Slowly Eldrian raised his head and looked at Vivian, only to be captured by her eyes again. He found himself unable to focus, losing himself when looking into them. Shaking his head he kept telling himself to just act normally. Naturally, that did nothing.
How could he act naturally now that he was reminded of the biggest fact. That she was a female, and a beautiful one at that. He had actually forgotten, or rather, suppressed this key fact. It had happened naturally as they had trained and fought together. Now with that veil lifted, Eldrian had no idea how to bring it back.
Taking a deep breath he tried to calm down. Vivian having long since found that there was something strange going on. After Eldrian glanced at her again, unable to hold eye contact, she could no longer ignore it.
"Just what is going on today?"
Well, I really don't know relationships. So bear with me in this, it is uncharted ground. (Let me know if it feels ridiculous)
Also, my fever broke yesterday, and I am feeling much better. Just my lungs which are still irritated that is now a concern for me.
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