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76% One Piece: Price of Freedom / Chapter 19: Fishman Island

Chapitre 19: Fishman Island

The crew sat down on the deck and started talking about what happened to them in the 2 years, everybody looked at Thirteen and waited for him to talk. Thirteen said "It's my turn already?" they nodded and Thirteen sighed "Well first off, I was sent to Zou..." he pointed to both his eyes and started explaining what happened to Nightmare, then he started talking about his training but left out everything about Carrot. He pulled out a picture and gave it to Chopper while grinning, Chopper took the picture and passed out with a nosebleed as Thirteen burst out laughing.

The rest of the crew looked at the picture and saw a deer woman, Sanji said "Do they all look like that?" Thirteen pointed at himself and chuckled, Sanji had an awkward face and Thirteen said "The woman have more human like appearances and the men are more bestial. Their fur is extremely soft, but the worst things are that they don't eat meat on Zou.. I haven't had any for 2 years." Luffy almost collapsed and said "Then what do they eat?!"

Thirteen said "Vegetables." Luffy fainted and Thirteen said to Sanji "If you go there one day, do not say 'Garchu' no matter what." he shivered and the crew was confused and Nami said "Why not?" Thirteen said "So many people... Garchu is like hello and goodbye but every time the Minks greet each other they nuzzle them.." he held his shoulders and said "Every day.." the crew dead panned and Nami snapped "THEY'RE JUST FRIENDLY!" Sanji said "Do you have any other pictures?"

Thirteen showed them pictures of more Minks, Robin said "Why do you only have women Minks?" Thirteen started to sweat and Sanji had a nosebleed looking at all the woman, he passed out next to Chopper and Luffy. Robin looked at Thirteen suspiciously and he said "They're not all women Minks. Look!" he showed them a picture of him beating up a goat Mink. The rest sighed and the ship continued on it's way to Fishman Island.

A while later

Everyone was awake and arrived in front of a huge bubble when a Fishman stopped them and said "Stop!" the crew looked at him and he said "My name is Hammond in a dagge-" Thirteen stopped him and said "Is this fishman island?" Hammond nodded and said "Yes and i'm a dagg-" Luffy said "Let's go!" and the ship moved forward, Hammond snapped "Stop damn humans! You're not allowed to go to the island!" Luffy frowned and said "Why not?" Hammond sneered and said "Humans aren't allowed! Either join the new fishman pirates or die!"

Thirteen said "We aren't fishmen though." the rest of the crew nodded and Luffy said "Are you an idiot?" Hammond choked and said "YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A FISHMAN TO JOIN!" Thirteen said "They why is it called the 'fishman' pirates, shouldn't it be the fishman and human pirates?" the rest of the crew nodded and Luffy said "You're an idiot." Hammond was about to smash his head into a wall as he said "Just join or die." Luffy said "Well were not joining." Thirteen scratched his head and said "Do we get to choose how we die?" Nami smacked him and Franky said "Secret weapon! Coup de Burst!" and the Sunny blasted away, right into whirlpools.

The crew got separated and flew off in different directions as the Sunny was carried off away from them, Thirteen flew into fishman island and crashed into a building, landing on something soft. He got up and held his head as he said "I hate this place already.." he stood up and looked around before mumbling "Where am I?" the lights turned on and a giant mermaid squealed "Who are you!"

Thirteen looked down and saw that he was standing on a giant mermaid's breasts, he said "That's strange.." he turned around and saw her face, he walked over to her shoulder and said "Why are you so big?" the mermaid cried and said "What?" Thirteen said "Why are you crying?" she said "You're scary!" Thirteen said "I am? But I have a tail and ears! Look!" he waved his tail behind him and twitched his ears, the mermaid held back her tears and said "Can I touch it?" Thirteen said "I guess so." his tail moved in front of her face as she poked it and said "Soft! My name is Shirahoshi! What's yours?" Thirteen said "Thirteen, nice to meet you Shirahoshi!" she picked him up and put him on her head.

Thirteen sat on her head and said "So this is what it feels like.." suddenly the door burst open and a bunch of fishmen and mermen came into the room and said "Princess is everything okay?!" Shirahoshi nodded and one of the guards said "Who's that on top of you?!" Thirteen waved and said "Hey." the guards and said "You damned human! You were trying to kill the princess!" Thirteen said "I was?" the guards nodded and Shirahoshi said "He wasn't!" Thirteen said "I guess I wasn't." the guards were confused and a merman with blue hair said "State your purpose!"

Thirteen said "I kinda crashed into the room. A guy named Hammond said we either join the new fishman pirates or die then we fell into a whirlpool and got separated. You guys aren't very good hosts." he shook his head and the blue haired merman said "Who are you?" Thirteen said "Thirteen, who are you?" The blue haired merman said "Fukaboshi." Thirteen said "Nice to meet yo-" he twinkled his hands and caught an axe flying at him with one hand.

He threw it back and continued "Nice to meet you, though you guys are pretty rude." Fukaboshi sighed and said "It's not us. It's those damned New fishman pirates! They're trying to make everyone hate humans." Thirteen said "Sounds like a problem. Why don't you just kill them?" Fukaboshi said "We can't, they have some sort of drug that increases their strength." Thirteen rubbed his chin and said "Drugs huh?" Fukaboshi said "They're called energy steroids. Anyways you came to get to the new world?"

Thirteen said "It's the only way isn't it?" Fukaboshi nodded and said "Come with me." Thirteen hopped down and followed Fukaboshi, Shirahoshi said "Bye!" Thirteen smiled and waved as he left.

A while later

Thirteen was sitting in the banquet room devouring all the meat on the table like a wild animal, Zoro said "Can you relax?" Thirteen said "Luffy's not here, I suggest you eat before he gets here or else there wont be anything left." Zoro's eye widened and he started eating quickly as well. Nami sighed and said "You're both idiots." Suddenly the palace doors busted open and revealed a group of fishmen. Fukaboshi said "Hody! Vander Decken! What are you doing here?!"

Hody said "We're here to take over the Kingdom! You have humans here right now! You're unsuited to rule! Neptune said "What?!" Hody said "After I take care of these humans, it will be your turn!" Thirteen and Zoro looked at each other and burst out laughing.

Hody frowned and said "What's so funny?!" Zoro pointed at Thirteen and said "He is probably the most dangerous person in Paradise and I'm the second." Nami said "What about Luffy?" Thirteen said "I've never seen him kill anybody. I don't usually let my prey live.." he chuckled and licked his lips before turning to Fukaboshi and saying "Can you eat fishmen?" Fukaboshi frowned and thought about it before saying "I don't know. Nobody's ever asked that before." Neptune said "You can. They don't taste good though." everybody looked at him and he scratched his head and said "It was a long time ago-jamon"

Thirteen decided to forget about that little bit of cannibalism and looked towards Hody and said "Whoever gets the most wins!" before disappearing and punching Hody in the face, sending him flying through the group. Zoro cursed and shot forwards, sending a slash at Vander Decken, cutting him in half before going towards the rest of the group.

Thirteen appeared above Hody and plunged his arm right through his chest, killing him before he went after the rest of the group and punching them with electro, burning them as a cooked fish smell started spreading throughout the banquet hall.

A few minutes later

Thirteen and Zoro we standing in a pile of corpses and Zoro looked around and said "57" Thirteen counted and grinned "62" Zoro snapped "It wasn't fair! You started before I did!" Thirteen scoffed and said "Just admit you lost." Zoro turned his swords black and charged at Thirteen, who chuckled and turned his fists black as he punched at Zoro. The duo started fighting and Nami snapped "WHAT ARE YOU FIGHTING FOR NOW?!"

The fishmen and mermen were shocked, Fukaboshi gulped and said "Well I guess Hody's not a problem anymore.." Neptune laughed happily and said "Vander Decken is dead! Shirahoshi cane leave her room now!" Fukaboshi cheered and said "That's right! I'll go tell her the news!" Neptune ordered the rest of the guards to find the rest of the crew and throw a celebration in their honor.

A while later

The whole crew was back together and partying in the plaza with the rest of the fishmen, the royal guards captured the rest of the new fishman pirates and locked them up, Neptune released the news of Hody's revolution and what he had heard from Megalo, apparently Megalo saw Hody kill Queen Otohime and blame it on humans so that the rest of the fishmen would hate humans. Neptune executed all the fishmen in the pirate crew and declared the crew heroes much to Luffy protest.

The next morning

Thirteen was walking around with Robin and stopping at every clothing store, he must've had at least 20 bags full of clothes as he complained "Robin, where are we going to put all these?" Robin said "If you haven't noticed, I had gotten bigger in certain areas and plus our closet is empty, except for your clothes." Thirteen grinned and said "Actually I did notice." he moved closer and bit on her ear as he whispered "It would be better if I saw without anything covering you up though.."

Robin's face turned red as she said "Someone got better at flirting when I wasn't around didn't they?" Thirteen blew softly into her ear and said "Of course. With a wife as beautiful as you, if I didn't wouldn't I lose you?" Robin giggled and said "Who knows.." Thirteen chuckled and kissed her cheek as he said "Are we done yet?" Robin wrapped her arm around his and said "Nope." as she giggled and Thirteen groaned, she whispered in his ear and said "Though i'm soaked now, thanks for that." Thirteen gulped and said "I can fix that." Robin rolled her eyes and dragged him through the streets.

The duo came across Luffy yelling on a snail and Thirteen saw a Mink, he was surprised and walked over and said "Who are you?" The Mink turned and saw Thirteen and said "Pekoms. You're the Half-Mink?" Thirteen nodded and said "That's right. Are you from Zou?" Pekoms smiled and nodded as he said "I am! My parents both still live there. I'm on Bigmom's crew, you?" Thirteen said "My father was a Mink and I spent the last two years on Zou. I'm sure you know what happened to me so I won't explain it." Pekoms sighed and said "Yeah I know. Those damn bastards think we're animals!"

Thirteen chuckled and said "Good news is, I didn't see another Mink while I was captured." Pekoms said "Good. I-" they were interrupted by Luffy saying "Wait for me! I'm gonna kick your ass all over the New World and make fishman Island my territory!" before hanging up the snail. Pekoms paled and said "You know you just said that to an emperor?!" Luffy said "Yeah. So what?" Thirteen burst out laughing and said "Nice! So we're fighting Bigmom now?" Luffy grinned and nodded.

Thirteen gave him a thumbs up and Robin smacked him saying "What are you so happy about?" Thirteen said "I get to fight strong people! I only fought 62 weaklings here, i'm bored." Robin sighed and said "I can't believe you..." Thirteen chuckled and Robin dragged him away before he said something even more crazy.

A while later

Thirteen was putting Robin's clothes away in their room as she walked inside. He turned to her and said "Hey pretty lady." Robin rolled her eyes and said "Come outside we're leaving." Thirteen pulled her close to him and put her hair behind her ears as he said "Do we have to go outside?" Robin smiled and said "Well.. We don't HAVE to.." Thirteen kissed her lips softly and whispered "It's been two years.." Robin squeezed her legs together and said "I was waiting for you for so long.." Thirteen closed the door and picked her up before bringing her to the bed. Soon enough moans echoed throughout the room as the ship sailed away from Fishman Island.

Little did the crew know that news of their return was circulating throughout the world at this very moment, as well as a new bounty for a certain Half-Mink.

On Marineford

Garp was sitting in his office and read the newspaper before laughing and saying "That kid's gonna love this! Bwahahahaha"

On a small boat

Aokiji was sitting down reading the newspaper in normal clothes, he quit the marines because of the warped sense of justice they had towards everything. Akainu becoming Fleet admiral didn't help, he was the worst out of all of them. He read the newspaper and chuckled "So Kizaru got his ass kicked, at least it's good news to me."

On Cocoyasi Island

Carla was sitting on a chair outside Nojiko's house, she had bags under her eyes and she was much skinnier. Nojiko walked outside and sighed "Carla, you need to eat. I know you're upset but you don't know if he's dead yet. What if he comes here and sees you like this?" Carla was silent and just stared off into space. Nojiko sighed and a newsgull landed in front of the two with a giant box, another one dropped off a newspaper and flew off.

Rex said "Hey! Long time no see! What's wrong Carla?" Carla turned to him and said "What's that?" Rex said "Your package of course! I got 10 million to deliver it this time. Let me tell you it wasn't easy! I had to fly half way across the world! It took me months to get this to you, when I see Thirteen again i'll have to put a limit on the size of packages." Carla grabbed him and said "HE'S ALIVE?!" Rex nodded and said "Of course, who else would send you a package?" Carla cheered and cried as she collapsed to the ground.

Nojiko said "Go inside and shower, we'll eat then you can open the box." Carla ran into her house to clean herself up. Nojiko sighed and Rex said "She thought he was dead? Last time I saw him he gave me an extremely strong feeling." he shivered remembering it, Nojiko said "Where was he?" Rex said "Being the super NewsGull that I am, I have to travel around the world. He was on a moving island named Zou, it's an island of Minks. I was shocked to see him there myself!" Nojiko said "He better have been. She hasn't eaten or slept much in 2 years!" Rex shivered and said "Yeah.. I'll tell him."

A while later

Carla walked back outside, her hair was longer than before and wasn't in braids anymore, but flowed down her back like a waterfall. She had a bit of hair that fell from the right side of her face to her chest, she was extremely beautiful. She wore a belly shirt and her short short-overalls, she was taller now and her shorts showcased her long white legs, she had sandals on revealing her perfect feet.

Nojiko said "Much better. I think he'll faint if he sees you now." Carla smiled brightly and said "I hope so! I haven't seen that bastard in years!" Rex squaked and said "Beautiful! Just like the guy who made my collar's wife!" a gust of wind blew him over. The two girls ignored the end of that and Carla said "Thanks Rex!" Rex got up and pecked at the box before saying "You gonna open this or what?" Nojiko grabbed the newspaper and read it as Carla opened the box.

Nojiko and Carla screamed "WHAT?!" at the same time and looked at each other. Nojiko said "Read this after." she turned the newspaper around and a poster fell out. Carla picked up the poster and fainted with a red face a swirling heart eyes, Nojiko sighed and picked up the bounty poster before saying "Oh wow."

'White Tiger' Silvers D. Thirteen 1,250,000,000

The picture was of Thirteen on Sabaody, he had a big smile on his face and his eyes were dual colored. His tail and ears were visible and his brand had been replace with a carrot, you could see all his muscles. Nojiko put the poster down and let out a breath saying "I really can't blame her..." Carla got up and said "What did you just say about my husband?!" Nojiko said "He's attractive." Carla held her face and blushed "I know..." Nojiko rubbed her forehead and giggled before smacking Carla and saying "What's in the box?"

Carla put the bounty poster in her pocket before going to the box and saying "We should bring this to my house." as she waved her arm and a giant white tiger appeared, she rubbed it's snout and said "Help me bring the box home." the tiger growled and picked up the box before walking to Carla's home with the girls on it's back and Rex on Carla's head.

They got inside her house and Carla pulled the tiger back onto her skin before opening the box again and pulling out a whole bunch of clothes, they all had at least a tiger paw print on it, or a small white tiger. Carla was amazed and kept pulling out clothes one after the other, Nojiko said "He sent you all of these?!" Carla gushed and said "I love him! He knows exactly what I like!" there were short t-shirts and short shorts some warmer clothes and a few dresses. She hugged them all and rolled around happily. Nojiko looked inside the box and saw another smaller box, she pulled it out and gave it to Carla saying "There's something else."

Carla opened the box and saw a letter inside, hiding whatever was under it. She picked up the letter and gasped, she almost dropped the box and stared at the contents in a daze. Nojiko walked over and looked before gasping herself, Carla said "It's beautiful..." it was a white diamond in the shape of a tiger on a gold necklace, she picked it up and looked at Nojiko with her mouth wide open, unable to even speak, Nojiko pouted and said "He never gets me anything.. I introduced you to him."

Carla held out the necklace and pointed to her neck, still shocked. Nojiko sighed and put the necklace around her neck, Carla looked in a mirror and gasped again, Nojiko said "It looks good on you! I wish Nami sent me something once in a while.." Carla opened the letter saying "Maybe one day." before giggling at Nojiko's frustrated face.

She read the letter out loud and said "Hey Carla! I was sent to an island called Zou for two years, i'm sorry if I didn't tell you anything. I don't have many newsgulls on my payroll." she giggled and continued "Anyways I got you a bunch of clothes and the necklace. The necklace took forever to make! I have something even better for you too, but it's a surprise!" the letter explained what happened to him and how he got his emotions back, finally it said "I miss you a lot by the way and i'm sorry I can't be with you all the time.. When were finished and Luffy becomes the king of the pirates i'm gonna come get you and were gonna live on another island together! By the way I have another girl, hehe sorry, anyways last one I promise!"

Carla mumbled "It better be." before continuing "Also inside this letter is a piece of my vivre card, it will lead you in my direction and will show you if i'm alive or not. If it burns up and turns to ashes, it means i'm dead. Anyways promise me you won't use it to find me! I don't want you in danger! Wait for me, I promise I will come back even if it kills me. I love you! -Thirteen"

She took out the white sheet of paper that had a little '13' on it and put it in her pocket. She closed the letter and put it in her drawer with the other ones he sent her before writing her own to him in her room.

A while later

Carla walked back to Nojiko and Rex with a big letter bag. Nojiko said "What did you send him?" Carla blushed and said "A few other things.." Nojiko rolled her eyes and Rex said "I'll send it back, seems like I have a trip to the new world again" he sighed and Carla put the letter in his bag as she said "Sorry Rex. I told him to give you more this time, thank you for your work." Rex squawked and said "It's fine, at least I don't get shot at! Anyways I'll be off! See you next time!" before flying away, Carla waved at him as he left before looking at the newspaper.

She said "Breaking news from Sabaody! One of our newspaper agents was on Sabaody for the Straw Hats reunion! The White Tiger has made another appearance and with it big news! Our agent confirmed that the White Tiger fought against Admiral Kizaru and successfully punched him into a building before sauntering off with the Straw Hats as they evaded a fleet attack and sailed away. Could this be the return from a two year hiatus for the Straw Hats? What will the menace White Tiger do after his return? More to come! For all your news and updates, read from the WENP! Note: the WENP has been under re-staffing and has decided to tell the real events and spread the truth from now on! Await eagerly for the next world shocking event!"

Carla gasped and said "An Admiral?! This guy really knows how to make a girl worried.." Nojiko giggled and said "He beat him though, and Rex said he got a strong feeling from Thirteen. Don't worry about him. You have his card right? He'll be fine." Carla sighed and said "I hope so." Nojiko looked at the time and said "Wanna help me sell Tangerines today?" Carla smiled and nodded "You need a bodyguard?" as she giggled, Nojiko laughed and said "Yes ma'am!" Carla laughed and changed into a tiger paw t-shirt Thirteen sent her and the duo left.

Thirteen was currently working out of the ship as the ship sailed on the seas towards their next destination. Robin sat on his back and was listening to Thirteen explain how to awaken her armament haki, he sighed and said "Why don't you have it? The revolutionaries never told you? Dragon told me how to do it in Loguetown." Robin said "I was busy working with my devil fruit, you think creating clones is easy?" Thirteen grinned as he said "Definitely not but they sure are handy. Hehehehe" Robin blushed and slapped him as she said "Bastard! You know I feel everything they feel!"

Thirteen grinned and said "Even better!" Robin snapped "Ask me to wear the bunny ears next time and see what happens to you!" Thirteen gasped and said "No! I'm sorry! No clones! Please wear them!" Robin mumbled "Maybe..." in truth she kind of liked them, it reminded her of her first time, but she would never let him know that, maybe he would have her wear them all the time, she imagined her next bounty poster 'Bunny Girl' Nico Robin, she shook her head, that wasn't good.

Thirteen was still thinking about the clones secretly, the duo were unaware of the other's thoughts and Thirteen coughed before saying "Anyways, you need Armament. Maybe you could use it when you sprout hands, it's extremely useful! Also observation haku too! I'll train you in that.." he mumbled "Though I need to find a replacement for the stick..." Robin was amused and said "Stick?" Thirteen nodded and said "I was hit with a stick until I could dodge it but that's not gonna work.." As the duo were talking the snail rang and Luffy ran up to get it.

A while later

Luffy came back and said "Head to Punk Hazard! We just got a distress call!" Robin said "Most of those are traps by the marines." Luffy said "Alright. Set sail to Punk Hazard anyway!" Robin sighed and Thirteen chuckled as the ship set sail to Punk Hazard.

(Author's Note)

Hey guys! Did you like Fishman island? I thought it was great! I hate fishman island btw. ANYWAY increase in bounty again, it's kinda become a joke at this point but wtv lol I need his new look and Carla to see it so I did it. Maybe he won't get another increase for a while ALSO lmk if you want him to go to Dressrosa or Zou!


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Monkey_Godking Monkey_Godking

Hey guys! Did you like Fishman island? I thought it was great! I hate fishman island btw. ANYWAY increase in bounty again, it's kinda become a joke at this point but wtv lol I need his new look and Carla to see it so I did it. Maybe he won't get another increase for a while ALSO lmk if you want him to go to Dressrosa or Zou!


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