"Madam, I would like to…" Lisa briefly closed her eyes and said it all in a single breath, "...I would like to have a high working position!"
'I think it will really work out!!' Assistant Vin had balls of happiness bursting inside his head. Lisa's answer perfectly suited something that would appease Lena Madam's taste. It was straightforward yet not rude at the same time.
"Oh…!" Lena had not expected this kind of answer from this girl, in fact she had actually not expected anything at all because she was more interested in what the spectators standing outside wanted to say regarding this.
Yes, Maya along with Ashley and Secretary Aria was standing right outside the door waiting for the perfect chance to enter inside. Lena had already heard their footsteps from a few seconds before.
The 'perfect chance' they were waiting for? Well here it was!!
Boom! There goes off another person ready to embarrass themselves! I'll make this face slap quick and very short! Forgot wishing y'all A Very Happy New Year! I Hope this year goes way better than the previous one! Love you guys if any of you is still here, haha! VCR~