Book Six: Gatekeeper
There is nothing more frustrating than staring at a blinking cursor when you want it to move. I just wanted it to start flashing, the little pen to pop up so I would know the person on the other end was writing a message. Something. Anything.
I'd been spending a lot of time staring at the stupid thing lately. Too much, really. But it was a compulsion I couldn't shake. Not when there was a chance Quaid might finally contact me.
Pathetic, I know, I know. It's not like I was the kind of girl to hang on her boyfriend's every movement, word or contact. But the circumstances of our relationship were a little... odd to say the least. I was stuck here in Wilding Springs on pins and needles, safe and sound with my family and coven while he was out there, alone and vulnerable, playing a very dangerous game of cat and mouse with his birth family. And all because he had a score to settle.