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78.57% Ben 10: Justice Incarnate / Chapter 22: War on Drugs

Chapitre 22: War on Drugs

Santa Prisca

June 19, 00:43 ECT

The alarms blared in a warehouse, with red bubbling fluid in every tank. The source of the alarm was a group of intruders, Bane, and two other men. They were surrounded by guards on the ground and guards on the catwalks cocking their rifles.

"Nuestro Maestro sublime proclama que él saldrá de esta instalación... si... uno de ustedes derrota a su campeón en combate singular. [Our sublime Master proclaims he will depart this facility… if… one of you defeats his champion in single combat.]" A Kobra agent told the trapped trespassers

Bane pushes aside the foot soldiers that came with him, walking to the gated door with pride. A buzzer goes off, and Bane holds the door. "Solo que se interesante. [Just make it interesting.]" Then he shoves the door open and walks in.

The soldier smirks as the door shuts behind Bane.

Inside, Bane sees that there are many more soldiers on the interlocking catwalks, all of them armed with rifles. A buzzer goes off, drawing the bodybuilder's attention to the door on the other side of the arena, where two people stand. Both are blonde brunettes with black pants, boots, and blue tank tops cut off to expose their stomachs. Only the male walks through, but he's thin, which gets Bane's attention, albeit with confusion.

Behind Bane, a black gauntlet with red tubes attached to a long clear tube falls to the floor. He picks it up, confused. "¿Me devuelto mi mayor arma? [You give me back my greatest weapon?] "Bane asks, confused. "¿Cuál es el truco? [What's the catch?]"

"Ningún truco. No sería una prueba de la destreza de su campeón si no estuviera en su mejor. [No catch. It would hardly be a test of his champion's prowess if you were not at your best.]" the soldier said.

Bane attached the gauntlet. "¿Quieres mi mejor? [You want my best?]" He activated the venom feed and connected it to the back of his head. His pupils dilated as he grunts the Venom flowing through his body. As it finished, he was panting and turning towards his opponent. "Lo conseguiste. [You got it.]" He cracked his neck.

His opponent hasn't moved, though the girl behind him steps up with a needle gun filled with a purple serum, which she injects into his shoulder. The effect was immediate; his eyes shrunk to pinpricks, and his hair stood nearly on end. He stumbled forward, his head held in his hands as he fell to his knees. His shoulder grew massively, ripping his shirt. Bane watches closer. The choker around his neck rips off as he grows fangs, and his body grows to match his arm's size. His skin turns green-grey with red slashes. The girl closes the door.

Panting, he got off his knees and roared at Bane. The downward punch is caught, and Bane slides a foot back but doesn't fall. Returning the feat with a solid uppercut to his opponent's jaw. The cross Bane throws to his chest does nothing, and he smirks at Bane.

Grabbing the back of his neck in his hand before uppercutting him in the stomach hard enough to knock the wind out of him. Then, following up with another uppercut and a cross to Bane's face, Bane is grabbed by his wrist and thrown into the wall before he can fully fall back. Landing on all fours and his head on his arm.

Leaving no room to react, Bane was hit again as he stood, denting the pipe behind him shut and increasing the pressure in the pipe exponentially. Steam enveloped the two as Bane was grabbed by the back of his neck again and thrown out of the steam. His opponent jumped after him, nailing Bane in the face hard enough to create a Bane-sized crater under him.

The strike's power caused some people to stop, even if they looked away.

Bane groaned, then fell unconscious.

"Hail Kobra." the soldier said. "Hail Kobra," he says louder.

All began to chant, "Hail Kobra. Hail Kobra. Hail Kobra. Hail Kobra. Hail Kobra. Hail Kobra. Hail Kobra." Above them, Kobra stood, arms crossed and pleased.

Outside the facility were even more Kobra followers guarding the entire island.

Gotham City

July 20, 01:15 EST

The Gotham City docks were an eerie tableau of fog. Cold, brackish water lapped against the piers, and the city's hum was far away. Shadows moved stealthily between stacks of cargo containers.

At the far end of the docks, a group of Russian Mafia members stood guard around a warehouse. Inside the dimly lit building, crates were stacked high.

The Triads had been watching for weeks, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Tonight, their plan would unfold.

A signal was given from the shadows. Like ghosts, Triad operatives emerged. They blended seamlessly with the night sky, their faces obscured by masks bearing dragon motifs. An enforcer, Wei Shen, led the charge.

Wei raised a hand, and the team split into two groups. The first group advanced silently towards the guards at the warehouse entrance, while the second moved to the rear, prepared to breach from multiple angles. With practiced efficiency, the Triads disabled the security cameras to go unseen.

The Russian guards remained oblivious until it was too late. Sudden strikes and muffled sounds marked the Triads' silent takedown of the first set of sentries. Wei signaled again, and the second group moved in, setting small charges on the warehouse's back door. Moments later, a controlled explosion opened the way, and the Triads poured inside.

The Russians inside reacted quickly, drawing their weapons and taking cover behind the crates of Venom. Gunfire erupted.

The Triads responded with bursts of automatic fire, and their numbers and surprise attack gave them an edge.

Wei Shen moved, his silenced pistol picking off targets. He ducked behind a crate, reloading before giving orders through a discreet earpiece. "Consolidate at the center," Wei commanded. "Secure the Venom. Leave no witnesses."

The battle intensified, the air thick with smoke and the acrid smell of gunpowder. A Russian enforcer, a hulking figure with a shaved head, lobbed a grenade toward the Triads' position. Wei saw it coming, shouting a warning as he dove for cover. The explosion rocked the warehouse, scattering debris and momentarily disorienting both sides.

Seizing the opportunity, Wei rallied his men. "Push forward! Now!"

The Triads surged ahead, their combined firepower overwhelming the remaining Russians. In minutes, the warehouse fell silent, save for the groans of the wounded and the crackle of small fires. Wei stood amidst the carnage, his eyes scanning the area for any sign of resistance. Satisfied, he motioned to his men to begin loading the crates of Venom onto waiting trucks.

A soft sound reached Wei's ears as they worked—a faint click from the shadows. He turned just in time to see a figure step into the light: Boris "The Bear" Ivanov, a towering figure known for his brutal strength. With a snarl, Boris pulled a vial of Venom from his jacket and injected it into his neck. His muscles bulged grotesquely, veins popping as the drug took effect.

Boris roared, his eyes glowing with an unnatural green hue. He charged forward, swatting Triad members aside like rag dolls. Wei's men opened fire, but the bullets seemed to have little effect on the enraged behemoth. Boris grabbed a Triad soldier, lifting him effortlessly and throwing him across the warehouse, the man's body smashing into a stack of crates.

Wei knew they had to stop Boris before he tore them all apart. "Focus fire on him!" he shouted, directing his men to concentrate their attacks.

Boris barreled through the hail of bullets, reaching Wei in seconds. He swung a massive fist, forcing Wei to dive out of the way. The punch connected with a steel crate, denting it deeply. Wei rolled to his feet, drawing his knife as he assessed the situation. He needed a plan and fast.

Li Mei, his trusted lieutenant, appeared beside him, her face grimly determined. "We need to take him down together," she said, her voice steady despite the chaos.

Wei nodded, signaling for the remaining Triads to distract Boris. As his men fired from multiple directions, Wei and Li Mei moved in tandem. They darted around Boris, slicing at his legs and arms, aiming for the tendons. Boris roared in fury, swinging wildly but unable to land a hit on the nimble attackers.

Finally, Li Mei managed to stab her blade deep into the back of Boris's knee. He stumbled, dropping to one leg. Wei seized the opportunity, leaping onto Boris's back and driving his knife into the base of his skull. Boris's roar became a gurgle as he collapsed, Venom's effects wearing off rapidly as his lifeblood pooled around him.

Panting, Wei stood and wiped his blade. "Is everyone okay?" he asked, looking around at his men.

Li Mei nodded, though her expression was somber. "We've lost a few, but we have the Venom. We need to move."

With the last Venom crates secured, the Triads quickly exited, melting back into the shadows from whence they came. As the trucks rumbled away, the warehouse was left in ruin.

The Triads had what they came for, but victories were always temporary in Gotham.

July 20, 09:20 EST

The warehouse was silent, the acrid scent of gunpowder and blood hanging heavy in the air. Broken crates and scattered debris lay strewn about, evidence of the altercation that had raged only hours before.

It was unfortunate, but Batman and Robin were unavailable. They were occupied with another gang-related incident on the other side of the city, which could be deduced to be a distraction from the crime scene in front of them.

Batman moved through the wreckage. His cowl's lenses scanned the scene. Names from the bodies are all registered under known Russian mob affiliates.

Bullet casings match weapons commonly associated with the Triads. While it could have been a false flag operation, he had doubts.

He paused near a shattered crate, its contents spilled across the floor. He knelt, examining the residue with a gloved finger. 'Venom.' Several broken crates showed the same issue of having stored vials of Venom.

His confidential informants around Gotham have mentioned rumors regarding the drug. Diluted doses of the performance enhancer were getting harder to come by. This was escalating.

Behind him, the flashing lights of Gotham PD illuminated the scene. Officers moved methodically, cordoning off the area and documenting evidence. Commissioner Jim Gordon, trench coat flapping in the breeze, stood with Detective Harvey Bullock, both men casting weary eyes over the scene.

As Batman moved deeper into the warehouse, following the trail, Gordon noticed him and approached.

"Batman," Gordon greeted, his voice gravelly but steady. "I figured you'd show up." Jim bent down and prodded at a body with a gloved hand. "Russian." He turned to Batman. "You found out what was stored here? Weapons? Drugs?"

Batman stood, his eyes narrowing behind the cowl. "Both." He gestured to a few broken vials in the room. "The perpetrators, I presume the Triads, were targeting the Venom stored here."

Bullock, who had been listening, grunted. "So what, another gang war? Just what we need. Why now?"

Batman's eyes hardened. "That's what I need to find out. There's more to this than a simple turf war."

"Chances are we will find a body with traces of the drug." As he spoke, Batman's lenses picked another profile of one of the bodies—Boris "The Bear" Ivanov. A hulking figure with telltale signs of Venom use. Batman examined Boris's body, noting the injection site on his neck.

"Must have been a final stand," guessed Jim.

Batman nodded. "My intel spoke of a supply chain break leading to this."

"Ain't that supposed to be good?" asked Bullock.

Batman shook his head. "It's more complicated than that. Supply and demand. Supply was limited, but the demand never changed. More and more metahumans criminals are appearing, and organized crime groups are trying to catch up. They are willing to fight over the remaining scraps to get the edge. This wasn't just a hit. It was a takeover."

Gordon and Bullock exchanged glances. "We need to step up our game," Gordon said. "If the Triads are moving in on the Russians' territory, we're looking at a potential escalation."

"So we must keep watch on further infighting until the supply completely dries out?" surmised Bullocks.

"Assuming a replacement doesn't appear, yes. However, this may not be the case. Government authorities haven't moved against Bane or Santa Prisca, the main source of Venom production. Something—or someone—is behind this."

Jim raised a brow. "Gonna have your friends in the League investigate?"

"Officially, we can't."

"And Unofficially?"

"I have an idea in mind." Perhaps his ward and their team would have their opportunity soon.

Gordon approached, a questioning look on his face. "What's our next move?"

"I'll follow the leads. You need to keep the pressure on the streets. If the Triads are consolidating power, they'll make mistakes. We need to be ready to capitalize on them."

Gordon nodded. "We'll do what we can. Just be careful out there. This city needs you."

"We'll do what we can. But be careful out there."

Bullock and Jim turned away to assist a CSI guy in removing a fallen crate on a body.

Batman gave a curt nod. "I'll be in touch."

Gordon opened his mouth to say something more, but as he turned to address Batman, he found only empty air. The Dark Knight had vanished, leaving nothing but a whisper of wind and the faint rustle of his cape in the distance.

Bullock shook his head, a bemused expression on his face. "How does he do that?"

Gordon chuckled softly. "That's Batman for you."

Bullock sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well, let's get to work."

Mount Justice

July 22, 10:12 EDT

"Isla Santa Prisca," Batman said, showing the team the island map. They all stood watching, but Kid Flash was also eating chips. This island nation is the primary source of a dangerous and illegal neuro-steroid, a strength-enhancing drug sold under the street name Venom." The display changed to show shots of the warehouse. Infrared heat signatures indicate that their factory is operating at full capacity, but all shipments of Venom have inexplicably cut off. The League and I are working with local authorities to stamp down on control organized crime fighting over the scraps remaining in circulation."

"And since Santa Prisca isn't under the League's prevue," started Robin.

"That's where this team comes in. This is a covert recon mission only. Observe and report. If the Justice League needs to intervene, it will." Once again, the profile changed back to the island map. "The plan requires two drop zones." Said drop zones appeared on the map.

"So, who's in charge?" Robin asked, getting Batman and Red Tornado to whip around and face the Boy Wonder before exchanging glances.

"Work that out between you," Batman commanded. Robin nodded, a smile forming on his face.

The Watchtower

The Justice League sat around the circular table in their meeting room, each hero in their designated seat.

Superman, at the head of the table, opened the meeting with a serious tone. "The first order of business is the Mister Twister incident. Thanks to the efforts of our wards, the immediate threat has been neutralized. Ark's assistance repairing Mister Twister's armored suit has given us new leads."

"Star Labs is already analyzing the suit," Batman added, his voice a low growl.

Wonder Woman nodded. "They did well in stopping Mister Twister."

There was a murmur of agreement around the table. Flash grinned, his eyes sparkling with pride. "Kid and the others stepped up. It's good to see them holding their own."

Green Arrow, leaning back in his chair, crossed his arms. "What else do we know about the robot?"

"Their preliminary findings are promising. We might be able to trace the origin of Mister Twister's control signals," answered Batman.

Red Tornado, sitting stoically, finally spoke. "I insist on pursuing this investigation myself."

Black Canary frowned. "And why is that?"

"Mister Twister's attack was personal. I already have my suspicions of the culprit."

"You believe your former creator sent it against you, correct?" argued Batman.

Red Tornado looked away. "I do not deny that is a reasonable hypothesis."

Green Arrow rubbed his temples. "Daddy issues..."

Captain Atom leaned forward, his metallic skin glinting under the lights. "We understand your position, Tornado, but going after this alone is risky and inefficient."

Martian Manhunter added a note of caution. "While you may be the primary target, who knows who else may be roped into the conflict? They have already shown a willingness to harm the public to draw you out."

Superman turned to Red Tornado with compassion. "Based on the current leads, I can see how your expertise and experience can be invaluable. However, we're a League for a reason. Star Labs will keep us updated, and we'll act on their findings as a team."

Red Tornado's tone didn't change, but a subtle shift in his posture conveyed his internal conflict. "I understand your concerns. However, I must be directly involved in this investigation."

Wonder Woman reached out, placing a hand on Red Tornado's shoulder. "That can be arranged."

Black Canary brainstormed a possible session with Red Tornado to discuss his parental issues.

Captain Marvel, ever the optimist, chimed in with a smile. "This shouldn't be too hard."

There was a moment of silence as Red Tornado looked around the table, taking in the resolve and support of his teammates. Finally, he nodded. "Very well. We proceed together."

Superman smiled, relieved. "Good."

After a brief review of the data Star Labs has sent so far later, the Justice League meeting progressed smoothly, transitioning to the next agenda item.

Superman turned to the second point of discussion. "Our next order of business is to evaluate impressions of the newest addition to our reserve members: Ark."

At this, a holographic image of the hero Ark, in his various forms, appeared in the center of the table. Each transformation, distinct in appearance, rotated slowly for all to see.

Wonder Woman leaned forward, studying the images. "In my limited interactions with him, he seems sincere about his motivations. Regarding his combat effectiveness, we've observed him utilizing more than five different alien transformations. His versatility is impressive."

Batman added, "Each of his forms possesses unique abilities. Any limitations to the maximum number of transformations have not been determined." He refrained from voicing his concerns on the possible dangers of such an individual. Who knows if Ark could turn into a Kryptonian or a Martian? Batman turned to John Stewart. "Are you familiar with any of his alien transformations?"

The lantern shrugged. "I haven't met any of them personally in our sector of the universe. My ring wasn't any help either."

Captain Marvel raised a brow. "They aren't in your ring's system or whatever?"

John shook his head. "I found some species very similar to Ark's but nothing one-to-one. Granted, the universe is a big place. Not even the Guardians are omniscient." His thoughts drifted to the current Corps dilemma of new start systems appearing. If initial reports are to be believed, one was entirely made of metal covered with towering cities, metallic plains, spiraling metal mountains, and neon-lit chasms.

Wonder Woman turned to Flash. "What are your thoughts on Ark, considering you share the same city?"

Flash shrugged with a smile. "He's pretty cool. No issues so far. He's got a pretty casual attitude. He's cool to hang out with when you guys are busy."

Martian Manhunter raised a hand. "Have any of you looked into his claims during his interview?"

Green Arrow chimed in. "It's a mixed bag. Any records of Lake Monsters and... Santa Claus have hit a dead end. In hindsight, I shouldn't have been surprised."

Captain Marvel clapped. "The Santa at the Fawcett Mall last year was very convincing."

Suffice it to say, soul-stealing clowns and space mummies were also hard to confirm. They were also hesitant to ask the government about time travel experiments.

Arthur shook his head. "I would advise against venturing into the Bermuda Triangle to find some extraterrestrial craft. Even in Atlantean tradition, we refrain from those deep waters. They reek of dark magic from ancient times."

They would have to put a pin on Ark's profile. Superman turned to Red Tornado. "What's your assessment?"

Red Tornado hummed. "Ark has demonstrated sincerity in assisting other heroes. He was not asked to assist me in the Mister Twister matter, yet he did."

Captain Marvel, always optimistic, added, "I like him. He even offered to come by Fawcett sometime."

Superman concluded, "It seems he's left a generally positive impression." Reading the docket, Superman sighed. "Next, a review of the Cadmus investigation." The atmosphere in the room grew more somber." Superman began, "As you're all aware, Cadmus kidnapped our young wards and attempted to clone them, likely to swap them with the originals. I was also a victim of their plans. In addition, they created a genetically engineered workforce called Genomorphs."

Batman had his share of suspicions. "What concerns me is their confidence in cloning the teens upon their capture. Cloning individuals, let alone ones with superhuman abilities, is a huge advancement in genetic engineering. How many failed and successful trials occurred before they proceeded with cloning Superman."

Wonder Woman's eyes flashed with righteous anger. "You believe there may be other clones we may not even know about?"

Captain Adam hummed in contemplation. "The escalation makes sense. Clone regular humans, then superpowered humans. If those are successful, clone an alien, then a superpowered alien. Those successful trials have to exist somewhere. Due to the fact they are clones, a DNA test wouldn't help prove who is a clone."

Martian Manhunter's expression was grave. He added, "This does not bode well. Their procedure of flash memory learning may work on a level that can't be detected with a typical telepathic evaluation. Cadmus is well aware of my existence and may have planned with me in mind." He turned to Superman. Superboy's observation period is imperative to further clues on the matter."

Superman took a breath. "I'll be working with him more going forward. He's family that I didn't ask for." He chuckled. "Then again, that's the same for all siblings."

Flash grimaced. "I don't know how to feel if Kid Flash was replaced, and I didn't notice."

Green Arrow's voice was edged with determination. "It's an Invasion of the Body Snatchers scenario."

Batman sighed. "All Cadmus research files will be analyzed. We already visually inspected the facility, but we all know it can't be this simple."

Captain Marvel frowned. "They hid for this long under our noses. Who knows what else they had under their sleeves."

Central City

July 22, 23:45 EDT

Inside a dim warehouse, gang members, armed to the teeth, exchanged hushed words as they waited for their clients. Crates of product lined the walls.

A ghostly blue moth-like alien with bright green eyes landed silently on the rooftop. His breath fogged in the cool night air. Peering down through a skylight, his sharp eyes scanned the activity below. "Flash, they're here," he whispered, "I count at least twenty, heavily armed."

A blur of red and gold materialized beside Big Chill. Flash's eyes narrowed as he observed the scene. "Bats was right about Venom. You freeze them, I'll disarm and round them up. We need to make this quick and clean," he whispered back.

Big Chill nodded.


The gang members heard a faint, eerie whisper inside, and then the temperature dropped sharply. They looked around in confusion as their breath began to fog. "What the hell is going on?" the gang leader demanded just before Big Chill phased through the ceiling, descending upon them like a spectre. He spread his wings wide, releasing a burst of icy breath that encased several gang members and their crates of Venom in thick layers of frost. "It's a ghost!" one gang member panicked.

In the same heartbeat, The Flash zipped through the warehouse, a red streak disarming the gang members at lightning speed. Guns, knives, and bats were pulled from hands and discarded in a blur of motion. "Sorry, but this shop is closed," Flash quipped as he moved.

A few gang members found cover behind a stack of crates, aiming their guns at Flash and Big Chill. "Open fire!" one shouted. Bullets ricocheted off the frosty floor as Big Chill became intangible, the bullets passing harmlessly through him and into the wall.

The Flash vibrated his molecules, dodging the barrage effortlessly.

Big Chill swooped down, phasing in and out, using his freezing touch to immobilize the remaining gang members. Ice crawled up their legs and arms, pinning them to the ground.

"This must be what it feels like to have Captain Cold on my side," joked Flash. He finished securing the last gang members with a few quick punches and a twist of zip ties. He dusted off his hands as Big Chill landed beside him, the warehouse now eerily quiet and cold. "Nice work, Ark. Real cool," Flash said with a grin.

Big Chill internally rolled his eyes and chucked. "Thanks."

"So, I was meaning to ask,

Flash winced as his League communicator rang. The two heroes thought about what had happened the last time he answered.

"What did you say the teens were doing?"

Flash cringed. "They are not... on a mission in a foreign country."

"Right..." Big Chill stared at him. "Please tell me we aren't disavowing them."

Flash rolled his eyes. "Don't be stupid. It couldn't have been that bad." He paused as he listened to his nephew's voice. "Some of you guys were exposed to what?! We are not telling your parents that! Wait. What do you mean the island blew up!"

Big Chill gawked. "This is the second time the mission area exploded. Is this gonna be a common occurrence?"

Flash hung up. "God, I hope not."

Omnitrix DNA Entry:

Name: Big Chill

Species: Necrofriggian

Home World: Kylmyys

Powers and Abilities:

Necrofriggians have the power of cryokinesis, meaning they can influence the direction of the ice that grows from their breath and palms with extreme precision. This allows them to create simultaneous ice constructs that bend and weave through the air before solidifying. Necrofriggians can breathe a wind or beam that can reduce the temperature surrounding it to just this side of absolute zero, turn to ice constructs either mid-air or upon touching a target, or encase a target completely in ice. Their breath can also be used as a strong gust of wind without freezing anything. Necrofriggians can freeze strong adhesives using their ice breath and make them brittle. Necrofriggians are capable of firing freeze rays from their hands. They can also freeze objects and surfaces just by touching them. Necrofriggians can become intangible and pass through solid matter. They can even cause opponents and objects to freeze by phasing through them if they choose to. They can also turn themselves partially invisible by becoming intangible. Necrofriggians can fly at high speeds with their wings.


A/N: Special thanks to Jebest4781, Charles, vividlearner744, and Seana!

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