"Girls!! Girls!! " Kc yelled while knocking on Nora's door. We were gathered there because Nora's room has been like our own private sanctuary so whenever we felt bored we'd hang out in her room.
Nora walked towards the door and opened it letting in a giddy Kc into the room holding a flier
"Look what I found!!" she cried
Nora collected the flier and looked at it, carefully reading every piece then she screamed all of a sudden
"Kiaaaaaahh!!" She shouted and hugged Kc. Me and Maja looked at each other with confusion and then we turned to look at them. Sophia went ahead to snatch the flier from Nora's hand while they were jumping around
"Sophia could you read it out loud" I asked
"Oki doki... Ehem!!"
I can't wait for the Winter ball...
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