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Chapitre 7: Sun and Moon - part 1

288 AC


The usurper's Hand sat behind his desk, one heaped with parchments, while I forced myself to hide my disdain towards the treacherous Kingsguard, an ugly man with short, bandy legs, a flat nose and jowls.

Other than the pathetic "Ser" Boros Blount, we were alone.


"Do you know why I've called you here?" The old falcon finally asked, which made me grimace slightly.

It was the same question I'd been asked on every other visit I'd been called here.

A not inconsiderable number of those visits had ended with me in tears of anger and humiliation that I had to wipe away before being marched out of the tower to make a grovelling apology to whoever I was deemed to have wronged.

As much as I hated it, I'd learned to keep my wrath chained.

The fury of the usurper was thus far armed with a stronger arm and more immediate support.

However, mine was building up until the day of my revenge arrived.

Still, I couldn't recall anything I'd done that seemed likely to draw the treacherous Hand's eye.

"I'm sure you have your reasons... my lord." I said neutrally, ignoring his fake caring expression.

"Almost everyone has a reason, good or bad, for their actions. It seems you've learned something of the art of making bland statements to cover for ignorance. Not a bad skill to learn around the court." Jon Arryn frowned. "Tell me about your recent studies, girl. Are you making good progress?"

I blinked. "...I've made good progress on my writing and reading, as it's right now, the list of words which I don't know the meaning are lessening quickly. I also finished reading through the collection of history tomes that you had requested... Also, I don't really understand much about the astronomy scrolls nor the teachings about economics... mathematics is still a difficult topic for me."

Jon Arryn nodded. "I see, good enough I guess. But...Septa Sarelle had reported to me that you are having difficulty regarding the womanly arts. Is there something you wish to say to me? Something troubling you?"

"No...Nothing at all… my lord, It's just that I find them terribly dull." I remarked frankly. "It's in all honesty, a waste of my time... my lord."

"Some of them, I presume, must really feel like it." The usurper's Hand poured out two goblets of water and pushed one over to me. "Drink my, dear."

I took the goblet cautiously, swirled the contents and then sniffed it before drinking.

It was very cold…but drinkable.

"Have you considered what shall be your future?" He finally asked. "What is it that you envision yourself doing in the future?"

"I don't really care... my lord." I shrugged my shoulders while rolling my eyes.

"My sweet girl, someday you ought to outlive the tragedy of your past and find happiness and strength in your future." He added with an apparently caring yet serious expression.

"Am I expected to marry a high lord? To live in his castle? To give birth to children that would eventually become either knights serving under your King or follow my steps and continue the cycle." I asked him, with some semblance of anger in my tone.

"Ideally yes, my dear. Most people don't have the luxury of contemplating that possibility for their lives. Would you rather stay here and grow old like me? To never leave this place?" Jon said, still seemingly worried for my well being.

This time I mentally rolled my eyes. 'Who are you trying to fool?!'

As I recalled someone I once sighted walking around the Red Keep as I made my way while being heavily guarded. "And what if your foster son decides for me to marry his boy? Wouldn't all my hopes of leaving this place be all for naught?"

"I wouldn't worry about that, my dear. Although it makes political sense to secure you to his firstborn son, Robert has already stated he will not allow such marriage to occur." Unbeknownst to me the Hand recalled the long meetings he and Stannis had wasted trying to change Robert's mind.

I couldn't help but frown, although I said nothing, remaining silent instead. 'Does the usurper don't think I'm not suited for his children? Bastard!'

"Hmm. I must remind you, your life was spared by Ser Jaime of the Kingsguard, and after losing the war your family lost the right of ruling the Seven Kingdoms." Jon Arryn remembered me for the hundredth time in my life. "Please, don't see this as a provocation. It's a friendly reminder alongside a humble plea for you to not waste your life hanging in poisonous revenge."

'Are we friends now, old man? And the Kingslayer only came to my aid as an excuse for killing grandfather. What about my dead mother and brother?' I thought enraged before replying with a fake neutrality. "I understand, my lord."

"I expect no less from you." He smiled. "You may return to your routine."

I politely nodded before leaving the Hand's office, being immediately escorted by two Baratheon guards that had been awaiting outside of the Hand's office.

'Fool! I am a dragon, for now I might appear to be bent and broken, but I will inevitably rise like the sun.' I vowed to myself for the hundredth time. 'For I am fire and blood.'



"Fine work as always! Well done!" Said the Septa.

"Thank you." I replied with a smile.

"I loved the detail that you managed to get on these corners. Quite beautiful." The septa added.

"Appreciate the praise. Unfortunately, the stitches are too tight, it got hard to move them up the needle." I pointed out, immediately noticing a flaw in my work.

"Oh no no no! The stitches are perfectly placed, the entire piece doesn't have a single hole as a result." Septa Sarelle remarked. "I think you are capable enough to begin crafting some larger pieces."

"If you think I'm ready, then I must really be. In that case, what if next time I start making a dress? I do have some ideas I wish to try." I said eagerly.

"Sure my dear. For today though, I think you've done enough. Go on, I'm sure you want to continue playing around with the Prince." The woman insinuated with a gentle smile.

"I-I'm not sure if he is available today, recently he had been spending most of his time occupied. Sometimes he trains with Ser Barristan and other times he and Pycelle get involved in some private research of theirs. I've even heard from my father that the Grand Maester has been summoning some Maesters from the Citadel itself to aid him in subjects he himself lacked." I recalled while looking out the window.

"Ah, a really blessed child indeed. All the workers in the castle sing high praises of his disposition and capability in providing help. The Gods clearly had favored the King and Queen's marriage by blessing them with such prodigious children." The septa remarked while bringing both hands together.

"Children? Do you mean Durrandon's siblings?" I asked curiously, I hadn't yet met the young twins after they grew up a little.

"Of course my dear, who else?" The woman laughed in a friendly manner. "I've heard that the second prince and princess are following their older brother's footsteps. Just in their second name day and both of them are walking and talking like older children. Although Lann isn't as big as his older brother was at the same age, the second prince is already learning how to read. And princess Joanna is undeniably a beauty at such a young age... If only she always behaved like she does when around her big brother... Can you believe it? I've heard that the twins are always fighting amongst themselves."

I listened to my instructor's words while picturing my friend's younger siblings.

I really did miss spending time with him, either by studying or talking about how our days have been.

It always brought me a lot of joy.

But Durrandon was truly a rare case, the boy had only five name days and was already taller than me by quite a bit.

I eventually asked my father about the Crown Prince and he never failed to impress me with stories like Durrandon's skill in combat or even his sharp mind for books.

He definitely would become an amazing King that would accomplish incredible feats, truly someone worthy of having his name remembered throughout history.

'Perhaps today he might have some free time to spend.' I thought hopefully, still recalling our trip to the city.

And so, holding on to that thought, I thanked the Septa's instructions for the day and left.

As I made way through the castle hallways with my father's guard, I began noticing that the number of cats roaming around had clearly diminished.

'Did the soldiers finally find a way of getting rid of them? I hope not, Don always seemed to enjoy his time with the stray cat he adopted. It was literally his Shadow.' I reasoned with myself. 'Besides, that wouldn't make any sense, after all, the number of pests like rats would've become a problem as a result. And I couldn't remember the last time I saw a rat roaming around as well.'

Weird occurrences apart, the cold of the winter was still something I wasn't used to yet. Bath was my favorite time in the day, considering how hot the servants were capable of warming the water.

As I made my way close to the tower of the Hand, I saw someone coming down from the stairs.

It was the King's recently appointed Master of Coin, Lord Petyr Baelish, if I wasn't mistaken.

He had sharp features, a small pointed beard on his chin, and dark hair, his breath was always fresh, smelling like mint.

Every time I met him he wore some new fancy clothes, owning a slashed velvet doublet in cream-and-silver, a plum-colored doublet with a mockingbird embroidered on the breast in black thread, a blue velvet tunic with puffed sleeves, and a black velvet doublet with grey sleeves.

He is partial to shades of rose and plum though.

His cloaks, which are clasped with a silver mockingbird, include grey silk trimmed with black fox, stripes of black and white, and a pattern of mockingbirds.

Lord Baelish also owns a yellow satin cape and a silver cape patterned with mockingbirds, that one being my personal favorite.

Like the Master of Whispers, Lord Baelish wasn't directly descended from a Westerossi house. If I recall correctly, his grandfather came from Braavos.

'Braavos... wasn't Durrandon's new teacher from there as well?' I remembered having heard once about the instructor..

"Greetings my lady!" The short man addressed me. "And to you as well, Ser Hugh, Ser Alden. I hope that business with your mother has been successfully completed."

My escorts simply nodded, actually treating the Master of Coin as a friend.

"And you have my thanks for it, Lord Baelish." Replied Ser Hugh.

"Oh, please, whenever you need something like it don't hesitate to seek me out. I will do whatever I can to help, especially with such important matters as family." The Master of Coin showed some empathy towards the soldier's life.

"Greetings, Lord Baelish." I replied with a courteous gesture, drawing his attention.

"My lady, as the days come to pass your beauty only elevates further." The Master of Coin added quite charmingly.

"I appreciate the praise, my lord." I replied a little timidly.

"You know, your father had told me you have quite the aptitude for managing finances... if you are ever interested, I'm always available to help hone that natural talent of yours." He told me with a friendly smile.

"I'm very thankful for the offer. Perhaps one day, my Lord." I replied cordially.

We nodded to each other and continued on our ways.

After some time climbing the steps of the Hand's Tower and passing by the "problematic" girls' door, I finally reached my father's office.

Few knocks later, I was surprised to be greeted by... that woman.

Lysa Tully was a pretty, slender, high-breasted woman, dimpled and delicate, but the years on the capital were not being kind to her, as her body was slowly yet noticeably growing thicker and her face became pale and puffy, though she hides it with paints and powders.

"Oh hello, my dear." Lyssa said with her fake smile and pale blue eyes. "Come to visit my husband?"

'Gods, why do you insist on provoking me? Aren't you supposed to be the grown up between us?' I mentally sighed. 'Sometimes it feels like you are an annoying older sister.' I thought, putting on a gentle front and asking while ignoring her petulant smirk. "Yes my lady, is father available?"

"I'm afraid he isn't even here, my dear." She smiled again, this time not hiding a certain disdain for me while caressing her auburn hair, which falls thickly down to her waist. "From what I heard he was busy dealing with something the King had requested of him."

"I see, then please forgive me for disturbing you my lady, I'll make my leave." As the Tully woman closed the door, I couldn't help but wonder. 'If father wasn't here, what was the Master of Coin doing here? Was he unaware of father's location just as I was?'

After some time pondering about the matter, I just decided to forget about it.

The Master of Coins was a humble man who befriended quite a lot of people, perhaps he had business with my stepmother.

Besides, everyone trusted Lord Baelish.

Although seemingly powerless, he's very friendly and very helpful.

He was everybody's friend.

But enough of him…

Walking again through the hallways, I watched Durrandon outside on the training yard alongside a slight, bald man with a beak of a nose.

Both of them were... dancing? No, dueling!

'This boy... it seems there's nothing that he doesn't want to learn.' I smiled, recalling his adorable face and blushing ever so slightly as a result.

Recently he has been making a lot of friends, I saw him shooting arrows with the foreigner Summer Islander Prince and even telling jokes for the drunkyard foreigner Red Priest.

Father even told me he has been planning to go back to the city... and I wish I could go with him again.



From the east coast of the Vale, the Fingers reach out into the Narrow Sea, four rocky peninsulas plagued by wind and rain, and barren to all but the hardiest of weeds.

The ancestral home of House Baelish.

Our house began with my great-grandfather, a Braavosi sellsword who came to the Vale at the invitation of House Corbray.

My grandfather raised himself to the status of hedge knight and even managed to acquire a bit of land and a keep on the smallest of the Fingers, though I do believe he missed sleeping under his titular hedges.

The only thing worse than owning a dreary and desolate land is owning only a small portion of it.

Luckily, I didn't spend much time there as a child.

During the War of the Ninepenny Kings, a cheap name for a cheap cause, while other men fought for the king, my father fought to befriend Hoster Tully, Lord Paramount of the Trident and head of one of the oldest and greatest Houses in Westeros.

Thanks to my father's heroic efforts, Lord Hoster agreed to foster me at Riverrun with his own children.

Until then, my whole world had been a small tower on the gull-stained rocks of the Fingers.

But when I first saw the stone walls of Riverrun rising from the Trident, towering over me, back then I was a little more easily impressed, the boy in me thought the gods themselves must live in such a place.

I soon learned otherwise.

Lord Tully's son, Edmure, was quick to ensure I would never forget myself in their House.

He nicknamed me "Littlefinger," after my size and homeland, and the name was just cruel enough to stick.

His sisters, Lysa and Catelyn, made me a pawn in their kissing-game, traded back and forth between them for practice.

Needless to say, I enjoyed spending time with them more than Edmure.

As we grew older, the game began to change, as all games do.

Lysa grew more bold and Cat more demure.

When Lord Tully announced Cat's betrothal to a brute from the North, whom she'd never met, I realized her duty would outweigh any feelings she had for me.

Fool that I was, I challenged this Brandon Stark to a duel for her hand.

He was a warrior. I was a boy.

If Cat had not intervened, he would have killed me and laughed over my corpse.

For my insolence, Lord Tully banished me from Riverrun. No matter. I had learned everything by then.

I would fight my battles not with swords, but with wits, as few men could match me.

Even then, House Baelish might have died out on the rocks of the Fingers.

I was again a poor lord, with no allies and no prospects except, a daughter of a middling merchant.

Then, opportunity arose.

The Mad King executed Brandon Stark and incited a rebellion.

My old "friend," Lysa Tully, was married off to Jon Arryn, Lord of the Vale, to cement the alliance against the Iron Throne.

Bringing her within my circle again, I quickly capitalized on our former "affection" and persuaded her to have me appointed as controller of customs at Gulltown, the Vale's greatest port.

Wars burn gold like wildfire.

When I increased the port's income tenfold, her husband took notice of this lowly lord from the Fingers.

And when the new and profligate King Robert needed a Master of Coin who could find gold where no one else could, why, Lord Arryn knew just the man.

Once House Baelish had no lands, no name, and no gold.

Now we have quite a lot of each.

What new rung will the new generation climb?

Let us not be hasty.

I'm not finished yet.



For the past few days, my routine has changed substantially.

Every night I sneaked away from the Red Keep and went on a "hunt" in Flea Bottom, without forgetting about the many tutors I had gained.

My lessons as a squire served mostly to keep improving my reputation with Barristan, though uncle Jaime apparently had taken an interest to constantly test what I've learned from the Lord Commander.

And Pycelle had pulled some favors and invited some Archmaesters to personally carry my lessons beyond the point he was capable of providing.

Archmaesters were maesters who have demonstrated mastery of a particular subject.

However, they usually only teach the students at the Citadel in their subject of expertise, and they judge whether a novice or an acolyte has shown enough knowledge on their subject to receive a link for their chain.

Although I didn't plan to take their vows, I was mildly amused by surprising those old men with all the knowledge I managed to acquire in a fraction of their lives.

Got five metal links as a result.

Black Iron signified my mastery of Ravenry, Bronze for Astronomy, Copper for History, Yellow Gold for Economy and finally Silver for Medicine.

Deciding to not even mention the Iron link for Warcraft, in order to not turn all the awe and respect I had earned into suspicion and alarm, as well as the Valyrian Steel link for Higher Mysteries.

Back to my Night Raids…

I quickly discovered that killing was an excellent method of leveling up, my nightly incursions allowed me to bypass the tougher XP demands of my current level.

Raising my stats and skills considerably as a result, not to mention the loot I've acquired from the poor devils' purses.


TITLE: Durrandon Baratheon (Sorcerer-Lv5/ Barbarian-Lv4/ Monk-Lv5/ Bard-Lv3/ Fighter-Lv4/ Wizard-Lv3/ Artificer-Lv1)

LEVEL: 12 (20%)

HP: 120/120

SP: 240/240

MP: 12/12*







ALLEGIANCE: The Iron Throne

PWR: <22>

END: <23>

MOB: <23>

INT: <28>

STL: <23>

DEF: 10* (Padded Clothes: Piercing and Slashing +45% Damage Resistance/ Bludgeoning +15% Damage Resistance)


SKILLS: ~open list~

PERKS: ~open list~

FEATURES: ~open list~

TRAITS: ~open list~

TIME PLAYED: 5 years

MONEY: 19,015 GC/ 477 SC/ 300 CC/ 400 NC

($) {MARKET}


Also, as it appears, the Alchemist Guild was very eager to finally regain their power and influence.

Though with Hallyne's allegiance immediately shifting from his Ancient Order towards me, I had him make sure that the other pyromancers didn't draw too much unwanted attention.

Even Tobho Mott and Chataya were eager to play along with my plans for them.

Sure, it took me some creative use of Illusions as parlor tricks and some large quantities of gold to be sure they wouldn't doubt my reasons, much less defy them.

But I would say it was all in all a tremendous success for me.

You know, my bloody activities at night gained me the quiet unimaginative moniker of "The Stranger", especially after I allowed the less irredeemable figures to spread tales of my supernatural powers.

Supposedly, seeing that major criminals were being slaughtered like animals, I was recognized as an entity that delivered the justice of the Gods and avenged the fallen.

Of course, I didn't really care for the specifics of my nickname and legend, I just wanted to continue my hunt while making the difference.

For I knew the truth that the Dark Knight himself learned during the first years of his crusade, and that was that fear was a tool.

A fine detail I added to my myth was the eerie sound of uncanny whispers echoing around the slum during nighttime, with the occasional sound of thunder without clouds or ringing bells that didn't seem to come from the Sept of Baelor.

And since criminals are a superstitious cowardly lot, they believed that "The Stranger" hid in the shadows, watching and seeking to punish them.

Though the honest working small folk was finally beginning to understand "The Stranger" wasn't after them.

During the day, I acted more normally, or at least what was considered normal for me, finally putting in motion my plans of providing food and clothes for the orphanages of the city.

Right now, I was paying a visit to my mother and younger half siblings whenever I could, with Cersei looking just as gorgeous as ever, while Lann and Joanna had just become a curious case.


LV: 5

RACE: Valyrian

PWR: 4

END: 4

MOB: 3

INT: 7

STL: 4

DEF: 1* (Baby Clothes: Resistance to Cold Temperature)

{Lann Baratheon is being raised as the second son of King Robert Baratheon and Queen Cersei. Despite his age, the boy is continuously piecing every new information together and growing to a pace faster than regular children. However, he is maturing slower than his older half-brother Durrandon and he is slowly realizing it, which makes him strive to push his own limits.}


LV: 5

RACE: Valyrian

PWR: 2

END: 2

MOB: 3

INT: 10

STL: 6

DEF: 1* (Baby Clothes: Resistance to Cold Temperature)

{Joanna Baratheon is being raised as the daughter of King Robert Baratheon and Queen Cersei. Despite her age, the girl is continuously piecing every new information together and growing to a pace faster than regular children. However, she is maturing slower than her older half-brother Durrandon, and she is slowly realizing it, which makes her admire him even more.}

The twins were labeled as Valyrian, which really was a curious fact to me.

Initially I estimated that both of them were more akin to the golden lion's lineage than I was, but after pondering over the newfound evidence, theories from my past life that most discarded as improbable were now becoming more reasonable.

The more logical conclusion for me was that both my mother (Cersei) and my uncle (Jaime) had the blood of the dragon running through their veins, which also implied that Tywin probably wasn't their legitimate father.

To say I was disappointed at that notion was a clear understatement, as I really held the old lion from Casterly Rock in high regard, not being blood related to him was a small disappointment.

But taking into consideration that both Tywin's wife and the Mad King were dead, I was probably the only one aware of that fact.

And if it is up to me, it will remain that way.

Pushing that line of thought aside, I was still left with half siblings inheriting the draconic bloodline which had the potential to make them extraordinary people.

I say potential because for every "Mother of Dragons" like Daenerys, there were hundreds, if not thousands, of "Beggar Kings" such as Viserys.

And you can just imagine how rare of a case I was with my system enlarging my Health, Stamina and Mana Bars.

Hopefully Lann won't become as demented as Joffrey was in the original timeline and Joanna won't be as naive as the original Myrcella.

From what Cersei told me, the twins detested each other to the point of constantly fighting, she argued it was probably due to their young age.

But I wasn't entirely convinced of that, their intelligence stats were close to some of the Red Keep's servants.

Regardless of all that, what really caught my attention was the extra bar I saw in them with OBSERVE that wasn't common around regular people.


Clearly it might never reach the same level as mine without my broken System, but the two golden haired toddlers were the first people I've ever seen having this stat even showing.

Father and mother for all of their ancestry didn't possess that potential for unlocking magic.

Perhaps the daughter of the late prince Rhaegar might be another exception, but supposedly half-Targaryens like mother and uncle weren't showing anything different amongst their stats.

And the Spider, which I suspected was a bastard from the Blackfyre branch of the Valyrian family, remained elusive from my presence.

Which wasn't that absurd, given that I wasn't that close with the members of the small council, nor was I relevant beyond having his little birds spy on me for him.

In any case, I was curious about my half-sibling's future.

Was it my arrival that influenced the birth of more sorcerers? Would I eventually be able to unlock their potential and teach them magic? Would I even want another wielder of magic to compete with? Will the future demand that I seek all the help I can get my hands on?

Those were doubts for the future.

For now, I was optimistic, if what my Nexus Market foreshadowed about Monsters and Magical Items was accurate, having some capable sorcerers and other spell casters to rely on would come really in handy.


After my usual visits to my mother, I continued fulfilling my duties.

Even though I was really young to be a squire, my skill was far superior to any other I had ever sparred with.

Not to mention, some incompetent Knights that I've found here and there.

And ever since I received an answer from uncle Jaime about my request to him, I was really thrilled to train with a Braavossi tutor.

"Greetings, my prince." The small bald man addressed me. "I am the dancer master you have requested…" He smiled at me while wielding two wooden swords. "…Syrio Forell."

He threw one of the practice weapons in my direction and I caught it without trouble.



"Eh, you are stronger than you appear to be." Syrio smirked, slightly impressed. "And you are skinny… good, the target for your opponents will be smaller."

I was almost half the age Arya Stark would have during her lessons with him, and our build wasn't that much different thanks to my current stats.

"Thanks for the compliment, Syrio." I finally replied, twirling the weapon with the fineness I gained after training almost two years with the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. "I'm ready whenever you are."

The Bravossi fencer inspected my grip on the weapon. "Excellent, delicate enough to favor precision, but…" He suddenly smacked my weapon with his, only succeeding in making me redirect his strike. "Not too loose in order to drop it."

I could see by his expression that he was beginning to believe the rumors I'm sure he must've heard from my uncle Jaime.

I attempted to surprise him again with a sudden attack after spending a Ki Point on Step of the Wind, but somehow Syrio still managed to parry it.

It was almost as if he knew what I was about to do before I actually did it.

"You are indeed faster than a snake, boy." He told me while we locked weapons. "But you still lack the silence of a shadow."

"I've already mastered the basics of the Iron dance of Westeros." I replied, not revealing my shock at being blocked so easily. "I sought you out so you could teach me the Water Dance of your people."

The water dance from Braavos was much more than a simple form of combat art, it was a style of movement which traded strength and defense in order to reach higher levels of precision and nimbleness.

"Very well… First lesson! My words will try to deceive you. But if you sharpen your senses you will notice my eyes and arms shouting out the truth. Just like I did you just now. Learn how to hide your body intentions just as you do with your face, and I'm afraid even I won't be able to stand against you."

I nodded, recalling the times I started to read Barristan's stances and how it gave me an actual edge during our sparrings.

"You almost sound worried about it." I teased him, with moderate success given his facial expression tensing up.

"In combat, some men are stronger, faster and younger… Do you know what defines the best of them? I will tell you now." Syrio began circling around me while maintaining the posture of a Water Dancer. "The seeing, the true seeing, that is the heart of it. It isn't something I can teach you, you either are capable of it or you aren't."

Yes, that's it!

While my Observe skill was my active awareness, my Stealth stat actually dealt with it passively.

Syrio rushed at me with an elegant smile, and if his telegraphed attack had actually happened, I might've blocked his sword instead of having my left shoulder poked with the tip of his weapon.

"Every hurt is a lesson, and every lesson makes you better. Only by doing so, will you live to see another day." The Bravossi declared, not holding back against me, probably because I've shown that I was stronger and faster than any kid my age had any right to be.

"I once heard that there are always lessons in failures." I calmly replied. "What a way of glorying incompetence… I suppose that's what we all share in common in the beginning of our lives."

Wait until I grow up and reach higher levels after countless battles without even receiving a scratch on my skin or armor, all thanks to my System.

Speaking of it… I suddenly Rage and activate my Action Surge in order to get him this time.

"Ha! Never do what is expected." Syrio lectured me while evading a swift strike I was sure would've been too strong and fast for him to easily parry. "But you will also do well to have your opponent underestimating you. I already know you can be incredibly fast, I'm not willing to test your strength."

That was a good one too.

"Understood." I nodded and continued with our duel.

We spent hours trading blows, and I was actually having a harder time dueling this slight bald man with a beak of a nose.

Don't get me wrong, in a fight to the death between him and Barristan, I would still bet on the older Knight, but I'm aware it wouldn't be a flawless victory.

While the Lord Commander tested my strength and stamina, Syrio challenged me to read his movements while disguising mine, not to mention he was less shy about hurting me.

Not that I was complaining, it was exactly what I needed, especially after those close call incidents on both the Magical Dungeon and Flea Bottom.

With Magic out of question for now and Rage only boosting my Power and Endurance, I end up relying mostly on my uses of Ki and Action Surge, which I believed better described the arsenal of a Water Dancer.

Flurry of Blows whenever I felt I had him on my aim, Patient Defense whenever I was on his and Step of the Wind to either quickly put space between us or eliminate it.

"You are a natural talent, boy." Syrio told me with a semblance of respect. "Not only in the way you move, but also in the way you think."

"The measure of intelligence is the ability to change…" I replied with a faint smile. "Ideally for the better."

"Hehehe." The Dance Master laughed amusedly. "Just so. Tell me… are you fond of chasing cats?"

Because of my quest to catch cats and other animals, I was finally able to reach an impressive level to my ANIMAL TRAINING skill.

My army of domesticated cats was finally not looking so stupid as I saw the hundreds of stray cats obeying to my commands, following Shadow example.

With the felines I caught in the Red Keep, I began commanding them to capture even more rats and doves throughout King's Landing, making sure to diversify my unorthodox army while training them to better perform their tasks.

Though for now Syrio only had to know that I knew how to chase them.

And for my diligent work, training even during my sleep time, I was rewarded with the precious window.






Rogues rely on skill, stealth, and their foes' vulnerabilities to get the upper hand in any situation. They have a knack for finding the solution to just about any problem, demonstrating a resourcefulness and versatility that is the cornerstone of any successful rogue. Devoting as much effort to mastering the use of a variety of skills as they do to perfecting their combat abilities, giving them a broad expertise that few others can match.

Many rogues focus on stealth and deception, while others refine the skills that help them in an enclosed environment underground, such as climbing, finding and disarming traps, and opening locks. When it comes to combat, they prioritize cunning over brute strength. They would rather make one precise strike, placing it exactly where the attack will hurt the target most, than wear an opponent down with a barrage of attacks.


*You know how to strike subtly and exploit a foe's distraction. You can more reliably deal critical damage to one creature you attack if you have advantage while using a finesse or a ranged weapon or the target is distracted.

*Your quick thinking and agility allow you to move and act quickly, if Sneaking attack at target isn't preferable, you can swiftly dash towards someone or something, disengage from combat, or hide without drawing attention.

Excellent combination with my Dirty Fighting style.

My skill with the bow was around average, probably because I really favored the crossbow, even throwing stuff with my bare hands came more naturally to me than the Longbow.

But you know me, I'm a Minimaxer through and through.

After becoming close friends with Jalabhar Xho from the Summer Isles, who was really easily impressed with almost six years old me being able to even use a real shortbow and arrow properly.

Seeing my marksmanship skill, the Summer Islander presented me with a bow from his land.

"Well done my prince! Not everyone who shoots an arrow can hit their target, but only those who succeed, have taken the shot." Jalabhar told me in his deep voice and that accent that reminded me all too well of Chataya.

And as previously mentioned, I did favor really heavy Crossbows, but this fine gift of his was crafted with Goldenheart wood.

Aside from one made using dragonbone, the Summer Isles were known to produce the finest bows with Goldenheart wood, as those weapons were so broken to the point of actually being capable of piercing even plate armor.

From my previous life's knowledge, it was a nigh impossible feat with regular bows, no matter what poundage they reached, especially with arrows made out of wood.

Wooden shafts should never be comparable with well forged castle steel in any shape or form, but here, things like the Ironwood from the North and the Goldenheart trees from the Summer Isles were the closest thing one could find of a magical material.

That just made me more eager to work with Tobho Mott, since if there was a chance for my skill to reach higher levels than the ones people were used to here, I'm sure it would start with his tutorship.

My Intelligence stat provided me some buffing effects to my charisma, which would certainly explain how well our encounter had occurred.

As a matter of fact, I've continued to befriend the Drunkard Red Priest.

"Hahaha! You have a fierce heart, my Prince. If I looked young again, pretty maids would most definitely shower me with kisses. You shall not waste your life, make sure to not miss every pleasure it has to offer." He told me once I accepted one of his drinks.

The Red Wizard clearly respected my inclination for adventure.

Predictably, he did try from time to time to introduce me to his habits of drinking and spending time with the opposite sex.

The first surprisingly provided me with some reliable way of leveling up my Poison Resistance skill without raiding Pycelle's collection, which was really neat.

And the second I had already covered it with the exotic Chataya teaching me how to be irresistible in bed, though Thoros didn't have to know about it.

And thanks to my rapidly increasing Sexual Performance skill, I was sure she wasn't taking advantage of me or our deal.

I mean, she was… but not in that way.

The Pink Priest reminded me so much of my own father that, as a matter of fact, the King actually spent some nights challenging the Myrish man into a drinking contest while Robert kept inviting him to one of his hunts.

Speaking about father, the King announced that before the next winter there would be a tournament in homage to my sixth nameday.

Probably to appoint me a sworn shield and use it as an excuse to break the monotony of his days as ruler of the realm.

In my opinion, someone like the Hound would be a perfect candidate for the job, since I could certainly use a sparring partner much larger than me, and I could consider it a stepping stone for my eventual hunt for giants beyond the Wall.

Talking about the pyrophobic Westerlander, my plans for his homeland with the looming Greyjoy Rebellion were finally taking shape.

Through Pycelle, I made sure that my request to be fostered at Casterly Rock would reach Tywin's eyes alongside an excellent argument about how it could benefit him and his house in the long run.



Men called me "the Spider" long before I came to Westeros.

As a young thief in Pentos, I seemed to have eight hands; each dipped into a stranger's pocket.

But the other thieves didn't appreciate my skill, and they had size and strength that I couldn't match.

When they discovered why, I was beaten and told that a eunuch boy doesn't belong in the streets, but in the brothels as any slave would know.

I managed to escape them and took to sleeping in the sewers by day and prowling the rooftops by night, barely one step ahead of starvation, much less slavery.

Then I met Illyrio Mopatis.

He was a Bravossi who lived by his sword, but his mind was sharper than his blade.

I proposed an arrangement. I would spy on lesser thieves and steal their takings.

Illyrio would offer help to the thieves' victims, promising to recover their valuables for a fee.

Soon, every honest man knew to come to Illyrio, whilst the city's cutpurses sought me, half to sell me what they had stolen, and the other half to slit my throat.

Sadly for them, Illyrio needed my throat more than he needed theirs.

Most thieves, like most men, are fools, who think no further than turning a night's plunder into wine.

Luckily, as the other thieves had reminded me, I was not a man.

Nor were those I hired with the gold we earned.

I chose the smallest orphan boys and girls, the ones who were as quick and quiet as me, and taught them to climb walls and slip down chimneys.

My little birds left the shiny trinkets for common thieves and instead stole letters, ledgers, and charts.

Secrets are worth far more than silver or sapphires.

Later, I taught my little birds to read the letters themselves and leave them where they lay so no one would know of our intrusion.

Illyrio and I grew so rich that Illyrio wed a princess of Pentos, whilst whispers of my talents reached the ears of a very anxious king across the Narrow Sea who did not trust his son, nor his wife, nor his Hand.

Nor should he have, as I told him once I arrived and raised more little birds.

They thought it the most amazing game to discover all the secret tunnels underneath the Red Keep and listen to all the whispered secrets from within the castle walls.

I often wonder what became of my first little birds once I lost contact with them.

Most likely, they returned to their miserable lives, or worse, grew up.

Eventually, if our paths cross once again, I'll hear their song again.

Until then, well, the world never lacks for orphans.

Little birds sing in the west, and little birds sing in the east.

And this spider continues to spin its web.

Perhaps the time is due to finally reach a little dragon that refuses to relent to her captors.


Evening in Rhaenys' chamber.

The Targaryen Princess was alone in her room, as she always had been since that cursed night where the dragon was betrayed.

She received lessons from the Septa and even the Grand Maester, but the latter never spent more than a few moments with her, just listing the books and scrolls she was expected to read, never shutting his mouth about her affliction of having such difficulty with reading and writing.

She received three meals a day and was allowed to use the privy whenever she pleased, but that was no life for her.


"My lady, it's already getting dark! Please put off the candles and go to sleep!" The man guarding her door ordered after knocking.

'Everywhere I go, I'm always followed by imbeciles like this one!' She thought. "Understood sir! Have a good night!"

She heard him snicker at her last comment and made faces at his expense.

Rhaenys blew off the candles and positioned her pillows under the blanket, walking towards her wardrobe.

Behind it in the wall, she budged a loose piece of rock and retrieved a kitchen knife.

Obviously she wasn't allowed to receive combat lessons, nor was she supposed to have a weapon to fend for herself, but she didn't care.

After stealing a pair of knives last year, she exercised and trained the handling of such improvised weapons every night, dreaming that one day she would murder her way out of this prisoner's life.

Rhaenys even used her studies to learn about which houses had been loyal to her own until the end of the rebellion, in order to have a better understanding of which ones she could trust to help her.

The winters were especially difficult for her, but as time went on and after some annoying close calls with the guards outside her chamber almost catching her on the act, Rhaenys was able to move around her room during the nights without alerting anyone.

She was aware her body will never be as strong as her mother's killer, but she was sure a knife to the throat would be enough to kill even a giant of a man people venerate as the Mountain that rides.

As she proceeded with practicing her footwork and balance, she heard a stranger voice.

"I do envy your view from up here, my Lady. This is, after all, the second highest room in the Red Keep." A stranger said with his back turned to the window and his silhouette revealing a plump, bald man with an effeminate tone of voice.

Rhaenys immediately pointed her improvised weapon at the intruder, wanting to question the man's identity by threatening him, but as soon as she remembered that her guard might have noticed the sudden sound in her room, she turned her head to stare at the door while still keeping her arm raised in defense against the intruder.

"Don't worry my lady, Ser Mikael has allowed us some time for privacy." He said, and as he turned she noticed his face barely visible in the darkness.

"You are?" She requested coldly, trying her best to not show fear and attempt to intimidate the man before her.

"Just a loyal servant, the Gods know how rare my kind is." The plump man with effeminate features spoke.

"I hate riddles. Don't make me ask again." She steeled herself while gritting her teeth for the possible threat of combat.

"Apologies for my lack of manners, I am Varys, Master of Whispers..." He bowed in respect. "At your service, my Princess."

"The usurper's bitch!" Rhaenys almost shouted at the reveal. "Tell me, have you shared any relevant information with the bastard to hunt down my uncle and aunt today?" She asked, grinding her teeth.

"Quite the contrary, my Princess. It's only thanks to me that they still haven't been captured, or worse." Varys smiled.

"I suppose you expect me to believe that." She approached, still with her knife raised and a tight grip on it. "Why should I?"

"I guess turning a blind eye to your nightly training sessions for the last year should at least ease your concerns." He replied, not really seeming to care for her threats.

"And what might you have to gain from betraying your King? What could you possibly want from me?" She raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"My dear Princess, I want to serve the King that recruited me, your grandfather for all his faults was still the rightful ruler of the realm. As Prince Rhaegar's daughter, you have my loyalty." Varys spoke calmly while gazing around the room.

"Don't speak that coward's name! He's dead! Alongside the Northerner bitch he stole from the usurper!" Rhaenys shouted while resisting the tears in her eyes. "It was his fault that my mother and brother were murdered!"

Not a night had passed, since she became aware of her father's abandonment, that she didn't spend cursing his name.

From what she learned, it was because of him that everything went wrong. He abandoned her mother and brother, and abandoned her as well, all for a Northerner woman.

"I comprehend your ire, my Princess. But I also have one piece of information that you might like." Varys said with an enigmatic air.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Spill it out!" She impatiently ordered him.

Varys sighed before saying. "Although unfortunately your mother's death couldn't be prevented... I wish to inform you that your brother is alive and safe."

Rhaenys eyes widened in shock as she almost dropped her weapons.

"A-Aegon... is alive?" A tear finally crossed her cheek. "W-where is he?"

Varys smiled and began his speech. "Aegon is being shaped for ruling before he could even walk. He will be trained in arms, as befits a knight to be, but that won't be the end of his education. He is beginning to read and write, he is learning how to speak several tongues, he will be studying history, law and poetry. A Septa will instruct him in the mysteries of the Faith when he becomes old enough to understand them. He is living with fisherfolk, working with his hands, swimming in rivers and mending nets while learning to wash his own clothes when needed. He is learning how to fish, cook, bind up a wound, and knows what it is like to be hungry, to be hunted, to be afraid. Princes had always been taught that kingship is their right. Aegon is learning that kingship is his duty, that a King must put his people first, live and rule for them."

"Will you take me to him?" She asked hopefully, almost dropping the kitchen knives again when she lowered her arms.

"I'm afraid it won't be possible for at least a decade, my Princess. As I've already mentioned, he is undergoing rigorous training that requires a lot of commitment. I've come now to reassure you, my dear princess Rhaenys, that you are not alone." He concluded.

Varys then approached Rhaenys and offered her a gift.

It was a proper dagger. This one had her house banner marked on the pummel.

"Remember my dear, nowadays winters come and go, the lion roars from time to time, and the storm is full of sound and fury that signifies nothing, to survive the Game of Thrones you have to play the cards you're dealt." He said before leaving through the front door.

'How did he get here? Did he hide before I arrived? I'm sure I would've heard the door opening.' She thought. 'But I guess...'

As if reading her doubts, some bricks on the wall beside her bed began moving and a doorframe appeared out of nowhere.

Coming through the secret passage, which she had never noticed before, came a young boy with silver-gold flocks of hair similar to hers.

"Thank the gods! I thought the Spider would never leave." The boy said with a calm and assured voice.

It was a kid, with a tone of skin lighter than hers and his eyes were of different colors.

"Wait... I remember you." She began. "You are..."

"Oh, where are my manners?" He smiled before bowing charmingly. "My name is Durrandon Baratheon, known by my title as Crown Prince!"




Some preparations before I moved were still required, though I still wished to spend some time with those who couldn't follow me to the Westerlands.

Perhaps I should take one of my days off and spend it with Alysse, since we haven't seen each other for a while now.

Aside from my blonde childhood friend, there's also the matter about...her.

I stopped close to a corner and spied through its edge in the other hallway, I saw a young dark skinned girl with hair similar to mine being escorted by two soldiers.

I used OBSERVE on her again.


Lv: 17


PWR: 14

END: 13

MOB: 17

INT: 15

STL: 17

DEF: 0*

{Rhaenys Targaryen is officially being raised as the Ward of King Robert Baratheon, but who actually is raising her is the Hand of the King.

Despite her age, the girl continues to hold a grudge against those she considered that wronged her. She is dedicating her life to one day have her revenge.}

Unlike my half siblings, she had no Mana bar awaiting to be unlocked.

I guess it's about time I meet this angst girl and have a talk with her.

And so, I waited until the evening, spending some time writing about the Alchemy and Rune Smith knowledge I've acquired, before making my way through the secret tunnels that I've already familiarized myself with by using cats and rats as scouts.

Besides, this actually was fairly easy for me, not only could I identify the secret spots in the castle through my Obverse skill, but my Mental Map perk made me understand the maze-like passages much quicker than I would have otherwise.

All while also avoiding the Spider's radar as well.

Varys was probably so used to sneaking up on people that he wasn't used to watching out for others sneaking up on him, just like with how Arya managed to spy the eunuch scheming alongside his Essossi friend.

And from what I could see, I wasn't the only one who decided to visit the damsel in distress tonight.

With my special use of Minor Illusion to cancel out any sound I might emit, I became a ghost to the enunch's ears.

Interestingly, Rhaenys hadn't surrendered her spirit and somewhat mimicked my nightly exercises without even knowing.

Deciding to see what Varys' intentions were, I watched the Master of Whispers' theatrical act, and I had to admit, I was mildly impressed with what I saw.

Varys not only convincingly announced himself as a loyalist, but also revealed to her about Young Griff, her supposedly dead brother.

If the boy was really Aegon didn't really matter, the fact was, someone was being raised to eventually claim the Iron Throne, and I was not going to allow that plan to succeed.

As Varys made his ways through the door, probably to not reveal the room's secret passage location, I decided to finally act.

As soon as I stepped into the room, I startled the little girl who wasn't expecting another visit.

"Thank the Gods! I thought the Spider would never leave." I said with my best calm and assured voice.

"Wait... I remember you." Rhaenys began, immediately inspecting the physical traits, as her attention was immediately focused on me. "You are..."

"Oh, where are my manners?" I smiled before bowing gracefully. "My name is Durrandon Baratheon, known by my title as Crown Prince!"

Initially the Targaryen princess stayed silent for a moment, but after finally understanding who she was facing, the girl lunged in my direction with the kitchen knives ready for the kill.

I casually planted my right leg in a pivoting stance and effortlessly dodge her thrust, grabbing her wrist and back, I took her down with a disappointed sigh.

While pinning her to the ground with enough so not to allow movement, I spoke in a cold manner. "A bold action my lady, but awfully stupid."

Rhaenys grinded her teeth in frustration.

"Let's fool ourselves and assume you could strike me down...what then? Will you venture without knowledge through the way I came in? What if I had back up? Are you that desperate to risk everything right now?" I stared down at her.

"Release me immediately!" She muttered, raising her face from the ground while struggling.

I simply obliged her order, taking the weapons away from her. "As you wish, Princess."

She got up slowly and adjusted her posture with a little discomfort around her wrists.

"I'll make my words brief and will resist myself from talking through riddles." I smiled thinking about the Spider. "I'm here to present you with two choices."

Rhaenys raised an eyebrow in response to my antics, not believing for a moment that I was being honest.

"One: you can take this map that will lead you safely to outside of King's Landing's walls… more precisely, just outside the mud gate and close to the capital's docks in black water rush." I raised a finger with one hand and showcased an enrolled scroll with the other.

Rhaenys narrowed her eyes but said nothing, already aware she was powerless before me.

I smiled at that sign of cooperation and continued. "The second… would be for us to join forces."

Now Rhaenys expression completely faltered, given by how she almost tripped over her step.

Her wide eyes were truly a comedic sight for me, but my Player's Mind perk kept me from laughing out loud and ruining the mood I was building here.

"Are you mocking me, you bastard?!" She shouted after recollecting her wits. "I'm not a fool! Join you?! Don't make me laugh! And how can you guarantee me that I won't be expected by the usurper himself as soon as I set foot outside this supposed magical map of yours?"

My muted expression changed into a more serious and menacing stare. "Careful now girl, I enjoy your boldness, but be careful. You are wise to not blindly trust my intentions, but don't be a fool to disregard my words."

Rhaenys for some reason froze in place, as the easygoing boy in front of her suddenly made her falter under his cold stare again.

I began circling around her as if to better inspect her.

As a nine year old, she was skinny and athletic, with the characteristic appearance of a dornish girl, safe for the thin sliver of silver hair amongst dark locks.

"Other than my word, I will allow you to learn a secret of mine just to ease your mind." I said, turning my gaze to inspect her room.

"Another... secret?" She meekly sighed, only to wince under my stare.

Gesturing with my head to somewhere behind her, I waited for her to notice my sudden spell.

Rhaenys was about to question me again when suddenly someone spoke from behind her.

It was a very familiar voice...

When she finally turned to look who stood behind her, she was shocked to see it was… herself.

More precisely, the doppelgänger of Rhaenys Targaryen, now bowed respectfully before to the two of us.

The clone's expression was awfully similar to hers, yet so different with a happy smile she was sure hasn't been on her face for years now.

"My lady... my Prince." The Illusion in the room said.

"How...how is that even possible?!" Rhaenys asked in a whisper.

"It's just one of my gifts. With it standing here, I'm sure you might even find a ship and sail to Essos before anyone even suspects. I know the Spider told you he has your brother, but there is still the matter of your uncle and aunt. However... I know better than to trust a Blackfyre." I said while staring at the window.

"A what?...Wait! Are you saying that Varys is a..." She began muttering something before I continued my line of thought.

"Don't get me wrong, I do favor his House more than I do yours, but..." I turned to look at her. "In times like the ones we are about to face, anyone that defies the Iron Throne should not be trusted."

Rhaenys mind was working overtime to even understand everything I was saying, leaving her no time to even question if I was being honest.

But then again, as she turned to her living image standing right beside her, probably not even a more intelligent person would fare better with so much insanity.

I know from experience that this combination of tricks worked very well for my persuasion attempts.

And my Bard title was the cherry on top of everything.

"Y-you... are you a... sorcerer?" She asked the obvious.


"As a matter of fact, I am. Though probably the first descendant from Old Valyria in so many centuries. Though I'm hopeful to one day meet some interesting magic wielders from around the world." I began to ponder to myself before asking directly to her. "Can you imagine? What are the limits of what one can do by using magic?"

I activated my Dragon Scales throughout my body to better hammer my point home.

"D-drag-d-on!" Rhaenys stuttered.

Clearing my throat before changing subjects, I absorbed my scales back. "Oh yes, you were about to choose which path you are about to take. Fair warning, joining me will be extremely beneficial but you won't be the one making the decisions henceforth, and there is no going back." I then dispelled my illusion in favor of another. "But if you choose to leave, be sure that I won't pursue you nor those close to you... unless you force my hand by opposing me and my plans."

"Have I made myself clear?" A voice came from the direction she last saw her duplicate.

But this time, the person standing behind her was...



But this duplicate wasn't exactly like the prince she was just talking to.

We shared the same height and body frame, but its hair was completely silver and his eyes were both purple in color.

It probably reminded Rhaenys of her father, Rhaegar Targaryen, the one who abandoned her and her family.

Twinning my Minor Illusion, I got another version of me.

This time, it had hair entirely black, with blue stormy eyes.

I could almost see the gears in her head working overtime, as she now faced a version of me that most likely reminded her of my father, the Demon of the Trident.

Or just Urserper for her, I presume.

The younger versions of my Monk and Bard identities joined my side, almost as if they were siding with me while awaiting for her response.

"Will you join my Party?" My illusions and I asked in unison.

"I choos… ye... I mean…" Rhaenys corrected herself after stuttering. "Prince Durrandon, I choose to join… your Party. You have made your point clear, and I wish to be allies with you." She said while staring directly at my eyes.

My attention suddenly changed to look somewhere right in front of me, to her it appeared as if I was inspecting the air.

'I hope I'm not making the greatest mistake of my life by trusting him.' She thought, almost inadvertently copying my own thoughts.

With a smile, I raised both arms and announced. "I welcome you, Lady Rhaenys Targaryen, to stand alongside me as I conquer this world and many others."

Rhaenys was lost for words at that statement.

This entire night appeared to be nothing short of a crazy dream that she was having after catching a cold during the winter.

Conjuring a large book out of thin air, I handed it to her. "This is a book I've personally written, there you will find all my notes detailing the map of King's Landing alongside any point of interest regarding the city."

"I-I am thankful for the gift... but what do you expect me to use it for?" Rhaenys asked me, her tone had drastically changed from the beginning of our encounter.

She wasn't submissive yet, but her priorities were clearly not opposing me.

"Well, I do need capable hands to accomplish the tasks I might eventually burden them with. Save this for now, the night is still young, you will hunt with me now." I said while activating the secret passage on the wall to re-open.

"Hunt? Tonight? I mean, how am I supposed to carry or hide this large book? If you leave this with me, it's bound to be discovered by any of those guards that check my room from time to time." She tried to put her thoughts together.

"Oh, I assumed that with those kitchen knives that you were hiding in that spot you would've figured somewhere else to hide it." I told her with an amused glare. "But if you must, say 'Save Book on Inventory'."

"What does that even mean? Will it…" She began questioning again before I interrupted her, again.

"Just do it." I said as an order.

"Alright... uh... Save Book on Inventory?" She repeated with a little bit of hesitation.

"Not like that, it won't work if you don't actually desire for the Book to be stored away." I informed her.

"Understood...Save Book on Inventory!" She said, this time trusting that I wasn't making a fool out of her.

And just like the book appeared out of nowhere in my hands, it vanished in the same style.

In her mind, she somehow knew that the book was safely guarded somewhere she could get it back.

"Excellent, welcome to the party my dear." I greeted her while noticing a small status window nearby my own. "Now, let's try a more advanced step. Make it come out of your Inventory, but this time... don't speak."

"Okay... let's see..." She then tried to focus again on that same sensation she just felt, before mentally ordering and raising her hand. 'Take Book from Inventory!'

And just like I did before with the map and book beforehand, Rhaenys managed to conjure up the object out of nowhere.

"Congratulations, I think you are a natural to this." I complimented her.

"Does this mean... that I am a sorcerer like you?" Rhaenys asked with hope in her heart.

"I'm afraid that it won't be that easy. At least for now, I'm not entirely sure of what your progress will lead you. For now, you are just... channeling magic... from me." I revealed, but just as she was about to hang her head in disappointment, I grabbed her chin with elegance and raised it until she was staring into my eyes. "I will help with what I can, the rest is up to you."

Rhaenys was about to blush at our proximity before I gave her a break and changed subjects.

"Now, let's go already, tonight looks like the perfect time to hunt." I released her chin and turned my back to her, noticing the moon wasn't reflecting enough light to hinder their efforts to move stealthily around the city.

Rhaenys shook herself out of the previous distraction and said. "You mentioned hunting before, but what are you after?"

I laughed for the first time. "You will see when we get there... Oh, tonight you are the one going to hunt, so take these old gear I have with me, they are much better protection than what you are wearing at the moment."

"I... eh... you want me to dress it?" She looked around, noticing the lack of cover for her to use. "Now?"

"I see no problem with that, just think of equipping them similar to how you did with the book." I told her another thing she has been able to do since joining my party.

"I-I understand... my... Prince." She said while still feeling overwhelmed with everything that had happened in just one night.

"C'mon, where is that high spirit of yours from before when you lunged at me, you will have to steel yourself to face our first training session." I smiled at her while offering her knives back, before entering the secret passage. "That blade the Spider gave you is much better than these cutlery."

"Right!" She said before following me.






*Hope this chapter is of your liking.

Anything you wish to ask, feel free to do so.

Check out my auxiliary chapter if you still haven't.

Thanks as always for your attention and please be safe.

Any problems with my writing, just point them out and I will correct them as soon as possible.

Daichi_TBR193 Daichi_TBR193

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