'A new change occurred,' Gege suddenly said after half a day of flying, 'after the disappearance of our forces, the islands seem to gather around the base.'
"Oh, he saw through my intentions," Arthur snorted, "how long will they take to reach there?"
'Two days I suppose.'
"He is quite late to move his forces," Arhur laughed before adding, "we'll keep our current plan. Also keep an eye over these islands and count them for me."
'They are around a hundred islands,' Gege said.
"That's not a big number to worry about," Arthur chuckled. Compared to the ten thousand islands coming towards his empire, facing a hundred was such a breeze for him.
'Ding! Will you try to destroy them all?' the system asked, 'Ding! Ten thousand islands is such a terrifying figure.'
'You can't clash head on with them. Also you can't allow them to gather,' the golden dragon warned.
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