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96% One Piece Bounty Wars / Chapter 72: End of the Beginning!!

Chapitre 72: End of the Beginning!!

(Garp POV)

'That damn brat can go to hell if he thinks I'm gonna listen to him!!' Garp thought in annoyance as he leisurely walked through the city on Marineford. He didn't need to ride with Jack to get places, he was perfectly capable of doing things on his own, it would just have been more comfortable and less exhausting if he got to ride on the Pearl.

Getting to the main Marine HQ building, Garp made a quick stop in the kitchen before he continued down the ramparts towards the crescent bay. He knew from past experience that the battle would take place there, though he didn't think it would be much of a battle. Jack was outright unpredictable, and just watching him and those who fought with him, Garp didn't think the Marines really had much of a chance to begin with.

Looking towards the set up the marines had prepared, he could only shake his head in disappointment. The marines knew full well Jack had a flying ship, and though they did prepare anti-aircraft weapons, everything they had was positioned to face away from the HQ building.

What reason would Jack have to come from the front when he could simply fly to the point right behind them, rendering their formation a moot point. 'Honestly, this is why the Marines needed Sengoku and Tsuru!!' Garp thought, wondering if that was why Jack had taken both of them before he had even tried attacking Marine HQ.

Before long the crack of lightning signaled the beginning of the end, and Garp sat back with a bag of rice crackers as he watched the Dyna stones explode around him. He felt pity for the marines on the battlefield down below, but they had been warned numerous times by Jack himself to leave the marines, and each of them knew this outcome was a big possibility when they showed up to this.

When the giant spike balls rained down from the sky, Garp couldn't help but almost choke on the crackers in his mouth. They were all just as big as his Ball and Chain with massive spikes on them!!

He almost wanted to applaud the destruction they caused, knowing he had been the founder of such objects. 'Sengoku called them worthless!! Armature!!' He thought, remembering to bring this up later once he got back to East Blue.

Garp heard Kong's order for Kizaru to attack, and before it even happened, he knew what was going to happen. Just based on what he had seen of Jack back in East Blue, he was extremely overprotective of Nojiko.

The last person Garp would ever attack would have been Nojiko, as Jack would no doubt stop at nothing to end him. So upon hearing the command to attack her, Garp could more or less guess the outcome. Watching Kizaru's body be devoured in the black flames, Garp shook his head.

Those black flames worried even him, and having seen them literally burn through a supposedly indestructible material like the Red Line, he knew Haki wasn't going to defend against them! When the corpse disappeared and money took its place, Garp could feel a chill run down his spine. In the blink of an eye it was as if Kizaru was never there to begin with, no one ever knowing what the hell happened to the bodies once they vanished.

It was a little sickening, but Garp had watched so many people he considered friends die in the past he simply shrugged it all off after a few seconds. As soon as Jack gave the order to attack, Garp got to his feet before making his way down to the platform where the bigwigs were standing.

Taking a page from Jack's book, Garp approached from behind, then wrapped a hand around Akainu's mouth, stuffing some small black beads inside of him. The puppy had swallowed them like a champ, almost as if he had had lots of practice with balls in his mouth!

With all the chaos and explosions going on around them, Garp wasn't noticed as he kicked the back of Akainu's right leg, almost shattering it in one blow. Next he literally threw the man further into the city and away from prying eyes. If he was noticed, he had no doubt people would expect him to participate in this fight, but he didn't have a death wish or want to attack his former underlings.

Thankfully the ash from the weird looking guy in grey had shielded him from the camera aboard Jack's ship, and the world would forever be curious about him being here. Jumping towards where he had thrown Akainu, Garp found him struggling to get to his feet.

"If anyone's going to kill you, it's going to be me!" Garp declared as he approached, kicking the man in the groin, dropping him to his knees once more. It was about this time that something in the sky pulled his attention, and Garp had to squint his eyes to see what it was. As the thing got closer, he realized it was a fucking meteorite!!

With blindingly fast movements, he grabbed Akainu by his shattered leg and began to spin around rapidly. Once he had gained enough momentum, he threw the man with all of his might at the meteor, turning it into dust upon impact.

The dust and debris had hidden where Akainu landed, but having watched the event rather closely, Garp had a general idea of where the man landed. It took almost 10 minutes, but when Garp finally found Akainu, the man didn't look too good.

"You're a little too reliant on that power of yours!" Garp said as he approached the man, who by this point was barely even breathing. "How many civilians did you kill when you captured Stain?" Garp asked, not expecting an answer. Hell, he didn't need to justify this to himself, the man was a cruel son of a bitch who had probably killed more innocent people than he had criminals!!

With a vicious stomp, Garp crushed Akainu's legs so hard, he nearly took them off. With murderous eyes, Garp stared down at the man who had put more fear into the civilians and soldiers than even the pirates had, and couldn't help but think the man was getting off too easy.

He however wasn't one for dragging this sort of thing out for a prolonged period of time, so he coated his hand in Haki before he plunged it into Akainu's chest and tore out the man's heart. Taking out a small white handkerchief from his right breast pocket, Garp cleaned the blood off his hand before he tossed the now bloody rag onto Akainu's corpse.

Just as he was about to go, Akainu's body disappeared and in it's place a massive pile of cash appeared. His eyes turned into berry signs and he quickly began to stuff his pockets. Somewhere along the way, Garp had to stop and search a nearby building for something to carry all of this cash, and before long he had it all stuffed into a large bag that hung over his shoulder.

Having done what he set out to accomplish, Garp made his way back towards the far side of the island with a small skip in his steps, humming a jolly tune, a much richer man.


(General POV)

Jack was perplexed to say the least. Someone had killed Akainu, and he couldn't for the life of him figure out who it was that had done it. By this point, Garp was already rowing quite a ways away on the far side of the island, still whistling his tune, leaving Jack to forever wonder who it was that had dealt with the Crimson Puppy.

With the unknown helper aside, Jack had things of his own to do. Looking down upon the battlefield, he saw Luke fighting against Kong, though it was quite unclear who was winning, which just went to show how strong Kong truly was. Smoker was fighting with Aokiji, and it didn't look as though it was going to end on friendly terms if the way Smoker was fighting was anything to go by.

Looking a little to the side, Jack saw Robin still staring at Aokiji, and he somewhat put things together. Her and Smoker weren't just fucking for pleasure, they were more of an item than most people realized. It didn't matter that Aokiji and him were good friends, the man had attacked someone Smoker actually cared about, and Jack could sympathize with the man.

Taking a quick glance over at Nojiko, Jack could feel where the guy was coming from, knowing there wasn't really anyone he cared more for than Nojiko, and Smoker most likely felt something similar for Robin.

The giant squadron was basically gone. Tedi and Lucian had seen to that, and right now they were toying with Blackbeard. The man hadn't been given the chance to escape before he was kicked back into the fray. He was glad the moron hadn't escaped, as he didn't like looking over his shoulder for even more people who held a grudge against him, and Blackbeard could hold a grudge better than even the marines.

Tashigi was moving the injured around the battlefield back to the ship with the help of her barriers, using them as floating platforms. There were clearly those she had killed, but it was evident she had steered clear of most of the big groups, choosing to save people rather than fight. It made sense to Jack in a way.

She used to be one of these people, and he figured she didn't want to kill those she didn't have to. It was a little naïve on her part, as Luke was still a thing, and he would rather kill the marines then spare them!

Nami was something else entirely. She had only got her Devil Fruit less than a day ago, and already she was using it like a monster. Sure she was only fighting the lower ranked soldiers like the captains, but given her personality and strength, it was understandable.

She confused and tricked her enemies, knocking them out or encasing them with gold. Jack even saw her put little gold lightning rods on over a dozen people, then use her climatac thingy to electrocute the shit out of them. Both literally and figuratively!!

Nemo and Jimbe were still giving pointers to each other, and Jack couldn't help but smile a little. He was glad Jimbe wasn't dead, but he wouldn't have wept any tears for the man had he died. The guy just had such a good character from the anime that Jack couldn't help but like him even though he hadn't actually met him yet.

Not too far away from Jimbe and Nemo, Hancock was turning people to stone by the dozens, then would look down on them with her nose up in the air. Seeing her in person, Jack did have to admit that she was very attractive, but so was Nami, Robin and Nojiko, yet he wasn't losing his mind over all of them, just the one he actually cared about.

He did feel that there was something that struck his mind when he looked at her, which led him to the conclusion that it had something to do with her power, but it sure as hell wasn't enough to make him turn into a whipped dog for her.

The statues around her were a little disconcerting, but after a closer inspection, only about 10-15 of them actually looked like his own men, and the statues were still in pristine condition, but it was still something considering that was almost ten percent of his force. She could always reverse them, and it would be better to get them turned back sooner rather than later.

From his position, Jack could see Bartholomew Kuma, and his smile disappeared. The man didn't seem all that bad in the anime, and Jack had no idea why the hell he would willingly give up his life for the government when he was a revolutionary, and now he would never know.

Kuma wasn't doing all that much, shooting the occasional laser beam from his mouth towards those around him, while very rarely doing anything with his actual Devil Fruit. It would be better to kill whatever it was he had become, but first Jack wanted to try and find out if the other Pacifista were anywhere near here.

It wouldn't be until later that he would learn the Pacifista's had been swept up in the Dyna Stone explosion, but that was something for later.

Weevil was off on the sidelines, doing a very bad job at trying to be stealthy, but Jack couldn't really blame the guy. A board was more intelligent than he was, and combine that with his enormous frame, the guy couldn't get lost in a black hole!

After analyzing most of the battlefield, Jack picked his first target. Faster than a lightning bolt, he appeared down atop Kong, almost breaking the man's shoulders as he landed on him. Leaning down quickly, Jack grabbed the man's skull with both hands, then jumped outward to gain a little momentum, then pulled back in with all his might, his knee ramming straight into Kong's mouth, sending a few teeth flying.

Not stopping there, Jack let go of the man's head with his right arm, cocked it back, then swung as hard as he could into the man's mouth and down his throat. With his hand still lodged between what was left of Kong's teeth, Jack unleashed a torrent of black flames that ate away the man from the inside out. It took less than a few seconds for the flames to devour it's way down to the heart and lungs, ending Kong's long life once and for all.

"Take out Kuma!" Jack told Luke, who nodded despite the annoyance he felt at having his kill stolen from him. Although he would never say that, cause he actually wasn't a whole hundred percent sure how the outcome of that fight was going! Kong was a true monster, and though Luke was still in pretty good fighting condition, the guy hit like a truck, and Luke felt there might be something a little out of place inside his body. Luckily though, he knew the best doctor in the world who tolerated him enough to fix him!

Shooting off to his next opponent, Jack appeared near Tedi and Lucian, the both of whom were in their Sulong forms as they faced off against Blackbeard. Despite his rotund figure, the man was strong enough to fend off even Shanks for a short time. His years in Whitebeard's service wasn't just for show, it meant something!!

"Hello Teach!" Jack said, not bothering to let the man get a word in before he appeared in front of him and ripped his arm from his shoulder. Teach didn't even get the opportunity to scream before his legs were pulled out from under him and he was smashed back and forth into the ground. Hulk would have been proud!!

As a final fuck you to the man, Jack ripped him apart with the power of the Dark-Dark Fruit, ending his life for good. "Round up any injured people!" Jack told the two minks, who in turn simply nodded.

(A.N. More anti-climactic than you probably thought, but if I wrote about every ant Jack crushed in this story it would be never ending!!)

Like the God of death himself had graced the battlefield, Jack swept over anyone who was truly a threat. His next target was Fujitora, who hadn't done anything major since he summoned the meteor.

"Give up!" Jack said, but Fujitora didn't look as though the words even registered in his mind before he directed his attacks towards Jack. Despite liking his character from the show, Jack wasn't about to let himself get the shit kicked out of him to keep the guy alive.

"You've lost! Surrender now, and I won't kill you and your men!" Jack said again, giving the man one last chance to stop what he was doing. Fujitora was no fool, but he also wasn't a man to surrender to anyone. In response to Jack's demand, the blind Admiral whirled around at a blinding speed, his sword moving even faster as he swung it at Jack's neck.

Jack had asked twice, and no man could expect more than that.

Answering Fujitora's sword with his own, an intense shockwave blew everyone away from their position. With Jack's nullification domain active, Fujitora didn't have the use of his Devil Fruit, and could only meet Jack's attacks with his sword.

Over a dozen exchanges of blows were struck in the blink of an eye, and it looked as though there was some hope for the marines. At least it appeared that way for a minute.

All of the sudden there was a suffocating presence that washed over Fujitora, gripping his heart and twisting hard. The man didn't even get the chance to to know what happened to him as his head left his shoulders.

It only took a second before the severed head and body disappeared and a pile of cash appeared in its place, and Jack had to wonder how much of his money he would be getting back after all of this.

With a swipe of his sword, any blood that had collected upon it fell to the ground. With narrowed eyes, Jack surveyed the battlefield once more, seeing many people who were looking towards him in terror. For the moment it didn't appear that anyone was going to come after him, so Jack figured he had to go to them.

No one saw him leave, just seeing him standing there one second and gone the next, reaping the lives of anyone across the battlefield with a bounty. For the most part, the scrubs and other lower ranking soldiers were left alone by the Adventurers, as most of them posed little to no threat whatsoever.

To be honest, the ones not killed by the Dyna Stones or Spike balls were mostly killed by their own leaders. The members of the Adventurer's Association were at a level the scrubs of the marines couldn't even comprehend, it was almost pointless for them to attack. After all, a lion doesn't concern himself with the opinions of the sheep!!

Finally he appeared behind Hancock, his power on full display as flames danced across his body. "Turn them back!" Jack demanded, referring to his men who were turned to stone.

The Amazonian princess tensed upon feeling the suffocating aura, but acquiesced to his demand nonetheless, and moments later all of his men and the marines as well were back to their normal states.

"Stand down!" He ordered her, getting a simple nod in return. She wasn't in a position to really argue with him, plus she really didn't want to either. The marines around him began to throw down their weapons, shouting out how they surrendered to him. Soon enough the whole battlefield came to a screeching halt as everyone of the marines threw down their weapons and raised their hands into the air.

Their commanders were dead, the majority of all the marines were dead, the battleships were destroyed, the Pacifista's were destroyed, all but three of the Warlords were dead, and the ones that were still alive didn't appear to want anything to do with fighting the Adventurers anymore.

Looking around the battlefield, Jack wasn't all that surprised to see that every marine still breathing had thrown down their weapons. As he surveyed the battlefield for any signs of those still fighting, his eyes landed on Smoker, who was kneeling next to an almost dead Aokiji, the man looking like he wasn't long for the world.

Robin was standing behind Smoker as he and Aokiji talked to each other, and Jack almost was tempted to make his way over and see what they were talking about. He wouldn't though. Smoker's and Aokiji's friendship was common knowledge to him even before he came to this world, and if they wanted to discuss things between them then that was entirely up to them.

Luke appeared beside Jack holding the body of Kuma. The big teddy bear guy had been filled with so much electricity it had fried all of the circuits in his brain, killing him instantly. "What now?" Luke asked curiously as he surveyed the marines around him who had given up the battle.

It looked as though he was waiting for the command to kill them, but Jack could tell the man already knew he wasn't going to get such a command. "We gather up our own, then head back to the East Blue. I doubt we will be having any problems with the marines from now on!" Jack answered, getting a nod from Luke.

After storing Kuma's body inside his Inventory, the both of them searched over the battlefield, and after coming back to the ship they tallied up the results of the 'War'. Of the hundred or so people that had come with them, 4 of them had died. On the marines side, only around 28,000 of the 100,000 strong army was left.

Their losses compared to the marines was trivial, but it still left a sour taste in Jack's mouth! He knew he should be celebrating their victory, as they all knew death was a possibility when they came here, but he knew these men, trained them, laughed with them, and fought beside them. Jack stored their bodies inside his inventory, planning to do a funeral for them once they got back to Foosha.

Weevil had apparently gotten away, though not because of his stealth or anything like that. It was solely because no one cared about taking him down. He hadn't actually fought anyone from the Adventurer's, so they didn't have too much beef with him. Jack would still kill him if he ever got ahold of him, but for now he couldn't really care about him.

Plus he still wanted to ask Whitebeard if the kid was actually his, as it was never specified for sure in the show. Weevil had Whitebeard's height, strength, hair coloring, and fought with the same weapon Whitebeard used, but that was about where the similarities ended. Weevil didn't share Whitebeard's build or body shape, and he wasn't as smart as the man, but all of that could be attributed to his mother.

(A.N. You're probably thinking, "Grim, what the fuck!!" but don't worry!! With this it allows me to do another meeting with Whitebeard on this little subject! Just be patient and keep sweet!!)

As he and the others were gathered around each other, Jimbe made his way over to their group. Seeing his approach, Jack looked around to see how his own people were reacting, and to his approval, everyone of them raised their guards and were prepared to attack or defend on a seconds notice, while at the same time not giving it away to most other people.

To someone like Jimbe, their actions wouldn't have gone completely unnoticed, but at least they tried to make themselves seem less threatening. Before Jimbe could speak, another figure was making her way over to them, though Hancock stopped every few meters to talk with herself about something.

It was honestly a little creepy seeing her talk to herself, or maybe it was to the big ass snake following her, but either way it was messed up. Ignoring the ramblings of Hancock for the moment, Jack turned his attention back to Jimbe as he spoke, "It's nice to meet you Jimbe!"

Then he held out his hand, getting a puzzled stare from the Fish-man, though that didn't stop him from accepting the friendly gesture. Jack was too much of a monster to do something underhanded in a moment like this, so he wasn't worried in the slightest.

"You as well!" Jimbe said in a deep gruff voice. "You do know the Warlords are finished, right?" Jack asked, being quite blunt on the matter. "I guessed that! The marines are probably finished as well!" Jimbe said, not feeling at all remorseful on the subject. "Good! So how can I help you?" Jack asked, smiling at the rotund fish-man. Jimbe seemed even nicer than the anime portrayed him to be, and Jack felt like the two of them could actually be friends.

"I was just wondering what your plans are now that you've won the war?" Jimbe asked, the question causing the area to go abnormally silent. The marines who were taking care of their wounded around them perked up, all of them waiting to see what fate would have in store for them.

Jack had lots of time to ponder over this question in the past, as it had been brought up what they were going to do with all of the marines that were out there in the world after they ended the World Nobles.

"The Marines are finished, that much is certain!! Any and all remaining survivors can leave the group and go and do whatever they want without fear of retaliation from us!! If they want to actually keep helping the people of the world and fight to protect them, they can join the World Military Police!! Their sole purpose is to protect the innocent! They don't answer to corrupt nobles who take slaves, and they don't turn a blind eye to those in need!!" Jack said, going on and on about the WMP, letting the world know that there were still people who would keep the civilians and the like safe from criminals.

Jack even went on to explain about the Adventurer's Association, letting people know there was an alternative to becoming pirates if they wanted to explore the world.

"For the WMP, there will be an HQ in each of the Blue Seas, Paradise, and the New World!!" Jack added, letting the World know that the WMP wouldn't be letting the pirates rule a part of the world and do as they pleased!!

He even went on to explain how they were going to build a major tunnel through the Red Line near Sabaody, so people wouldn't have to go underwater to Fishman Island to get to cross the Red Line.

What Jack didn't say was that he was going to be modifying a few places with Nojiko's help, and they would make larger islands for people to build on. He wanted to make use of the many deserted small islands out in the world, and Nojiko's power was ideal for it.

All the while Jack was explaining everything to Jimbe and the people around him, the video Transponder Snails on the Pearl that had been broadcasting to the World were still rolling, and now the whole world effectively knew what he was planning to do.

With the explanation that the East and North Blues were already under WMP control, and that they had been upgraded with the Sea Trains, allowing for safer travel and trade, with a tunnel that connected them, many people were looking forward to what was in store.

However the opposite was true as well. The nobles and city leaders were pissed!! Pirates sailing out in the world were outraged, and many were conspiring ways to end the revolution before it could begin! As if predicting this, Jack once again spoke up.


Jack paused to let his words sink in among the masses. He knew many people would probably see no reason to put their lives at risk and join a war with the biggest monsters of the world, so he needed to add in some icing on the cake. With a thought, a small box appeared in his hands.


He had made a special stop by himself to procure this little item and a mountain of treasure that had been left behind by the remnants of Roger's crew, laughing at the little item.

The little tidbit of information would no doubt create more pirates to come take part in the war than it would deter them now that they knew for sure Raftel was real. After all, if there was one thing he could count on about people, it was greed!!

This would also spur Kaido and Big Mom on further, as they would now know that Jack wouldn't need to copy their Road Poneglyphs to find Raftel, so if they didn't take him out together, then not only would he come and take them out, but he would also get all this world had to offer!!

With his little speech over and done with, Jack made sure to disconnect the video feed going around the world. They all knew he and the others had won the war in a crushing victory, and he had told the world everything they needed to know for now.

With the marines having pulled this little stunt, Jack figured it was better to advance the time frame for the war, hopefully getting rid of any opposition Dragon and the rest of the WMP would have to reclaim the world from the corrupt government.

Thinking of the trash atop the Red Line, Jack figured he would talk to Sengoku to see if it would be alright to just kill them all and be done with it!! He had told the man that he would wait to kill them, but if they tried anything else like they pulled today, Jack wasn't so sure he could hold himself back from just eradicating them all!!

Turning his attention back to Jimbe, Jack said, "I hope that answered any of your questions." The rotund fish-man only gaped, unsure if he had heard the same thing the rest of the people here had. Jack simply shrugged the man off and turned his attention to the beautiful woman who was staring intently at him.

"And what about you little princess? The marines won't be able to do anything to attack or defend Amazon Lilly, and you'll no doubt have people coming to try and help themselves to the women of the island. Wanna ally yourself with the WMP?" Jack asked with a smile, only for it to immediately disappear upon her answer.

"No! I want to join the Adventurer's and create my own guild!!" She replied, turning a few heads to look at her. She had seen how they had rallied together to protect one of their own, fighting against arguably the strongest force in the known world and coming out victorious.

From the little pieces she had managed to put together, this wasn't even the full force, letting her know they probably weren't willing to throw people's lives away like cannon fodder to wear down their opponents, which was another of the many things they had going for them. She and the residents of Amazon Lily could go and fight with them if need be, but they also wouldn't be forced into anything either, while having their name to keep the filth of the world from coming to them.

Hancock's words stumped Jack, as he had not expected the woman to say that! He was thinking about what he should say when someone else beat him to it. "Okay!! I look forward to testing out your 'abilities' personally!" Luke said, hinting at more than testing out her battle and strategic prowess.

A few other people spoke up, agreeing to Luke's words as well, and Jack could only shake his head with a forced smile. 'Horny fucks!!' He thought, then brought out a slip of paper and gave it to Hancock. It had all of the written steps on how to create your guild, and everything she would need to accomplish before she was eligible, as well as the duties of a guild master.

With a quick once over of the paper, Hancock felt she could pass the test relatively easily, but Jack informed her that she wouldn't be able to do it today, and that if she didn't want to come back to East Blue to do it, he could probably arrange to have someone else come do it for her.

Luke had spoken up, volunteering himself to go to Amazon Lily to help her, but was disappointed to find out that men weren't welcome on the island. Jack figured Tsuru was the perfect candidate, as she also hated men, somehow figuring that her and Hancock would become best friends!

To Jack's surprise, Jimbe also asked for one of the slips of paper, having had the same idea as Hancock. Fishman island was always under the threat of people coming to take mermaids as slaves, as they sold for more than any other race.

Right now the island was under the protection of Whitebeard, but the old man wouldn't be around to protect the island forever, and if the Adventurer's Association worked like Jimbe thought it would, there shouldn't need to be a worry about anyone coming to threaten them so long as there was a guild there.

Jack didn't see any need to deny the fish-man and gave him a form, though it was Nemo who volunteered to go visit the depths. Jack already knew the man fantasized about going there, and honestly this might be a blessing.

Fish-men and mermaids had an extreme dislike for humans, though in recent years that had mostly to do with the New Fishman Pirates, Hordy Jones and Vander Deckan! In the original anime, Jimbe had wanted Luffy to stay away because it would be like humans were trying to tell them what they could and couldn't do if he fought Hordy, like he knew best.

However if Nemo went down, he could erase Hordy and Deckan from the world, showcasing a bit of the might of the Adventurer's Association, while at the same time cleaning house for the Fishmen. It was agreed that Nemo would make his way to Fishman Island within the next month or two, and Jack was actually looking forward to seeing the results when he went to see the place for himself.

For two hours Jack and the others stayed in Marineford as they waited for everyone to be ready to leave. Their injuries were taken care of in a matter of minutes by Jack, and soon they were only waiting on Smoker and Robin before they were ready to set out.

Quite a few marines looked towards the Adventurers with fear and anger, but all they could do was stare. They had lost, and there was nothing they could do to hide such losses from the world, as it had been broadcasted. There was also the fact that the pirates would notice if the Admirals stopped making appearances to stop the more rowdy and destructive ones.

No, it was almost set in stone that the Marines were finished after this unless the Nobles could pull a miracle out of their asses. Cipher Pol was strong, but they weren't enough to fill the shoes of the Marines, and the whole world knew that!

Soon enough Smoker and Robin came walking towards the Pearl, Smoker carrying a large amount of money in a flume of smoke. Walking straight up to Jack he said, "I want his body." Jack didn't see a need to deny the man Aokiji's body, though he wouldn't get it out here.

With a slight nod, Smoker knew Jack would give it to him once they got back to Foosha. The man didn't look too good, and most people gave him some space, save for Robin who hadn't left his side since the fight began. Even Luke didn't say anything. Regardless of how much he hated the marines, it was obvious he could see the sadness and loss in Smoker's eyes at the friend he had lost.

With everyone ready for departure, they boarded the Pearl before setting off through the sky, heading towards Sabaody. They agreed to drop Jimbe and Hancock off there, then they would be back to Foosha as they were no longer allied with the marines, or at least they didn't feel the need to stay allied with them.

Stain was safe and sound, though he wasn't too happy about the men that had died in trying to save him. He wasn't all depressed, as he knew people died everyday, but there was nothing he could do to not feel a little bad about the whole event. The only thing he could do was promise to himself and those that died saving him that he would get stronger to make sure nothing like this ever happened again.

With all things said and done, everyone was still in good spirits over their victory, having crushed their enemies around them. Most everyone here even got Devil Fruits beforehand from Jack, and the ones who were holding out for something better got them.

One guy got Fujitora's Fruit, another got the Ash-Ash Fruit, and the Sound-Sound Fruit was given to a girl who was apparently good friends with Tashigi. It had stirred something up because Luke didn't believe Tashigi had friends, and wasn't quiet about his thoughts.

Smoker asked to be given Aokiji's fruit, and again Jack couldn't really argue too much over it. It had supposedly been a last request sort of thing from Aokiji, and Smoker wasn't about to let the man down.

Jack held onto Kizaru and Akainu's Devil Fruits, as they were two of the most destructive and overpowered fruits in the world. His plan was to let Dragon give them to honest men who believed in truly helping the innocent of the world, as he could potentially see a guild getting cocky with a power like that and disobeying some of the laws.

Sure he could still defeat them, but the WMP wouldn't count on him to deal with all guild matters. New laws would be set in place, and if the guilds didn't follow them, they would answer to the WMP just like everyone else.

Jack would however step in if a guild was being mistreated, though he figured the main branch of the Association would do that themselves. The Association was basically a pillar of power in the world already, and though they would do their best not to cross the new Military force, they weren't people to be fucked with, as the world had clearly seen today.

Thinking about the future, Jack's mind wandered to how much he was changing the world. His plans were mind boggling, and the people around him could hardly believe the things he had in store for the world, but they were all excited to help him do it.

Thinking about the war that had been pushed ahead of schedule, Jack couldn't help but think about the Emperors. Shanks was an unknown, as was Whitebeard, but he didn't believe either of them would go against him.

Big Mom wasn't too much of a worry, but Kaido was still a big problem. He had a large enough force to terrorize most of the New World, but Jack figured he and Luke could make a few raids around the world to even out the playing field if they needed to. Plus Whitebeard was still alive and kicking, so it wouldn't be out of the question to rely on him a bit if the situation called for it.

Finally Jack came to a firm conclusion, and he couldn't help but smile at the thought.

'We'll just kill them all!'

GrimsReaper GrimsReaper

Wasn't as grand and bloody as I had hoped, but hopefully I can do the next war better!! I might focus on a few small things on the next chapter, do a multiple POV from the Emperors and some other key figures, but nothing super extreme will really happen. Soon though!! Anyway, enjoy!!

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