Five minutes into their renewed trek Kat tensed. She could hear something right at the edge of her hearing range. It was unclear but it wasn't there before and set off some alarm bells in her head. Seeing Kat's action, the others slowly changed their stances to reflect the newfound wariness in the party. The next person to react at all was actually Lily, though she did remain sleeping. Kat could see Lily's ears twitching trying to catch the sound but it was not enough to wake her yet.
Minutes passed and Kat relaxed somewhat though the others stayed tense... except for 'Ted' who had returned to marching without a care in the world. This proved to be a mistake as the sound suddenly picked up, and Kat turned to face the wall where it was coming from just moments before the rock burst apart and a giant insect exploded out of the wall and headed straight towards 'Ted'.
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