After the meal Bodeir was in a noticeably better mode. That didn't stop him entering stores, and leaving before really doing anything. However, this improved mood meant it was time for Sue to start her own angle of attack. Kat didn't notice it until the fourth store, but Sue had started directing the group, or more accurately, directing Bodeir to direct the group towards fancy female clothing stores. Sue achieved this with a few whispered words… but mostly the power of tits. Certainly not something to be underestimated.
After Bodeir got used to being lead around, Sue started to extend the time they spent in each store slowly. Carefully forcing Bodeir to spend enough times for her to take in the offerings they had on display before leaving again. Before Sue's plan could crystalise… the group had their first hostile encounter. It was straight out of a JRPG. Final Fantasy eat your heart out. Kat had 'Cultivator in Hostile Territory Simulator'.
I want to make it clear. This chapter has 1569 words. Unintentional... but Noice
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