"Sigh, I swear to the dragon ancestors that this kid is going to kill me!" The golden dragon heaved finally a long sigh of relief.
"Ding! At least he isn't overwhelmed with the breakthrough feeling and still has some sanity in him."
For the two, they sensed the damage happening to his body without a reason. All of sudden all his body started to get strange self inflicted wounds with no apparent reason.
At first it only started sporadically, yet on the course of the past day these kept increasing in frequency until the two were convinced he was going to die if this kept going on like this.
But Arthur stepped in when he stirred up his dragonair's energy. The energy itself had a self healing power, and stimulating it at this perfect timing helped to decrease the severe side effects of his core formation.
Yet for Arthur he was much frustrated by his lack of knowledge of what his star map was doing inside this veil of fog.
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