No sooner had the Great Desolate Wyrm Natas appeared before the Monster Rockzilla, the two of them had battled almost immediately.
The Great Desolate Wyrm Natas had sent his white flare breath weapon again the Monster Rockzilla; his breath weapon could instantly disintegrate even great saints and 8th realm immortals that had dared to stand in his line of fire.
But against the monstrous size Monster Rockzilla, his white flare breath weapon may be able to bypass the profound animus protecting it but it was like a paper hitting a rock against the thick rocky armor plates.
Because the Monster Rockzilla was so big, more than 90% of his profound power was scattered and distributed to nothingness.
The Monster Rockzilla retaliated immediately by sending blazing fire from the jaws of its terrible looking mouth as a breath weapon against the Great Desolate Wyrm Natas. As it did so, even the long spikey armor plates on its back were glowing blue and white.
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