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16% Crash Into Hello / Chapter 8: CHAPTER 8

Chapitre 8: CHAPTER 8

Dark purple welts marred my skin. They weren't grosteque but the wrist nevertheless hurt. A single touch or grasp to it stung. I knew I was lucky to have my bones unbroken. Then, what would I do?

I shuddered as memories shuffled through my brain like black jack deck, echoes of what happened back in the cafeteria jarring my mind. It felt as though the hard clench of his brutal grip clamped around my wrist had knocked off every wisp of air from my lungs as I stood unbalanced struggling to breathe, fighting to inhale and exhale, to do just anything.

That is how I feel now, trying to breathe, unable to speak, totally stunned as his cold ice green eyes bounced around in my skull. They were feral, cryptic, like a beast who had just been unleashed from a bad, dark and out to attack and rain hell on whosoever was so unfortunate to cross its path. If I'm so sure of anything is the fact that the image of his stone cold orbs would never depart my mind, but take a front row seat instead with an unobstructed view.

I sighed and pulled the sleeves of my shirt down, locking my eyes with the mirror. They were red and swollen, cheeks sticky with already dried up tears. I had woken up with a hard thump to the head. My head throbbed, like a toothache in my brain. The pain felt like as though someone had unmercilessly jabbed a knife through my skull.

I grimaced, turning the tap head to the side as water came rushing down. They gushed impatiently into my waiting palms and splashed around my face. I repeated the process a few more times before calling it quits.

"Keegan trooped in here a couple of times you know, to check on you." At the sound of an unexpected voice, I twirled around, my eyes travelling through the wide open bathroom door, stalling on Lana by the edge of the bed. She wasn't present when I roused but these few days I've had to know her had told me she wasn't one to live her life solely in one vicinity. She was always out and on the move.

My eyes widened, lips parted as I registered the message. At the mention of his name, a tingling sensation ensued in my fingers, my heart raced as unbidden butterflies trooped into my stomach.

He was here. To see me?

I couldn't shake off the thought from my head. The underlying meaning behind those words she uttered. Does she even know?

"And this brunette girl. Ugh..I don't know her name but she was here too." She shrugged.

Unclear of what to say, I could only give a meaningless, "Oh."

On her lap sat a box of pizza hut. The dainty meaty smell of bacon, the gooey smell of cheese and the zesty smell of pepperoni. My nose happened to be the the first who caught whiff of it. It could tell how the cheese was going to be just from the smell. The aroma was appealing. On sight, my stomach growled hungrily so I changed my stance to silence the rumbling. I was as hungry as a bear in spring. I glanced at the only clock in the room. 2:45am.

Out of the blue, something hit me. I cleared my throat, the gnawing question tumbling off my lips.

"How long was I out for?" She peeked up from the pizza slice that had momentarily seized her attention and at me, her cheeks inflated with the highly immersed caloric food.

"For a long time girl." She chewed, her words lacking coherence. "I swear I thought you were dead. I had to check your pulse every now and then. Here." She pushed the box my way. "Have some. Your stomach wouldn't stop growling."

I trotted closer, taking the space beside her. Smiling, I said, "Thanks."

She shrugged once more, a comfortable silence falling in. One that was mind satisfying and comforting. One that didn't at all need to be drowned out with unnecessary words and speeches.

A large disc of dough, covered with tomato paste, pieces of mozzarella cheese, thin pepperoni slices and vegetable condiments sat in between us. Carefully, I detached a piece and bit into it. It melted into my mouth at an instant, my taste buds erupting into flames of fire. It was chewy and crisp with the pepperoni and cheese.

The silence dragged on as we just drank some carton juice and munched on slices of sweet, spicy pizza. I should have been in my second portion when Lana's voice disrupted the quietude. Her question threw me off guard for a moment. My mind short-circuting and mouth motions stalling.

"What happened?" She popped the cap on the bottled water and tipped her head back.

My brows arched, doused in confusion, "With what?"

She clarified, "At the cafe."

Recognization dawned on me. I shrugged. The small movement reminding me of the throbbing ache my arm. It wasn't gone yet I realized.

I breathed, "I don't know. One minute, I was arriving from mass and the other, my wrist was threatening to snap courtesy of this guy covered in black ink. I don't even know him and he just...." His cold angry stare that had somehow managed to sink down into the bottom of my mind resurfaced. I screwed my eyes closed and when I released them once again, I found her staring straight at me. By this time, she had stopped eating, the pizza box totally abandoned.

"You mean Dario?"

"What? I...I don't know what-what he's even called but he was with Keegan, you know. He just...."

Her brows crashed, "You were with my brother?"

"Yeah, I came across him back at the cafe and that guy....he..." I shook my head, releasing a shaky breathe. "He hurt me badly, Lana. I've never been in a situation like that before. I have never had to be at the receiving end of that kind of...." I breathed out, blinking rapidly, hoping to soothe the burning sting in my eyes. "Can I ask you something?"

She nodded.

"Can we just...eat and not talk about him? Please?"

A slight twinge of sympathy and ruth crossed her facial features. I breathed out, losing my appetite entirely, eyes falling but I realized soon that was a mistake as an unbidden tear leaked from my eyes and another and another. At a stroke, I wiped them off, shooting up from the sheets. I scanned the room in a quick search of my phone, spotting the small black device resting slantly by the edge of the bed.

Reaching over, I laid hold of it. The screen was broken in all places, brutally shattered, the lights out. I stabbed my finger on the power button but it declined my proposal.

Turning back to my companion, her gaze was already pinned on me, her lips twitching, itching with questions I knew she still wanted to ask but I wasn't in the right frame of mind to entertain them. Sadly. I was still in some state of shock. A sudden disorientation from what I've come to know. From what I'm been used to.

"You happen to know anyone who has a clue how to fix broken mobile phones?"

She shrugged. I noticed she did that a lot.

"No...well none that I know of but if you need one, you can be sure to ask Keegan. He's quite skilled with stuffs in the line of that."

Again, the heart fluttering, mind stalling, butterflies intrusion didn't fail to make themselves known at the mere sound of that name.

I let out a shaky breath and made a mental note to ask him but at the moment, I needed air. I was desperate for air. It felt like I was under water and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't successfully duck my head out and take a deep lasting gasp of air. Like my lungs were failing in on me. I needed to get out of here.

I hugged into a thick black hoodie over the light camisole covering my upper body. Trailing the direction to the door, the knob fisted in my palm. I was soon preparing to cross over the threshold but...

"Genesis." I stalled, slowly turning to look at her.

"Where are you going? It's quite late, you know." Once again, I turned to glance at the time telling machine affixed on the wall. 3:35am stared back at me.

I knew like any other sensible human who was aware of the importance of the body's need for adequate consumption of sleep and rest, I should be getting my head down but,

"I need some air."

"You're sure you're okay?" My lips pursed, brows crashing together. With our eyes hooked, I didn't miss the way hers twinkled concern.

As blank and emotionless as I could, I said, "Yes."

I proceeded to leave again but just like the last time, her voice stopped me.

She stood up from where she was seated and crossed the room, halting in front of me. Her hands reached out and clasped over mine. I glanced at it and back at her. Confusion striking me, I let her take the wheels instead.

"I'm just going to tell you this and hope it stays with you. Dario is not a good guy, Genesis. He is bad news. Very bad news and everyone here can attest to that fact. As your friend and one who is worried for you, I would advice you stay away from him. Far away from him. He's messed up and I'm sure you just witnessed a snippet of the havoc and destruction he could cause back at the cafe and even I would admit that that's nothing compared to what's he's fully capable of. He could wreck your world and be void of any sliver of empathy or remorse even without lifting as little as a finger. He's bad news, Genesis. Run away from him while you still can. Do you understand?"

She gazed at me, boring her eyes into mine, trying to get her words to sink. I didn't blink either and kept the contact strong but still harboured a neutral expression on my face. Till air leaked out from her lips, her attention diverting and returning back to me, once again, I let her take the wheels, "I just wanna look out for you, okay?"

I offered her a tight-lipped smile and took a step back, closing the door softly as a cold shiver washed over me.

The halls were empty, not a single soul lurked. Given the busy halls I have come to know, I wasn't surprised at the lack of souls absent. I guess the facts that classes were commencing hours from now and the ungodly hour pinching at the time were enough to keep students locked and asleep in their respective dorms.

You could be asking why I was out if I was aware of this but I myself had no clue. If my mum got wind of this, she would surely throw a fit and have me enrolled into the local college back at home instead without the inclusion of a dorm just to have her eyes hooked on me twenty-four seven. Even now that I haven't thrown a call over to them, they would be no doubt be in utter distress over it. I've got a whole lot of explaining to do.

The night was cold. The temperature far too low as a crisp wind weaved through the buildings. I quivered and tugged my hood tighter around my body, snucking my fingers into the pockets, trying to keep the feeling in the tips.

I let my legs lead the way and my thoughts caress my mind. They were twisting and turning, suffocating me with their low chatters and whispers. Swivelling, hovering around a certain rude and arrogant boy battered with ink and unnecessary piercings. Floating, levitating on every sides of a pair of angry green eyes, flaring nose and clenching fists clamped around a stone cold demeanour.

His states had no greyscale. The polar extremes only existed. I knew his burning hard stare would only last for as long as he could think of the most brutal way he could use to tear me down with. And while I still had all bones intact, my thoughts and mind were stolen away.

No matter how hard I tried to shake off what Lana spilled, her words kept creeping back in, pushing everything else out of its way, occupying a dormant position. I shook my head violently, pounding it again and again again but my thoughts would not dislodge themselves. Instead, they got comfortable, tipping their chairs back while sipping from a bottle of expensive red wine and mocking me defiantly.

I hated that I cried. I hated that I let the dam break in front of him. I hated that I appeared so weak and fragile and easy to break. I hated that I succumed to his bedevilling intimidation and plaguing mien. Instead, I unsheathed, stripped, bared myself in front of him. I could have stood my ground, tipped my chin and squared my shoulders. I could have played tough and displayed some level of bruteness to match his own savagery but I couldn't pretend to be what I am not.

Till I felt granite under my feet did I stumble out of my reverie. I halted, brows crashing and took a quick survey around. Instant confusion lanced through me, my thoughts short circuiting, disorientating me completely.

Upon the primrose sand, the hue as gentle on the eye as a vintage photograph, there was a steady warmth from the grains. Already, the stars glowed as though they had kept a pocket of the daytime to shine all through the night time.

A frisson of pure excitement surged through my veins as I ran forward, forming a trail of flip-flops on the sand. With every step, the sand shifted. With every motion forward, there was some backward.

I halted at the shore, whispering into the breeze. My eyelids fluttered closed as I took in the briny aroma, breathing deeply of ocean carried air, listening to the percussion of waves that had been my lullaby since before I was a consciousness enclosed in human form.

I loved the beach. It was my go-to place. While some people loved their fancy coffee with cream and sugar, I dwelled more in the seaside because I could walk for miles. I could hear the waves lapping on the shoreline, seagulls in the distance, the wind blowing away lightly and the sun shinning down on me. I could sit on the beach and think things through without having the pressure of the world pressing down on me like a city or office building. I could do this and that. And yes, I could swim.

Oh Lord.

I could swim.

It's been ages. Books and books and my concrete desire to get into Oklahoma had taken a lot from me and stripped me of the things I loved to do best.

The vicinity of the beach was tranquil. All was quiet except for the crashing waves. I didn't need to do much looking around to realize that I was the only one lurking. Without further ado, I began to strip. Oh yes, to strip. Unclad all the way to my undergarments and before I could drop my last bit of clothing, I was already diving in.

The water was cold, probably around 16°c. It moved around my limbs in swirls, creating a buoyancy and sense of freedom. For me, to swim was to feel joy, to move in such three dimensional space is close to a happiness a bird feels to fly. When I swim, it is the swirls of cool water that teaches me where I am in this world, that gives me a proper sense of direction.

Give me tranquil waters or disturbing oceans, any which way and I will swim as long as this body has strength and this brain has the power to go on.

I must have been in the water for so long because I noticed the way light distributed itself over the water, the thinness of the clouds over the sun, how everything suddenly tinted yellow. It bathed the ocean's meek waves and the wispy clouds in a burning lustrous gold.

My spirit soared at the sight as I was transported into a timeless existence, the image so astounding. The fiery, golden orb rose up from the horizon spreading its magnificent rays of light everywhere. The darkness of the night lost once again and parted away like a defeated king giving up his throne.

I would have lingered longer to witness more of nature's incredible beauty if it hadn't been for the white patch of light in a stark contrast to the golden colour of the sun over the horizon filtering through my peripherals. Immediately, I succumbed to the dawning realization.

I wasn't alone anymore.

It was time to go.

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Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

Chapitres de déverrouillage par lots

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