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66.66% The Blacksmith in the Leaf / Chapter 3: Running a Shop

Chapitre 3: Running a Shop

He looked over and saw a group of young shinobi standing there. He could easily see who they were.

Yamanaka Inoichi

Nara Shikaku

Akimichi Chouza

Namikaze Minato

Uchiha Mikoto

Uzumaki Kushina

Inuzuka Tsume with Kuromaru

They entered while shopping, looking around and seeing nothing on the shelves made them slightly confused until they heard Muzaka speak.

[A/N: Amakuni Yasutsuna is the name he will use to people he don't really know, and he will only let friends call him Muzaka.]

"I just opened, and couldn't be bothered to put something on the shelves yet. It would be too boring just making some generic weapons only for them to be used as some sort of display case. Saw the sign outside, I reckon?"

Hearing him they turned to face him and nodded, both in understanding of why there was nothing in the store, and to seeing the sign. Upon seeing Muzaka though, Tsume had a very different reaction than the rest, she shivered at his presence, almost wanting to bow before him. Same with Kuromaru, he felt like he was being supressed.

"Very well, who wants to go first?"

"Before that, can I ask a few questions, what rank would you classify the things you'll be making as?" Asked the blonde he knew as Minato.

"Eh, sure, I'll make it with S rank materials. Also, could you tell me your names, I'll write y'all down so if we don't get around to making yours today, I can have everything ready in three days tops. You're also welcome to stay and watch the creation, or you can pop by and we'll make your pieces while you're here so you will end up satisfied. Though, I doubt that would happen regardless. I'm Amakuni Yasutsuna by the way, nice to meet y'all" he finished with a cheeky grin and a slight wave of his hand. They all introduced themselves, before one saw the sign on the wall with the prices for materials.

Kushina screamed while pointing at the sign, turning her head towards Muzaka, before almost yelling at him "You plan on making us something you would sell combined for 10.000.000 Ryo?! That is 70.000.000 you plan on just throwing away?!"

Looking at her in confusion "Yeah? So? Money doesn't really matter to me. I mean, if I were to go by value, you would add another 0 to the prizes over there. Keep in mind the best of your gear you're wearing right now, I see is D ranked. D. I could actually probably get away with adding two 0's to the prizes" he drawled out.

"Let me show you what an S ranked weapon is. The hammer I use for smithing is ranked Epic and was made with S rank materials" popping out a claw on each of his left hand fingers, he cut all of his fingers on his right and and dragged them down his left forearm before taking The Black Hand out of the inventory. Grabbing it and putting it up on the desk. As soon as the weapon came out, they immediately felt the temperature heat up drastically, and saw why when the weapon was on the desk. It was practically a furnace on a stick!

"What makes this an Epic ranked weapon, is the fact that there's seals imbued into the metal to keep the heat going forever, it is personally linked to me and will repel anyone else trying to take it. I can change the size and weight according to my will as well while wielding it. Catching on yet? If I were to sell this in any other store, they would demand at least 100.000.000 for it. I believe the Raijin that the Nidaime hokage used was only ranked as an A ranked weapon" he finished with a smirk, specially seeing all of them so shocked. He took the hammer back in his inventory and moved towards them, letting them all get a proper look at him for the first time.

[A/N: I'm going to gloss over what all but Tsume really thinks about him, because it's honestly not important.]

They boys all noted that he was in very good shape, and had a strong physique. The girls all blushed, but Tsume was almost mewling out by seeing him. She didn't know what was going on, but all of her being was just screaming at her that she should submit to him. If it was just normal hormonal reactions, Tsume wouldn't be confused, but this was above that. The young 16 years old girl was confused, somewhat afraid and slightly aroused.

"So, who we gonna start with? I already got some ideas that I simply can't wait to get started on!" Muzaka excitedly said

Kushina stepped up first, raising her hand "I'll go first!", Muzaka nodded, and asked "Are you per chance dating blondie?" both blushed before nodding. Though that quickly turned into a sweatdrop with everyone else as they saw Muzaka cheer before pulling the two along into one of the workshops, and the rest followed along, being slightly intrigued by this guy and what he said. When they entered they saw a large room with different size tables, desks and working stations scattered around the floor, and seeing multiple tools of different kinds along the walls but no materials or places to hold materials what so ever.

Muzaka told Kushina to stand still quickly, picking up some of her hair, before letting it go again and nodding, turning around to walk to the biggest table, he removed his coat before biting his left pointer finger and running the blood along one of his ribs while buying special kinds of leather in the store. He pulled out some of it, looking at it and snorted, and the others in the room heard him say "At least 65% he said, we deliver, you pay, you get 65%. Bah, fuck off. This is only A rank, fucking bastard. Whatever", he had already bought the leather he needed, just buying other leathers for the future, and deciding to set up the idea that he got a contact for materials. One that apparantly came short. Next time he pulled out the pieces he needed, and giving it a once over, he nodded.

Looking at Kushina, he told her "Put some blood in this vial, at least half full", she nodded and did as told. Getting the vial back, he asked "What's your affinity/affinities?" she was now intrigued "Wind and water, both major". Nodding, he told her this would mainly be a wind attribute focused set.

"Let's get started then, shall we" Muzaka grinned. The next 20 minutes were spent for the group of 7, if you included Kuromaru then 8, with their jaws hanging loosely as they watched the precision and skill Muzaka worked with and being dragged to two other workshops. They saw the pieces slowly coming together and were in awe. When he finished all of it, he handed them to Kushina and told her she could try them on upstairs. She came back down in two minutes. They were all gobsmacked. Every piece was made as if it was one piece of equipment. The boots almost looked like combat boots, going upwards were skintight pants, a belt that connected the pants to the chest, the gloves were connected with wristguards that latched onto the chestpiece, for the shoulders, each one had three backwards spikes running along them. She wasn't wearing the hood, so Muzaka told her to pull it up, and she did. They were shocked when they saw that her entire face became darkened greatly, but her eyes seemed to shine and showed two violet orbs of intensity. The entire outfit was consisting of two main colors, black and a red that was like Kushinas own hair, and the colors in between that as the colors blended together.

Humming slightly, Muzaka scratched his chin "Could you step back a step while slightly bending down in your knees for a second?" he asked her. Nodding, Kushina did as told, and before everyones eyes it was like she faded from existence in front of them. She was confused when they shouted "Holy shit!" "What the fuck!" "The hell!" and things like that. Nodding that it did as intended, Muzaka told her to raise herself to a normal stance again. When she did, it was like she phased back into existence right before their eyes. "Hang on a second, I'll make something that will fit all of your equipment when we're done. Consider it an add-on to being the first to be here" he walked into the sewing workshop to which they followed and saw him working for a few minutes before tossing Kushina some type of cloth. It was a light green, not neon or anything like that, but what really drew them all in was the white skull in the middle and the green color merging perfectly together, and to finish the piece off, he added visible Konoha symbols at the neck, both front and back side of the piece. "Put it over your head, and tug it under your belt" once again doing as told, she did just that. They all had to agree that the piece of cloth, being in a completely different color, shouldn't have been pleasing to the eye, but it just seemed to work together.

"Why don't I go ahead and make all of your equipment first, I should be able to do that today, and maybe make one weapon if any of you have time. Truth be told, I am not entirely sure how long the weapons will take because I will be taking a lot into account when making them" Muzaka asked them. They were still all too stunned to really talk, so they just nodded.

Quickly getting to work, a blue version of Kushinas outfit was ready, and it was thrown to Minato along with the same green piece of cloth.

Looking at Chouza, Muzaka grinned evilly and simply asked "I have a few options for you. Tell me, do you prefer Horns, Spikes or Blades?" Chouza mulled it over a bit before replying with spikes. Chuckling evilly and equally excited, they saw Muzaka walk into one of the workshops he didn't enter yet, once again just following, they realized it was the smithy. Watching Muzaka bring back The Black Hand, shrink it in size, he started to bring out ores, adding them into a giant tub before making a hand seal with his left hand and spewing flames of intense heat onto the ores, placing his hammer down, they saw him move his right hand into another hand seal, and suddenly the wind moved differently inside as well, and they saw different things fly out of the tub and land on the floor, before realizing it was different kinds of molten metal. When he was satisfied, then added Chouzas blood to the mix and using his wind while still using intense flames made the liquid float out of the tub before shaping all of it into the individual pieces, quickly moving the pieces over to a second giant tub full of liquid, he kept the shapes and let them enter the tub and a massive pile of burning hot steam shot out, stabbing his hand into the liquid, he pulled out the pieces one by one. When he pulled out the final two pieces of the set, they all went from mesmerized to shocked. Two pauldrons with multiple spikes could be seen, moving it all over to the table, he looked everything over once, then twice before nodding and it all disappeared into a small scroll he threw to Chouza "Go upstairs and put it on, and the tabard as well. Trust me, the others want to see this one in completion and you need to wear it to understand just how amazing it is" Muzaka grinned at Chouza who went upstairs.

Waiting 5 minutes, they saw him walk downstairs again, no additional sounds or anything compared to before which shocked them. He was wearing a massive amount of metal, there should be massive THUMP sounds every time he took a step, and the metals should make noise when it clashed against each other. Giant brown greaves on his feet, giant plate leggins, plate belt, plate chestpiece that was covered by the same green tabard the others had, gauntlets which like the others were attached to the wristguards that connected the gloves to the chestpiece, on each of his shoulders, a massive pauldron in brown like the rest of the set sat, with big spikes in a few layers, making his presence even more intimidating than before. But his face hidden, in a helmet that fit the top of his head with a dome shape, but the front that was attached is what added to the whole fear equation. A faceplate was sitting there, covered in small spikes that stopped before his ears, but the faceplate continued to the back of his head and protected his neck.

Still grinning, Muzaka asked him how it felt. "Amazing. It doesn't weigh anything at all, and makes no noise what so ever. The only thing that needs to be checked is if it works with my clan jutsu" Chouza responded. Nodding, Muzaka simply told them they would head to a training ground because he also needed to show something to Chouza.

Arriving at an unused training ground, Chouza used his clan jutsu in moderation, and it worked flawlessly.

"Take the same stance as me, and do like me. You will see just what I made for you" Muzaka said, before taking a stance that, to the others looked stupid, he was bent forward over his left leg before he simply sprinted forward and charged straight into a cliff that was at the training ground shoulder first. They heard a loud crash, and saw the cliff slightly fall apart at the impact.

Moving back out, Muzaka told Chouza to do the same, and trusting him, he did the same. He noticed he moved at speeds his body was not used to, and simply ran in a straight line right into the cliff, but this time the sound wasn't a loud crash. It was a deafening BOOOOOOOM and that was when they realized that Chouza walked out and as soon as he did, a lot of the cliff collapsed on itself because of the sheer impact.

"That, Chouza, is Charge. Any time you run at something, or someone, with the intent to ram into them, you will get a speed enhance that increases the impact massively. Useful for you. Imagine with your clan jutsu in war, while covered in massive plate gear. Virtually untouchable. And I have a BRILLIANT idea for a weapon!" Muzaka finished with a laugh that made everyone else sweatdrop.

Arriving back in the shop, he quickly finished the outfits for Mikoto, Inoichi and Shikaku. [A/N: Will explain what armor pieces they all got at the end of the chapter. All of them.]

When he was finished, he turned his sight to Tsume and Kuromaru who both have been silent most of the time and only joining the conversation every now and then.

He walked into the leatherworking station, before he pulled out something that shocked them all. It was the fur of a massive black wolf. He quickly went to work, and after half an hour, he nodded, and sealed the pieces he made into two scrolls before saying one was for Tsume, the other was for Kuromaru. Both walked upstairs, and came down after five minutes.

Tsumes head was covered in a wolf head, all that was visible from her face was her jaw and some of her clan marks. The pauldrons had two spikes on them with white wolf fur pouring out some of the parts. The chestplate was once again covered by the green cloth, but the legs were covered by some type of chain mail type of equipment with wolf fur on the inside of the legs. On the feet were chain mail combat boots with claws on them. Her hands were covered by big gauntlets that had claws for fingers, that was connected to the chestpiece by the wristguard. She looked absolutely feral. Kuromaru standing next to her, his head and neck covered in layers of plate metal with spikes running down from his snout to the top of his shoulders, on his legs were metal pieces with spikes on them as well. His tail, like his legs, had a clasp of metal on it in the middle with a few small spikes on it. His shoulders too were covered in plate mail attached to him by a harness that too ran along both his top side and bottom side. As a sidenote, the metal plates from his head also had two pieces of metal end up in spikes, facing forward next to his face, one on either side.

Looking at her, the others, Tsume included, heard Muzaka mutter "Beautiful" quietly, and the others noticed a slight tint of pink on Tsumes face, which was very unusual the boisterous, bold and brash young girl.





Kushina: Bloodfang Armor

Minato: Bloodfang Armor (blue recolor)

Chouza: Onslaught Set

Tsume: Korkron Dark Shaman with slight changes on my part. No robe, it is leggins.

Kuromaru: Prestigious War Wolf with slight changes.

(not mentioned)

Mikoto: Heroes' Bonescythe Battlegear

Inoichi: Corruptor Raiment, but instead of robe, it is legs.

Shikaku: Dark Phoenix w/o the helmet.

The tabard/green piece of cloth I mention: Battle Tabard of the Defilers

Weapons (will be next chapter, figured I'd just write them here regardless)

Kushina: Felsteel Longblade

Minato: Felsteel Longblade

Chouza: Gorehowl

Tsume: Arlokk's Claws / Thekal's Claws

Mikoto: Heaven's Fall, Kryss of a Thousand Lies (heroic version)

Inoichi: Tempest of Chaos

Shikaku: Corrupted Gladiator's Shanker (Just lengthen it)

All of these can be googled and viewed.

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