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100% The Primeval Beast: Beast of Dreams (FGO fanfic) / Chapter 9: Servant, Shadows and Grail Part 1

Chapitre 9: Servant, Shadows and Grail Part 1

Ok, first I want to say that ... I HATE VIRTUAL CLASSES, Classes that you have, like, once a week but end up filling you with work and work, what is this, I have not had time to write to my liking for this ... well, in the end, I was able to upload this chapter after all, but the quality may be bad since I had to hurry with the writing in addition to seeing what could I get from the prologue of the game, I mean, let's be honest, Fuyuki didn't have much story, to begin with ... well anyway here it is people.









Haruka: Ok, it seems like he hasn't been many changes in the story.

NAVI: Unlike your real-world Haruka-sama, the situation within the singularities will be the same as in the story.

Haruka and NAVI are running along the road on their way to the bridge, shadows could be seen in the surroundings during the trip.

Those shadows had different shapes, some humanoid, others that looked like hands coming out of the ground.

Haruka: NAVI, those are ...

NAVI: Monsters, Haruka-sama, Skeletons, and monsters that look like hands are creatures called "Arms of the Dawn"

Haruka: Skeletons and Hands that come out of the ground ... this place can really be considered hell ...

Even knowing that this was not his city, it is still difficult to admit that this was Fuyuki, the city where he grew up, where he and his family have lived for so many years, the city that holds so many treasured memories.

Haruka: ... NAVI, do you know what happened in this Fuyuki?

NAVI: I'm sorry Haruka-sama but I only know the information you know.

Haruka: ... I see

Spirit: 'Calm down boy, remember that this is not your city, it may look like it, but it is not'

Haruka: 'yeah ... you're right' Let's increase the speed NAVI

NAVI: Yes, Haruka-sama

Haruka began to strengthen his body as much as he could and often used MANA BURST to increase speed.

Haruka: 'Mari ... please be safe ... please ...'

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------

In another area of ​​the city, 4 human figures, one of them carrying something that looks like a large shield with a cross design, were inside a building.

These 4 figures were Olga Marie who has a briefcase with the Chaldea symbol on one side, Ritsuka Fujimaru, Rika Fujimaru, and Mash Kirielight, although the latter's clothing was vastly different from the one she had in Chaldea.

Marie: Alright, this must be the place, Mash, put your shield on the ground please

Mash: Right away Marie-san.

Once Mash places her shield on the ground, Marie takes the briefcase and opens it showing 3 multicolored Gems inside.

Rika: Mari-chan, what are these gems?

Marie: My grandfather called them Sacred Quartz, we will use them to invoke Servants.

Rika: So we can have Servants?

Marie: That's right

Ritsuka: Excellent, with this Mash will not fight alone in case we face a lot of those skeletons

Marie: These Quartz are the ones that our team would use to summon our Servants, each one takes quartz.

Ritsuka, Rika, and Marie each take quartz and go to stand in front of the shield

Rika: Ne, ne, Mari-chan, can I summon my Servant First? Please, please ~?

Marie: ... Haa ~, very well, just place the quartz in the center and then send magic energy to the shield, as I taught you before

Rika: Ok ~

Ritsuka: ... I don't know what to say, but, I´m sorry for how my sister act, Marie-san.

Marie: You don't have to apologize, that attitude is something we need after all

Mash: Marie-san is right Ritsuka-senpai

Rika: Summoning ~, summoning ~, Su, mmo, ning ~

All three: ... Haa ~

Rika places the quartz on the shield, then leans over to put her hand on it to send magical energy. After a while, the quartz begins to shine, turning into multiple stars revolving around the shield, once the lights turn into a ring, which quickly shrinks, causing a great flash that blinded the 4.

Once the flash subsided, a figure appeared on top of the shield, it was a young woman with blond hair tied with a black ribbon, dressed in white armor over a white dress, but what really caught their attention would be the sword with golden ornaments. that she carried in her hands.

Rika: Huh? you are...

???: It is a pleasure to meet you, Master. Since I'm still in training, please call me Saber Lily. I look forward to working with you for years to come.

Ritsuka: Saber Lily?

Saber Lily: Hai! (Yes), although I have a name different than that, my name is-


Saber Lily: Huh !?

After coming out of her shock, Rika jumped to hug Saber Lily, and Lily, who was not expecting this reaction, doesn´t know what to do in this situation besides letting her Master continue hugging her and rubbing her cheek with hers.

Rika: Hello Lily, I am Rika, I am your master, nice to meet you, you are extremely cute, tell me about yourself, what is that sword? Are you a knight ?!

Saber Lily: uh, p-please, could you please stop hugging me masteeerrr ?!


Saber Lily: Uuuuuu-

Ritsuka: ok, enough Rika, can't you see that it bothers her that you hug her so much?

Rika: But Nii-chan, look at her, she's illegally cute!

Ritsuka: ok, ok, but that doesn't mean you can just hug her without asking... I apologize for how my sister acted Saber Lily, I'm Ritsuka Fujimaru, your master here is my younger sister.

Saber Lily: ha-hai (y-yes), there is no need to apologize to me, Ritsuka-sama, as I said before I am Saber Lily, although my real name is Arturia Pendragon, Nice to meet you.

Marie: Arturia Pendragon? Are you related to the King of Camelot, Arthur Pendragon?

Arturia Lily: Arthur? Well ... that's me

The 4: EH !?

Mash: W-wait, then that sword is the sword of promised victory!?

Arturia Lily: That's right, this is Caliburn

Ritsuka: But I thought the King of Camelot was a Man

During their discussion, a watch-like object on Marie's wrist began to glow.

???: Although I am surprised that King Arthur is a woman, considering the times in which she was chosen it does not surprise me that she had to change her name, in those times the idea of ​​a woman taking the throne as king was something unthinkable, reaching the point of being inconceivable.

Ritsuka: Really, Doctor?

The watch was a transmitter that connected the group to Chaldea's control room, connected them to Doctor Romani Archaman

Doctor: That's right, Ritsuka-kun, Middle Ages Civilizations had that kind of mentality

Rika: Heh ~, so you're a queen, Lily-chan?

Arturia Lily: Ehm, I'm actually still in training ...

Marie: Ok, ok, we don't have much time can do the proper introductions after we resolve our situation.

Ritsuka: Marie-san, please let me do the summoning first.

Marie: very well, Ritsuka, you know what you should do

Ritsuka: understood

Ritsuka places his quartz on the shield, following the steps that Rika made and, just like before, the blinding light appears, revealing the next Servant after a while.

The Servant that appeared possessed the figure of a woman in a purple dress, although she cannot be identified well as she is wearing a blueish purple robe with a hood that covers much of her body as well as her face.

???: Ara ~, you are quite a cute Master! I am a Caster-class Servant, please to meet you Master-kun ~

Ritsuka: A-ah, nice to meet you Caster, I'm your master, my name is Ritsuka Fujimaru.

Rika: I'm his little sister, Rika, nice to meet you ~

Mash: Mash Kirielight, my pleasure Caster-san

Marie: Olga Marie Animusphere, nice to meet you

Arturia Lily: And I am Arturia Lily, a Saber-class Servant, it´s a pleasure to meet you

Caster: ...

Arturia Lily: E-ehm, is something wrong?

Caster: WOW ~, you are incredibly cute ~!

Arturia Lily: EH !?

Rika: Right, right, see Nii-chan, I'm not the only one who thinks so!

Marie: OK, enough we won't repeat the routine ... ok my turn

Marie places the quartz on and waits for the light to fade, showing the figure of a young man with blond hair, red eyes who wears a white hooded vest over a blue t-shirt with gold trim and military camouflage design pants.

???: Servant Archer, Hello Master, My name ... Let me see ... You can call me Gil

Rika / Caster: SO CUTE ~!

Ritsuka: I wonder if I should trade Caster with Lily

Marie: Haa ~, just ignore them Arche- Gil, I'm Olga Marie Animusphere, your master, nice to meet you

Ritsuka: Ritsuka Fujimaru, next to me is Arturia Lily, a Saber, and the ones who are screaming are my younger sister, Rika, and my Servant, Caster.

Gil: Haha, they are a very lively group, a pleasure

Marie: Alright it's time to go Romani, did you find someone's sign?

Romani: that's right, I found the Director's and Professor Lev's sign, they are in the Ryudo temple area of ​​this Singularity.

Marie: I see ... you found Haru's signal?

Romani: ... I'm sorry Marie, but I haven't found him.

Marie: ... I see.

Romani: Don't be discouraged, just like you, he may have been transported to the singularity, the odds are high, I may not detect him due to being in an extremely remote area.

Mash: The Doctor is right Marie-san, besides I think we shouldn't worry, Kasugano-san is extremely powerful.

Marie: Haa ~, you are right ... very well, it´s time to move, we will have to cross the bridge to get to the temple, we better go, I would like the Servants to enter their astral form for the moment, we do not know if there are enemies other than those skeletons, and if it is the case that there are servants, better to have them hidden, to attack them by surprise.

Servants: Hai! / Understood / Very well Master

Now, the group is heading to the bridge.

On their way, they came across the occasional skeleton, but Mash, with the support of the 3 Magus, was able to destroy them with ease.

once they reached the bridge, they saw how the entire bridge was full of destroyed cars and trucks, some even upside down.

Ritsuka: This doesn't look good, there are too many skeletons.

Rika: Any ideas? I don't think Mash can defeat that many.

Marie: ... I think we have no choice but to summon our Servants.

With those words, Caster, Arturia Lily, and Gil appeared alongside their masters.

Marie: before attacking, I think we should know what you can do, Arturia Lily, as a Saber, it is simple to deduce your skills in combat, to start, the Knights Servant classes are the same, but Gil, how do you fight? You are an Archer but I don't see that you carry a bow or some long-range weapon with you

Gill: Hmm? Oh right, well I can do this.

Gil raises his hand and above it, a semitransparent portal of golden color appeared, and from there appears the blade of a sword.

Gil: this portal works as a warehouse where I have thousands and thousands of weapons, I can use these as projectiles, plus I can return them to the warehouse ~

Rika: Wow ~, you are incredible Gil-kun ~

Gil: hehe, of course

Ritsuka: hmm, hey Caster, what can you do?

Caster: Hmm? Well, like you guys, I am capable of using Magecraft, although you shouldn't compare me to the skills you know, my skills as a magus are vastly superior to yours ... or should they be, if my master gave me a great amount of magic energy to be able to fight

Marie: That is not good, it is true that Ritsuka and Rika have an abnormal amount of magical energy, but we could not fully prepare for the mission, there are no provisions and they are not capable of recharging their magical energy at will. (A / N: ok here I am again, but it is because I assume that I may be abused by this. It is true, I do not know how magus regenerate magic energy, so, just as I change the ODO and PRANA in MAGIC ENERGY, in this fanfic, magus recover MAGIC ENERGY through meditation, just as they do in the novel WORLD TEACHER, and if you don´t know how they do it, then go and read it, its a pretty good novel, i think there is also a manga)

Caster: I assumed it, but I am able to improve the physical abilities of my targets, I can even summon creatures if I have the indicated materials.

Rika: Materials like ...

Caster pointed his finger at the skeletons on the bridge.

Caster: like skeleton bones, for example, with them, I can create my own skeletons

Marie: Alright, so let's do this, Saber, Mash, you will be in the rear, any skeleton that approaches, destroy it, Archer, you will use your portals and destroy the skeletons from a distance, Caster, you will provide support, either increasing Archer, Saber or Mash abilities or attacking skeletons, Ritsuka and Rika must focus on giving your Servants magical energy. All ready?

All (Caster / Gil): YES! / Very well / Ok Master.

With those words, the group begins to get closer to the bridge, and once the skeletons were within reach, Gil began firing his weapons from the portals, currently, he can only maintain 3 portals because Marie did not have enough magical energy for more, while some skeletons were getting too close they were shattered by Mash's shield and Arturia Lily's sword, and then we have Caster generating magic circles around him and firing concentrated energy bolts at the skeletons.

The bridge is more than 300 m long and said bridge was packed from one end to the other in Skeletons, no less than 200 skeletons, but these skeletons only had numbers, fighting against them was easy due to their low intelligence as well as all the cars and trucks on the bridge, which served as a funnel to decrease the number of skeletons they had to face, although it was still extremely exhausting for the 3 Masters, especially the Fuyimaru brothers, they just began to learn how to use their magic energy, no matter how big the tank is, if it is not used efficiently, the contents will be used up very quickly

Marie: Haa, Haa, Ok, That, it was more exhausting than I thought ... are you all right?

Ritsuka: Haa, well I've been better I think

Rika: I'm, Dead, Haaa ~, why were there so many skeletons?

Mash: I'm sorry Rika-senpai, but I don't have an answer for that.

Fou: Fouuu ~

Rika: Ah, no, don't be discouraged Mash, none of us would know.

Romani: Marie, you better take them to someplace where they can rest, they are not yet capable of using their magic energy to perfection, while they were using it, some of the energy was spreading before reaching the Servants.

Marie: ... you're right ... we should-

Gil: Master watch out!

As they discussed their next action, Gil saw a sharp metallic object approach Marie at high speed, firing one of its weapons to disrupt the course of the object, as well as to keep Marie away from anyone who tried to attack her.

Marie:!- Romani!

Romani: Yes, I detect two signs of magical energy in the area ... how come I didn't see them before!

Ritsuka: That's a stake or a dagger? It's connected with a chain

At that moment, a second dagger was heading towards Rika, but Mash stood in front of her with her shield raised protecting her from the attack.

Mash: He's fine, Rika-senpai

Rika: Yes, thank you Mash!

once everyone was on guard, the daggers returned to their owner, a dark figure that moved at high speed, addressing Ritsuka

Ritsuka: There it is!

Caster: Don't you dare!

Caster, who was floating one meter off the ground, generated more magic circles and fired them at the figure, although she tried to dodge them and continue, she was surprised by swords that were fired by Gil, forcing her to retreat.

???: ...

Rika: But, that's it.

Romani: Marie, get out of there now!

Marie: Romani that's-!

Romani: A Servant, in the condition they are in, they may be able to fight one, but there are two!

Marie: Huh !?

Another figure appeared next to Marie, with a weapon that looks like a Guan Dao


The Guan Dao was heading towards Marie's head, but between them appeared multiple swords fired at the Servant


Gil: Master, are you ok !?

Marie: Yes, thanks Gil ... but how things are now ...

Two enemy Servants, and although they have a greater number, after the bridge, they were not in a condition to fight against them, Mash and Caster are facing the Servant with the daggers, but that Servant is very fast, and forces Mash to stay on the defensive, while Gil and Arturia Lily are facing the Guan Dao Servant, but that Servant repels Gil and Artoria Lily's attacks as if they were nothing.

Marie: ... Ok ... Enough <Temporal Field>!

Marie used one of her original Magecraft.

<Temporal Field> is a Magecraft that can stop the time of everything on the field, including allies, but allows communication between them, even if their bodies cannot move.

Ritsuka: This is ...

Rika: I can't ... move?

Mash: Marie-san, is this one of your Magecraft that you told us

Marie: That's right, but it won't last long, now listen, Caster and Gil, I'm going to use acceleration magic, when you can move, make a smokescreen by shooting at the ground, after that, we must retreat.

Ritsuka: Where to Marie-san?

Marie: We will follow the road to the temple, if this is indeed Fuyuki then there should be a mansion out of the way a few kilometers from here, you should follow me. Is everyone ready?

Everyone else: Yes!

Once everyone was ready, the world began to regain color and movement, at that moment, Gil and Caster began to act, Gil fired heavy weapons at the ground with the purpose of creating impacts that would lift the dust and dirt from the ground, Caster did the same with magic, including summoning skeletons with the bones she took from the bridge

Marie: NOW <Speed Boost>!

everyone around Marie (Except the Shadow Servant) felt the boost in their bodies and immediately ran.


???: !!

The Servants began to attack inside the smokescreen, they could see figures moving inside it, but what they found were skeletons.


???: ...

-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------

The group arrived at a western-style mansion that was located a few meters before the entrance.

The mansion was two stories high, with a gigantic garden, although you can see how beautiful it would have been in the past, now it is nothing more than ruins, although it serves as a refuge for the group.

Marie: ok, we should be safe here, plus we can see if someone is coming from this direction

Ritsuka: ... that was too close ... in the end, I still don't understand how those can be Servants ...

Gil: The correct term is Servant Sombra, you can say that they are the form that defeated Servants take if they are forcibly called to war.

Rika: Gil-kun, you really know a lot ~

Gil: Well I know only what I know ~

Fou: fooouu ~

Mash: Ah, Fou-san seems to be tired

Marie: we have to ... rest ... as much as ... we can

Mash: Marie-san, are you okay?

Romani: Marie, you need to rest, after using those magic, your condition became critical.

Caster: That wasn't Magecraft that you should be able to use, it's more like the Magecraft used during the age of the gods ... how come

Marie: ... It's because of Haru, he helped me, he saved me, you could say

Rika: What do you mean Mari-chan?

Marie: ... well, you will be my companions so I don't think there is a problem telling you

Mash: Marie-san?

Marie: You see, in the past ... no, even today, I have had a great hatred to the Animusphere name

Mash, Rika, Ritsuka: Huh?

Romani: Marie

Marie: No ... they must know Romani ... my family is a noble magus family, with a great history, although said history is more about my grandfather- not my Great-grandfather, Marisbury Animusphere, he not only won the 3rd war of the holy grail, but he also managed to eliminate the ritual of the war from the face of the planet, leaving a different ritual in its place, in the beginning, the community of the magical world, especially the 3 Founding Families Thosaka, Matou, and Einsberg, they criticized his decision, to the point that they tried to assassinate him for treason to the magical world.

Rika: they wanted to kill him ?!

Ritsuka: why?

Marie: ... it is true that that war was the cause of the loss of many famous heirs and magicians during their execution, but the prize for the victory of the war was highly desired by the families, The Holy Grail, an artifact capable of fulfilling any wish to the winner of the war, this is why my great grandfather was despised for a while

Mash: I never knew anything about that, there was no information about the events after the director won the war.

Marie: Of course there would not be.

Romani: There was a time when Marisbury-sama was hated, despised, and attacked, but a few months later a terrible incident happened in which only Marisbury-sama faced, and came out victorious, saving all the residents of the world, this act of saving the world gave him a blessing from Gaia, and for saving humanity, he received another blessing from Alaya.

Marie: after that, he was admired and praised as a savior ... now that I come to remember this, it makes me realize again how hypocritical the so-called "noble families" of the magic world are ... including the Animuspheres .

Ritsuka: Why do you say it?

Marie: My grandfather was considered the shame of the family, stripped of resources, connections, of everything, for not being able to fulfill his father's expectations, he was exiled from the family ... the only ones who were there for him was his Grandparents, my Great-grandmother, Leonora Nakiri, and his father, Senzaemon Nakiri.

Romani: The Nakiri family was not a magical family, they were an ordinary family, although that changed when they related to Marisbury-sama

Marie: I'm getting off the subject, going back to my past, my parents, well my father exactly, he is someone who asked above all things, perfection in Magecraft, so as not to stain the family name ... although the problem is my inability to use Magecraft, which made my father planning to exile me, if not for my mother and great-grandfather ... even though they got divorced, my "father" became one of the family heirs, and I was welcomed by my Great-grandparents, traveling, exploring, until we reached Fuyuki.

Mash: Fuyuki?

Marie: Two of the students most loved by my grandparents. They lived here, as a family, they had 4 children and grandfather wanted to see how they were, so he took me with him.

Rika: That family was ...

Marie: The Kasugano family, Haru's family, his ... * hideous whisper * ... older sister Kiara and her younger sisters Sora and Aika. When we arrived, in addition to the two students, there were four other people, two adults, and two children, it was the Emiya family, old friends of my grandfather.

Arturia Lily: Hee ~, then what happened?

Marie began to recover and decided to get up before continuing to tell the story.

Marie: The first time I saw Haru, I didn't pay much attention to him, what's more, you could say that I considered him a nuisance, we came to visit for his sister's birthday, if we had not come, we could continue exploring the world, and perhaps, find a supposed cure for my "situation".

over time the three masters began to recover the lost magical energy, but the amount they recovered was so great that Caster and Gil were alarmed.

Caster: The amount of magical energy that you three possess is simply absurd, it's as if you all were magicians from the age of the gods.

Marie: it's true, although you should know that my grandfather and Haru have a much higher amount.

Gil: ...

Marie: Going back to the story, during that meeting we heard a crash near the stairs of the house, one of the girls who was playing on the second floor tripped and was about to fall, when my grandfather and I felt an abnormal amount of magic energy used at that moment, followed by a blurred figure that reached the last step, that figure was Haru who, without having any knowledge of magecraft, used MANA BURST to get to where the girl was and catch her ... it is worth mentioning that according to his parents, he did not have his magic circuit unlocked

Gil: ...Caster, is that?

Caster: No, it is not possible as far as I know

Marie: that's what I thought, after that my grandfather investigated the state of his body confirming that he was in perfect condition

Gil: MANA BURST, forced activation of magic circuits, and his body accepted all these changes without any discomfort or pain ... what kind of monster is that ... I must admit Master has very strange friends.

Marie: Hehe, Yep Haru was so amazing since he was little ~

Marie said those words with a joy that overflowed from her face

Gil and Caster: Hoo ~

Marie:! ... W-well going back to history ... after Grandpa told me what Haru did, the first thing I felt was jealousy, someone from a family without history, without recognition was able to do something that I have not been able to after years of training, and that only increased when my grandfather said that he was going to take him as a student.

Mash: ... Marie-san, did you hate Kasugano-san?

Marie: Who knows, not even after all this time I can say with certainty that he hated him, but I truly was jealous ... hehe, although that changed a few months later.

Rika: * whisper * hey Nii-chan, every time Mari-chan talks about Haru-san, she really gets weird, don't you think?

Ritsuka: * whisper * the word is emotional, her emotions explode when she talks about Haruka-kun

Rika: * whisper * Hehe, she looks so happy, I wonder if one day I'll feel something like that

Ritsuka: ....

That last comment made Ritsuka stay quiet, it was somewhat difficult to wish something like that to his little sister, the one he has pampered for a long time.

Marie: I remember it was a sunny day, we were in the training room at my grandfather's mansion in Fuyuki, I kept practicing, trying Magecraft, to see if I could use even one, it didn't matter which one, while Haru, after practicing a little, he started playing games on his console, I would get angry every time I saw him doing that, so one day I decided to tell him to see what he would say to me, but when I saw his console, I saw that the characters in his game used magic identical to his.

Caster: what do you mean?

Marie: Haru was only able to use protection, reinforcement, and alteration, although he could not alter any object when he tried, that's when he got the idea of ​​using his games as a source of idea for magecraft, which as strange as it sounds, it worked, allowing him to do the explosions he showed during his test.

Ritsuka: he used alteration to give objects the explosion effect, so when he throws them and comes in contact with his target, they explode

Marie: That's right ... when I saw his game I asked him how those effects looked like his Magecraft, and he replied saying that he couldn't use the same ones that my grandfather showed him, so he made his own.

Caster: He created Magcraft ... simply because he couldn't use the existing ones?

Marie: and that's when I decided to ask her to help me, it only took 10 minutes for me to use magecraft, 10 minutes, but for me, it proved that I have a future, Haru gave me light when I had lost it, My grandfather tried, my grandmother and my mother too, but it was Haru who saved me ... and from there on, we began to create more and more Magic for us, only for us ... until her older sister found us and asked him to teach her, and the very AIRHEAD accepted, and that DAMM DIRTY PERVERT got into our world, in the world that ME and MY HARU created for US, ONLY US ......... .

Gil: E-em, Master?

Mash: M-Marie-san?

Rika: Nii-chan, Marie-san is starting to scare me

Ritsuka: Me too Rika, me too

The more Marie talked, the darker her face became, the more somber it became, to the point that an Oni mask could be seen behind her.

Romani: M-Marie-chan, can you calm down ... please?

Marie: haa, haa, haa, but what do you say if I'm calm

Everyone (Except Marie): 'OF COURSE NOT!'

Marie: Ok, I think we have rested enough, we should ...!

Before finishing what she was saying, Marie felt a presence in the forest, as well as a strange relief, as if she knew that her other half was fine.

Marie: Haru ... he's in the forest

All: What!?

Romani: Wait ... I managed to detect 3 signs in the forest, and one of them ... it's him, Kasugano-kun is there!

With Romani's confirmation, Marie jumped from the second floor without a second thought and ran into the forest.

Gil: Master !?

Rika: Mari-chan wait for us!

They all followed Marie, after running for a while they caught up with Marie who, for some reason, had her arm covered in red sparks, while showing a look that could kill anyone, and on the other side there were 3 people, one of them was a man in wizard attire with blue hair and red eyes, another was a white-haired woman with crystal blue eyes who wore an extremely revealing outfit while sitting on the ground, and finally the third was a boy of black hair and dark blue eyes, this was Haruka, but currently he had a worried face as he looked at Marie, well that and the detail that he had his head refueled on the woman's knees

White-haired woman: Ara Ara ~, it seems that we are in trouble Master Ufufufu ~

Blue Haired Man: Boy, this is up to you


Haruka: E-eeemmm, could you c-calm down a little Mari, i-it's not what it seems

While the others who just arrived had only one thing on their heads as Mash blushed and Rika started laughing.

Everyone: 'What kind of drama is this?'

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------

Ok, I hope you liked this chapter, let me reaffirm that each chapter of my novel will not have less than 3000 words, except for special situations like Prologues of arcs.

Ok People see you next time and in the meantime




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