Green gave a look to Tophat with a raised eyebrow. Tophat saw this and nodded before making a shoeing motion. With confirmation it was the right idea, Green carefully stepped backwards and away making sure to do so with slow smooth movements that wouldn't properly register in the corner of a person's eye. This way Gloves could keep up their tough guy act while Buff humours the poor sod.
*This was exactly what we were worried about when waking up too many people. Fighting is really just a way to waste time when we don't know how long we have. I can't believe the SECOND… or well third sort of, person we picked is already causing problems. At least it they're somewhat distracted and I can wake up the last person we want… but truth be told… I'm not sure it's worth it. Let's hope they have something to bring to the table.*
Little dissipointmented in yesterdays chapter. Quite happy with today's though. It was good. Difficult getting a good song though. Not sure how long I'll be able to manage. The connections are rather weak.
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