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97.91% Living The Dream With My System! / Chapter 46: Z's Future Neo Marine Officers

Chapitre 46: Z's Future Neo Marine Officers

Hi there guys

I know I have been gone for a long time, there is no excuse but I hope you understand I had my hands busy with my work, studying for my exams, and dating this girl I call a girlfriend. I didn't have much time to write new chapters and frankly, even now I don't...

Anyhow, if there are some of you are who are still reading this novel, I made this notice to give you a heads up. This past few weeks I had time to rethink the system the MC is using, and frankly, I think I made a little blunder as the system wasn't specified enough.

So before posting this new chapter I rewrote all the previous chapters and added the exact percentage each skill grants the MC at each level.

1) I didn't add new skills or removed any of them, just specified what they do and how much they enhance the MC.

2) I didn't touch the Active Sub-Skills at all.

3) You don't need to worry, it didn't change the previous chapter's plot at all as I only changed the skills descriptions. Instead, it only made it make more sense.

So if you want to see how the skills really developed from early on till now, you can open the Auxiliary Chapter and see for yourself.

I also wrote about all the skills in this chapter, and I hope you will find them better than the previous ones. Please let me know what you think in the comments.



Eragon approached where Z was sitting in the first row, under the gaze of the surrounding crowd. He knows Z has already distributed fliers publishing his fight with Garp all over the Special Training Camp, but how come there were so many other marines and officers also present at the stadium?

'Thankfully, I only see marines and officers but no civilians... Maybe Z also publicized today's friendly sparring between me and Garp in the marine headquarters?' Thinking along those lines, Eragon reached the front row.

"Good morning, Z sensei"

"Eragon, just as punctual as always. Come, let me introduce you to some of my best students" Standing up, Z kept his static facial expression. He pointed towards two men and one young woman seating next to him "These are Binz, Shuzo, and the lovely Ain. Like you, they are some of the finest students I taught over the years here in the training camp. I hope you all could get along with each other"

Just as Z finished the introduction, two of the three also stood up. One was a large, dark-skinned man from the Longarm Tribe with a bulky build. He had a black topknot hairstyle, blue eyes with furry eyebrows, beard and long nose hair that resemble mustaches. He was wearing the attire and cloak of standard Commodore in the marines.

Approaching Eragon, he reached his long arm for a handshake as he smiled "Z sensei here said you're somewhat of a hidden gem he discovered in this camp recently, hope we can go for a round some time. I'm Shuzo by the way"

Shaking his hand, Eragon smiled "Z sensei likes to exaggerate things, I would definitely not call myself a gem or anything"

"Nonsense, Z-sensei never exaggerates anything and always portrays the truth accurately. You don't need to be modest around us kid, it will only make you look weak" The person standing next to Shuzo frowned when he heard Eragon's words, clearly he wasn't pleased.

Moving his eyes, Eragon surveyed the man. He was a rather tall and lanky man, with large lips, pink hair and broad shoulders that appear disproportional to his long arms. He was wearing a marine uniform but his rank was Captain.

Eragon wasn't really offended when the pink-head scolded him, Eragon already knew he was a firm devotee of Z. By now he recognized the three people as future officers of Z Neo Marine organization. Of course, there was no such organization right now as Z still hasn't broken off from the marines. But the fact the three of them were willing to leave the marines to join Z and his cause, spoke volumes of their respect and admiration for Z.

"Then I hope I won't disappoint you all too much"

Finally, the frown on the face of the pink-headed lanky went away as he smiled and also reached for a handshake "Good! That's how a man should act. I am Binz"

"Hehe, if you say so…" Eragon grinned as he shook his hand.

Turning his attention to the only person still seating, Eragon looked at her from top to bottom and couldn't help but lament in his heart. She was a slender, curvaceous, beautiful young woman with reddish-brown eyes and dark blue hair framing her face. She wore a Captain Marine uniform and grey mini shorts that exposed her long white legs, black high heels, and a holster on her right leg. All in all, she was a very sexy young woman. The only noticeable blemish was a large "X"-shaped ugly scar on her right leg, slightly dropping her charm, which was the reason he was lamenting in his heart.

Feeling Eragon's gaze roaming around her body, the young woman shot him a cold glare. She was already used to men checking her out, and every time they do that, she felt disgusted.

Imagen her surprise when she didn't find the usual lust on Eragon's face but instead saw pity flashing in his eyes.

'Pity? why would he feel pity for me?' Ain thought incredulously to herself.

Not a timid person, Eragon wasn't scurried away by Ain's cold look as he put a refined smile on his handsome face "And you must be lovely Ain. You already know but I'm Eragon. It's a pleasure to meet you"

Ain didn't answer as her cold eyes kept looking at Eragon before expressionlessly turning her head to the side, leaving him hanging.

There was an awkward silence for a few seconds before Shuzo came to his rescue "~Bahrara~ Don't be offended Eragon, that's just how Ain is to everyone. Maybe except for Z sensei but he is different… Anyway let's sit and talk"

With a way out of the awkward situation, Eragon gave a grateful look to Shuzo as he sat down next to him so they can have a talk. Binz and Z also joined in.

They talked for a few minutes until the crowd once again stirred. Turning around they saw Garp approaching them, and walking one step behind him was another Marine Officer wearing a grey suit and a hat. His personal shadow.

"You're late, as usual," Standing up, Z exclaimed. Eragon couldn't be sure but he can swear he saw the tip of Z cheek rise a little with a smile, the first one he ever saw.

"~Bwahaha~ What can I do, not all of us old people are like you, retired to teach snub-nosed kids. Some of us really have work to do out there" Garp walked near Z and teased back.

They are both longtime friends and have no restraints when they speak. People of their generation among the Marine Officers can barely be counted on the fingers of two hands. All of them have a relationship that transcends their ranks and position.

"Yeah right, you think everyone doesn't know you're the laziest Vice Admiral in the history of the Marines? What work? You probably woke up late..." Z and Garp stood in front of each other, towering taller than everyone else next to them and making them look like kids "Anyway, are you ready for the free sparring session against my student today? I don't want to hear excuses later that you were not at your best or anything like that"

Hearing these words, Garp let out a grin and looked at Eragon out of the corner of his eye "Do you really think I need to get ready before I fight a brat who barely learned how to walk? I can smear the floor with him with one hand tied behind my back... Besides, I have already kicked his ass a few weeks ago!"

Hearing that, Eragon could no longer standstill, it was his reputation at risk after all "Mmm, that's not how I remember that fight... Didn't I half-destroyed your battleship and knocked out cold almost all your man?"

"~Bwahaha~ The fact that you're getting so jumpy is proof that what I said was the truth, brat" Finally looking at him directly, Garp gave a cheeky smirk as he continued "Besides, I defeated a lot of people stronger than you over the years, it's not a shame to admit you lost to me. In fact, you should be glad I agreed to waste my time mowing you down ~Bwahaha~"

Looking at Garp's gleeful face while he laughs, Eragon rolled his eyes. Although he may look like a teenager, he was actually already in his 40s if you count the years from both his lives. So if Garp thought this kind of provocation can get him riled up, he can't get any more wrong...

After an eye roll, Eragon's expression became blank "And here I thought you finally got smart, bringing someone along with you to help carry you after I beat you up. It looks like you're still the same senile old man from a month ago... I guess talking more will get us nowhere, let's get started, shall we?" Saying that Eragon jumped from the audience stand into the stadium concrete floor, and as soon as he landed he started walking to the center without waiting for Garp.

Binz and the other two faces were a little stiff, they listened awkwardly to the exchange between Eragon and Garp, not knowing what to do. It was the first time they had seen someone (who wasn't a powerful pirate/marine) run his mouth in front of a marine Vice-Admiral.

"He's really a sensitive little brat, can't understand a joke... Well, this won't take long" Garp was also about to jump into the stadium when Z called out to him.

"Garp, don't forget our bet. If you can't win, you know what you must do..."

"Yeah yeah, like that could ever happen" Waving off-handedly in Z's direction, Garp took off and followed Eragon immediately after. Not believing for one moment it was possible for him to lose.

Garp may appreciate Eragon's talent, but there is no way a 15-year-old kid could defeat him after only a month of training. At least that's what he reasoned to himself.

"This is going to be interesting" Sitting down, Z followed Eragon and Garp with his gaze.

As soon as both Eragon and Garp were at the stadium, the crowd went silent, watching them treading in silence. The vast majority of the crowd came to see how vice-admiral Garp teach a lesson to a conceited recruit who didn't know his limits.

Only a few of the officers present came to see if the impossible could happen. They were students of Z also and heard him talking about the talented student he is currently teaching, so they came to see for themselves how he will fare against a vice-admiral.

As soon as Eragon and Garp arrived at the stadium center, they stood in a face-off in front of each other with only 25 meters separating them, a short distance for people of their caliber.

"Kid, where is your sword?" Only when they were about to start the fight Garp noticed Eragon didn't have his sword with him.

"I can't use a sword on a punching bag now can I?" Eragon snorted before he turned off the added gravity on his body, he then crouched down to pick a small stone "We will begin once the stone touches the ground, agree?"


Eragon threw the stone high up in the air as he dropped into a fighting stance. A small smile form on his face as he noticed Garp's laid-back attitude as he didn't even bother taking a proper stance.

If Garp believes he is the same as 6 weeks ago, he is in for a big surprise. His daily training under enhanced gravity already reached 22 times of normal earth gravity. And his skills have made immense progress lately, some of them even reaching level 10, granting him a few more Active Sub-Skills.

Eragon pulled his status screen to make sure everything was in order before the fight. Moving his eyes through the Skills before concentrating on the new skills he got recently.

Name: Eragon Kaynan

Age: 15 (39)

Experience points: 141,947

Passive-skills :

[Chakra level 11 (1,423,500/1,650,000)

As the skill level progress, relevant Sub-Skills such as 'Chakra Control', 'Ninjutsu', and more will be awarded.

+315% Increase to all physical abilities such as physical strength, movement speed, endurance, vitality and the five senses]

[Ninjutsu - level 10 (325,800/900,000)

Allows the host to instantly learn Ninjutsus techniques per the skill level.

+100% speed increase when doing hand seals]

[Chakra Control level 11 (12,536/1,650,000)

Allows the user to mould chakra more efficiently. The higher the user's chakra capacity reserves, the harder it is to use various techniques.

Please take notice: if the user's Chakra capacity increase while the Skill [Chakra Control] stay the same, then the chakra control percentage may drop nonetheless.

Current Chakra Control: 90%

+150% increased strength to all Ninjutsu techniques

-25% reduced cost of chakra used in Ninjutsu techniques]

[Taijutsu Conditioning level 5 (68,320/150,000)

By conditioning your body to become tougher through learning hand-to-hand combat skills, your effectiveness when performing any Taijutsu style increases.

+25% increased effectiveness to any hand to hand martial arts style the user learns]

[Sword Mastery level 11 (56,120/1,650,000)

Allows the user to freely handle swords.

+110% Increase in attack damage with swords]

[Knife Mastery level 10 (24,650/900,000)

Allows the user to freely handle knives.

+50% Increase in attack damage with knives.

+50% Increased throwing accuracy against a stationary target.

+25% Increased throwing accuracy against a moving target]

[Boxing level 10 (15,870/900,000)

Increases the expertise of the user in fist combat according to skill level.

+100% Increase in attack damage using your fists]

[Stealth level 6 (12,670/60,000)

Allows the user to hide his presence according to the level of the skill.

+30% Increase to the user ability to avoid being tracked or spotted by others]

[Running level 12(132,500/1,500,000)

+120% passive increase to your normal running speed and stamina]

[Cooking level 10 (89,930/100,000)

+100% flavor increase to all and any food you make]

[Pleasure level 11 (375,780/400,000)

Works only with direct contact to the target.

+110% increase to the target pleasure sensation when activating the skill]

[Massage Proficiency level 8 (8,892/50,000)

Allows the user to freely manipulate the target's body soft tissues and muscles. Relaxing the muscles, reducing the blood pressure, heart rate, and state of anxiety. Additional effects may include pain relief and sexual stimulation.

Works only with direct contact to the target.

+40% Increased effectiveness when massaging someone]

[Swimming level 6 (860/10,000)

+30% Increase to your natural swimming speed in water]

[Rokushiki: Shave level 9 (155,120/160,000)]

[Rokushiki: Moon Step level 9 (132,480/160,000)]

[Rokushiki: Iron Body level 9 (121,910/160,000)] [Rokushiki: Paper Art level 8 (78,300/80,000)]

[Rokushiki: Finger Gun level 8 (10,920/80,000)] [Rokushiki: Storm Leg level 7 (25,450/40,000)]

Active Sub-Skills:

[Hyper-speed] (Running)

[Overflow] (Chakra)

[Awakening] (Pleasure)

[Ambrosia] (Cooking)

[Heavenly Particle Slash] (Sword Mastery)

[One-Hand Seal Master] (Ninjutsu)

[Super-Strength] (Chakra Control)

[One Inch Punch] (Boxing)

[Devil Knife] (Knife Mastery)

A big smile spread all over Eragon's face. The progress he made in the last month was huge, he received 4 Active Sub-Skills, 4!! And all of them were fighting-related skills, directly bringing his combat process multiple folds higher than before when activated.

Not only that, but he also finally learned the skill [Taijutsu Conditioning] when [Chakra] reached level 11. And he also managed to level up the skill [Stealth] with all the sneaking around every night in the past month. Leaving the Special Training Camp undetected and moving through the town without anyone seeing him was not easy after all...

He could use his Transformation Jutsu to change his face and outer appearance to someone else, but he decided he not to do that as he wanted to train the skill. You can never know when sneaking up on someone comes in handy...

And lastly, some of the Rokushiki martial arts skills were also on the verge of turning level 10, Eragon wasn't certain if they will also earn him an Active Sub-Skills too, but a man can hope, no?

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Stone -- Power stone

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