They landed the craft in the private docks of the Mothership. This time Bilal came prepared. He wore sunglasses and a long sleeved shirt. He let his dreadlocks down and allowed them to conceal most of his face. He kept his hands buried in his pockets. With his sun bronzed skin he looked like everyone else—at least as long as his skin stayed at an even grey under-glow.
Carmella looked around at the large room. When she'd finally seen the Mothership up close she couldn't believe her eyes.
When the Motherships had been separated and dotting the earth they had seemed impossibly large but now merged into one unit the size was staggering. All of the specs that she'd heard on the news years before hadn't given her a true idea of this things size. It looked to her like a small country—and in fact it was larger than some countries.
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