"After the long night we tried to fortify our defences as strongly as possible. I guess many just needed something to get their minds off the horrors they had witnessed the night before, many having lost family and friends in the darkness." Sjorn said with a solemn voice while looking into Alvar's eyes.
Looking into his instructor's eyes Alvar realised that the man was still dealing with the pain of that night, even after all these years…
"How do you cope with it? You know, the pain and all that." Alvar asked, uncomfortable to say the least, the pain rearing its ugly mug in the back of his head once again.
"Hmm, I guess I just learned to live with it. Some people believe that time heals all wounds, as you may have heard, but I have come to learn over the years that the pain never really goes away. You just get used to it. Maybe somewhere out there is someone that is able to let go of his pain but us normal folks have no choice but to live with it." Sjorn replied with a sigh as the reality of life seems to have been a hard lesson for Sjorn to learn, one he still didn't like all that much from what Alvar could gather.
Standing up from his place on the ground Sjorn stretched himself a little after which he walked over to Alvar's sword and picked it up from the ground, swinging it from left to right a little bit.
"Go home to your family or spend some time with your friends, lad. We may all have to deal with the pain ourselves but the company of those you hold dear to your heart can help you get out of that dark pit you find yourself in right about now. We'll continue training tomorrow, but for today get yourself some rest." Sjorn said, the sword he had been swinging all the while having come to a halt before himself, after which he held the sword out for Alvar to grab.
Alvar grabbed it and while watching his instructor leave the training grounds got up himself, his eyes resting on the calm blue sky for a few moments until he also left the training grounds to follow his instructor's advice.
"You look like shit, you know." His friend Veli said while the lad came strolling onto the clearing at the side of the small lake where they liked to spend their time at so much.
With a sideway glance Alvar shortly took in his friend after which he turned back to the small lake, all the while picking up stones that he continued to try to skip over the surface of the lake.
"No shit, professor." Alvar replied, though he didn't get a response from Veli as the boy simply let himself fall down next to Alvar, sticking a blade of grass between his lips all the while.
A weird silence descended on the two, only occasionally interrupted by the stones thrown by Alvar that either skipped over the water or with an oomph sound shattered the lakes surface into thousands of droplets.
"It's not the training, I can tell as much. What happened?" Veli asked after a few minutes of being silent and simply observing Alvar go about his menial task to annoy the small lake and its inhabitants.
Following Veli's question another short silence fell upon the two, Alvar never stopping to throw his stones, though Veli could see that some stones were thrown with a little bit more aggression than was necessary. Thus, he surmised, something was really bothering Alvar. Not to mention the rings under his friend's eyes.
"Two days ago, the night I turned 12, I had a weird dream. At first I saw nothing but darkness. That darkness though soon turned into multicoloured clouds or something. I still remember drifting through those for what felt like an eternity, but it was not an uncomfortable feeling.
That all changed though when the clouds pulled back and I found myself amidst a group of men that were camping out in the wilderness. Amongst that group I saw my uncle Olaf. They began to talk with each other around a bonfire in some cave. I only remember pieces of the conversation, though whatever they were talking about seemed to spook them no small bit. Then all went to shit!" Alvar spoke, the last bit grunted through his clenched teeth while he threw a stone in his hand furiously into the water, causing the surface to explode into all directions.
Veli sat at his side, listening attentively to Alvar's story, flinching only slightly when Alvar abruptly threw the stone into the water with such aggression. His eyes never left his friend though, who after taking a small calming breath continued his narration.
"At first drums and horns were sounding in the distance, causing furious whispers to erupt amongst the hunters. They began to arm themselves only to freeze in their preparations as a seductive voice began to whisper into their ears. At first I was confused why they would be so terrified by a whisper but now I know that it was that fucking dragon Jormag that had spoken to them!" Alvar said while his knuckles clenched strongly around another stone that he possibly planned to throw into the lake next.
At his friend's words Veli's eyes widened in shock at what he was hearing. Even to him, someone who hadn't seen the dream, or whatever Alvar had seen that night, that story sounded way too detailed for a simple dream.
"Whatever that frozen worm had whispered into their ears must have been effective as the men seemed to find it incredibly hard to resist his words. My uncle though snapped out of the trance and with a furious voice rebuffed the dragon. Not long afterwards the battle began. Jormag's lackeys stormed into the cave and began to kill left and right. The hunters fought with a will and power I had never seen before but in the end they were outnumbered. I had to watch as one of those cunts grabbed my uncle and froze him to death and I could only stand there and watch him die!" Alvar spoke, his voice growing louder until he was nearly roaring at the end and with a mighty throw threw the last rock in his hands into the lake, followed by another big splash.
His outburst though seemed to have sapped all energy out of Alvar. With a thump he fell back against the tree where the two of them continued to sit in silence.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter :-)
The next couple days Alvar threw himself into his training with a gusto that even surprised his instructor who thought he had seen it all over the years. His efforts to distract himself from the pain he still felt occasionally bore fruit though as Alvar gradually ascended from the pit of depression he had lost himself in.
When he wasn't training like a madman he spent his time either with his family or his friends Veli and Gerdi. One evening when they had met Alvar learned that the two had finally begun with their instructions into fighting with weapons.
Since Alvar loathed the time when he couldn't train, as ordered by his instructor, he proposed to spar with his friends, hoping to quench the rising memories in the back of his head whenever he had nothing to do.
Thus, the three began to spar with each other. Contrary to what Alvar had expected he came to enjoy their spars, though mostly because it amused him to no end to hop around Veli and Gerdi while the two tried to hit him with their wooden maces.
Their practise soon showed that the duo of Gerdi and Veli had a lot of catching up to do, which even surprised Alvar. He knew he had been training hard since entering the ranks of the warriors but he didn't think the gap in skill had grown so large in such a short amount of time!
After sparring with his friends Alvar usually went home and spent the rest of the evening with his grandparents. He loved spending his time with them as they must feel even worse then he did which provided him with the opportunity to help someone else in need instead of receiving all the attention and worry, which had slowly become rather annoying to him, even though he knew his friends meant well.
Standing on the sandy training grounds Alvar looked down into his right hand, mustering the one-handed axe that was held within. It was a simple weapon, with a wooden hilt and an iron head. As his eyes went up and down the axe he wondered what uses he could apply to the form of the axe while fighting, his mind unconsciously wandering to the night he had seen his uncle use his own axe to hook a shield and removing the large protection away from his foe, the memory, even though helpful, bringing with it a swath of pain which he swiftly tried to supress by walking over to his instructor, swinging the axe lightly in his hand all the while.
"What do you think of the weapon?" Sjorn asked to which Alvar hummed in thought for a second, weighing its weight all the while with each practise swing from left to right.
"It's a simple weapon, no doubt but one cannot dispute its deadliness. Even though the sword feels more natural to me I think I could learn to love the simplicity of this weapon." Alvar said after which his gaze wandered from the axe in his hand to his instructor's face, waiting for Sjorn to say something in return.
"I thought as much. I myself have specialised in fighting with axes and you are correct that the axe is a very simple weapon. What many don't know though is that its simplicity makes the axe a very flexible weapon as well. Due to the axe having only a small part that is sharp you can use the rest of the axe for various purposes, unlike the sword for example. You can use the hilt of the axe for blocking, stunning, leveraging, breaking bones etc. How to do all that I'll teach you. Now, into position!" Sjorn said which confirmed Alvar's thoughts on the weapon.
Doing as he was told Alvar pulled his right leg backwards and lifted his right hand, holding the axe, into the air so that it was held at his side in a relaxed but not loose grip, ready to strike at any moment.
"Good. Now to the basics. We will start with axe on axe fighting so that you can get a feel for the weapon before we will add another weapon like a shield or so into the equation. Defend!" Sjorn said after which he attacked without a pre-emptive warning but Alvar was ready as he had learned to never let his guard down as soon as he stepped foot onto the training grounds.
With a swing Sjorn swung his axe from the right side to which Alvar dodged backwards, instead of stepping into Sjorn's guard, in order to get a feel for the distance needed when fighting with axes.
Alvar continued to dodge Sjorn's swings until he thought he had seen enough and decided to attack on his own after Sjorn had swung diagonally down upon his head. Stepping into striking distance Alvar raised his own axe and while putting his weight on his right foot attempted to block Sjorn's strike with the axe shaft, nearly buckling under the power behind the swing.
Gliding along Sjorn's axe Alvar made to swing his axe at Sjorn's neck but offset the power he would need to actually formulate a plausible attack with the axe, contrary to the sword which he had grown so used to using, thus enabling Sjorn to simple receive Alvar's attack with his gauntlet, blocking it away after which Sjorn stepped backwards and waited for Alvar to regain his balance, both knowing that Sjorn had easily won that exchange.
"Again!" Sjorn said after which Alvar nodded and this time took the initiative to attack the man with his own strikes. And so the two continued to fight for the rest of the day, ingraining every bit of knowledge Alvar was able to gather in such a short amount of time into his head until the sun began to set in the horizon and Alvar went home to spend the rest of his evening with his family.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter^^
On another note I've looked over the past chapters once more, correcting some grammar mistakes and putting in some cuts where the scene or viewpoint changes, as I was told would be helpful while reading.
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