I woke up to notice that I was still laying on the cold hard floor of the living room. This was a clear sing that they had left as soon as they had the pries. Otherwise, they would have noticed how the illusion faded when I was unconscious.
I gridded my teeth. These holy items are really a pain. I hoped that there maybe was a way to work around it, but I could not think of anything at the moment. Maybe the dwarf would know.
I walked out of the house.
I was furious. These humans had knocked me out and took someone who would help a stranger for no reason other than good will.
The priest really had been helpful to me. letting me know more about the situation of the village. I was already starting to consider if I should mess his memory up so that I could bring him to the stone city where he would be safe. But those humans busted in and stood between that.
I flew up and headed to the village. when I circled above it, once again I was engulfed by rage.
The priest who had tried to help them, who had shed tears for them, who had still believed that it wasn't their fault that they ended up like this, was pinned on a wooden pillar. Blood dripped from the palms of his hands that had thick metal nails in them.
He cried, but not for his own pain. He cried for them.
The pilar of wood that his feet rested on was already on fire. The stench of burning meat filled my nostrils as the flames swallowed him up.
Eventually the pillar fell. It was like there was no sound because of the ash.
I was too late.
I roared. A blood curdling sound that made the faces of all that just stood there and watched the poor man die, turn white.
I made a river of fire surround the village, so no one could escape. ("It won't hinder the stone city if no one lives to tell the tale!")
Screams of men and women alike filled the cold air. I did not care for these humans. none of them where innocent since the moment they set the first one on fire without anyone trying to stop this madness.
Almost all of their souls had already started to rot from both the inside and the outside. Another sing of how corrupted they were.
They had chosen to ignore the begs from their loved ones to live, just like they had chosen to ignore my warning.
They all deserved to die.
The snow on the streets that was once pure, and white had now turned into a half melted brownish pulp once I was finished whit the slaughtering of the village.
I walked over the empty streets filled with corpses and ash. The flames were starting to die down as I made my way to the small church. It was completely made out of stone and was separated from the other buildings, so it did not burn down.
As I approached the church, I noticed that it was empty. Yes, I could tell that the priest was there, but there was nothing keeping me out. ("So, the gods really did leave this place?")
Something didn't really add up. If the god of chaos didn't notice what is going on in the worlds, why did that god also leave this place? and if the god of order knew about how the demons were infiltrating the worlds why didn't that one do something about it other than bless some items? Why aren't the angels of time and space interfering? Is it that the gods simply can't interfere, or do they want to know if we are worthy enough before they do something about it?
("Maybe if I go to a different world again, I can check if the situation is the same there. But I need to go back to the stone city first.")
I opened the giant door of the church and walked in.
The entire hall would be too dark for humans to see. Except for the altar where the priest was looking through some paper with the help of candlelight.
When the door slammed shut, he looked up.
"Who is there? Don't you know that the church is closed at this hour?"
I laughed. "If you can call this a church! It is empty."
"How dare you insult this church! Watch your tongue before you end up in the fire!" the priest yelled.
"Do you really have a say in who gets burned in this village?" I asked in a playful tone that did not fit the subject.
"Of course, I do. I was chosen by the gods themselves! I am…"
Suddenly he stopped talking. He noticed how my eyes were glowing and that humans usually don't have glowing eyes. Slowly he stepped away from the altar as I came closer and closer.
I smirked when I saw his reaction. "Chosen by the gods? Don't make me laugh… more. How can someone like you be chosen? Greed, pride and now I get to see you, also gluttony. And those are only the sins I can point out from merely a few seconds of interaction."
"Y-You are lying. I have fate in the gods. Everyone's situation, everyone's sins, are all because of your trickery! Now leave the house of the gods, demon!"
Right now, I stood only an arm's length from the priest, slightly illuminated by the candles.
"You fool. The corruption of your soul finds its origin at the core, it is all your own doing. Not trickery, not any intervention from an outside source. It is all on you. Besides this is the first time I ever set foot in this village."
The priest grabbed a cross from the altar and held it in front of him.
"In the name of order and chaos I banish you from this holy place as I banish you from this realm."
He walked backwards with a face as white as a ghost. Yet nothing happened.
I circled around the priest, my claws tapping on the cold, stone floor with every step I took.
"When I walked in here, didn't I tell you that this place is empty? There are no gods here and that cross is merely a piece of metal."
"What do you want demon?!" the priest jelled. I could tell that he was nearly falling into despair.
I brought my face close to his when I spoke in a deep tone.
"Nothing much. I just happened to be passing by and a few people of your village decided to bother me. after I played with them, I let the survivors off with a warning and just minded my own business. But now, not only did they ignore my warning, but they also decided to be annoying again. so, I thought, why not burn those who burned so many others? And you are the only one left."
His eyes grew wide. "y-you did what?"
I grinned to show off my sharp fangs.
"Now, I would like to thank you. I couldn't have done this without you. Because if you weren't as foolish, selfish, and ignorant, maybe the holy items would still, you know, be holy! And I wouldn't have had the freedom to set this whole village on fire. Now face my gratitude."
My claws sunk deep into his stomach and basically destroyed any organ that stood in my way.
The life faded from the eyes of the priest as his blood turned the floor into a red mirror.
I,m sorry but, I won’t be able to release new chapters for a few days