table, sipping a cup of tea under the sunlight.

Judging from the aroma, it was Chamomile tea.

…She was wearing a black blazer and blue tie, which means she’s a S Ranked Student and First Year.


It seems that she noticed my arrival, she placed down her cup and walked towards me with a tender smile.

Click, clack, clack, click.

The click-clacking sounds from the soles of her shoes are at a moderate pace, echoing throughout the lobby.

We had been at least thirty steps away from each other, but now we were down to ten.

I couldn't help but notice the intricate details of her appearance. Her hair, a cascade of golden waves, was expertly woven into a short braid that adorned the crown of her head, the ends trailing delicately to the left of her neck. A black ribbon, elegantly tied, secured the braid in place, adding a touch of timeless sophistication to her ensemble.

Her attire was equally refined, with black lace gloves adorning her slender fingers and lace stockings enveloping her legs, leaving no inch of skin exposed below her neck. The delicate fabric hugged her form, accentuating her graceful silhouette and lending an air of regal elegance to her presence.

But it was not just her attire that spoke of nobility. It was the way she carried herself, with an innate sense of poise and confidence that seemed to emanate from every pore. Her posture was perfect, her movements graceful and fluid, as if she were born to command attention and respect.

When I realized, we were down to three steps away.

Yet— her walking pace does not show any sign of slowing down at all.

“W-Wait! Stop! Too close!”

I said to her, and stopping her by placing both of my hands on her shoulders before her chest is going to come in contact with mine.


A jolt shook her.

“Stop making that weird moaning sound like you are in heat!” I blurted out, unable to contain my frustration at her unexpected actions.

I`m not the kind of person who normally flings retorts at people I`m meeting for practically the first time, but she managed to draw one out of me.

“Oh my… I`m sorry. What an unthinkable thing to do. I was just so surprised… You suddenly grabbed my flesh, after all.”

“Flesh? Come on.”

Her shoulder.

“Allow me to make up for the faux pas with my body,” she declared with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. “I might pretend to resist a little, but it's all a performance to make the scene more exciting, okay~?”

I blinked, unsure of how to respond to her audacious proposition. Her boldness is both disarming and intriguing in equal measure.

God, she's quite the character— a bankrupt character just like my little sister, Restia. I believe they would be a perfect fit as friends.

“Ehem…” I coughed to brush off what just happened. “Erm… are you— what are you doing?”

Before I could gather my thoughts, she took another surprising turn, casually unbuttoning her blazer with a self-assuredness that left me speechless.

“Stripping. Can’t you see?” she replied, her tone light and playful despite the gravity of the situation.

“Why!?” I exclaimed, my voice betraying a hint of exasperation as I struggled to make sense of her actions.

“Eh~ You want to help me take it off~? Aren’t you quite bold~?” She answered with a bright smile while continuing to unbutton her blazer, where there were three left.

“No, please stop.” I pleaded, my voice tinged with desperation as I tried in vain to put an end to her impromptu strip tease.


I find myself placing my hands on her shoulders once again, where she jolted and moaned, and I find myself retreating my hands immediately, inadvertently sliding her blazer off from her shoulder in the process.

“I know you are excited, but please be patient. This one last button is a little difficult to unbutton…” The girl said while trying her best to peel off the last button.

“Stop, please.” I retorted while placing my hand on my forehead as if gotten a headache.

“…Mmm?” The girl looked at me with her head tilted in an innocent expression. “Why? Do you not want my undergarments?”

“Why would I want your undergarments!?” I retorted with a speechless look.

“Because Principal said you would like it?”

…Is this a punishment? All because I don’t want to go to the welcome party?

“…Do you want me to go to jail?” I uttered.

“I think you won’t be sent to jail since I’m offering my undergarments willingly.” The girl answered. “Speaking of which, do you want the upper part or the lower part?”

“I don`t care which part! I already said not to take anything off! Are you even listening to me?!”

“Eh?” The girl looks at me in shock, while unbuttoning the second button on her shirt, showing her cleavage. “Does this mean you want my body?”

“Listen to me damnit!!!”

I screamed. I screamed like a madman.

“…Yes~?” The girl said with a bright smile.


Why am I struggling so much just to tell a girl not to take off her clothes...?

For now, let's just pretend the conversation just now did not happen.

“Sorry for asking now… are you the Student Council President?”

“Eh~ Do I look like one to you~?”

“Huh, you weren’t?”

“I was though.”

“……………………” I think my patience is almost at its utmost limit.

“My~ So impatient~” She mused, her tone light and teasing. “Just when I thought the person Principal forced the school to admit your enrolment would be interesting~”

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her comment.

“…I think this is the normal reaction any guy would make when they saw a girl stripping in front of them.” I retorted, my frustration evident in my voice.

“Are you sure~?” She teased, her words hanging in the air like a challenge.

I wondered why, but those three simple words felt like they held so much weight.

“My bad. For me.” I corrected.

“Hmm, not bad~ At least you tried to stop me the moment I unbuttoned my blazer~” She commented, her tone almost approving.

“I think anyone sane would’ve stopped you,” I muttered under my breath, feeling a vein throbbing in my forehead at the absurdity of it all.

“What about through the screen~?” She asked.

I wondered why, but those five simple words felt like they had so much weight behind them.

I felt a sense of unease settle over me as if she were peering into the depths of my soul with her probing gaze.

“…My bad. For me.” I corrected.

“How odd. You weren’t lying when you said those words.” She murmured.

And then, without missing a beat, she extended her arms and thrust out her chest with a haughty look, as if offering herself up for inspection.

“As a reward, feel free to touch them~!”

This girl can pull off such lines without a shred of embarrassment.

“……………………” I popped a vein on my forehead.

Don`t look down on me, woman. I`ve dealt with situations like these for many years!


I landed a sharp blow— a karate chop on her head. She was completely caught off guard.

“Eeek!!?” She inadvertently lets out a cute shriek and cradles her head at the same time.

“Hah— Hah—” I felt a mysterious satisfaction surging.


…It seems to work too well. She was in so much pain that she was on the verge of kneeling and crying.

“Um, sorry. I didn't mean to hit so hard.” I murmured.

My hand instinctively reached out to stroke her head in a feeble attempt at atonement.

The girl winced at my touch, her expression pained as she struggled to regain her composure.

“N-Ngh… I`m sorry for the jokes, please come with me.”

“…I`m really sorry.” I apologized once again.

With an open blazer and unbuttoned shirt, the girl walks towards the lift that is on the right side of the lobby.

Feeling a twinge of remorse, I apologized once again before following her lead towards the lift. As the doors closed behind us and the lift began its ascent towards the fourth floor, an awkward silence settled over us, broken only by the rhythmic hum of the elevator.

Speaking of which, the awkwardness is killing me. Her mouth became shut after I hit her on the head.

I racked my brain for something to say, anything to break the tension that hung heavy in the air.

Should I say something…?

Should I apologize again…?

Or should I ask for her name again…?

But before I could make up my mind, I realized that we were standing uncomfortably close to each other, her body practically leaning against mine. The realization sent a flush of embarrassment creeping up my cheeks, and I quickly averted my gaze.

It seemed that she had noticed my discomfort as well, for she spoke up with cheeks slightly reddened.

“Erm… Could you stop caressing my head?” She asks, her voice barely above a whisper.

“Eh? Oh, oh, um, sorry. I didn't realise.” I stammer, withdrawing my hand as if burned.

How long had I been stroking her head? The sensation had felt strangely familiar, reminiscent of moments spent with my little sister, Restia.

“I’m not your little sister by the way.” She says, her tone tinged with amusement.

“What?! Do you have telepathy? How on earth do you know what I'm thinking!?” I exclaim, feeling a sense of unease creeping over me.

“Don't be silly. Of course I don't. It's all over on your face.”

“My face? Really? Is it that obvious? That can't be. Then what else am I thinking right now?”

“My cup size. You have been staring at my chest for quite a while. Aren't you quite the pervert~?” She teases, her tone laced with amusement.

“Absolutely not!” I protest, feeling a surge of indignation at her accusation.

She's slightly off the mark, but her intuition is uncanny. I want her to button up her shirt because I don’t know where to look.

“Anyways, I will let you know just in case. It`s 70-D. But it's not like you'd understand the number and letter~”

“70cm with D— never mind,” I mumble, feeling a sense of embarrassment wash over me.

Her reaction catches me off guard, her embarrassment palpable as she retreats to the corner of the lift.

“Eh? Awawawawa…! W-Wh-Why do you know how to measure?! I was wrong about you! You really are a pervert! A beast!” She exclaims, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

“…the lingerie industry is dominated by men, though. It’s not weird that I know how to measure a girl’s three sizes.”

“Then, do you know why men dominated the lingerie industry?”

…Her next question caught me off guard.

“…My bad,” I murmur, feeling at a loss for words.

“…Do you really want to see me wear one…?” She asked with an embarrassed look.

“…No thanks,” I said. “I would go to jail if I did that.”

“I wore out of my own will though.” She answered.

“…That doesn’t mean it’s okay, at all.” I retorted.

Just in time, the lift opened.

“We are here~” Persia's voice chimed with a playful lilt.

The fourth floor.

As I stepped out, I couldn't help but notice the ceiling, which appeared to be around 275 centimeters high. But the ascent felt like it took longer than expected.

“Even though we were on the fourth floor, it consists of two floors.” Persia explained, as if reading my mind.

“Seriously, that was freakishly scary.” The words slipped out before I could stop them. That actually gave me a fright. “It felt like you could read my mind.”

“Well… I`m just a bit better at reading body language compared to most people~” She replied, her tone nonchalant, a small smile playing on her lips.

I can't help but feel a sense of unease settle over me. This girl is too sharp, too perceptive. Is she a knife or something?

“That's rude. It's a needle, at most.” She corrected, her tone playful and her eyes sparkling with amusement.

“Now this is really scary! Just how much is it reflecting on my face!?” I demanded, frustration bubbling up inside me.

“Thanks for the praise~” Persia said, her smile widening.

“It's not praise! This is even worse than getting naked…!” I protest, feeling a surge of frustration welling up inside me.

“…Eh? Y-You want to get naked now…? B-But… I’m not ready…!” She stammers, her cheeks turning a deep shade of crimson.

“Nobody’s getting naked here…!” I retorted with a scream, almost kneeling during the process. “Why do you even wanna get naked anyway? Do you have a crush on me or something…?!”

“Yes, I do.” She answered with a stern look, her eyes locked onto mine.

“……………………Eh?” I stammered, feeling a sense of disbelief washed over me.

Did she just confess to me?

…Oh no, my pulse is rising.

Something's not right here. I just received a confession from a girl I literally met for the first time, out of the blue, outside her office.

…I must be dreaming.

“I like you, please go out with me.” She repeated with a shy tone, her previous confidence giving way to vulnerability.

“…I don’t even know your name, president,” I answered, my mind reeling.

“Oh my, it seems I haven’t introduced myself. That was rude of me.” She suddenly said in her usual tone. “Nice to meet you, transfer student— my name is Persia, the Imperial Knights Academy First Year’s Student Council President.”

Imperial Knights Academy had three Student Council Presidents, managing their respective years.

However, from what I’ve known— the last First Year Student Council President resigned two months ago.

“…Oh.” I inadvertently bumped my left hand with my fist, a realization dawning upon me. “The young lady of the World Noble Silverlight.”

I couldn’t help but notice the tension in Persia’s demeanour at the mention of her family name. The Silverlight were among the highest-ranked World Nobles, and their name carried considerable weight and influence.

The reason why I knew her name was because I was warned over and over again by Principal that there are World Nobles enrolled into the Imperial Knights Academy. He even forced me to remember their names, so that I would not accidentally get ‘Blacklisted’.

Being ‘Blacklisted’ by the World Nobles is as good as getting a death sentence if you came across them in any country, aside from a few, where Central Imperial Island was one of them that the World Nobles had no authority to kill.

Even if Persia Silverlight, from one of the highest ranked in the World Noble, were to blacklist me right now, she had no authority to kill me. If she were to, she would be judged by the laws in Central Imperial Island.

“………I hate you,” Persia uttered with a sulking look, her eyes brimming with unshed tears.

To be honest, the reputation of the World Nobles was far from sterling, especially those with ranks lower than Marquis, who were often embroiled in unsavoury activities. It was no wonder that people tended to avoid associating with them, especially those of higher ranks like Persia.

Even if they were, I believe it was for something entirely. Since… Persia’s standing is equivalent to a country’s princess, even though she’s not.

Once people tend to know she's a noble, those around her will act differently. You can't blame her for refraining herself from speaking her family name.

“So, the young lady of the Silverlight family, care to lead me to your office now? I don’t have all time waiting for you.” I murmured, trying to alleviate the tension.

“…Eh? You don’t… hate me?” Persia's voice wavered, a hint of disbelief colouring her words.

“…How could I when you are making that sad and lonely look?”

“I-I’m not sad! Or lonely…!” Persia protested, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as she playfully punched me with her fist.

“By the way, milady—” I began, only to be cut off by Persia’s stern warning.

“Call me that again and I will punch you— for real.” She threatened, her eyes narrowing despite the cute smile on her lips.

…How can she utter such terrifying words with such a cute smile? And I don’t think I can take that punch either.

“…Then what should I call you?”

“Can’t you just say my given name?” Persia suggested, her tone softening slightly.

“You should’ve said earlier. I thought World Nobles can’t be addressed by their given names.”

“Yes. If you do that, you will be sentenced with your tongue cut off, unless you have permission— to be exact, my permission, and not someone else.” Persia explained, her tone matter-of-fact.

“…Now I’m glad I’m a citizen of Central Imperial Island.”

“…You are an Imperian?” Persia murmured, her tone curious. “Then, doesn’t that make things easier~?”

“I know this may be rude, but you don’t seem to like the World Noble at all, Persia,” I observed, feeling a pang of sympathy for her predicament.

“...The establishment of the World Noble originally was meant to protect humanity against all evil. To me, World Noble is just a title, and coincidently, I was born with this title. I don’t think I’m that different from everyone else. But it seems some that became a World Noble for too long had become forgetful,” Persia confessed, her voice tinged with bitterness.

“Then, if there’s a choice, would you wish to be born as someone normal?”

“Of course not,” Persia answered swiftly. “Besides, you would be pretty disappointed if I said yes, right~?”

“Yup,” I replied. “It would be a great shame if you weren’t a World Noble."

“…Is that so?” Persia whispered, her voice barely audible.

Her response caught me off guard, and I couldn't help but smile at her resilience. The sharpness in her gaze softened, replaced by a more vulnerable expression as we continued walking down the opulent corridor, the polished floors reflecting the grandeur of the academy.

The silence between us was charged, filled with unspoken words and shared understanding. The weight of her noble lineage and the expectations that came with it were apparent, but so was her determination to carve her own path.

Several steps before we reached Persia’s Student Council office, the door slid open automatically, revealing a vast and spacious room. The walls were adorned with intricate tapestries depicting the history of the Imperial Knights Academy, and a large depiction of the school grounds hung prominently. A beech wood conference desk with matching chairs was placed in front of a large window that offered a panoramic view of the academy's lush gardens.

This feels like the boardroom of a large corporation. For a mere Student Council President, this office is ridiculously huge.

“Please be seated~” Persia gestured to one of the chairs with a professional smile.

As I walked in and looked around, Persia had already taken her seat at her desk, gesturing for me to do the same. Her demeanor exuded authority and grace, a stark contrast to the vulnerability she had shown moments earlier.

…From the look of it, it felt like she was going to interview me. That’s odd. I shouldn’t be going through any unnecessary procedures. This meant this was a personal assessment out of self-interest, wasn’t it?

As I sat, Persia placed her hands on the table with a smile, and the atmosphere grew tense.

“First things first…” Persia murmured with a smile. “Why are you barefooted?”

“…Am I allowed not to answer?” I replied with a wry smile.

“Nu-uh.” Persia flicked her forefinger left and right to deny.

“It’s because… I jumped down from a helicopter, two-thousand five-hundred meters high… without a parachute.”

“……?” Although Persia was confused, her smile of professionalism remained. “I… beg your pardon……?”

“I jumped down from a helicopter without a parachute, so my shoes were busted during my land,” I answered.

“…???” It felt like Persia’s smile was stoned on her face.

I wonder if it was because Persia knew I wasn’t lying, but she couldn’t understand my reasoning either. Whatever the reason, it seems she gave up trying to figure everything out.

“Ehem, next question— why do you look wet all over?”

…Oh, she gave up.

“…I was caught up in a fight earlier.”

“…???” Persia’s expression stoned once again. “…Does this relate to your wet clothes?”

“That person is a <Stargazer of Ice>.”

“…Eh? You fought Kuroyuki and survived!?” Persia exclaimed in surprise, leaning forward closer to me.

“W-Wha……? You knew who she is…?” I murmured, surprised by Persia’s reaction. I didn’t expect her to be that famous.

“No one in this academy wouldn’t know who she was…!” Persia exclaimed. “She’s the first in the academy’s history to be ranked as a special student…!”

“…Eh, isn’t that amazing?” I said.

“The word ‘amazing’ is not enough to describe her achievements,” Persia retorted. “I’m already amazing myself, but… she’s more than just that.”

…Indeed, it was just as what Persia said. Kuroyuki Shiroha is more than just amazing.

“So… I guess that applies to you as well, isn’t it…?” Persia commented and stared at me with a smile.

“Hmm… me?” I murmured. “…No. Compared to her, I’m not that amazing.”

“…Lucifer Nightwalker von Nightmare, male, race, human, 16 years old, date of birth, July 17th... a self-mentioned Imperian, but with a home address that does not even exist…”

“…It does exist, actually, but quite far from here,” I interjected.

“…Is that so?” Persia replied, her brow raising inquisitively, her eyes fixed on me with a curious intensity.

“So… why are you mentioning my info?” I pressed, a hint of curiosity lacing my tone.

“Aside from that, everything else about you is a mystery. There are even rumours questioning your existence, despite Principal already announcing your name since day one as the second special student.”

“…Is that really necessary?” I murmured, feeling a mix of surprise and discomfort at the revelation.

“Didn’t I say so since the start? He even had to go through all the trouble to make the academy retain your enrolment.” Persia's tone was matter-of-fact, as if she was stating something that should have been obvious.

“…Hah, trouble, him?” I chuckled lightly, shaking my head in mild amusement. “…Imperial Knights Academy would be the ones in trouble if they don’t listen to him.”

The idea that the academy could impose on him was laughable, and it showed in my tone.

“…My,” Persia murmured, her expression shifting to one of astonishment. “It seems rumours about you are nothing more than the tip of an iceberg. Just what is so special about you?”

“Can’t I say the same about you as well?” I countered casually, offering her a small smile.


“Lady Persia Silverlight, female, race, human, 16 years old, date of birth, April 24th, the eldest daughter of the current head of the Silverlight family— one of the ten highest ranked (Duke) World Noble that guarded one of the thirteen gates to hell in Sicily, Italus, from demon invasions for more than a millennium. Your mother was also a shrine maiden (巫女, Miko) and used to be one of the candidates as the head of the Kusakabe (草壁) family, also a highest ranked (Duke) World Noble that guards the gates to hell in Mount Osore, Hinomoto Oyashima (恐山, 日の本大八洲).”

“…You sure are well informed about me. Are all Imperians like you?” Persia remarked, her tone tinged with a hint of scepticism. Her posture shifted, a slight defensive edge creeping into her demeanour.

“It’s all on the internet,” I replied nonchalantly while offering her a disarming smile.

“…What are you trying to imply?” Persia asked, her eyes narrowing as she tried to read between the lines of my casual demeanour.

“I’m just curious… fame, fortune, and authority… I believe you have them all. Why is someone of your calibre here at Imperial Knights Academy?” My words hung in the air, a subtle challenge wrapped in genuine curiosity. I watched her closely, curious about her reaction.

“Yes, it’s just as you said… I have them all…” Persia murmured with an exasperated look. “…but one.”

“And that’s your dream, isn’t it?” I replied, sensing the weight of her unspoken words. “You don’t want to be the next head of the Silverlight.”

“………………!” Persia's surprise was palpable, her eyes widening slightly at my astute observation. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out at first.

“…Whoops, did I say that out loud?” I realized, a hint of sheepishness creeping into my tone. “Well, whatever. It’s too late for that.” I shrugged slightly, trying to downplay the significance of my statement.

Persia took a deep breath, her shoulders sagging slightly as if a weight had been lifted off her.

“…Yes, you are right. I don’t want to be the next head of the Silverlight.” Persia admitted with a somber expression, her gaze drifting towards the window for a moment. The light from outside cast a soft glow on her face, highlighting the vulnerability in her eyes.

“Then, what is your dream?” I asked gently, my curiosity piqued. The room seemed to hold its breath, waiting for her answer.

“…I want to be an actress,” She confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. Her eyes met mine, searching for any sign of mockery or disbelief.

“Pfft—” Despite my best efforts, a stifled laugh escaped me, earning an indignant glare from Persia.

“Y-You laughed!? What’s so funny about that!?” Persia demanded, her irritation evident in her tone.

“Haha, sorry. I laughed because it felt like I was the one interviewing you instead. It has nothing to do with your dream,” I explained, attempting to appease her.

“…That’s not fair! You made me say my dream, now you’ve got to tell me yours…!” Persia protested, crossing her arms defiantly.

“…I don’t have a dream, nor any ambitions, to be honest,” I confessed, my tone tinged with a hint of resignation.

“…What?” Persia murmured, her disbelief evident in her voice as she processed my unexpected revelation. “…How can I expect to hand you over to Kuroyuki…!”

I see. So this interview wasn’t out of personal interest but for Kuroyuki Shiroha.

“…No matter how unambitious or unfit you think I was, that’s not for you to decide.” I retorted.

“You are right~ Tee Hee~!” She said, while sticking out her tongue with a playful look.

“…Hmm, I was expecting some—”

“Resistance?” Persia interrupted. “What right do I have to stop a person Principal personally selected?”

“This is unexpected. You are surprisingly humble.” I said.

“That’s rude. I was indeed a very humble person.” She retorted with a pout.

“Yeah, yeah, sure you are,” I answered sarcastically. “Anyways, can we get into the main business now? I just want to be done with my registration so that I can change my clothes.”

“Okay~! First things first, Lucifer Nightwalker von Nightmare… do you know why you are here?”

“To enjoy a high school life?”

“That’s correct— eh…?” Persia inadvertently murmured with a dumbfounded look. “Enjoy a high school life…?”

“I know what you are trying to say, but reclaiming the first place in the <Knights Tournament> is just one of the things,” I answered.

“One of the things?” Persia remarked. “That may be true, but it’s the most important event. The <Knights Tournament> winner will be granted a single wish, you know? No matter how hard it is.”

“Yes, yes. But it still needs to be within their capabilities to do so.” I replied, the words carrying a hint of skepticism.

“But if you were able to break the best record throughout their history, the apostle that created this will personally grant your wish, no?”

“…You do know it’s been over thirty years since the last record was broken, right?”

“Why, I’m pretty sure this year will be different,” Persia said with a grin. “After all, we have the <Winter Princess> with us.”

“…<Winter Princess>?” I inadvertently murmured, the name stirring a faint sense of familiarity.

“…I will forgive you since you enrolled today, but remember this clearly, <Winter Princess> is Kuroyuki’s ‘codename’,” Persia said with a pout.

“Okay…?” I replied. “Then do you have a codename?”

“Of course I have~ It’s…….” Persia suddenly paused, her cheeks flushing slightly. “…I suddenly, find it embarrassing to say it out.”

“Pssh— never mind then. Anyways, why do you think not only we will win this tournament, but also break the previous record?”

“…Lucifer, if I tell you to gauge my strength… were you able to tell?” She asked, her eyes narrowing slightly.

“Yes,” I answered without hesitation. “To be honest, I don’t think I could beat you in a one-on-one.”

“…Such a hypocritical answer. Aren’t you a special student? You were supposed to excel in everything and be the role model for the First Year students.” She retorted, her tone laced with a mix of frustration and curiosity.

“I’m merely telling the truth,” I replied. “Although you may look like a delicate young lady, but I could tell— you already had a veteran amount of experience in actual combat.”

“…Says the person who seemed to have been through life and death. No matter how strong I am, I could never beat that, you know?” Persia remarked, her gaze piercing.

“Me?” I said with a short laugh. “Then what on earth is Kuroyuki Shiroha?”

“Right~? But still, you of all shouldn’t be saying that. Weren’t you supposed to be Kuroyuki’s partner, Mr Special Student Number Two?”

“This and that are two different matters,” I answered. “Kuroyuki’s far too strong, I can’t even believe we are the same age.”

“…So do I. And she’s not the only surprise.” Persia continued, her gaze drifting to a distant thought.

“…What do you mean?” I asked, genuinely surprised about her implications.

“Among the first years, there are two who I couldn’t beat at my current state,” Persia revealed, her tone carrying a mix of respect and acknowledgement. “Obviously, one is Kuroyuki, and the second is one of my classmates, also the vice president of Class S— the <Sword Saint>, August Whisperwind. As long as his opponent had a sword as a weapon— August will never lose, even if his opponent is Kuroyuki.”

“…Even you? But weren’t you Ranked Two?” I inquired, surprised by her admission.

“…Ranks are just titles.” Persia dismissed casually. “I’m extremely confident in my abilities to gauge others, so I could tell. August never went all out. If he did… I don’t think even Kuroyuki could come out unscathed.”

“No wonder you seemed so confident,” I remarked, beginning to understand the calibre of individuals within the academy.

“That’s not all,” Persia continued. “We have an immortal dragon, a vampire with the inheritance of all three bloodlines, and a pair of geniuses who could help us tailor our weapons and battlesuits.”

“…Your description is too abstract for me to believe you,” I said sceptically, crossing my arms. “But even if those are true, do you possibly think we could overcome the team battles with such few people?”

“There are around three thousand students in this academy though?” Persia commented.

“Then tell me, exactly how many of them could keep up with you, not to mention Kuroyuki Shiroha?” I challenged, watching her reaction closely.

“……!” Persia realized the problem, her expression sobering.

“Plus, there’s another problem,” I pressed on, changing tack. “Have you ever fought alongside others? As if, working in a team?”

“……No,” Persia murmured softly, a flicker of uncertainty in her eyes.

“See…?” I trailed off, letting the implication hang in the air.

“There’s still one month before the tournament,” Persia asserted, gathering herself. “We still have time.”

“We…?” I echoed, raising an eyebrow. “My, why do you think I would be forming a team with you?”

“You don’t want to…?”

“It’s not that I don’t want,” I answered, leaning back slightly. “I’m one of those who can’t keep up with you, Persia.”

“Even though you survived Kuroyuki’s attacks?”

“…Because she held back.”

“Just like she did on everyone else, and yet you survived.” Persia reminded.

“You think too highly of me.”

“Then you might as well accept it,” Persia said to me with a resigned smile. “After all… even though you were absent for five months, not a single one of us was able to temporarily replace the second seat of the special student— which is you.”

“…Thankfully no one did,” I replied, a hint of relief in my voice. “I would be very troubled if someone replaced my seat.”

“Why? Just what is so special about a special student? Even though my rank is just below Kuroyuki, but why an unranked person like you could take that seat?” Persia asked. It seems she didn’t know how a special student works.

“I see, so you had no idea,” I murmured. “To begin with, do you know who has the highest authority in the department of education?”

“…Isn’t it the Minister of Education?”

“Good guess, but wrong. It’s the Principal of the Imperial Knights Academy.” I answered. “Even the Minister of Education needs to listen to him.”

“…Ehh?!” Persia gasped, her surprise evident. “No wonder your name wasn’t expelled…!”

“As for the reason why no one was able to replace the seat of the special student, it’s because they need to work directly under the Principal as an individual organization to overlook Imperial Knights Academy, where the Department of Education had no authority over us.”

“…Doesn’t that mean even the Education Management Committee of Imperial Knights Academy needs to listen to you?”

“Yup, and to explain in simpler terms— I had the second highest authority in the Imperial Knights Academy, and everyone working and studying in this academy had to pay heed to my advice,” I answered. “So now do you understand why this seat is nearly impossible to obtain?”

“…N,” Persia murmured with a humble nod. “Then what do you do as a special student?”

“I’m extremely sorry but that’s classified,” I replied, maintaining a calm demeanor despite her persistent curiosity.

“Oh… is that so?”

“Anyways, with this, is my registration completed? What else do you need?”

“Mnn… you still need to pass the enrolment exam.”

“…What? WHYYYYYYY!!?” I uttered with complete shock and screamed afterwards.

“Don’t worry, Principal allowed you to skip the written exams. You only have to take the practical ones.”

“Okay, so where should I take that exam?”

“Oh my… I forgot I was supposed to take you there… let`s go now.”

Persia stood up, then made her way to the door.

“For a Student Council President, aren't you quite careless and forgetful?” I said as I followed behind.

Persia, who just reached the door stopped suddenly, then faced me with an annoyed look.

“I see… So this is what you want.” she said, her voice tinged with irritation. “If you'd like to criticize me, then go ahead, criticize to your heart`s content.”

“…Uh, I wouldn't over something this minor…”

“I can tell by your face you are itching to complain. If something you want to say, then why not say it like a man? I`ll get naked and get down on all fours to apologize to you in the middle of the city if that`ll make you happy.”

“Are you trying to make me out to be the most disgusting man on earth!?”

As if I'd let her do that in the middle of the residential area.

Plus, I am not interested in her grovel in the first place.

“Getting down on all fours naked,” she said calmly, “is a small price to pay to make Lucifer Nightwalker von Nightmare known to the world over as the most disgusting man alive.”

“Your pride is the only thing here that's cheap!” I retorted.

“But I'd be keeping just my stockings on,” she added.

“You say that like a punchline to wrap this up, but I'm not into weird stuff.”

“And by stockings, I mean fishnets stockings.”

“Getting more extreme doesn't change a thing...!”

Though on second thought. A part of me did want to see Persia, specifically, in fishnet tights— she wouldn't even have to be naked.

“…That's the face of someone thinking improper thoughts, Lucifer.”

“Who, me? Do you really see me in such a vulgar light, a guy whose motto is mostly 'the straight and narrow'? I can't believe you'd say that about me, Persia.”

“Oh? I believe I've always been saying these things about you. Whether I have proof or not. It's very suspicious that though you rejected the claim outright, but yet you're imagining it for the first time.”

I forgot. She's able to tell.

Because it happened before.

No matter what, I will protect Restia`s honour.

“So forcing me down on all fours to apologize to you naked isn’t enough, you want to write obscene things across every inch of my body with a permanent marker?” Persia uttered as she defended her body.

“l wasn't going that far!”

“Then how far were you going?”

“So where will we be going? Let's go! Let's go already!” I brusquely changed the topic while trying to force her outside from her office.

Persia resisted by holding her ground, but due to the difference in our strength— she eventually gave up and walked.

“Anyways Persia, what exactly are the practical exams? What should I need to do?”

“Mnn… it’s hard to explain with just words. I think I will tell you when we get there. For now, I will explain the class division system and ranking system to you.”


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