We calmed down, if you can say so, only after a couple of hours and Tanya almost immediately broke off, apparently, the nervous tension affected. It was still pretty light outside the window. He did not wake her up and quietly sat down at the computer to search for current news while it was still possible. The Elevation System forum page was opened in the browser tab. Updated the page and read into the topics created there. One topic immediately attracted me with its name: "Your characteristics in the System of Exaltation!" Clicking on it, he moved to a section in which people described their characteristics and shared views on this matter. There were also many calls for help in the topic, indicating the address where these people were stuck. So, if you believe what is written there, then an adult man had an average value of all characteristics of 10 if he had almost perfect health. In women, this indicator was lower, the average was about 7-9 in almost all characteristics. There were few unsubscribed, about 10-15 people, which, in principle, is not surprising, since the zombie apocalypse was in full swing, if you can say so. Now the primary desire of all people was to survive. He scrolled through several more topics, some, we can say, rather large groups of survivors spontaneously formed various formations for their protection, and called for them to join. It was something like recruiting clan members in some game. How quickly some people were able to gather and organize all this, directly causes involuntary admiration. Returning to the characteristics, if you take the norm of an ordinary person of 10 units and look at my statues, then I am almost two and a half times stronger, faster if agility is responsible for speed. And endurance with other parameters is also higher than that of ordinary people. Most likely, this is due to the changes that occurred to me after the coma, and the unknown class, indicated by question marks, like the skill, directly hint at this. Other people, at least so far, have not had any class in principle. I don't know what kind of class I have, but I obviously like it already, it gives significant advantages at once.
There was also a topic about skills that could be obtained by killing zombies. True, this topic was closed and is available only to a certain group of people, namely, the group that created this site and forum. He read about the requirements for those joining their ranks, they were quite tough. Those who wished to join them should not be below the third level and with some useful skill, and should also be ready to fully obey all orders of higher-ranking members. They chose the name of their group very interesting: "Doomsday children." As I understood, they were in one of the districts on the outskirts of Moscow. He also read official sources, from those who were still working. Hundreds and thousands, if not millions, of infected people were reported everywhere, who turned into zombies and literally devour everyone else. Power structures are trying to somehow cope with the influx of zombies, but they are not particularly successful, which is not surprising. Anarchy was practically formed in the city, as many bosses and leaders died or turned into zombies. Also at the forum I saw a topic where one of the zombie-killing people said that he saw zombies of the third and even fourth level! And this despite the fact that not even a day has passed since it all began! And, to be honest, it was even more scary than everyone else. If they could become stronger so quickly, it will be very difficult for all mankind to defend their right to live in this world. I also saw a newly created theme in which they were offered to talk about a gift that all survivors could receive, but the value of the resulting item could be very different. Someone received weapons like mine, someone equipment like the Protective Suit, and someone - an incomprehensible root, a fragment of stone, crystal or did not receive anything at all.
Those who received the necessary things to survive, of course, had a greater chance of survival than those who received, for example, the Health Apple, which could not help to fight off zombies. One person, he said, received the average Health Potion, but not from a gift, but from the White Treasure Box. According to the description, it could cure injuries of mild to moderate severity. From such news, my heart beat faster, it was a real way to help my parents! I hope they're safe now, but the more time passed, the less hope I had. Once again checked the connection on the phone, but she was still absent, which again did not please. So! You need to set yourself several goals for the next couple of days and try to implement them. First of all, I need to raise my level as quickly as possible, which will help me become stronger, and at the same time increase the chance to get the necessary medicines from the caskets for the treatment of my parents. It is also necessary to collect products and best of all long storage, since the supply of fresh products in the near future is definitely not expected. While climbing the forum and the Internet, I did not notice how several hours flew, I was brought by the woke Tanya. She got out of bed and, turning into one sheet, came up to me from behind, hugging her neck.
"Is there any news, Kohl?" she asked me with a gentle voice, which could only be for women.
"There is definitely no good news, everything is only getting worse," I answered her. There was definitely no sense in hiding the truth.
- I then while I go to take a shower and put a bath to re-recruit, suddenly the water will stop going, - kissing me on the cheek, she went towards the bathroom.
Holding her palm figure with a look, I could not help but smile, pleasant memories lifted my mood a little. Thanks to and with the help of my improved memory, I tried to remember as accurately as possible where the large groups of survivors were currently located. It didn't take long. Also, while there was an opportunity, I downloaded a map of my area, and the whole of Russia immediately, having admitted to study and remember it, since there was no telephone communication at the moment, then GPS also did not work, as I checked, so I wanted to become a kind of "Navigator." It took me only half an hour to learn the location of the areas closest to me, as well as the path to the hospital where my parents lay. Once again, I was pleased with my improved memory, and my other abilities pleased me. I think, thanks to the System, I can become much stronger than now, and then I will have the opportunity to survive in all this lawlessness and protect those who are dear to me. Meanwhile, Tanya came out of the shower, wearing one of my old shirts, since she did not have replacement clothes. To be honest, she looked very sexy in her. By the effort of will, he was able to bring himself not to succumb to temptation.
"Tan, I've had enough and had a good rest," I winked at her, causing her to blush slightly.
- Therefore I will go again I will check what is happening in our entrance, just in case. And I will check some ideas that came to my head, "I told her with a smile.
There was also a smile on her face until this moment, but after my words she faded a little. She was a little silent, but she didn't talk me out of it, just asked me to be careful. He promised her this and left the apartment, having examined everything for possible danger. He also seized a rope and an iron jar from the apartment, wanted to try hunting for a live, which is called. He quickly walked through the floors, throwing a couple of words with Andrei and Sergey. Anya, as I saw, sat in her headphones and listened to music, did not distract her. I told them that I would make a noise at the entrance, and told them not to worry much about this. Having reached the first floor, he did not forget to transform into a zombie, after which he tied an iron jar taken from an apartment from under a condense to a rope. When he opened the door of the entrance, he threw it outside, trying to throw it over the entire length of the rope. After the jar hit the ground, a rather loud sound sounded. Part of the zombies that were in the yard turned towards the jar and, shaking, headed for it, there were about five to six pieces, as I was able to count. Seeing that I had come to attract their attention, I began to pull the rope on myself, inside the open entrance, standing so that I could not be seen from the street or windows of the nearest houses. Nevertheless, I did not want to shine my zombie face at all. The zombies followed the bank, because it continued to make scraping sounds as I pulled it along the asphalt. One by one, they began to enter the entrance, where I immediately killed them, smashing their heads with a bat. At the same time, it turned out to lure only five pieces, others were lost somewhere along the way, perhaps stopping hearing the sound of the can. Having dealt with this party, I picked up the Survival Coin and the white box, removed it in a backpack and remembered that I forgot to open the previous two boxes, but it's okay, I'll open them all a little later. Taking a can, tried on and launched his bait into the nearest group of zombies. They reacted to the sound again and followed it. That's how I spent the next forty minutes of my time. I managed to "blow out" 21 zombies, and when I killed the latter, a long-awaited message jumped in front of me.
[You have moved to the fourth level, please allocate 2 points of characteristics!]
- Distribute 2 points in endurance! - I decided to raise this characteristic again, since during the killing of zombies I have only 9 points from 22 available. And this was the most important problem for me, because when points became less and less, fatigue accumulated and shots became not as strong as before. I also seemed to understand why during the transformation into a zombie I was weaker than in my usual state. During the transformation, my not only appearance changed, but also my muscles, and perhaps my internal organs became zombie organs. And my strength in this state was limited by the power of the zombies into which I transformed, it was the weakness of this skill, but the advantages that he gave were still an order of magnitude greater. Therefore, I did not worry much about this, deciding to squeeze the maximum out of this skill. Moreover, if I find a creature of my own level stronger than me, then I can eliminate this weakness. From all the killed zombies, I got three more white boxes, two survival coins, as well as one Health Apple. The skill book did not fall this time, which meant that their drop was very rare and I was very lucky to knock out the two skills that I already had. Undoing his transformation, he put gloves on his hands and threw almost all the corpses into the street, leaving only three second-level zombies - for transformation.
I looked around my yard and saw that the lights were burning in the windows of some apartments and the residents of the house looked out of them. They were trying to figure out who killed so many zombies here. Suddenly, the alarm of one of the cars sounded in the yard, an even larger horde of zombies fell into the yard just a couple of minutes later than before, and the car did not keep silent, especially when the zombies began to beat their bodies at it. In just ten minutes, about fifty zombies had already accumulated in the courtyard, and they all continued to arrive at the sound of a siren, which was very bad for the residents of the house, but very good for me. The experience itself came to me. I closed the magnetic door to the entrance and wanted to go upstairs - to rest and restore endurance, I think I will repeat such a cycle of killing zombies until they end... Who am I cheating? Surely they are already wandering the streets of the city for several million, and this is only in Moscow! Lucky I don't live downtown. What is happening there now, I'm afraid to even assume. So, when I already wanted to go upstairs, someone hit the door of my entrance very hard.
— BAUME! BAUME! BOM! - I heard blows to the door of the entrance and even saw dents that began to appear on the inside of the door. Turning on his vision, he saw that on the other side of the door there was a healthy zombie about two meters tall, who hit the door with great force with his fists. And it was an unusual zombie! There were some growths on his body that formed something like armor, and I was not sure that I would be able to break it with my bat. The door was already starting to crack literally at the seams, and therefore quickly transformed into a nearby zombie. About a minute after that, the blows to the door stopped. I, having connected my vision, carefully looked at the zombies and wanted to find out information about him.
[Zombie С1 - a half-evolved power type of zombie (level 5/10). It has great strength and hard to punch skin. The "Viral Infection" skill is the ability to infect a virus through any scratch.]
- Damn! - the campaign, so I was lucky to meet a zombie, which was already very different from others, and, apparently, it has not yet completely evolved. What happens when this thing becomes the tenth level, I was even afraid to imagine. A little standing next to the door, this zombie forged to the again glittering car. It is not clear, however, why he tried to enter my entrance. I carefully examined the crowd of zombies that were in the yard, but not a single giant, except for this, could see there. He sighed mentally and relievingly. Like these terminators, not so many yet. By the way, this zombie moved faster than the rest, almost as fast as a person, and this was a very alarming sign. It was necessary to get rid of him as quickly as possible until he became even stronger and caused me problems.
He climbed to the first floor and sat on the steps of the stairs, quickly took out the Health Apple and immediately skewed it, five minutes later he ate another one, meanwhile opening one box after another. And that's what fell out of the first box I opened.
[Leather gloves (level 1 equipment), force + 2. Can withstand monster blows up to 5 levels. Durability 10/10.]
He was delighted with this find and quickly changed his gloves to these, feeling that he had become a little stronger. It is difficult to describe the sensations that arose in my body when putting on objects that give characteristics - it was a barely catchable feeling that you became better in something. Then he opened the second box, but nothing fell out of it, just a bright flash and that's all. He began to open the following in turn. In one, I got another Protective suit of the first level, I decided to give it to Tanya, he will definitely not be superfluous to her. In another, it was empty again, in the fourth box I "fell out" another Health Apple, in the fifth it was empty again. To be honest, the fact that the drop was only in half the caskets that I had greatly spoiled my and so not rosy mood. But the last box pleased me with the following subject:
[Strong iron sword (level 1 weapon). Attack 5-9. This is a straight sword, it has a double-edged blade that can cut bones. Great weapon against the infected!]
And although the attack of this sword was not much larger than that of the bat, but it was a different kind of damage, suitable for chopping and stabbing blows. The blade was about sixty centimeters long and the sword lay conveniently in his hand, scabbard was also attached to it, in which, in fact, it was inserted. He pulled it out of them a little and admired the steel sparkling with a cold color. I think with such a blade I will be able to kill this power zombie, especially if he does not react to me at the same time. My endurance just almost recovered and was equal to 19 units, I think this should be enough to solve the problem. I went upstairs to an apartment where I "rested" a man with children, there in their hallway, on a hanger, I saw a long dark cloak with a hood like a sprinkler, only much more dense. He quickly put it on top of his clothes and went down to the first floor. On the second floor, Sergei's voice was heard from behind the door, but I did not answer him, since he would still not recognize me because of the changed voice. He looked carefully and listened to what was happening in the courtyard. By that time, the signal machine was already almost destroyed by the same Zombie С1, who with his powerful fists literally carried the car to pieces with his every blow.
Gently left the entrance, closing the door behind him, and slowly went towards the raging zombie. The car had long ceased to signal, but he still continued to drive his fists into it. In my right hand, I held a bat, and in my left scabbard with a sword. He approached him from the back and, putting his sword on the ground, waved and hit him with a bat on the head with all his might. Which, by the way, had little in common with the human, since it had bone growths that hid most of his head. From my impact, this zombie only swung slightly, and only, after which it slowly turned in my direction. To be honest, from this movement, I measured on the spot and tried not to move. Turning around, he looked at me with his eyes filled with blood, after which he slowly turned back and continued to beat the car almost dented in asphalt. He reacted as I thought, but it didn't get any less scary. Putting the bat on the ground, gently raised the scabbard with a sword, pulled out the sword and, trying on as he could, jumped slightly and hit him with all his might in the base of the neck, on its right side, where he did not see his bone armor. The sword plunged into his neck with great difficulty, only a few centimeters, with an effort took him out of it. This time the zombie turned even faster and looked at me. I hid the sword behind my back and looked at it with an innocent expression on my face. Although I was not sure that he saw me under the hood, he still shook a little in my direction, after which he slowly turned back again, continuing his ungrateful work. Perhaps he had some kind of insult to cars before he became a zombie. Once again jumped and tried to hit in the same place as last time.
And I quite managed to do it. This time, the sword hit something solid and even slightly rang. With even more effort, but was able to pull out the sword. Again hiding him behind his back, although he was not sure that the zombie would be able to understand that it was they who were hit in the neck. This time, the zombie turned around and looked at me a little longer, after which he began to look around, trying, apparently, to understand who was constantly hitting him. Thank God that with intelligence he looked most like an animal, and not the smartest. I hope that in the future the zombies will not regain consciousness, although in this System of Exaltation, apparently, everything is possible. Zombies were not in pain, so even this fatal wound for an ordinary person, the zombie almost did not react in any way. A little black, very thick blood flowed out of the wound. Once in a while he began to do everything the same, every time the sword hit his vertebral column, it felt like he was hitting a tree with an ax. With each blow, I made my way deeper and deeper, in order to cut his neck, I needed as many as ten blows! After cutting his spine, his carcass collapsed to the ground, hitting her quite loudly. How other people would kill such creatures was not entirely clear to me. Perhaps some more powerful skills or weapons from a system that I have not yet had could help. But not the fact that others didn't have it. And I think that ordinary large-caliber weapons could well cope with this type of zombie. After a few seconds, a ball of light flew out of his corpse, which was larger than the ones I had seen before. If from ordinary zombies the balls of light were the size of a male fist, then this zombie С1 he was the size of a child's head. Having flown up to me, he dissolved in my chest, and an unexpected but pleasant message jumped out in front of me.
[You have moved to the fifth level, please allocate 2 points of characteristics!]
- Distribute everything in endurance! - I quickly whispered with a satisfied voice.
He drew attention to the lout that fell from him, this time as many as two white boxes and one black book of skills fell out of the zombie. Quickly picked up and removed everything that fell into his backpack, immediately going towards his entrance. It took me about thirty minutes to kill this zombie, no less. Time was already approaching nine in the evening, I had to relax and go later to the grocery store. Zombies in the yard were not going to disperse and still continued to swing back and forth around the yard. Seeing how quickly zombies developed, I clearly realized that I could not slow down and need to raise my level as quickly as possible. The sun was almost over the horizon, but the lights did not turn on in the courtyard, although this did not bother me much, since I still saw everything, almost like in the afternoon. Approaching the entrance, I noticed that from the windows of several apartments I was watched by surviving people. He waved his hand to some of them, after which they quickly pulled away from the windows. Endurance remains only 7 units. He opened the door of the entrance with his keys, the door was sung and the zombies began to go in her direction. Thank God that the door was still closing and that zombie did not have time to break it completely, or I don't even know what I would have to do with all this. He quickly closed it behind him, before throwing a glass bottle standing next to the trash near the entrance somewhere in the center of the courtyard, which is why it crashed there and the zombies were forged in that direction. He went up to his floor. Light bulbs flashed in the entrance, no one called me out while I was climbing. As far as I saw, almost everyone sat next to the TV or at the computer, trying to find information and understand what to do next. When he approached his door, he knocked on her. Tanya almost immediately opened, jumping up quickly from behind the computer, ran to the front door.
"Kohl, are you okay?" I heard a noise in the yard! You're not hurt? This is your blood? - she quickly began to tartorate, carefully examining me for damage to my carcass. To be honest, almost all my clothes were in the blood of zombies and particles of their brains.
"Tan, it's okay, don't worry!" This is zombie blood, I think I should take a shower, otherwise you will run me away, "I told her with a smile.
— Fool! "Come on," she told me, smiling. Entering the apartment, closed the door behind him. And again he went to the shower, lowering water once again. I think it will be necessary to find more canisters and fill them in so as not to fill the bath each time. Standing under hot jets of water, he washed away blood and accumulated fatigue. At the same time, he decided to look again at his characteristics and skills.
Nikolay Savikov. Level 5
Class -???
Rank —
Force 25(28)
Dexterity 26(27)
Survivability 18(19)
Endurance (SP) 8 (26)
Spirit (MP) 12 (31)
Firmness 15(16)
— ???
- "Transformation" (active skill level 3)
- "Eyes of perception" (bonus passive skill)
- "Increased dexterity" (passive skill level 1) [+ 2 dexterity]
I think it's good for the first day of the zombie apocalypse. Especially since it is not yet finished!
Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!
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