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76.06% MARVEL: Killswitch's Origin / Chapter 89: Night Talk and Ice Cream

Chapitre 89: Night Talk and Ice Cream

"It's... it's not like what you think..." muttered the half-naked Edward. His pants slide down, revealing his blue elephant underwear. Somehow he could hear the elephant roaring in excitement for its freedom. He awkwardly added, "It's REALLY not what you think it is!"

Edward couldn't see Sherry's face, but he thought she was angry at him because she didn't say anything. And suddenly, she hastily walked toward him without showing any expression.

"Wait, let me explain..." muttered Edward, pulling the pants back on as cold sweat covered his back. Once she was a step away from him, Edward closed his eyes, waiting for Sherry's ear-piercing scolding.

However, instead of that, Edward felt a warm and soft feeling wrapping him. When he opened his eyes, he could only see Sherry's wet hair, her arms around his neck.

"Sh... Sherry?" called Edward.

"I thought you'll never coming back," muttered Sherry, tightening her holds.

Edward's heartache as he heard her soft voice, and he couldn't say anything except apologizing.

"I'm sorry..."

"For what?" asked Sherry.

"I don't even know. It's too complicated," replied Edward.

He recalled the dream he had back then at Mineral Town. He saw the disappointment in the 'dream version' of Sherry and how she called him a failure. He still feels afraid of it. Of how terrifyingly real that dream felt for him.

"What are you saying?" asked Sherry again, now properly looking at his face. Unknowingly, her arms still wrapped around Edward's neck.

"It's nothing," replied Edward while smiling.

"Edward... Is everything okay?" asked Sherry, concerned.

"Yeah, don't worry. I decided to not let it stay in my mind for long. I promised myself that." replied Edward, full of confidence.

Sherry could see a new profound light in Edward's eyes. It's not a cataract, but a literal light glimmering in his eyes. It's beautiful and mesmerizing, entrapping Sherry's gaze. Little did she know that it was the side-effect of the blessing from the Harvest Goddess.

"Uhh... She— Sherry?"

"Mmh? What is it?"

"I don't if I need to say this, but... can you release me now?" said the reddening Edward who was burdened by Sherry's enthralling gaze. He keeps looking elsewhere occasionally, having trouble looking straight to her face.

Sherry's face instantly blushed, comparable to a red apple. After taking a few steps back and, she keeps fidgeting while trying to explain herself.

"I... uhh... I... you... that..."

She couldn't form a proper sentence in front of Edward. Well both of them, as Edward also currently experiencing the same thing as her. The only difference is that the latter was trying to say something while he tried to fasten his pants multiple times but kept failing.

"Pfft! Ahahaha..."

Sherry suddenly burst into laughter, finding their situation quite funny. Edward also laughed a second later, now with properly buttoned pants.

"I think you need a shower before sleeping. I don't want my bed to get wet," said Sherry, realizing that Edward was drenched because of the rain outside.

"Yeah, I I think so. Let's talk a bit more later." replied Edward, before walking into the bathroom.

"Uhm." nodded Sherry.

As Edward closed the bathroom's door from the other side. Sherry's face blushed one more time, turning back into that small red apple. She just realized what she was saying earlier.

'You stupid, how can you say 'I don't want my bed to get wet'!? Wait... it's normal, isn't it? We usually sleep together.'


Her face felt hotter by the minute. Her heart beating so fast it might explode at any moment now.

'It's okay. It's Edward. He won't misunderstand it, right?'

However, on the other side of the door, Edward's legs were shaking, his hand barely able to hold the handle of the door.

'Ah... that's right. We're going to sleep together. No! It sounds wrong! I'm just helping her to sleep! It's important because it has been a week since the last time I use the Gauntlet! Yes, that's it.'

The two were doomed to have a long and sleepless night tonight, as they were getting conscious of each other.

20 minutes later.

Edward finally came out of the bathroom, wearing a t-shirt and pajama pants. He glanced at Sherry's bed and unconsciously gulping. Sherry was laying down on her bed, it was unknown if she had fallen asleep or not.

Slowly, Edward walked toward his own bed. However, as he got closer, Sherry moved a bit, giving a space for Edward to lay beside her.

'Aahhh!! why are you moving big sis!? You should've to stay pretending to sleep! Why are you doing this to me!?' yelled Edward inside his heart.


'Aahhh!! Why did I move!? Now I looked like I'm inviting him to sleep with me! Should I move back again?' yelled Sherry inside his heart.

What makes it worst or maybe better is that the two were hoping for the exact opposite of what their mind was telling them to do.

Sherry then tried to move her body again, moving to his previous position, but then her back hit something. She looked behind her, and there he is, Edward, already laying down behind her. Their body was touching each other.

'Aaarrrgh! I shouldn't have moved my body! Now, I'm leaning on him!' yelled Sherry inside her heart.


'Aaarrrgh! Why did I lay down so fast! I should've waited a bit later if I know she would move again!' yelled Edward again, believing that earlier Sherry was just trying to find the best sleeping position.

'Think Edward! Think!' a lightbulb shone in his head, having an idea of how to get out of this awkward situation.

He stretches his hands on top of his head, searching for something to hold so that he could move without alarming the sleeping Sherry. On the other side, Sherry was trying to slowly turn her body so that she wouldn't leaning on him.

It was then that lightning flashed, followed by booming thunder. Sherry was startled and unconsciously hugged Edward yet again to find safety. Meanwhile, Edward was shocked and stunned, not because of the thunder, but because he felt two soft bulges around his chest.

'Oh, my one-above-all!! Dangeeeer!! This is Dangerous!!' yelled Edward inside his heart. As if adding to the trouble, something resurfaced. An elephant cry could be heard roaring inside his mind. 'Little brother! Stop raising! I beg you!!'

Oblivious to the turmoil inside Edward's mind, Sherry was succeeded in calming down herself. Maybe it was the thunder, or maybe it was the warm person she was holding on to. Whatever it is, it didn't matter. As long as she could stay like this, even just for tonight, it was enough.

"Hey, Edward. Can I ask you something?" muttered Sherry.

Edward glanced down, at Sherry's head who was leaning on his shoulder. He couldn't see her face, only the top of her head. He could still smell the fresh fragrant of lilac and lavender wafting his nose. It was soothing his mind as he got calmer as well.

Sherry didn't wait for Edward's reply and just asked, "Can you tell what has been bothering you all this time?"

She knew the Edward she met for the first time was completely different than the current one. He always tried to push away anyone that tried to come closer to him. He always looked down and depressed, looking into the distance or the corner of the room as if someone was standing there. She had an idea of what caused it, but she wanted to hear it from him.

Edward smiled and wrapped his hand around her, now it was him holding her. He said, "I honestly don't know. When I reached that state, I was lost. I want to gain strength to protect, but at the same time, I don't want to get hurt. Not physically, but mentally. It felt so tiring. I wanted to give up, but I kept seeing them."

"Them?" muttered Sherry.

"Those who left me. I saw my classmates, I saw my neighbor, I saw the strangers that I met occasionally, I even saw my parents. They were looking at me. It was so painful. I..."

Edward then stopped speaking. Nothing came out of his mouth. He promised himself not to broke down once again, he promised himself not to lost his way again, he promised himself to find happiness again.

But why did tears keep coming out? Why did I keep crying?

I looked around, trying to find something to distract this stuffy feeling. It was then that Sherry tapped my back, rhythmically. Every tapping soothes my broken heart.

"It's okay, Edward. It's okay to cry," said Sherry, tightening her hold. For tonight, she wanted to hold me, to heal me. Just like how I did every night, for the past two years, for her.

"Is it...?" I muttered before I let out a heartbreaking cry. I keep crying and crying, letting out my miserable pain.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." I said, apologizing to those that I keep seeing in my dream, to him that keep watching over me even when he wasn't there.

Slowly, through the cry and the sobbing, I fell asleep while holding onto her. For the past two years, I thought that I was the one that was keeping her alive and safe. I never thought that I was the one that was actually holding onto her. If not, I would've left her a long time ago.

As I drifted into the night, I heard her voice, but I couldn't hear the rest of them. "Good night, Edward. I love *** ** ****."


In the infinite world, where stars shone so bright, where black holes consumed the light around it, a single box drifted endlessly without a destination. Inside it was a room with a single bed, a computer, and collections of comics, manga, movies, and games.

On the bed, a woman was sitting on her knees, while a boy was sleeping while using her thighs as a pillow. She looked at him lovingly, without moving her gaze.

It was then that a voice talked next to the two, "I think it's time."

It was a boy, a bit younger than Edward. Unlike before, there was no blood covering his body. He wore a clean set of clothes while sitting on the floor.

The woman raised his head and glanced at him.

"I'm sorry, Michael, and thank you." said the woman.

Michael chuckled and said, "what are you apologizing for?"

"For holding your soul." replied the woman.

"You know, I'm not actually asking a ques— forget it. You're exactly the same as him, too intense." said the boy.

"Aren't you mad? Didn't you hate it?" asked the woman.

"And why would I be? I could see the world even when I already died. I could hear about the other world from you. That was more than enough. Besides, I'm his friend, isn't that what a friend should do?"

The reason that Edward could still see Michael was not because of PTSD. After Vanessa emerged, she knew Edward's world would shake so hard that he would crumble without any measure to hold them together.

That is why, whenever extreme emotion took hold of Edward's consciousness, Michael would appear and keep him together. Of course, she still needs Michael's approval as a seal. But even then, she knew that what she did was the worst sin to Michael. If it was her, it would've been unbearable. Knowing that you were dead, trapped in this world, and no one would hear your voice.

Vanessa then asked, hesitantly, "Is there anything that you want to do?"

It was a stupid question, but she didn't want Michael to leave just like this. It felt unfair.

"I want to say goodbye, but I don't want to disturb his sleep," he replied while looking at Edward. "I wanted to finish Skyrim, but I think it would take too long, right?"

The two then laughed. If a goodbye was too painful, then why not laugh it off.

"I left him a message in the PC, if he ever lost his way again, just show it to him," said Michael.

Vanessa nodded, and then she waved her hands. A bit by bit, Michael's body started breaking into little butterflies. He closed his eyes, and said his last farewell, "See you on the next life, Edward. Let's befriend again the next time we meet."


The bright light shone on my face as I slowly lift my heavy eyelids. I tried to grab on the soft feeling that was supposed to be on my arm, but there was nothing there.

I could feel my puffy eyes, it felt annoying, but I just rubbed them and stretch my body. I want to sleep a bit more, but the sun ray was just too hot.

After a few minutes, I forced myself to get up and washed my face, and brushed my teeth in the bathroom.


I let out a dumb chuckle as I recalled what happened last night.


I slap my cheek and berated myself, 'No! She's your sister, not blood-related, but still!"

However, I couldn't help myself over getting excited about the prospect of dating Sherry. Aren't we a step closer to that level? Did I get out of the brotherzone?

Leaving that thought behind me, for now, I started to get ahold of myself. Today, we're going out. I haven't told Sherry yet, but Chris and Claire will come to pick us up to spend the day in the city.

I walked out of the bathroom while thinking about what we should do later. I mean, we only go to grab an ice cream, but there must be a follow-up activity after that. Should we watch movies? Or hang out at the park?

While still deep in thought, Sherry came in while bringing our breakfast. There was still some awkward tension between us, but I don't think it won't be a problem. I mean, we're almost on that level, right? THAT, level.

"Ahem, you know, instead of bringing the food here, you should've called me," I said, breaking the ice.

And then, Sherry's reply shattered my hope. She said, "It's fine, anything for my cute little brother."

The spoon in my hand fell to the floor. I could still hear the shattering sound of the spoon. Oh wait, nevermind, it's my heart.


I could see my soul flying out of my mouth while playing Eminem's song on a harp.

"Guess who's back

Back again

Shady's back

Tell a friend..."

A while later.

In the main lobby of the X-Mansion, I was laying on the couch while staring at the ceiling. Storm and Scott were busy handling the documents of the new students that were about to come next month. For example, Peter Rasputin, or mostly known as Colossus. There was also someone younger, Kitty Pride.

"What's wrong with him?" asked Storm.

"Don't ask me, he has been like that since this morning," replied Scott.

I could hear both of them but purposely ignoring it. I keep sighing loudly, annoying the two even more. The fact that I was back in the brotherzone and that both my aunt and uncle were coming over, interlapsed with each other, troubling me. As if liberating them from my torment, we could hear Sherry's voice calling me over.

"They arrived! Edward! Let's greet them." exclaimed Sherry excitedly. She then noticed Storm and Scott were in the same room with me. As I keep chanting 'I'm ready!', times after times, she awkwardly greets them, "Good afternoon, Mr. Scott. Good afternoon, Mr. Storm."

"Hello, miss Sherry. Unlike a certain someone, your manner is commendable." greeted Scott, harassing me.

"Hey! I heard that terminator!" I yelled, feeling offended. He keeps wearing sunglasses even when indoor, that's why I keep calling him terminator.

"Edward! Stop! You can't say that to our teacher." scolded Sherry. But I just ignored it and walked outside. My stomach was churning in pain. Damn it, I should have pooped before coming over.

I could then hear Sherry apologizing on my behalf, "I'm sorry, Mr. Scott. He didn't mean that."

"It's fine, Miss Sherry. You guys have fun today, don't think about anything." stepped Storm from the sideline, before Scott could say anything.

"Thank you, we'll keep that in mind. See you later." waved Sherry as he followed me outside.

Looking at us walking away, Scott couldn't help but say, "These two are polar opposite with each other. I can't imagine them getting together."

Storm chuckled, agreeing to it, but she added, "Isn't that why they're attracted to each other. Just like the two poles on a magnet."

I couldn't hear what they were talking about, but I'm sure they were busy trash talking about me. It's to be expected, I never regard them as my teacher and simply called them by name. It's not that I'm being rude or anything, we're close enough to not feel offended at the insult we shared.

As I stepped outside the double doors, a car could be seen approaching from the main gate. My heart keep was disorderly, feeling jittery at the thought of finally meeting them.

As if knowing the nervousness in my heart, Sherry suddenly held my hand. I glanced at her and she replied with a bright smile and small nod.

'It's okay. Everything will be fine.'

That was what she was conveying, and I could hear it. I faced forward again, upright and confident. I muttered, "I'm ready!"

As the car stopped before us, I could see their silhouette. Every second felt like a year. I didn't know if it was my imagination playing with me or what. But the moment the two opened the car's doors together and walked out, it was the longest second that I ever felt.

I looked at them, Chris was a bit more buffy. He had clean-cut hair and shaved beard. He wore a blue-sleeved shirt and black pants. Using Radar Sense, I could see the scars hidden beneath his clothes. It must be from fighting against the remnants of the Umbrella.

Although worried, I knew he was strong enough to fight literally anything. It must be noted that this man once able to punch a huge boulder with his bare hands, while being a normal human.

And then, my eyes moved to the other side. There she stood, the woman that resembled mother the most. The woman that I keep hiding from because I was ashamed of what I had become. She wore a white T with puffy beige pants. A small handbag was strapped on her right shoulder. It's Claire.

As our eyes met, I unconsciously stepped back. I'm not ready.

However, Claire, as if knowing what I'm going to do next, ran and embraced me. She thought that I would run away again from her. She didn't let me go.

I could smell her perfume, it was still the same as before. Now I know how much I missed her.

I answered her by hugging her back.

"I miss you..."

Claire couldn't hold her feelings, she also missed me as much as I missed her, maybe even more. Chris then came over and wrapped his arms around us. We shared our sadness and happiness in that single moment. There was no need for words.

Looking over, I saw Sherry watching from the sidelines. Releasing my embrace, I walked to her and grabbed her hand, pulling her. Having an idea of what I was doing, Claire and Chris shared a glance before nodding to each other. With both of us in the middle, we all formed a ball as we wrapped our arms around each other. It was the happiest moment I felt in a while.


We spent the day together, roaming the city. We watched movies, playing at the park, watching an on-going carnival, shopping, making memories. We did everything that we hadn't done for a long time.

It was fun. It really was. We end the day by ordering ice creams at the shop that Claire recently found. After she graduated three months ago, she spent her free time looking for a good hanging spot. That was why we started calling her the human map. She knew every spot we didn't know exist.

"So what are you planning to do later?" I asked Claire.

She hadn't had a job yet, which worries me. In the game, she would join an NGO organization, Terrasave, which offered aid to victims of bioterrorism. To be honest, I don't want her to get involved in any future events of the game. I don't care what if it would implicate the future, no matter how messed it would be.

Among the four of us, she was the weakest and most vulnerable family member. Although Sherry was still young, I'm confident that her power would easily dominate anyone in the future.

But I can't say anything if she already put her mind to it. I have to respect her decision. It seems I need to ask fury to put an eye on that organization.

While sharing our past experiences and stories, suddenly, the beeper that Fury gave me before splitting up, rang loudly. It was not just me, Chris's phone also rang as an unknown number was calling him. He walked away to accept the phone call while I secretly contacted Nick through the store's phone.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"I need you to fly now. We have a problem. I'll pick you up." replied Nick, shortly. It wasn't long until I heard a helicopter coming closer. It landed in the middle of the road, jamming the traffic. I wonder what made him so impatient.


8.30 PM, Akropolis Tower, Los Angeles.

It was the grand opening day for the grandiose shopping mall. Everyone was excited and it was a merry night. The Tower had shopping centers, a chapel, a park, Museum, everything you can think about.

And the one that was delivering the opening speech was a young man with sunglasses. There was a tinge of red around his neck and cheek, a prove that he consumed alcohol before coming over and delivering the speech. However, no one wanted to irk him or commented on his rude behavior. They just let him do whatever he wants.

What can they do? Compared to the status of that man, they were just mere leech, trying to survive by complimenting whoever it is that came to mind.

He's the infamous playboy and multi-millionaire CEO of Stark Industries, Tony Stark. While being bashed with glamour and clamor, he cut down the ribbon and ended the speech.

Unbeknownst to him and everyone attending, something odd was transcending in the background.

The animals in the park were evolving at a much visible rate, becoming the most carnivorous creature. Their cells multiplied, their flesh bulging out, their bones shattered and formed a new shape. As the transformation was completed, they started eyeing their prey. The fresh and healthy human flesh.

NightHowl NightHowl

You might noticed it, but there's a transition from 3rdPOV, to 1stPOV. Both are great, but this is only to show that Edward finally returns to his past self.

Anyway, the next chapter is a start to a new arch.

Thank you for your interest on this novel, see you in the next chapter.!!!

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