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9.34% My Fair Lady / Chapter 10: Chapter ~ 9

Chapitre 10: Chapter ~ 9


Laugh with many, don't trust any.

That's what Reuben was demonstrating in front of me as he smiled and socialized with this stuck-up high society.

After we had our back-breaking dance session of the night, Reuben took me around to socialize with a few more of the top-notch nobilities.

How do I describe myself; I can only say I looked like a putrid sloth hanging onto its favorite tree as I continued greeting this feudal high society with Reuben by my side. Whenever someone (specially ladies) tried to invite me for fun chats (according to them), I grabbed only my tree of Salvation (Reuben's arm) tighter than ever and shook my head in a humble demeanor. After all, how could I, a being labelled as an antisocial mandrill compare to these ace extroverts. And I was also scared of being exposed as a fake, so yeah. I preferred to stick onto Reuben's arms like my life depended on it. But by the end of the third invitation by a second ranked official's wife, I couldn't keep my smile intact to my face.

And after that, the jerk Reuben kept pocking me with his pointy elbows to smile some more every time my smile got constipated due to the ache in my stretched jaws, to which I had to painfully comply. Thus, my beautiful constipated smile turned more and more awkward, to the point where even awkwardness felt awkward (God! Did that even make sense?).

When I realized it wasn't working, and under Reuben's obscure pressure, I unearthed another way of trying to the ease the tension, and that was to wave my hands to show my friendliness to these haughty aristocrats, just like how the Queen of Britain loved to roll on the tv (I'm positive I pulled off her magic stunt just fine, only hoped I looked as regal as her).

After a while, the people who witnessed my smiles and waves looked like they saw something they shouldn't have and cleared away from my line of sight as quickly as they came to me. Their eyes appeared frantic, gawping at me like I was some lunatic on the loose and hence, they couldn't afford to be in my vicinity. I don't know why they looked at me like that, but I wasn't curious enough to find out. However, I couldn't help thinking to myself, did my flawless waves not make any virtual impact on the crowd?

Now the only nobles that dared to stand in my sight were the high houses with reputation who held real power in the court. Although even they looked like they would like nothing better to do than to run for the hills, but they seemed to endure and exchanged pleasantry with Reuben with happy faces. Reuben whereas, for some strange reason, couldn't stop chuckling even amidst these small talks. I never knew he liked chit-chats so much.

"You Majesty," Taking advantage of Reuben's good mood, one of the jolly-looking ministers chirped in, "It is such a grand occasion, but I don't see even the shadow of lord Reuben Hiwenhail in the banquet."

"Yes My liege, where is he?" Another leering official squeaked out, "Where is Lord Reuben? How can he be so disrespectful on the grand occasion of his lord's wedding?"

Followed by another, "Yes Your Highness, the lord of the Hiwenhail family should've been here to congratulate you on this auspicious day. I say Your Highness, you have indulged Lord Reuben to much. Even if he couldn't stay for long, he should've at least showed up for the congratulatory ceremony."

It seemed these ministers were very discontented with Reuben, maybe because they thought he was trusted and spoilt by the king too much. After all, he seemed to be the only person in the court that didn't put the King in his eyes and did as he pleased. And why wouldn't he, he was, after all the true king. But these old hyenas probably didn't know this.

Lord Gilbert, besides us softly cleared his throat and spoke in a clear voice, "Yes, it is a pity that Lord Reuben couldn't attend His Majesty's wedding today, but it was inevitable since Lord Reuben was sent on an important mission to Theodore by His Majesty. However, you needn't fret gentleman, the lord of Hiwenhail house did send his warmest regards." And he shut everyone up in one fell swoop.

The silence due to the news of Reuben's departure for Theodore was deadly quiet, as if everyone's tongues were pulled off, and I watched many of them profusely sweating after hearing Lord Gilbert's words. What was going on?

I didn't know much about Theodore, just that it was Reveldron's neighboring country to the north and Reveldron's relations with this country was pretty shaky. For years Theodore wanted to wage war with Reveldron but didn't make a move because they were scared off by the iron rule of the mummy King. Or so I heard.

I was never interested in the outdated dirty politics of this world, so I never really paid attention to it as long as it did not affect my life. Hence, I knew very little about what went on it the court of Reveldron. Now, looking at the darkened expressions of the courtiers after hearing of Reuben's departure to the country of Theodore, I was certain things were not as simple as they seemed. Also, the matter of Lord Gilbert mentioning such a sensitive topic in public as if conversing about what he had for lunch today, it was evident that he did it under orders.

I might not have known this cunning mummy Reuben for long, but I knew for sure that whatever this person did, never did it without a motive. Hence, subconsciously, I became more vigilant of him.

The ice that built up in the atmosphere was so thick I felt I would freeze to death if someone did not intervene soon. Fortunately, I didn't have to open my mouth and sully everyone's minds with my dirty jokes as Reuben decided to break the ice as said, "Another dance My Queen?"

I dumbly nodded and pulled him into the dancefloor once again.

The mellow music resonated the warm air and we swayed with it. All the while, I kept me head low and mouth shut. The quietness between us made me feel relaxed yet somehow apprehensive, for I could feel the King's intrusive eyes on me.

"....What are you thinking about Fake Lizzy?" He finally asked.

"Nothing." My answer was almost immediate.

"Really?" His smile was virtually mysterious, as if telling me he knew a secret no one else knew and his voice was like vanilla pudding, sweet and rich in their ordinary short of way, "Do you want to know a secret?" I raised a brow to that.

If it were the normal me, I would nod a 'yes' in a heartbeat but with this cunning mummy, I reminded myself I always had to think before I speak. This guy was not some mediocre opponent, with just a flick of his hands my head would fly; and his secrets were like a timebomb tied to your belly. If you were ever found at fault of opening your mouth and spilling his beans, with a snap of his fingers you are on your highway to Heaven.... Or to Hell. So, after having a mental discussion with myself, I decided that I'd rather not know any more of this guy's secrets.

I shook my head from side to side with such force, I felt a bit dizzy. But I really didn't want to know anymore than I had already discovered for fear of getting executed arbitrarily. Who wanted to know secrets that could get you killed.

He beamed with a shrewd smile and spoke nonetheless, "The secret is, my Fake Lizzy, in the lexes of Revelonian Royalty, your fierce waves at the vassals means to edict a verdict to sever their heads off. Now, why would you want to spill blood on the day of your wedding my Lady?"

Shock is an emotion I'd never taken well. Hearing Reuben's words, there was a moment where my face washed blank with horror while my brain cogs couldn't turn fast enough to take in the information as I widened my eyes to the point where they looked like they would fall out. What did he just say?

Watching my thunderstruck expression, the jerk blatantly laughed into my face, appearing as if he was expecting just this expression from me and was merely waiting for the right time to laugh at me in a good-natured manner.

My face looked so ugly, I feared even a hag would claim she was prettier than me. No wonder everyone steered clear of me. They must've pondered about enquiring in the neighboring villages if they had an idiot missing.

I felt so embarrassed and angry, I wanted nothing more than to stomp hard on Reuben's foot and leave for my room this very instant. But alas, how could I cripple my fake monarch husband on the first day of my wedding. I could only swallow my anger and smile like I am impervious to these events. In the entirety of my eighteen years of life, I'd never forgotten a grudge and had always paid back (What can I do, I am a petty person). So how could I forget this rancor. I was determined to take revenge, but revenge was sweet only when taken at the right time in the right place. So, even though I felt a bit unbearable, I somehow willed myself to smile brightly; besides, I had to keep on reminding myself to not be reckless when it involves this person.

"Your Highness, how could you let me make such a grave mistake? Now wouldn't people think I haven't been taught well and am incompetent to stand beside you?" I mumbled in a cossetted way.

Reuben smiled like he knew what I was playing at and said, "Fake Lizzy, you're such a gifted soul, I know you can manage everything with ease. After all, that's precisely why I choose you."

'You turd-eating bas**rd, you ungrateful cretin, you think you're so great? Your birth certificate was an apology letter from the condom company, you incompetent dog! Gifted soul? My ass. Why don't you just come out and say you love to see me writhe in torment instead, you sadistic do*chebag. Calm down Lithe, calm down. Every dog has its day.'

I smiled with much difficulty, but still did. "Of course, Your Highness."

He watched me with a meaningful smile, seeming as if he could read my mind but didn't say anymore as he twirled me around the dancefloor.

After an agonizing much awaited period in the dancefloor, the music finally came to a halting end and after a short send-off speech later, we retired for the night.

It was a relieved to my bones, and I could finally heave a sigh. I and Reuben walked towards our splendid suite and Lord Gilbert left us for the night after we entered the suite. Hovering my eyes over the room once more, the room really was impressive, suited for a King indeed. But an unforeseen notion suddenly hit me like a brick on my head when I entered the suite. I had to spend the entire night with this perverted King today, how could it have slipped my mind. Not only that, there was no extra sofa or couch in the room at hand. Would I have to sleep on the floor to avoid sleeping with this perverted mummy?

I felt very awkward and self-conscious all of a sudden and didn't know what to say to ease the ambiance around us. So in a doltish tone, I muttered, "....Eh...emm...this bed looks pretty expensive huh. Hahaha.... Look at these pretty gems entrenched to the bed. Do you think I could nudge out a few and make some money out of them? You wouldn't mind if I took a few away right?" God, what was I saying? Granted, I really wanted to poke out a few in secret and keep them for unpredictable times but seriously, need I ask him about it now? Not to mention the deed was supposed to be done in secret. I wanted to dig up a hole and burrow myself into it in shame.

For a moment Reuben looked at me like I was some joke, probably I really was one. Looking at his quivering lips, at least I felt like one. Reuben didn't hold back at all this time and howled like a crazy chimpanzee on weeds.

I didn't know what to say to better my situation, but it didn't feel good to be a laughingstock time and again. I wanted to stop his laugher after a few minutes had passed but was utterly unsuccessful in stopping his fanatic feats of hilarity. I was embarrassed and awkward and quite fidgety; After seeing me so discomfited, Reuben finally held back a little but couldn't suppress his snicker and said, "Dear Fake Lizzy, I am not against you digging out the gems from my bedposts. Go all out if you must, but I would beg the lady to restrain herself in front of outsiders least they'd think the King of Reveldron is a miser and doesn't indulge his Queen with jewelries and ornaments."

To that I dutifully nodded, "Worry not Your Highness, I shan't let any outsiders know of my endeavors." I solemnly swore.

Reuben tittered under his breath again but didn't refute. "Ah, Fake Lizzy, your enthusiasm is addictive."

I showed him a tight ill-at-ease smile in response. I don't know why I felt the abrupt sense that he was snickering at me again? Was my vow not solemn enough? Did he think I would not keep my word?

While I was mulling over such trivial matters, Reuben's tone came out in a lazy fashion, "I'm going to freshen up first. Please feel comfortable to look around and do inform me if you are in need of something." And he left for the washroom. As such, an unanticipated realization smacked me again.

What about the bed???

Do I really have to share a bed with this guy tonight?

I sighed in despondence, how foolish of me to completely forget about the actual matter at hand while daydreaming about jewels and riches! I couldn't fathom if I always was so stupid or was today a special occasion? Whatever maybe the case, I suddenly couldn't find myself rebutting the fact that I was a waste of two billion years of evolution. The comprehension made me sad, but what could I do, my family was responsible for this sporadic idiocy (I would like to speak for myself and say this that I'm not always this stupid, normally I'm a very smart person. But this disease [Idiocy] is a genetic intermittent ailment which comes to me only when I hear money. So, you can't blame me).

My thoughts were disrupted by Reuben's voice when he called my name.

"Fake Lizzy, I don't mean to intrude your profound thoughts, but I think it is better to retire for the night without any further delay as we have to wake up early in the morning to pay respects to the Queen Dowager."

I heard him and snapped my head to look at him. He was out of his mummy bandages and was wearing a loose-fitting vest the showed much of his pallid chest and slacked trousers, looking very comfortable indeed.

For a moment, I couldn't take my eyes of his fair chest. The entire person looked like a Runway model fresh off the bat. I unconsciously bit my lips as I continued staring. Such godly looks should be made illegal damn it!

"....Fake Lizzy? Is something the matter?" His mallow voice brought me back to my sense and I couldn't help myself from blushing hard at my own shamelessness. I couldn't believe I was drooling at this guy's face without any reservation. Where did your dignity go woman!

I grabbed the clothes prepared for me in a befuddled manner and ran to the washroom. While quickly changing my attire, I mumbled words to appease my agitation.

When I finally felt myself calm down a bit, I opened the washroom door and entered our majestic suite. It never ceased to amaze me every time I saw the interior of the room, however, when my eyes fell on the grandiose bed and the man idly lying on it, all words were chocked on my throat. Why? Why did I smell another f*cking?

"Oh? You're done?" Reuben turned his gorgeous head to the side to look at the pretty old me; I swallowed hard. "Took you long enough. I was afraid you had met an accident in the powder room." Oi Oi Oi! What kind of accidents could I meet in the washroom other than the times when I was constipated on the cubicle and numbing my calves in the process.

I couldn't even smile as Rueben motioned me to come to bed. I rather looked at the bed like it was a famished beast awaiting to devour me alive.

"....Ermm....Your Highness, can I request for a sofa to be placed in the room?" I piped in a small voice.

"......A sofa??? Why may I ask My Lady?" He uttered in an amused tone. I wouldn't believe if he said he didn't comprehend my insinuation when his light smirk on his lips said he clearly did and was just playing me.

I felt so stuffed and annoyed that I wanted to wring his neck in anger, this guy was a sadist in true sense. "Your Highness, forgive my rudeness but I don't think it is appropriate for grown men and women to share the same bed."

"Oh? Really?" He got off the mahogany bed in one fluid motion and came to me, "But we are married. I don't think that should be a problem in our case." His eyes held such impishness it was impossible to disregard it all.

"I beg your pardon my Liege, but I must make it clear that our relationship is nothing but a scam. You don't have any mind to really make it genuine nor do I have any desire to really be your wife. So, even if you are that King of this kingdom, I will have to respectfully decline your advances." I spoke in a forthright approach.

He raised an elegant brow to that, "My Lady, did you think the ceremony we held today was all a sham? If so, I shall regrettably inform you that it was not. The royal wedding ceremony held today was undebatably authentic and there was not a hint of fraud in it. So, that makes you my lawfully wedded wife, doesn't it?" That irritating smile never left his lips whilst I widened my eyes at the new piece of staggering info he just fed me.

I was never told that today's ceremony was real. Did this guy want to swindle me?

"Rest assured, Fake Lizzy, I shall not keep you bounded to me after you have accomplished your purpose." His grin was a one I couldn't interpret. This guy's mind was so deep, even Bermuda triangle would be ashamed.

I didn't even get the time to take a sigh of relief when he suddenly grabbed me by the waist, pulling me up close against his bare chest and confined me between his arms. "That being said, you're still my wife." His smile was as wide as a cheshire cat's and I could already smell an impending upheaval. "So, it is only right we perform the wedding rites as ordained." And I chocked on my spit.

I wore a face that said Did-he-just-say-what-I-think-he-did?

But when I beheld his softly grinning face, for a moment I thought he was joking only to be carried princess-style to the bed in the next second.

Ah sh*t!

I suddenly panicked and freaked out. 'Is he really going to do it? I thought he was just kidding. What will I do if he really wants to do it? Should I really comply? Besides, loosing my virginity is not such a big deal to me. And where can I find such a hunk to get laid with in the future? But.... Sh*t! there's no condoms or contraceptives available in this era. What if I get pregnant? Then I'm doomed for life. No No! I can't. No matter how hot the guy is, I must endure. I can't get laid without contraceptives.'

My turbulent thoughts came to a stormy halt when he laid me on the silky bed and got on top of me, slightly pinning me under his subtle body warmth. He had a playful look in his eyes as he moved closer to me, still holding my frigid gaze. As a small but teasing smile crept upon his face, goosebumps lined my skin, not the kind that one gets in a cold, but the kind one gets when they are utterly seduced. My entire frame was bathed in nervousness and I could hardly breathe under him. He was so close his breath was ticking my face and I involuntarily stiffened when his lips touch mine.

Oh Sh*t Sh*t Sh*t!! This guy isn't messing around.

I realized a little too late and he was already kissing and biting me innately. His kisses were literally melting my senses into a puddle of goo and I feared my heart would jump right out of my chest. I could feel his dragonfly kisses stealing my consciousness and in desperation, I started singing 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars' in my head to keep myself sane and not jump the guy like a starved wolf. With much exertion, I stirred my mind from its stunned stupor and wiggled under him, subsequently pushing him off me. He groaned in response and his grunt unexpectedly stopped me in my pace.

"You know Fake Lizzy, you shouldn't tease me unless you're going to please me." He muttered in a throaty tone.

Ai sh*t. I think I just prodded the beast.

"Y-You...you can't." I mumbled gibberish.

"Oh? And why can't I? You are my lawfully wedded wife. There's nothing stopping me tonight." He retorted, and I had nothing on me to argue against that.

I anxiously bit my lips as I stared into his shining green orbs of passion, my mind contemplating hard to come up with some excuse. But my head was like a blank sheet of paper, I got zilch. Hence, instinctively I bit my lower lip harder, which unfortunately got Reuben's green eyes darker with manly desire.

He wordlessly moved closer to capture my lips again, but I still pushed him away, "Wait!"

A frown instantly appeared on his beautiful brows and he grumbled, "Fake Lizzy, You can't be thinking of letting me fend for myself all the time while we shall remain married, can you?"

I quickly shut my mouth in awe the moment he guessed my mind, and he deduced he hit the bull's eye.

"I agreed to divorce you the moment you complete your task, but I never agreed to remain a saint while we stayed married." He spoke in a jagged tone.

I slightly shivered under his blistering hot stare and didn't know what to say. I didn't mind sleeping with him, but I did mind getting pregnant with his kids. He was a man who can give me everything, but he was also a man who couldn't give me what I really wanted. Security and popcorn.

".....Y-You can always visit a brothel." I suggested meekly. To which I heard a low chuckle reverberating out of his throat.

"You know Fake Lizzy, you may be the first wife in the history of Reveldron to suggest her husband to go to a brothel on her first night after her marriage." He stretched his lips into an arc which seemed like a smile but didn't seem like one at the same time. "Why should I take the trouble to visit a brothel when I have a wife at home?"

Now what do I say to that. Any normal wife in this primitive era would be jumping for joy if their husbands uttered these words to them on their wedding night, but not me. These words rather sounded like a death toll to my ears.

".....You can always take another wife." I suggested yet again, and I heard him exhale sharply in turn. Oh God! I was always walking on eggshells around this guy.

"Did you forget why you became the first Queen consort in the first place? Because only the first Queen consort can choose the next queen consort who would stand by my side. And I specifically told you, you are to reject any incitement from that aspect." Damn it! I did forget under this guy's seductive pressure.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled. "I-I beg your pardon My liege, I'm just not ready yet. Until just now, I was under the impression that this marriage was a sham and wasn't really mentally prepared to bed you. I hope you can understand." My voice became smaller and smaller until it was but just a squeak at the end.

I heard his heavy sigh above me as he expressed, "Then what am I to do with my little brother down there?"

The sudden mention of Reuben's little brother drove me into a fluster and with an agitated gaze I flipped my head heather and tither to detect Alexteris' presence, "Where where?"

He gently grabbed the back of my head, his eyes smiling of mischievousness, and positioned my eyes downwards towards his lower body, "Here." His magnetic voice whispered. And I instantly realized my mistake.

There stood an erect tent on his old-fashioned pants and I was instantly a bushing shade of crimson, my whole face was burning up and my mind was in disarray. I felt so ashamed I wanted to dig up a deeper hole and bury myself in it. I wanted to get up and run out, but Reuben had me pinned tight to the bed and I had nowhere to look.

"What are we going to do about it, Fake Lizzy?" His 'Fake Lizzy' suddenly became such a husky hum I felt searing jitters run through my skin.

This guy's seductive skills were out of the world. If there ever was a noble prize for seduction, he would definitely be the winner. I swallowed hard to relieve my dry throat while chanting 'Twinkle twinkle star' again inside my head.

".....Fake lizzy?"

'Oh God! Twinkle twinkle little star...'


'How I wonder who you are'

"Fake lizzy!"

'Up above the world so high, like a'

"If you don't answer me, I shall not hesitate anymore and strip."

"KHYAAA! Diamond in the sky."


I grabbed his head with my left hand in a merciless manner and pushed his face a bit away from me. My palms were half covering his eyes but he could still see through the crevices of my hand. I was breathing a bit hard under the stimulation but otherwise, I was in some way surviving.

"Please wait! I have a way to solve your problem." I stuttered, my erraticism rising.

He raised his fine-looking brow in curiosity, and I pushed him off me further and got off the bed. I went to the handsome closet and opened it to get out my bag-pack. This bag-pack was with me when I came to this world and it was the only remnant of my previous life. I got out a dense packed book and quickly went back to Reuben in bed.

He looked confused and disheveled; his inquisitive gaze fell on the book in my hand. He asked, "What is that?"

I, in turn, proudly presented it to him, "Lo and behold Your Highness, this right here in my hand is the 5th popular limited edition of Busty Asian Babes. I heard it is so stimulating that you can release at any time."

Reuben with book in hand, "..........."

If you are thinking what I think you are thinking, then you are thinking wrong. I am in no way a pervert and nor do I like to collect porn magazines. I deduced it was probably my pervy cousin who put it inside my bag when I wasn't paying attention to play a prank on me, as such it ended up here with me.

Reuben dumbly flipped through the flimsy pages of the magazine and I saw his pale ears visibly redden up. The room was shrouded with incredulous silence and I watched the fogyish man before my eyes explore the pages of 'Busty Asian Babes' with absolute focus. I was anxious and excited at the same time. Was he interested? Would he leave me alone now that I have handed him 3D porn magazine? He should be able to relieve himself while looking at these sexy models. Besides, compared to them, I looked like a licensed hobo on the job. He shouldn't care, right?

When he finally reached the last page, he leisurely looked up at me and slurred in a honeyed tone, "Who is the painter of this book? I want to employ him."


To be Continued.........

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