"What's going on here?"
Seven heads turned towards the doorway. The director of the video commercial glared, assessing the situation. The fallen bottle escaped his interest. What mattered to him more were the two models that weren't in costume yet.
"Why is no one ready? Are you being paid to slack off?" His scowl deepened. "Next scene is in fifteen minutes with Mikael Davis. I need my waitress to be there to rehearse before we begin the shoot. No adjustments!"
The door slammed behind him when he left.
Jane's designated makeup artist and stylist immediately went to work. They stood on either side of the model, guiding her back to the chair. Whispers of comfort flooded her ears. They needed her calm in order to proceed.
Otherwise, they could get into trouble if she didn't perform well.
Jane opened her mouth but nothing came out.
>.< yes, I'm late today. Sorry :c
I know we don't always see eye to eye but I find myself very fortunate to have readers like you c:
Love lots, Cai <3
Also, scenes like this make me remember how I wanted Jane to manipulate Mila into forming a rivalry with Eve over Ambryan...
Oh, well. Too late because one of them should be gone soon.
Have a good day!
Other ongoing work: Trust and Believe in Love