"Hmph" huffed Bing as she raised her nose to the sky. "I see how it is. I guess I'll just go get ready for my match then. You can all make your way over to the main stage. I'll meet you there later, when you've all got something better to chat about,"
Lily transformed just as the door open to reveal a butler coming for Bing, apparently her outburst was more about having a dramatic exit then any true annoyance with the rest of the group. This was further proved by Bing's comical bow as she left the room by pushing herself backwards with the wind so she could keep bowing all the way out of the door.
"Might as well move…" said Kat, "… no sense in getting settled again when we'll need to move for the next few rounds. Do you think we'll see the finals today?"
Kat got up and the other two followed alongside her as she made for the door. "I'm not sure…" said Sue, "Lian, any idea?"
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