"WHAT A SHOW FOLKS. GIVE THEM A ROUND OF APPLUASE," said the announcer, though the clapping had long since started. He shot a golden ball of qi at each of the twins and jumped away. "ARE YOU READY?!"
*Not really. I still need a bit of time to properly recover from my exertions showing off. Despite having my qi topped off my body still thinks its exhausted and I'd really rather you give us more time.* Despite her thoughts, Bing didn't say anything aloud. She knew there was no point. It wouldn't do to make it look like their 'little display' was strenuous in any way.
Feeling her dantain rapidly fill with qi was intoxicating, and did a lot to help calm her racing heart. She was still unhappy with the sudden start, but after jut a few moments it was looking much more acceptable. Bing had recovered well… of course the artifacts she was wearing had not. So, using them for extra bits of flare and power was out of the question.
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