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30.15% The Legend of Baldur [DROPPED] / Chapter 16: Departure

Chapitre 16: Departure

A/N: I don't know what those accounts who put good reviews on my story are, or who they belong to. Idk if they're bots, as I can't tell the difference. If they're really bots, then I know nothing about them, and I haven't created them, nor paid/coerced anyone to create them.

That's all, now onto the story!


1131 AD: 167 Years(17)

I fly high above the palace, slowly, taking my time to enjoy the views, and drop down to the balcony of Mother's rooms. The balcony door is open, so I simply walk into the welcoming room, and shout, "Mother?"

"In here, Baldur." Mother's voice answers, from inside her library. I walk inside to see her reading a tome, while drinking tea, as she usually does.

I walk in, still high from the feeling of flying, and smile at her widely. Mother looks at me in amusement, and asks, "Had your fun?"

I nod enthusiastically and say, "Indeed mother! I now know why Thor loves to use Mjolnir to fly. Fortunately, I have no need for anything like it and can fly on my own!"

Mother chuckles and closes her tome, and says, "That's nice, Baldur. But don't let it get to your head. Many a people have died because they got arrogant."

I nod at her and sit down in a chair in front of her. I smile at her and say, "I know, mother. Don't worry about me becoming arrogant."

Mother nods, so I ask, "So, what did you call me here for, mother?"

Mother chuckles and asks, "I can't ask to speak with my Son? Njord Almighty, where did I go wrong?"

"Mother!" I exclaim, indignant.

Frigga calms down from her chuckles and says, "I did not have any specific reason to call you here, my son. I simply wanted to distract you from all the training you've been doing."

I put my head down, a little ashamed, but say, "I'm sorry, Mother. I just.. I like discovering new things about my powers. It feels amazing, knowing that I've discovered something new!"

Mother smiles at me and says, "I was the same, you know. When I found out that I was going to be learning magic from the witches of Vanaheim. I had my masters to distract me from burning myself out, and you have me. Now, tell me everything about your new discoveries."

I settle down on the chair and start telling her about everything I discovered that day, including the Pyrokinesis.

~~~~TIME SKIP: 2 YEARS~~~~

1133 AD: 169 Years(17)

It's been a couple years since the day I discovered flying and Pyrokinesis, and I've gotta say. I have been abusing my flying privileges as much as I can. Oh? I have to go to the bifrost? I'll fly. Throne room? Fly. Deposit this obviously dangerous thing in the Vault? Sure, I'll fly.

Heck, I even went to the bathroom by flying for a month. Unfortunately, that got old really fast, and I had to restart walking to the bathroom, and running everywhere else. I still flew as much as I could though.

Thor, after seeing me fly, laughed in glee and we had a big race. From the balcony of my room, to the Bifrost Observatory. Thor started ahead of me, as the Hammer gave him a better pull up than me, at least as long as I'm on the surface. But I was sure enough beating him to the dust a few seconds later, thanks to higher acceleration.

I reached the Bifrost in 37 seconds, and beat him by 4 whole seconds. Inside the atmosphere. If I was in space, I'd have reached my destination within 2 seconds. Thor took the loss in good nature, and we had a lot of rematches, both of us improving our speeds.

And yes, my speed in space was simply phenomenal! I could fly by the speed of light in space! I know I can go faster, but I haven't tried it yet. Getting used to the enhanced perception in Light speed took me this much time.

I also trained my Pyrokinesis, and I could now say I'm a Fire Bender. Like Zuko, or more like Ozoi. I can bring forth flames from my hand, and fire them at my enemies, with varying intensities. Higher intensity flames, like laser beams are also available to me.

And, I have been able to do all that, with my hands, fingers, mouth, nose, and the Spear, Ljosgeirr. Amazing, right?

Unfortunately, or rather fortunately, depending on how you look at it, Thor developed another Divinity thanks to the weight training. He became a God of Strength, which managed to put him right next to me in terms of Strength.

Fortunately, that meant our spars became more intense, while Loki got more encouraged to become stronger too. I too increased my weights to from 75 tons in total, to 100 tons, making it so each of my limb pulled 25 tons. Unfortunately, my rate of improvement was not as high as it used to be, so I stayed equal to Thor.

What also happened during these years is that we were given leave to enter the Vault room to peruse the treasures, whenever we wished. All three of us, immediately went to see if there's a strong weapon that we could take for ourselves. Like naive children.

There was the Tuning fork that I saw, but it was practically useless to me. According to Father, it summoned some being from another Dimension.

There was the Warlock's eye, that can control anyone. Unless of course you have a powerful Energy force like OdinForce backing you up. I don't think it can even control me, as the Pseudo Ruler of the Light Dimension. Well, I'm not going to try.

Father did have us stay clear of the Casket of Ancient Winters, as it was a Jotun object, and Jotuns equal monsters. Yup. That's how he explained it. I really really get why Loki became.. Loki.

The last thing he showed us, was the Destroyer. It was simply amazing. Destroyer was made out of Uru, by the Dwarves, so it was already awesome, but then, Odin went ahead and enchanted it himself. And Odin is one of the top enchanters in the whole Universe. So it was frigging awesome.

Fortunately, it was enchanted to not harm Royal family members unless ordered by the King. So it can't harm me, Loki, or Thor, or even Frigga, unless whoever the King is, orders it himself. Kinda like how Loki did when Thor was banished.

Anyways, the access to the Vault was an especially big boon to me, as I got access to something that I'd wanted to study.

The Eternal Flames. The flames that can revive Surtur even after his death. The flames that Hela used in a necromantic spell to revive her Berserker's, and her wolf, Fenris.

Yup, I wanted them. So being that I had promised to myself that I'll steal something from Odin, I stole half the flames. How? I'll show you.

~~~ Flashback ~~~

I entered stealthily into corridor leading to the Vault room, spelling the guards to ignore me and the doors noise, with an illusion. I opened the door and entered the Vault Room, marveling at the different artefacts that I had already seen a hundred times.

I start walking, making no noise, and go towards the back, where the flames are kept right next to the Destroyer. I focus a bit, and summon forth an Enchanted Goblet, looking like the one from Harry Potter, from my PD. HAHAH! Now it'll be a True Goblet of Fire!

The Goblet was made by me, using a lot of Gold, which we obviously have a lot of, to be indestructible. It was also enchanted to hold flames up to any temperature and still stay solid. It was good work, if I do say so myself.

Using the fire part of my Sun Divinity, ergo, my Pyrokinesis, I pull the flames from it's original chalice, to the Goblet of Fire, until there are two equal sized flames in both the Goblets.

What I didn't take into account, but which helped me the most, was that flames spread, so the original chalice filled up once again, hiding my theft, and making me look like an idiot.

"I could have simply done this during the day?" I whisper to myself in shock. For fucks sake! I illusioned 27 guards on the way here. And I could have simply taken it while depositing something or the other, or simply visiting?

Withholding the urge to bang my head somewhere, I put the Goblet of Fire back into the PD, safely isolated from the rest of the stuff, God knows what I've got in there. Once again, without making a noise, I leave the same way I came, and only breathe out in silence once I'm in my room.

"That was good. You managed to not get detected by even Heimdall." A voice says from my left, making me jump and summon Ljosgeirr to my hands, fire beam at it's tip.

"Mother? Loki? What the hell are you doing here?" I ask, shock evident in my eyes. Loki and Mother were sitting on my couch, with a fire filled cauldron in front of them. Goddamnit. I forgot mother has that damned cauldron. She was bloody scrying the whole thing.

Loki smirks and says, "Yes. We were spying on your theft, brother dear. You might be good at Illusions, but I'm the God of Trickery. I knew you were planning something since we first got permission to enter the Vaults unsupervised."

Mother chuckles at my shocked face, and continues, "I'm your mother, Baldur. I know when you're up to no good. I knew it as soon as you started to learn how to control external fire. Good work controling your urge to do self harm, my Son. But your mental skills still need some work."

I get out of my shock, scowl at them, and simply bang my head on the Gold walls of my room.

"Stupid. Stupid. Stupid." I chant to myself, making the two laugh at me again.

Fortunately, they either didn't tell Odin, or he simply didn't mind the theft, as the Vault didn't exactly lose anything. The eternal flames simply got multiplied.

~~~ Flashback end~~~

That was a year ago. Unfortunately, I remembered something late. If I had to use all the fire at once, it'll be a one use wonder. So if I had to revive someone who died recently, I can use a small amount of the flames to do it and the small amount will be replaced almost immediately.

But if I have to do the same on a large scale, which might need the whole Goblet? Well, Goodbye Eternal flames.

Now, after 2 years of doing nothing but training with my brothers and our friends, I was finally ready to go on an adventure. Hopefully I can go peacefully, or I'll have to use the Old Paths.

"Well, no time like the present." I mumble to myself, and go towards my parents chambers rooms. Taking a deep breath once I'm outside their doors, I knock.

"Come in." Father's voice calls out, a few seconds later.

I once again, take a deep breath, calm my nerves, and enter the Welcoming Hall within the King's chambers.

"Father." I greet him, once I'm inside. My face is stony, nothing showing on it. It was not like when I was 15 and angry at him for everything. But I was still nervous.

"My son. This is a surprise." Odin says, looking at me with a critical eye.

I nod at him and say, "I have something to say to you and mother."

Odin keeps staring at me, while I look him in the eyes, not backing down. He sighs, after a minute, and says, "Very well. I'll bring your mother here."

"There's no need for that. I'm here." Mother says, coming out of her dressing room. She looks at me in concern, and a little sad. I think she knows what I'm about to say. Well, at least part of it.

I smile at mother and greet her. Mother motions for me to sit at the couch, while the two sit in front of me.

I gulp, and mumble out, "I'm leaving Asgard, for a while."

Mother has tears in her eyes immediately, confirming my suspicion that she knew I was leaving, while father grips her hand tightly.

Mother asks me, "So you finally made up your mind on it?"

Odin looks at her in shock, while I simply smile sadly. I nod and say, "Yes. I was.. hesitant, but made my mind up a few years ago."

"Is it because of that girl?" Odin demands, looking at me.

I shake my head and say, "I've been thinking this for at least a century, father. Lorelai had nothing to do with this."

"Why then? What is the reason for your departure?" Odin demands, still in King mode.

I sigh and say, "I'm the second born son, father. I don't exactly have any prospects lined up. I want to enjoy my life, learn new things. I know I'll never be the King, I know that, and I don't feel envious at all. I'm actually a bit happy that I won't have to rule over Asgard. But I still want to find my place in this world. I want to discover it, by myself. And I can't do it if I'm in Asgard."

Odin sighs, looks me in the eye, and asks, "You won't change your mind on this?"

I shake my head, saying no.

Odin nods and says, "Very well. You have my leave to travel."

Frigga stands up and hugs me. She whispers out, "You better tell your brothers before going anywhere. And you better visit every few years."

I nod and say, "I will, mother. Thank you, Father, for not fighting me on this."

Odin, who's looking at us from the side, says, "You've been independent since you were 10. I knew you would like your own place someday, I just didn't think it'd be outside Asgard."

Odin paused a while, and then muses, "You know, I was actually going to give you one of my protectorate planets to rule over. Guess, I'll have to offer it to Loki once he is ready."

I snort and shake my head. I say, "Good ruler, I am not, Father. I'm barely a good soldier. But, if Asgard needs me, I will return."

Odin nods and hugs me too. Once our extremely manly hug is over, Odin asks, "Where will you go first?"

I immediately answer, without any hesitation, "Midgard. I would like to learn their sorcery first, so that I can visit whenever I am able. Those portals of theirs really impressed me."

Odin nods in agreement, and leaves me and Mother to talk. Thankfully, I did not have to pull the Hela card. Boy, would it have gotten ugly, real fast.


"Take care, brother. And don't forget to get into fights." Loki says, smirking at me, while Thor is sulking in the corner.

I had packed everything I might need, and kept it in the PD, once I had informed my brothers, and our friends, Volstagg, Fandral, Hogun, and Sif, along with Master Tyr, that I was leaving Asgard for a big holiday. I had even sent Amora a message saying that I was leaving. I didn't go in person, as she was still courting the Executioner.

"Oh, I will. I'll fight as many people as I can." I say, smirking back, while Thor sulked a bit more. He was sad that I was allowed to get out of Asgard, alone, while he had to stay here. Hey, not my fault he was born first.

"Thor." I say, standing in front of him with my arms wide. Thor scowls at me, punches my shoulder, and hugs me. I hug him back, patting his back.

"Take care, brother." Thor says, now sad for a different reason. We had gotten a bit close while he was making those weights.

I nod at him, and say, "I will, brother dear, I will." I turn to Loki, and say, "Take care of mother, Loki. I'll send messages through Heimdall whenever I can."

Loki nods at me, and we have another hug, this time a group hug between us brothers. Say whatever you will about Thor's intelligence, or my overthinking and sometimes brutish behaviour, or Loki's loose morals, we are softies when it comes to family.

After another round of good-byes, I turn to Heimdall and nod at him. Heimdall inserts his sword in the Bifrost control, and turns it, turning the Bifrost on. Waving a hand at my family, I jump into the Bifrost.

My journey begins.


Hey, guys, sorry for the late upload. I could not simply make my mind up on how I wanted the talk between MC and his parents to go. There was a version of the talk in which Baldur mentioned Hela, which caused Odin to go into Odin sleep due to shock, and Frigga to rule in his stead. But it simply felt too extreme to me. It didn't click with me. So here's the final version.

Now, I know I've said I was going to have 20-30 chapters before MCU Canon starts, but nope.

Frankly, I'm getting a bit bored with the story, and regressing to my Writer's Block days. So I'm going to be doing it fast paced for at least the next few centuries.

Thank you!

HelloDarkness07 HelloDarkness07

So, MC finally left to go to Midgard. What will he see there? What will he do?Where did he come from? Where will he go? Where did you come from, Cotton Eyed Joe?

Find out, on the next episode, of Dragon Ball Z.

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