--- Kat --- (Same day as last chapter but early morning)
Kat looked at the broken roof and let out a sigh. Apparently having all of the weight resting on just the one post was a bit too much. Sure the wood from this forest was stronger… but it was also heavier and Kat had clearly pushed things too far. It seemed fine while she was still holding it… but the fact that she was still in contact with the 'roof' was part of the problem.
"Ok… on the one hand I'm glad I waited for today to do this so I have the time to fix things… but man is it annoying. I really don't know how I'm going to add the extra support in… I really wasn't planning for it…" grumbled Kat.
"What's so hard about it? Just add an extra pole or two," said Lily. "I don't see how that's going to be hard?" returned Lily.
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