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MHA: What are we? MHA: What are we? original

MHA: What are we?

Auteur: Ice_Pillar

© WebNovel

Chapter 1

April 11, 2175

Ayumi Shinuzagawa and Ryuzen Hanabari are engaged. The Hanabari family is against the marriage of their only son and inheritor with a woman of a common birth. Ryuzen, due to constant persuasions and complaints against his fiancée, decides to run away from his family.

Note: Hanabari family is noted to give a birth to a people with powerful Emitter Type quirks. Ryuzen Hanabari since a young age shows predisposition to become one of the most (if not the most) powerful heroes. The Hanabari family is classified as a High Importance Family.

More information in Report no.7, Page 4. Access: Restricted.

Shinuzagawas is a normal family without anything standing out. Ayumi Shinuzagawa quirk is "Boost"- it can strengthen certain abilities of the body such as healing factors, senses, muscle strength etc.

More information in Report no.8, Page 2. Access: All Personnel Higher than 1st Rank.

June 15, 2178

Ryuzen Hanabari take his now wife surname. Both of them are now married couple with Shinuzagawa surname. They moved to Tokyo Prefecture, to Nerima district in Tokyo. Ryuzen completely cut off contact with his family.

October 04, 2179

The Hanabari family was attacked by an unknown group. All 7 members of the family were found dead. Hero Public Safety Commission (H.P.S.C.) forces arrived too late due to remote localization of Hanabari mansion and earlier refused to take security assistance. Whole place was completely destroyed including an underground complex. Preparators tried to fake the attack for the purpose of theft, but under closer investigation it showed that the group was simply too strong and organized to be normal robbers. Investigation is still ongoing. More detailed information in Raport no.7, Access: Restricted.

Ayumi Shinuzagawa is confirmed to be pregnant.

Note: Without any direct inheritors, all family wealth goes to different charity organizations and two top schools in Japan: U.A and Shiketsu High.

April 11, 2180

Ayumi Shinuzagawa gawa gave birth to a boy. He was named after Ryuzen's father, Kai, to honor his deceased parents. Medical examination showed that young Kai has a complex heart problem. Detailed diagnosis will take some time.

Investigation regarding the Hanabari Incident is still ongoing.

March 23, 2182

Suspicious activities are noted around Shinuzagawa family. Ayumi Shinuzagawa reported to the police that lately their house is under observation of unknown, suspicious people and she feels like someone is following her every time she leaves the house.

Kai Shinuzagawa's illness is confirmed to be hard to cure. Treatment is very expensive, beyond the current financial capabilities of his family.

Investigation regarding the Hanabari Incident is still ongoing.

May 13, 2182

Four men were arrested near Shinuzagawa's house. Two of them were confirmed to be following Shinuzagawa Ayumi. There is a possibility that they are the target of the same organization that was responsible for the Hanabari Incident.

The Secret Security Unit (S.S.U.) is deployed to ensure safety of the Shinuzagawas. For safety reasons all informations regarding Ryuzen Hanabari are deleted from all public databases. Person known as Ryuzen Hanabari has been erased from existence. All Access to information about Ryuzen Hanabari is Restricted.

Investigation regarding the Hanabari Incident is still ongoing.

February 10, 2183

Shinuzagawas moved to the new, cheaper house. Ryuzen is working overtime and Ayumi is working at home while taking care of young Takeshi, all effort is to pay for the medical treatment.

S.S.U. noted increased activity of suspicious people around Shinuzagawas. More people are arrested but during interrogation when certain questions are asked, they fall into a state in which they can't be communicated with. Details: Raport no.9, Access: Restricted.

Note: Kai's illness is taking a toll on his health, and the boy is getting exhausted during the smallest activities. He's spending 3/5 of the day in bed.

Investigation regarding the Hanabari Incident is still ongoing.

April 13, 2184

It's time for a quirk assignment test for Kai Shinuzagawa. It turns out that his quirk is a mix of his parent's quirks, giving birth to a completely different quirk. Abilities of quirk are unknown due to the lack of control and any manifestation.

Next information regarding Kai Shinuzagawa will be placed in Raport no.10, Access: Only Authorized.

Ryuzen Shinuzagawa health condition is getting worse, the cause is unknown. He's keeping it as a secret from his family.

Investigation regarding the Hanabari Incident is still ongoing.

August 22, 2186

No suspicious activity was detected during 2 years, S.S.U. the unit left only 3 members to ensure the safety of the family, rest 7 agents returned to HQ where next instructions will be given.

Condition of Kai Shinuzagawa greatly improved, according to the doctor's statement because of the boy's quirk. There aren't any visible signs of his quirk till now, so abilities of quirk are still a mystery (excluding regenerative abilities/boosted healing factors).

Investigation regarding the Hanabari Incident is classified as closed due to lack of clues and no progress.

April 11, 2187

Shinuzagawa's family went on the trip to celebrate Kai's birthdays. During the trip there has been an incident in which Shinuzagawas were attacked by an unknown group of villains. Ryuzen Shinuzagawa tried to defend his family, but because of the illness, his combat powers degraded, resulting in him being gravely injured. Ayumi and Ryuzen were found unconscious near their car while Kai, covered in blood, was found in the middle of what was later identified as Villains. It's highly probable that because of experiencing a life-threatening situation, his quirk activated as a last safety resort, but he was unable to control its power, resulting in a rampage state. Quirk's high combat capabilities are now confirmed.

2 S.S.U. agents were confirmed as dead while 1 went missing. HQ will take proper investigation in the matter. Probability of treason is not excluded. Details: Raport no.11, Access: 3rd rank and higher.

December 12, 2187

Ryuzen Shinuzagawa was in a coma for 8 months, his heart stopped beating this morning. Ayumi and Kai are sinking in despair because of losing a pillar of their family. Both of them attend psychotherapist sessions. The funeral is planned on 15th December.

January 09, 2188

Kai being a clever boy decided to take burdens of his family on his own shoulders, he wants to become a pillar that will support his family just like his father did.

In one of the sessions Kai confides that since the accident on the highway, he kept hearing voices talking to him, but he didn't want to worry his mother. Therapist took it for a post-traumatic shock.

March 30, 2191

Kai excels in studies displaying above average intelligence, but according to his teachers, he's also patient and a very hardworking student. Boy is noted to be very athletic.

Note: He tends to express rude and violent behavior if someone offended his father or start badmouthing his family.

In those 3 years, he displayed the appearance of his quirk. It manifested when few of the school bullies took him as a target because of attention he gets from teachers and other students. Details in Report no.10.

Excerpt from Report no. 10:

One of the kids insulted his deceased father, making Kai explode in rage. Black tissue covered his hands and his sclera turned black. He beated the bullies and broke the arm of the boy who insulted his father. Teacher that came to stop the fight testified that he saw black, tar like head with large white eyes and a set of sharp fangs trying to bite one of the students, but it quickly hid when it saw him.

Kai Shinuzagawa has to be under closer observation due to the probability of being violent and dangerous to his environment. Influence of his quirk on his psychic is not excluded.

June 01, 2192

Next tragedy occurs in Shinuzagawa family. An operation to pacify an A rank Villain, XXX XXX XXX, gets out of control resulting in casualties in civilians. In one of the destroyed buildings was Ayumi Shinuzagawa where she works in the financial department. It was confirmed that she rescued 8 people but died under the debris. Kai Shinuzagawa is in great sorrow after the loss of his only parent. He locked himself in his apartment refusing to letting anyone in.

June 05, 2192

Due to lack of any alive relatives, Kai Shinuzagawa was decided to be taken to the orphanage. He was attending school for 3 days after his mother's funeral, but after 3 days no one saw him in school.

Therapist confirmed that Kai is under mental breakdown.

June 10, 2194

Director of the orphanage where Kai Shinuzagawa was staying, was found dead in his office. Kai is the only missing person from the orphanage. Same day, the Police Department recognized Kai Shinuzagawa as a responsible for the director's death and thus classified him as a C rank criminal. More information in Report no.10, Access: Only Authorized.

H.P.S.C. deployed their own investigation team. Results are in Report no.10, page 56, Access: Only Authorized.

Excerpt from Raport no.10, regarding orphanage murder case:

Jin Mayama, deceased orphanage director, in past was in top 30 of Heroes Ranking, in 21st place. Quirk name: Diamond Scales. Hero alias: Diamondhead. Using his power he could cover his body in layers of diamond like scales, making him absurdly resistant to any damage but putting him in disadvantage against fast opponents.

There were few complaints from anonymous people, regarding treatment of children in orphanage. Police investigate the matter but no evidence was found. It turned out that after losing his rank in the Hero Ranking, in an attempt to increase his public image he became orphanage director. It didn't create a great impact on public opinion, leaving him in charge of an orphanage with nothing. He fell into alcoholism and started abusing children to let out his frustration. His next target was Kai Shinuzagawa, which turned out to be a fatal mistake.

Body was found in a sorry state. Legs were ripped off from his knee joints, arms were broken in multiple places. The most disturbing thing is the victim's organs or specifically, their lack. Heart, liver, pancreas and the kidneys were missing from the body.

Considering all evidence, in H.P.S.C. Database, Kai Shinuzagawa is classified as B rank Villain with high priority of capturing.

December 12, 2194

Kai Shinuzagawa was captured by a team of heroes consisting of Eraserhead, Snipe, Hound Dog, Vlad King and Ectoplasm. Wanted was found in front of his parents grave, kneeling and crying. He didn't show any signs of resistance, but suddenly black tissue covered most of his body giving him a monster-like appearance. Tar like mass attacked heroes but before Eraserhead could step in, Kai spoke out, seemingly to himself. In the next moment pro heroes heard deep grumbling, and black mass reverted back into Kai's body. Heroes testified that they heard a deep voice complaining about losing his snacks.

Under specific tests, it's turned out that his quirk is sentient. Name of quirk: Symbiote.

He was placed in a special prison for young villains. He is staying in a separate cell due to safety measures.


"I don't understand why you are showing this to us, Principal."

In the large room several people were sitting at a big, oval table. All of them had different clothes that were really eye-catching, but not only their clothes as some of them had strange body parts or whole bodies. For example a person with animal features, a mix of few animals to be precise. He had the head of the mouse with black oval eyes and a large scar on his right eye. His arms were that of a dog with fluffy paws but he had a cat-like tail. Fur of the person mentioned as Principal, was white in color.

Principal Nezu was calmly sipping tea, waiting till the heroes finished reading documents he gave to them. He smiled when he heard the question.

"Then tell me, what do you think after reading this, Aizawa? No, please, all of you say aloud what you have in mind."

Man with long black hair and bags under his eyes didn't respond. He knew that Principal liked to play with people using words so he decided to wait what others would say. His name is Shota Aizawa, pro hero known as Eraserhead.

"Is there anything to think about? History of the family is saddening but there are much worse cases. If I have anything to say about the boy then it's good that he's in prison. He's a villain so I have no pity for him."

Man with short silver hair in a red costume with a piece of his chest revealed spoken first. His name is Sekijiro Kan, Vlad King.

"I think kid is not to blame. He lost everyone dear to him while still being a kid. Plus, judging from the therapist 's opinion , the kid was in a sorry mental state with no one to comfort him."

"Pfft, it's just excuses, Nemuri. He murdered a person, very brutally, that's a fact. He committed a crime, he is a criminal. That's all."

Beautiful woman with dark hair and bright blue eyes furrowed her brows, but didn't say anything else. Vlad King smiled, seeing that she couldn't retort him. Nezu was listening carefully while sipping tea. Small smile was plastered on his face.

"In my opinion, it's circumstances that played a crucial role. From the files it seems that his quirk has a violent nature but is very powerful. Sentient quirks are even more rare than quirks manifested in animals, but have greater impact on their users, especially when the quirk has a different personality. This case is an example. Shinuzagawa was a calm, kind and hardworking kid, but his quirk influenced him with it's brutal nature."

Aizawa stopped here waiting if someone had something to add. Seeing that nobody wanted to speak, he looked at Principal Nezu, who gestured to him to continue. Smile on his face was growing larger and larger.

"Since the death of his father he kept communicating with his quirk, but the contents of their talks are unknown. His emotional state was in a sorry state so his quirk found an opportunity to influence the kid. After his mother's death, things become worse. Case in orphanage could be considered as a self defense but because of the trait of sentient quirks to protect the user for all costs, things go too far. To summarize, if a kid was to learn how to control his quirk and train hard enough, he could become a powerful hero."


Nezu put his tea cup on the table with a bright smile. He stood up and walked near the now turned on screen that was built in the wall.

"Exactly!! All he needs is proper guidance and someone he can call a friend! And what is the best place in the world that is famous for guiding young people and creating friendships for years??"

Eraserhead opened his mouth and asked in a disbelieving tone.

"Don't tell me-"

"I will tell you! It's Highschool!! Hahahahaha!!"

In the same moment the screen behind Nezu lit up showing a few words written in big letters. Small platform lifted Nezu higher making him visible to everyone.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Let me introduce you to my new project I personally thought of and named! It's "Young Villains Reinsertion In Society Plan"!!

*... *

Silent descent on the room makes the atmosphere a little awkward. Nezu was looking around with a smile, looking if someone was as excited as him. Vlad was first to break the silence.

"What do you mean, Principal?"

"It's easy!! We, U.A, and Shiketsu, will choose one young villain from prison in a task to guide him properly and show the world that there is a second chance for anyone!!"

" I don't think it's a good idea. There are few people that could really change. I oppose it." Said Vlad King

" I don't think it's safe for other children. He may be a kid himself, but the fact that he killed someone still remains. I also oppose it. " Spoke man that resembled a block of concrete.

" If he would be in constant surveillance, well, I'm not talking about walking with him hand-to-hand, but at least know where he is at a certain moment. Restricting his quirk also would be helpful. If this condition will be fulfilled, then I'm in." After she presented her thinking, Midnight agreed.

" Who will take care of him when he will enroll in school?" Asked Aizawa after a moment of silence.

" Hahaha, you are the only one capa-" Nezu couldn't even finish what he wanted to say before Aizawa interrupted him.

" No. Put him in 1B class. I've got an even more problematic class than in the last 5 years. Vlad should manage." Said Eraserhead looking at his colleague.

" Screw you! I'm not taking him either, I don't even want someone like him in our school." Rebutted Vlad King.

Nezu started laughing, gaining everyone's attention once again. "Hahahaha! Unfortunately, you are the only one who in case of the emergency have the highest chances to pacify our person in the subject, Aizawa Shota. So! You will be his homeroom teacher, please take good care of him." White rodent bowed playfully.

"Tch..." Annoyed Aizawa clicked his tongue. 'Another troublesome brat...'

"Then I guess everything is already settled. When will he arrive?" Asked concrete looking like man, known as Cementos.

"Hehehe, you're right. He is going to join our school along with 1st years, in a week that is." He smiled happily and hopped down on his chair. "H.P.S.C. already agreed to it but under the condition that we will send them daily reports about his whereabouts and we'll agree to let one of their men observe young Shinuzagawa from afar. I agreed and so this is how my new "Young Villains Reinsertion In Society Plan'' will come to life! I humbly ask for your assistance, dear staff members. Let's give our best!"


One week later, Entrance Gate to U.A High School.

Young man, no older than 16 was standing in front of the facility that was famous across his country, the dreamed place of all young people aspiring to become pro-heroes. He was looking at the big letters "UA", completely absorbed in his thoughts. Groups of students walked past him, entering the building.

He was rather tall for his age having 1.80m in height. His hair was pitch-black in color, giving a contrast to his pale skin and light blue eyes. His name was Kai Shinuzagawa, our protagonist.

With sigh, Kai took out earphones from his pocket and put them in his ears.

[Just don't listen to that pop music. It's annoying! Better look at all those snacks around! So many types! So many flavors!] Grumpy and deep voice spread inside his head.

"*Sigh* I won't, I won't. And you know you can't touch anyone of them, so calm down and shut up, I want to get it over." Replied Kai in a low voice. "And don't forget about this." He pointed at the grey bracelet at his left wrist. "With this you can't leave my body."

[Tch! Pesky humans! Why did we agree to this!?]

"You know why. It was boring there, inside that cell. Now we can at least do as we want to some extent." Replied Kai, while walking towards the building.

Ice_Pillar Ice_Pillar

Yeah, thanks to certain kind soul I realized I made a mistake. The protag name is Kai, not Takeshi. It was supposed to be the latter but I changed my mind later and forgot to correct it, sooo I'm sorry :P

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