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73.17% Xan-Man Goes Adventuring / Chapter 29: He's a Phantom

Chapitre 29: He's a Phantom

Chap summary at the end... if you wanna skip


"Uhh" Xander groaned from the floor of what seems to be a futuristic lab "did you get the plates on that truck?" he quipped as he shook his headache off


Xander frowned "what is it Scarlet?"

[Um… I don't know how to tell you this Boss but… you're dead]



"Come again?" Xander requested calmly

[You're dead]


[Deceased… defunct, extinct, lifeless, of the late and departed…]

"I got it" Xander interjected. With a sigh he rose from where he was lying on the floor to look around "this looks like a highly technological facility. Try to find me information on where I am and what I'm doing on the floor… also who I am as I seem to be lacking this body's memories"

[You got it Boss]

Xander smiled at the light hearted response of his girl and moved to find a mirror to maybe identify who he is. After checking a few tools and instinctively using [Mana infusion] on them he found a small handheld mirror.

Looking in it he found that his new body was a white teenager with distinctly red hair wearing a black and red onesie. He felt that it was someone he should recognise, but at the same time not.

[Boss, I got the data]

"Oh, and?" Xander prompted

[This seems to be a lab belonging to the Fenton family. They seem to be a family well known for their Ghost hunting business where several government agencies request their assistance in matters related to ghosts…]

"Family status" Xander interrupted with a sigh

[Um, four members, father Jack Fenton, mother Maddie Fenton, daughter Jazz Fenton and son Danny Fenton]

"… I'm Danny Fenton… Phantom" Xander sighed. First he's a vampire and now a ghost. Maybe next would be a Zombie…. Please no.


It took Xander little time to understand how to transform from ghost to human, possibly due to his several centuries long magical training.

After he transformed to his human form, however the familiar memory dump occurred. Steeling himself, he entered his mindscape.

In Xander's mind, his mindscape is shaped like planet with large objects occupying it. The constructs looked distinctly sectored into different types.

The first, a tower, looked as if made of wood shaped like a stake. The city surrounding it was very similar to Sunnydale and had several one eyed Xander soldiers patrolling it alongside several hyena packs that were distinctly larger than they should be.

This town holds the memories of Xander. It is the core of his identity as not the master martial artist, not the chief engineer and not the vampire, but as the Zeppo, king of the cretins and the Xander shaped friend alexander Lavelle Harris.

'I still hate my name though'

The second building was built like a Japanese Pagoda, only larger than any existing in the outside world or that should be possible to build without reinforcement of metal or concrete. The surroundings were of a Japanese modern city, where several Kenichi's in Karate uniform are patrolling it with many birds and Mice going around the city to detect any intrusions.

This city holds the memories of Kenichi, the son, disciple, master, husband, father and grandfather. Something very precious to Xander, something would never give up or wish to, ever, no matter how much he misses them.

'I should really practice more than once a week; otherwise Akisame-sensei will haunt me' Xander joked to himself

The third construct was highly technologically advanced as it is not even on the planet but can be seen in the sky, floating there. It looked like a tower surrounded by a ring that houses several mechs and fighter ships, ready to deploy and assist in fighting any intruders.

The airborne tower holds the technological advances Xander discovered, made and/or stole from the Gundam AGE world and it is so far more advanced than anything else he ever witnessed in the other worlds he had to wonder how far he was forward in time from the other worlds he went to.

'Maybe I should add a ghost section for ghost technology' Xander mused

The fourth building can be described as a castle or fortress as that is what it is. It is a large, multi-storeyed building made of charmed stone that can stop a nuke, with a distinctive indigo coloured roof tops and several defensive towers, it is a sight to behold. The castle is guarded by blood, stone, fire and lighting golems as each type is responsible for a certain type of defence.

This construction holds 500 years' worth of magical knowledge and results of innumerable amounts of research.

'I should see if Ghost magic is a thing' Xander added a mental reminder to check it out

"I still don't see a reason for all these defences, Gamer Mind is impenetrable" a familiar voice spoke, pulling Xander from his musing

Xander turned towards the voice to see a beautiful redhead woman with a killer body and playful green eyes. Her red lips were set in a playful smirk and her dress flowed with the curves of her body in crimson.

Xander smiled at her gently and with fondness "but it is a blessing. I won't always have the system, and so I need the practice" he explained as he gestured towards other structures from the empty plain he was standing on "Did you find it?"

"Sure did Boss" she smiled as she waved her hand showing the memories of Danny of the amity park, the town they are currently in

"Let's get started then" Xander spoke as he closed his eyes and from the ground the Fenton residence rose. It was a large multi-storey building with an obviously futuristic construct on top of it that looks distinctly like a UFO.

Little by little, the town was getting bigger and bigger until the entirety of Danny's memories were integrated into the mindscape.

"What's the shape gonna be this time?" Scarlet asked Xander curiously

"I'll see what I can come up with while going through this world, for now though, I should train these new abilities" Xander concluded, vanishing from his mind and into consciousness

"Let's get to it" Xander got up, still alone and unbothered b anyone as it was middle of the night, he went to his room and called "ID: Zombies"


The next day was a Sunday, so Danny decided to call his two best friends over.

"Hey Danny, what did you want to talk about?" asked Tucker. He was the geek of the group, but only in terms of technology

"Yeah, it's rare that you invite us to your house to hangout" Added Sam, who was the Goth rebel of the trio

"Got to tell you something guys, c'mon in, everyone's in the kitchen" Danny led them to the house kitchen where the guests found the rest of the family sitting

"Ok Danny, what is this about?" his mom, Maddie, asked worriedly

"Is this about puberty, are you coming to see girls differently?" his father, Jack, asked with his usual disregard of common courtesy "Don't fret my boy, for I have the Fenton charts"

"Um, actually Dad…" Danny tried but Jack continued anyways

"Don't worry; I have updated them with then new 'HIP' trends between teens who like to 'DISCOVER' themselves" he bellowed causing Jazz to groan and the trio to blush like red light

'Damn teenage hormones' Xander curse "DAD LISTEN" Danny shouted at his father, which he never did before causing the family to pause. It has been over five centuries since he had family, so he was somewhat out of practice

"Danny…" tried his mother

"No, I'm sorry" Danny apologised he took a deep breath and continued "Just listen, ok?"

Getting several nods Jack vocalised "of course son" which was much gentler than he ever heard him before

Danny continued "yesterday, when the ghost portal you were working on didn't work, I noticed a few sparks running around the interior frame. I was worried so I took one of the Fenton coveralls and entered the turned off portal to see what could be wrong" he explained, turning to everyone to insure they were following

"Did you fix it? Is that why it worked this morning?" his mother asked

Danny shrugged "There was nothing to fix, you just didn't press the on button that was inside" he finished with a wry smile

Maddie's eyes went wide as a saucer while Jack looked excited "Yes, I knew it would work and my boy did it"

Maddie looked at Danny for a second more before putting her hand on Jack's arm "Go on, Danny"

"I turned it on by accident… while I was inside it" he spoke as nonchalantly as he can but the gasps of his parents didn't help the younger part's confusion

Jazz stood aggressively with her finger pointed at her parents "What did you do to my brother?" she asked menacingly. She never liked the whole ghost hunting thing. She believed it's all make believe of her parents and now they hurt her only 'Normal' family member.

"Thanks Jazz, I really appreciate you standing up for me, but it's not necessary at the moment" he placated her as he gave her a soothing half hug.

Maddie spoke first "you should've got polarised through the ghost portal energy, turning you into a ghost" causing everyone to take another look at Danny

"Looks human to me" Tucker spoke with a shrug

"Me too" added Sam

"Me three" nodded Jazz

"I did change, just not to a full ghost, but a half ghost" Danny explained causing several raised brows

"Show me" his mother demanded

Xander walked to the side and took a deep breath. Suddenly red ethereal rings formed around his arms legs and waist, spreading like a wave and changing his looks to have a black suit with red gloves, shoes and collar. The other change everyone noticed was his red hair and different coloured eyes. The left eye was gold, and the right was purple.

The group's expression can be summed up in two words

"Holy Shit"

"That was amazing, so you're half ghost now?" Tucker asked excitedly, his best friend has super powers man; of course he was happy for him

"But what does this m for us… uh I mean for Danny?" Sam tried and failed to cover up her blush at her exclamation

"I-I don't know" Jack spoke softly, sadness lacing his voice "I'm SO sorry Danny" he apologised

"It happens" Danny shrugged "and besides, I understand what is happening better than both of you and I can definitely say, it is a good thing" he finished with a thumbs up Might Guy pose, complete with shining teeth

Tucker leaned in towards Sam and asked "Did his teeth just sparkle?"

Sam didn't answer though as her eyes were glazed. Tucker shook his head with a playful smirk at his friends' hopelessness. If only they could see what he sees.

"Danny" called Maddie softly "what do you mean you know more about this than both of us combined?"

"Ah, well when I got turned I got the memories of four people… dead people" he explained

Jack frowned "and you're sure you're not possessed?"

Danny shrugged and answered with his own question "Can a ghost be possessed?"

"I-Idon't know" replied a confused Jack

"The answer is no, they can be mind controlled, bound and imprisoned, but not possessed" he explained

Jazz noticed the glint in her parents' eyes and wanted to stop the lecture before it began so she asked her own more important question "whose memories did you get?"

"Well, what do you know about the multiverse theory?" Danny asked

"Different universe for every action we might have taken times infinity?" Tucker supplied causing everyone to send him strange looks "What, I read comics"

Danny shook his head, amusement evident in his smile "exactly as the nerd says"

"You know it" Tucker exclaimed proudly

Ignoring him, Xander/Danny continued "there are an infinite number of universes out there and the difference could be as small as the breakfast you had a year ago to as big as the earth being run by dinosaurs"

"Ok, so what does this have to do with the people you got memories from?" Jazz asked again

"They're not from this universe" he explained "or the same universe for that matter" Danny explained "one of them is an American demon hunter who lived to protect people from demons and other supernatural things, including ghosts till he died at 60"

"I see" nodded Jack "and how is that not the same as here?"

"The ghosts are different and there is no darkness to this world like his" Danny explained getting more nods

"What about the others?" Sam asked

"The second is a powerful martial artist who lived in 90s Japan who fought an evil secret organisation in his teenage years and ended up marrying five women" Danny paused for the question


Everyone was stunned silent. Sam was the first to break out of it however and asked again "Five?"

Danny nodded happily "Yup, the best part is, they decided to share him between them themselves" he laughed "you should've seen the look on one of the girls�� father, it was hilarious"

"But Danny, what about love?" Maddie asked him breaking out of her own shock

He shrugged in response "as if anyone understands anything about love" he then smiled gently as if in reminisce "all I know is that they loved him and he loved them, they were happy and had seven children. I can only hope to be so lucky" he smiled fondly at his own family 'five hundred years too long' he thought to himself

Suddenly he found himself lacking the ability to breathe… and he was a ghost dammit. The girls had swept him into a group hug where his head was now in a certain area where no son should think about when it comes to his mother.

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry" his mother sobbed as she held him alongside Jazz and Sam. The men opting to stay the fuck away from the group ball of emotion.

"I'm fine mom, really. Though, I might not be soon enough, if you don't let me breath" he joked causing his mom to release a wet chuckle "let me tell you about the rest"

Maddie nodded and walked towards her husband. Jazz left second and then Sam, but he couldn't help the lingering hand of Sam that only released his own hand only at the very last moment.

"So who's next?" asked tucker

"A space engineer in a sci-fi future where Japanese battle mechs are an actual thing" Danny spoke in a calm and collected tone, though he was very amused by his best friend's reaction

With every word Danny spoke, he could see Tucker's eyes glazing until he turned to a slobbering mess, much to the amusement of Danny and disgust of Sam, causing her to elbow him "Huh, what?"

"He said, battle mechs" Sam reiterated

Tucker jumped to the floor and assumed the pose of worshipping a god "Oh please Danny, our lord and saviour share with us your knowledge of the great beyond"

Danny couldn't help but laughed, it was nice to joke around again "Sure, but later"

"Oh, thank you great one. We are not worthy" he continued as he returned to his seat

"Speak for yourself" Sam scoffed in mock annoyance

"And the last one?" Jazz wanted to get this over with, to make sure her brother is ok and not hurt or changed or whatever

"A five hundred year old vampire mage who lived in the Canadian forests and protected it" Danny thought they may take a bit to recover so he continued "People called him the guardian of the forest and he died when a nuke was dropped on him"

"Uh huh… anything else you want to share?" Jazz asked in a monotone manner as her mind is still processing the bombshells her brother keeps dropping on them

"Only one" he exclaimed as the translucent visage of a beautiful woman appeared by his side "say hi to scarlet, my guardian spirit"

All eyes widened as they shifted from Danny to the woman. Scarlet blushed under the attention and waved her hand shyly "Um… hi?"


No one said anything for a moment, until Jack screamed "GHOST"

And all hell broke loose



- Xander wakes up as Danny phantom

- Xander visits mind, Scarlet reveal

- Xander tells Fenton family and friends a half truth

Silver_Call Silver_Call

Phew, long one eh

I just finished my assignments and felt like writing so I let loose

sorry not sorry (* ̄3 ̄)╭



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