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42.34% I Became a Sengoku Lord! (戦国王になった!) / Chapter 83: The Quality of a True Leader

Chapitre 83: The Quality of a True Leader

"Where is Lady Himeji?"

At Hisui where the rebel army, out to execute all nobles, are gathering and deliberating who would lead them are staying at, Hiroshi was asking around after noticing that Kotori wasn't there anymore.

"The lady… she said that she wants to go to Myoko before the siege begins… She probably wants to stop it before the entire citizenry will rebel against the Nachi clan."

"I see…"

"She will be alright, Iwasawa-sama. Please don't worry about her. Lady Himeji can handle it."

"I know."

Hours before Hiroshi noticed her absence, Kotori and her aides rode horses to the eastern road, dressed in normal clothing and waving no flags to portray them as not of noble blood.

"Lady Himeji, a question, if I may inquire."

"Speak. What do you want to ask?"

"Has the winds… caused your doubt and loss of reverence for the Nachi clan?"

Kotori initially looked surprised with the question. But soon, she closed her eyes to think up of a reply.

"I… I used to believe that a samurai is supposed to devote all of their life to their master. That I must serve them and devote myself fully to what they believe is the right and wrong."

"Did that change brought up this decision then?"

"No. It simply transferred to someone more worthy of such praise… You have been with me since I became an officer in the Nachi clan's army. You know that one of our obligations is to turn a blind eye to the hypocrisy of our masters all in order to not stain their name."


"All the loss of family members through wars, the terror of having their child taken from them in order to serve the nobility, the loss of homes and many other atrocities has been rendered unspeakable to all of us who are forced to serve this dynasty of tyrants who justify their wrongdoings by quoting their freedom to do so."

Kotori slowed her horse as her aides went around to look at their lady who had a somber expression on her face.

"I don't want to serve such a master anymore… I am a samurai, a servant of the Nachi clan who are supposed to do their wills without any questions… but before I became a samurai, I am a child of Haguro, a person born in this land who has wept and bled for hundreds of years due to the unending war happening inside of it."

"Then what did you see in that man that you didn't see with other people?"

"…I saw kindness and care with that man. He is strange, his way of speech is the same to a noble as it is to a commoner. He helps anyone who asks for it and would never seek any kind of abusive counter-request for the help he gives… At first, I thought that he is just an anyone. A person that I can meet anywhere and can be easily replaceable…"


"But then, he grew to be respected by the men and even when he is tired, in shock or at the edge of losing his mind already, he still prioritizes the safety of others… someone as selfless as that should've already died, but the way he inspires others to look after him by looking after them… that is the quality that I believe a true leader is supposed to have."

Kindness and care are something that not many people can show in these chaotic times when ambition by expansion of one's lands is the only true justice in the minds of the highest nobility.

"I have long consigned myself to the winds. I let it carry my worries, my doubts, my pain and frustrations… but when those same winds came back to me at that day when I also began to recognize him as someone worthy to be served, I knew that it is time for me to carry my own burdens and simply let the winds to watch and join me through the times, whether it be difficult or joyous, so long as my service can be of use to the people that need it, I will not be tired of it."


The attendants looked at each other and one of them tapped her shoulder and spoke.

"Thank you, Himeji-sama."


"You just proved that we were never in the wrong to serve under you."

The group continued on their trip until the capital city of Myoko was finally at sight. But as soon as they saw what flag flew upon the city, they knew that there is no more way to save it.

"How? I haven't even heard of the sound of fighting…"

"Is it possible that…?"

Kotori and her aides unmounted from their horses and entered the disheveled city that carried a somber atmosphere. As they passed through the streets, dead or half-dead bodies of nobles that sided with the Fujita clan since antiquity or those who defected to them during the civil war, were tied on wooden posts and currently being coated with oil by the Nachi clan's samurai retainers who was laughing at them.

"Lady Himeji, please let me-"

"Stop… Don't do it."

"But Himeji-sama! This is-"

"I told you to stop!"

Kotori pulled back one of her aides who wanted to stop the incoming execution that will happen to the captives. She dragged her away from the crowd and brought her to an alley where no one can see them.

"Himeji-sama… this is inhumane! No matter the degree of their treachery, doing this thing in front of children and women are-"

"I know that! I know that… but we can't do anything anymore… the Nachi clan won, and the Fujita clan lost…"

"When it comes to war, in the end… those who win always has the right to do as they wish…"

The group continued on until they reached the slum area between the outer part of the city and the inner part where the castle is located.

"Is that…?"

"Imperial soldiers? Why are they here when the Shogun is no longer in Myoko?"

"It seems like they're evacuating some people… but why would they do that?"

Kotori and her aides came close to a man with a moustache who just tossed a cigarette butt on the soil and stepped on it to singe it. The man was quite tall and had a staunch appearance with his Imperial army uniform, but he still appeared to be someone approachable.

"Umm… excuse me?"

"Huh? Oh. What is it?"

"Why are imperial soldiers evacuating people from Myoko's slum area?"

After seeing her face, the man sighed lightly before replying.

"These are not official residents of Myoko. They are refugees from Matsuri province who came to settle here until the Shogunate defeated the rebels."

"Then does that mean…"

"Yeah. I received orders to help them pack up and protect them until they arrive at Matsuri. It's the job left to me by a friend and my master…"

"I see…"

The man was about to take out another cigar but he looked at Kotori who was watching the evacuating refugees take out their belongings with a joyous expression on their faces and decided to simply pocket it and speak to her for one more time.

"By the way, I'm Furutani Garou, A general at the Shogunate's Imperial army."

"Shogunate's Imperial army? Isn't the Emperor living in Hitachi and the Shogun at Yamato province?"

"Oh, you haven't heard about this before? The emperor moved to Yamato to personally crown Amanogawa-uesama and has stayed there to continuously give him his support and blessing. Hitachi was turned into a demilitarized zone which cannot be involved in war of conquest and is currently acting as a center of cultural arts open to anyone who wants to come."

Hearing all of this, Kotori's eyes widened with the amount of information that she has just heard.

The imperial family and the Shogunate are two sides that rarely agreed on anything. To be exact, the Tenjo period which predates even the already ancient Naisen period that happened 400 years ago, began as a small argument between the emperor and the Shogun about the true capital of the country due to foreign delegates being confused on who to come to during negotiations and diplomatic missions.

To put it simply, the emperor said that Hitachi is the capital while the Shogun said that Yamato was the capital. A few bitter letters between those two leaders later, the entirety of the country went to war, each province taking their side between the two until 15 years later, the Shogun won and Yamato was declared the capital province and the emperor's title became a simple ceremonial title with no political power save for the few clans that specialize in religious rituals and cultural events.

"Then… the Shogun has consolidated all powers to himself?"

"Yup. Now that the emperor showed his support to him, even the few clans who are reluctant or indifferent to the Shogunate is willingly following him now."

After saying this, Garou was called by his subordinate and said his farewells to Kotori and her group.

"Lady Himeji, if the emperor secretly supports the Shogun, it means that-"

"I'm aware… I'm aware of the real reason why they are evacuating the refugees they placed here."

Kotori gritted her teeth as they walked into the castle as she knows the real reason why things are happening like this.

"This would be my last act of service to the Nachi clan… if we stay here any longer, we will most definitely die."

At the courtyard of the castle, a mass torture and execution show is being held for the entertainment of the nobles and samurai sided with the Nachi clan.


"Fweeet-!!! Nice style, Tozen-sama!"

"Long live Tozen-sama!"

In the midst of it is the slightly intoxicated prince whose bloodlust emanated as his sword cut off the heads of the captured enemy soldiers and nobles alike.

"Do you want more?!"


Another batch of maimed and tortured enemies were brought into the courtyard as the beheaded ones were dragged into a growing pile at one end of the open area.


And after knocking back another bottle of Sake, he went forward with the execution, raising the excitement of his sadistic retainers higher than ever.

"Lord Tozen!"


He was about to order the next group of captives into the courtyard if not for the Magistrate who shouted his name while walking into the blood drenched court.

"What the hell, old man?! Why are you spoiling my fun now?!"

"Someone wants to talk to you."

Following that, Kotori appeared from the gate which made the enraged arrogant prince to smile like nothing happened.

"My, my… Kotori-chan. Are you here to watch my show and celebrate my victory of retaking Myoko?"

Even though his armor was drenched in blood and the sword on his hand was swinging randomly due to his drunkenness, he spoke as if he was a clean and charismatic guy in order to feign a sense of attractiveness toward Kotori.

"Please, my lord. Wash yourself first and sober your mind before we talk."

"Oh-ho? I didn't expect you to seek me at this point of time, Kotori-chan…"

"Let's meet at the castle's dining chamber later. I have my own preparations to make."

Either he was intoxicated enough to form some kind of delusional thought or he already had a few screws loose didn't matter. For him, the mention of a "talk" meant one thing to him as he lusciously licked his lips in joy.

"I apologize, everyone. I will resume our execution show later in the evening. And as always, I will not let the Sake and women to run dry!"

At the palace baths of Myoko castle, Kotori was sitting in a pool of warm water while contemplating about some things.

"This is for the better. I have decided to do this, and I will not falter now of all times…"

Kotori remembered the last time when she sat in this pool when she was still serving the Nachi clan's army.

"Tsuna and the others would be sitting across me at this pool… They would talk about the harsh training and how things are going at their families."

To the young women who were sent here, or to be more exact, thrown here to be of some use to their families, the bathhouse was the only place for them to shed tears, speak freely and support each other as life crushes them.

Outside, they must look like perfect warriors who can be of use in the battlefield even with their feminine gender. While on formal occasions, they must appear like perfectly sculpted dolls with no blemishes or imperfections in word and action.

"I'm tired of this place…"

Haguro has been known as the land of the free due to the Nachi clan's policy of fostering escaped slaves and giving them freedom, which started their war with the Fujita clan. But after 400 years of ceaseless rebellion, the values of the two sides slowly switched and the Nachi clan grew to become greedy due to the perceived righteous stance that their ancestors and not them earned through virtuous works.

"I miss them… all of them."

There were 16 female samurai officers in this bathhouse when Kotori was still in training. 7 of them are currently being kept at their family homes in preparation of potential marriage negotiations, 5 of them has defected and from Hiroshi's men's intel, they are staying at Hashidate's Ikehara estate which is allied with him, and the remaining 3 has mysteriously disappeared during the heat of the battle, potentially dead by now.

Kotori is all too aware of the potential of death in the work they were tasked to fulfill, but even she can't simply accept that things must go like this because someone needed to be given the credit for it to boost their ego and legacy.

"Haah… I have decided to do this. There is no turning back now."

After leaving the bathhouse, having her clothing, light make up and belongings attended to by her aides, she walked by herself to the dining chamber of the castle where the still drunk prince of the Nachi clan was sitting with his eyes staring at her in a spine-tingling manner.

"Come and seat, Kotori-chan. Let us enjoy this lovely meal that I prepared just for us."

The table was filled with scrumptious dishes befitting the wealthy atmosphere of the dining room. The prince raised a cup of Sake, seeming to invite Kotori to sit down at eat with him.

"Ehehe… I know that you're impressed with my ability to retake Myoko even without a fight. You were playing hooky back at Hisui when you asked to retire from the battlefield, but I know that you can't resist my allure now that I've claimed great honor and prowess with my achievements."

After Kotori wordlessly sat before the table, he poured her a cup of Sake while proclaiming the recent things he "achieved" and even teasing her for her previous decision of leaving the army.

"My father is coming to Myoko now. He said that because of his age and my recent accomplishments, he's going to crown me as the Daimyo and because our financial coffers are running dry right now, I wanted to go and celebrate my enthronement with another significant event in my life that needs some publicity."

He extended his hand out towards Kotori as one of his servants brought a scroll and a writing set towards Kotori.

"I already know that you will accept it, but for formality's sake, I'll go ahead and ask you…"

Kotori looked at the scroll as it was opened and sure enough, that was the arrogant prince's intention.

"Will you marry me, Himeji Kotori?"

The other servants were prepared to clap their hands and shout the praises ordered to them once Kotori accepts the question, but after they saw what she did, they gasped after beginning to fear for the safety of the young lady.


"What the hell is the meaning of this, Kotori?"

"I am giving back my sword. I wish to cut my ties with the Nachi clan."

She presented a sword which had the Nachi clan's symbol, one that is only given to the retainers of the lordship which proves their identity and stature in Haguro.


"KYAAAA!!!! HOT! HOT!!!"

The prince was enraged and flipped the table full of food. The servant who was holding the marriage scroll sustained horrible scalds and burns after the boiling hot soup was flung to her. Some servants came to her aid and pulled her back as she screeched in pure terror at the pain she was feeling.

"ARGH!!! Shut up, you bitch!"

Tozen was still angry and using the knife meant for the slab of meat at the table, he stabbed the female servant repeatedly until she was no longer alive.


"Kotori-chan… how can you do this to me?"

"Why don't you ask yourself, Your Highness?"

Kotori approached the dead servant and even though her burns looked horrid and the stabs she sustained was still bleeding, she took both of her hands and placed them over her chest to put her in a peaceful position of death.

"We won! The Nachi clan won! Why do you want to cut your ties with us when you can have all the glory in this victory?!"

"If this is the victory that you are talking about, I do not wish to be a part of it."

Kotori stood up to look at Tozen eye to eye.

"I don't want to live under your rule in this land that can no longer be saved… I am tired, disgusted and ashamed of what the Nachi clan became… I didn't have any choice when I was sent to become the Himeji clan's representative in the army, but still, I decided to live with it with a smile on my face because it is the only thing, I can do to serve my countrymen."

"But then, why? Why are you cutting off yourself from us now?!"

"It's because of you!"

After she finally directed everything to him, the prince knew that he cannot win anymore.

"You are a spoiled man-child who can't do anything by himself but would take any kind of accomplishment unto his name! You're so obsessed with showing off your phony brilliance and competence when you only steal the honor from others!"

"Kotori… you know that-"

"What kind of leader kills innocent people and dissenters affected by his incompetence just to prove that he is in the right, and no one is inconvenienced by his idiocy?!"

Kotori threw the sword down, a show of great disrespect to the prince that she sorely hated.

"I served for five long years in this damned army whose sole purpose is to become sacrifices to a pointless war where no one can truly win! I am tired of fighting my own people who simply want to live a better life! I am disgusted with having to swallow my conscience whenever I kill innocent people! I am ashamed of even facing my people because I don't know when in the hell you'd order me to also kill them!"

Around them, the servants heard everything and some of them gritted their teeth and fumed in anger after learning the truth behind the pointless deaths of their friends and family.

"So never even think that I will come to want you! I will die before I even say yes to your marriage proposal, you delusional bastard!"

Kotori turned around to leave the dining hall but the prince who had his ego broken into pieces had other things in mind.

"Who told you that I will kindly ask for your approval…?"


He held her wrist and forcefully pulled her close to him as his other hand moved towards her chest.

"I don't care whether you like it or not. I will have you and you will-"

But before he can even speak out the rest of his creepy delusions, Kotori kicked up the sword that she threw down earlier and after catching it, she used its end to hit the man on the side.


"Get the hell away from me… you creep!"

And after being freed from his hold, she kept the sword sheated as she performed an upward slash that hit the man on the chin squarely, knocking him out instantly.

"Che! Not only a failure as a leader… also a failure of a human."

Kotori left the castle with no one even daring to stand on her way. All of them gave way as they knew that if she was brave enough to incapacitate the current most important person in the Haguro, she'd probably not think twice about cutting down anyone stupid enough to get in her way.

"I heard about the news from my men… that was a rough goodbye to him, Lady Himeji."

"Please don't remind me about it anymore… I lost control and went all out back there…"

Back at a certain Inn at Hisui, Kotori and Hiroshi met up again while watching the rebelling Haguro citizens dragging or pushing around the nobles they caught that was supposed to go to Myoko for the enthronement of the prince.

"Die! Die! You scum!"

"Argh! Stop! Please spare me already!"

"We have no mercy to show to heartless monsters like you!"

"Give me back my husband, you warmongering fools!"

"My dad was killed in front of me! I will make you pay with your blood!"

Men, women and children has been eaten by their hatred and poured all of that wrath towards the people who caused those pointless losses.

"Iwasawa-sama… my friends are-"

"I received a call from my men. They've been rescued from their homes and will be here by tomorrow noon. Don't worry, most of them might be people who was rushed with their training, but they know how to fight."

Kotori has long thought highly of Hiroshi even though his identity was shrouded in mystery. Even since she signed the employment contract, she has wondered if he is hiding his true identity by lying about not being the famed Kirin lord.

"Iwasawa-sama… Can I ask you a question?"

"Hm? Sure, I'll answer it if I can."

"Are you… Are you really the Kirin Lord of Kiko province?"

After hearing her words, Hiroshi chuckled for a moment before answering.

"Nah. I'm just a travelling doctor."

"Ehhh? Come on, just say it already!"

"Ahaha… Alright, alright… I am that Iwasawa Hiroshi."

He might have replied as if he is denying it, but Hiroshi had this smiling expression which made it seem like he was joking which Kotori recognized and complained about.

"Why is such an important person going around the country rather than leading his people?"

"Well… that's a long story, but let's just say that I am going around on a field trip to personally know what kind of leader I must become."

"…Is that so?"

For Kotori, Hiroshi was already a perfect example of what a proper leader must become. Loved by his people, dependable on decisions, able to make his subjects to make proper compromises, values life higher than anything else and most of all, fair to everyone regardless of their stature.



But the fact that he is aware of some other weaknesses that he has and is willing to solve or supplant them is something that made her want to be with him until he learns what he must become as a leader.

"Can I… serve as your retainer?"

Leaving your master to serve a new one is quite shunned in the world of the samurai. Not only is it a shameful thing worthy of being a dishonor, it is also something that most would likely consider as throwing your loyalty away for the sake of personal gains and being proud of it.

"I already knew that you'll ask that…"

"Ah! Then… is it a no?"

But in the case of Himeji Kotori who threw everything away to forget all the pains and shames of her past in order to live a new and more honorable life, the decision of serving a master who has the same goals is not a sign of disloyalty, dishonor or hubris.

"Hachi, give me my sword."

"Yes, my lord."

It just means that she has dismissed her pride in order to do what is right.

"Even the ceremony of pledging your service to me is something like a contract… So, Kotori… if you way?"

"A-Ah… yes."

Hiroshi unsheated his sword as Kotori knelt down in front of him.

"My name is Iwasawa Hiroshi. The Lord of Kiko, The Chancellor of the Southern Quartet Alliance and the Kirin Lord. With the authority bestowed upon me by the Phoenix Priestess of Kingo Sanctum, I hereby declare you my retainer. As your master, I request nothing short of absolute loyalty to my will to protect, serve and bring peace upon the people of this country. Do you accept this, Himeji Kotori?"

"I accept, my lord! I shall serve you until the very end of my life!"

"Well then…"

Hiroshi tapped her head with the sword and sheated it before presenting it to her.

"Welcome to the family, Kotori."


Meanwhile in the city of Myoko, the rebels have breached the city's gate and began a human wave attack upon the samurai unprepared for such an unorganized yet massive offensive.

Some of them were dragged using horses through a rope by their necks. Others were stoned until they dropped dead while the soldiers who mutinied against the samurai stabbed them behind their backs before proceeding to lengthen the time before they died so they can torture them more.

"So… What is your plan now, Prince Tozen? Your father's force was ambushed and killed at Hisui. Your men are being slaughtered outside and the servants of the castle are taking anything here that they can later sell for a fortune."


At the throne room was a certain man standing before the only remaining noble in Myoko. He had a spiky chestnut brown hair whose ends were frosted to appear darker than the roots. On his body was a middle schooler's uniform, a piece of clothing owned by only one notable person in this country.

"My, my… Sora-senpai will surely be bored to death with this. After I and Chiasa-san did all kinds of things to the Fujita lord just to make it an epic end for a selfish leader, you're just gonna sit there and weep because your crush rejected you?"


Tozen was wearing all kinds of clothes. He had an exquisite silk robe while wearing a master-crafted armor. His appearance might look like it came it came from a comedic theatrical play, but anyone who knew how he mentally broke down after being made to face the truth by his retainer and had his marriage proposal rejected without any warning knew that he is just wearing them to force some kind of feeling of grandeur and higher social standing upon himself.

"Don't misunderstand me, Nachi-dono. I understand the feeling of having your genuine feeling of love rejected by someone. Trust me, I wasn't called "The guy with a thousand rejections" for nothing. Ah… that takes me back… If I wasn't summoned at Hitachi back then, I'd be taking my one thousandth and one rejection from the tall and strong-willed female volleyball captain of our school."

"Why… why were you rejected so many times?"

"Oh? Ready to talk to me now, huh? Hmm… what was the thing that they always told me back then?"

Endou pondered for a moment before she spoke up with a joyous expression.

"They all said that they don't want me just because I'm an otaku!"


"Yup! Yup! I may not like it when it is used as the reason for the rejections, but I'm proud that I love anime, figures and Gundam! Oh! That reminds me, I haven't taken that wooden Gundam sculpture from the old craftsman in Hitachi yet… I like that man's accuracy with the figures."

The sound of the rebels breaking into the castle walls sounded the impending doom of anyone loyal to the Nachi clan. Yet their prince, Nachi Tozen was still sitting on his throne with no more care for anything as he simply conversed with the only other person in his throne room.

"Why did Kotori hate me so much? I know that I am spoiled and needlessly brutal… but if she is here with me and she will teach me the things that I don't know about… maybe… maybe-"

"That's not happening, Nachi-dono."

Endou spoke while still maintaining his unnaturally joyful tone and mannerisms.


"Well obviously, because Himeji-dono is a woman!"

After saying that in his normal tone, the thin smile on his face turned into a strict frown as he approached Tozen and spoke so closely in front of his face.

"Women like perfect men, regardless of whether they are perfect themselves or they deserve that perfect man that they desire. And let me tell you, that is one of the leading reasons why my world later deteriorated and ceased to exist."


"You see. In my world, everything has been relative. There is no true beauty because everyone is beautiful in their own right. There is no true kindness since everyone is kind in their own perspective. There is no true more loyalty because sticking with someone for the rest of your lives is no longer commendable or admirable. But most of all…"

The next words that Endou whispered to Tozen was one that was mingled with poison. A poison that in his past world was hated by anyone who cannot put in the effort required to actually win any praise.

It was nothing more but the truth.

"There is no more true love… because everyone cannot set aside their own desires and selfishness for the sake of the other person. They will lie, cheat, destroy your life, take your home, savings and even your own children which they will brainwash into believing that you are the worst person to ever exist in the universe solely because they cannot even give you any kind of respect after they have used you for their own selfish desires…"

"Kawasaki-dono… just who are you?"

After Tozen heard those words and was filled by fear, Endou hopped back, and his usual smile was on his face again.

"I'm just a guy who was rejected by 1000 women that he didn't actually care about."

That by itself was quite horrifying. To think that one would confess to a person even though they didn't really like them is strange. But before he left through a secret passage, Endou's expression changed again, but this time, it was no longer his serious frowning face.

"And if you want to ask what happened to those women…"


"Let's just say that even if he didn't like them, the guy who confessed to those girls had better uses for them given the unique ability thought to him by his grumpy senpai."

He was smiling… but his smile was uncanny. Almost inhuman in aura. He is smiling but his aura exuded a feeling of intense dread and unmistakable monstrosity.

"Take care, Nachi-dono… Don't worry, I'm sure you'll have lots of fun with the people you beheaded in the afterlife."

He went into the secret passage and locked the door behind him, concealing it again as nothing more but a normal wall.

"…That man… no, even the others who came here from the capital…"

Tozen wasn't scared of death anymore. He knew that it was coming regardless. And yet, the feeling of talking with that man…

"He's not a human!"

It scared him to the bottom of his own soul.

"That's the throne room!"

"Drag that bastard out! He will answer to the anger of the people!"

That night, Myoko fell and for several months, the province of Haguro would be a state with no leader. A state in anarchy… but instead of massive spikes in crime and lawlessness, those several months was spent in rest, recovery and mourning by the citizens who has grown tired of the unending war in the province.

"Local soup! Come and get some soup from the other village!"

"You don't have a bowl? Hmm… you can have one of ours, but please give it back later."

Through communal efforts and goodwill, the land and the people slowly healed their wounds both physical and mental. There were no rulers, yet everyone held their peace, knowing that any kind of mischief would bother the peace that they have longed for.

"Guhahaha!!! To think that ya will do something like this just after you said that you won't do something big is comedic, Hiro-kun!"

"Argh! Shut up, will you, Gin?"

Months before the slow rehabilitation of Haguro, Hiroshi and his men invited over an ally from Hashidate named Edogawa Gin who is one of the remaining consuls of the neighboring province.

Although he was unsure of whether the people will accept them, he knew that it is better than leaving the people of Haguro to their own devices for the rest of their lives.

"So that's that, Gin-kun… What do you think?"

"Hrm… That's a good plan and all but you know the crap that happened in Hashidate back then. Haguro would be a big investment for all of us businessmen and I'm not sure that they wouldn't want to bet too big in this fragile land that can erupt into another war any day of the week."

Gin brought up a good problem, but Hiroshi simply smiled and spoke the following words to his friend.

"You know, Haguro is a wide land with a cool and rarely rained upon climate."


"And since people has been so kind to offer great fertilizers on the soil using massive wars, it is very rich and any thing you plant would surely grow well on it…"


"I apologize if this may sound rude… but can you please include us on that conversation?"

The two seemed to be talking within their own language so Minori asked out loud what they were talking about.

"Guhaha! Don't worry, Mino-kun! Hiro-kun right here is just telling me that red grapes grow well at this land."


After hearing that, the members of his team who was with him in Hashidate immediately understood what they meant.

"Guhahaha! I'll invest in Haguro! I'm gonna plant grapes in this place and guzzle up the wine later!"

"Just make sure to not overdo it alright, Gin-kun? I don't want to hear you developing some disease due to your drinking habits."

"Haha! No worries right there, buddy!"

And with that, it was settled. By winning over the populace and setting up a council of town mayors and village leaders who would represent the people of Haguro, Hashidate's government council officially took over the province and ruled over them in a primitive yet fair state of democracy.

"Is everyone ready for the next trip?"

"Aye, sir!"

As for Hiroshi and his men that has swelled now from a group of 12 men to double its size, they have left long ago to even see the inauguration of the new governing body in the province.

"How about you, Kotori? Have you spoken your farewells now?"

"No. I haven't yet."

"Huh? Hey, let me remind you that we won't be back here for a long time. We have to cross the Onnoki gulf after all just to reach the other half of the central plains across the Onnoki channel. We won't wait until you are finished with your goodbyes, okay?"

"Ehehe… I was just kidding, Iwasawa-sama. I didn't exactly say goodbye to my friends…"

Kotori spoke as her female friends waved her a goodbye with teary-eyed expressions.

"I told them that we will see each other again at that bathhouse in Myoko… Just us and the others who are yet to be found."

"Hehe… I see, I see. You're getting good at wordplay."

Kotori rode her horse after Hiroshi called for his men to gather for the long trip to the harbor town at Onnoki bay where they will ride a barge to cross the long water channel to the other side of the central plains.

"So, are you ready for your first adventure now, Kotori-chan?"

Behind her was the land that she knew for all of her years and in front of her was a land that she has never known at all.

"Mm! Let's go now, Iwasawa-sama!"

But there was no fear in her heart or on her mind…

"Ahaha! Don't let Himeji-sama get to Onnoki before you! Come on!"

"Ahahaha!!! Catch me if you can!"

So long as she is with the person she decided to serve and somehow love, she can face any thing and forget about any fear.

Her name is Himeji Kotori. And in the autobiography of Lord Iwasawa Hiroshi, she was given by her master and the people she served and protected a title befitting her lively, free and caring attitude that gives life and hope to everyone around her.

[The Knight of the Winds of Spring]

Ephraim_Chronia Ephraim_Chronia

"I absolutely loved how Kotori went from a person so depressed of the things she was forced to do to a person who faced her fears in order to do what is right. Also kuddos for Author Rai who didn't instantly make her another member of Hiroshi Harem. XD"

-Editor KEY

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