I was in for a surprise as soon as I opened the door. Standing in front of my apartment door was everyone. And by 'everyone', I meant the whole crew. Favour, Chimdi, Tobi, Victoria and of course my least favorite people in the world at the moment, Dili.
They all gave me sheepish smiles, each of them having a unique look to it.
I was about to ask them what they were all doing in my apartment on a school free day but Dili beat me to talk.
"Everybody close your eyes, right now" The demanding authoritative tone in his voice made me to close my eyes automatically, not even questioning why he gave such orders. Let's face it, I am stupid, stupid is me.
I heard him releasing a deep sigh, it almost sounded like he was amused about something "Not you Rica, I meant them" When his words finally registered I opened my eyes slowly. Mind you, I actually felt immersely stupid at the moment.
Another late night chapter. I managed to read enough yesterday so I decided to drop another chapter today.
And as always thank you all for the mind blowing support. It is much appreciated ❤️