"Humans have ten closed Mana Channels in their body. A total of 2750 mana units of mana can be stored in the mana channels. Once the tenth mana channel is opened, a magic body made purely out of mana can be materialized. Furthermore, I also feel a mysterious dark space at the center of my eyebrows. It appeared after I opened my tenth mana channels. Besides, creating the magic body doesn't come with an actual cost of mana. But, I assume that once the magic body uses attacks and defend attacks for the user, the mana obtained after recalling it will decrease numerically depending on how much mana is used. There are other uses of the mysterious space, magic body, and mana channels, but I will need to conduct many tests before exploring all of their uses." Whittaker honestly replied and stood up from the ground, a mysterious aura surrounding his body, and it made him look distinct from other mages of the awakened continent.
What did ye say?