As Kat left the building she turned and headed further into town. Except, she was stopped instantly when she ran into a small girl. Kat, being a strong as she was, hardly felt the impact but the girl was already falling backwards.
Kat's perception slowed as her tail started to move trying to grab onto the girl and prevent her from falling. Kat stared, taking in every detail of the poor person she'd run into. The girl was young, she looked to be around six or seven. She had a large sunhat that had a few small holes in it that let her hair been seen. Said hair was bright red, similar to Kat's own, though it was a bit darker, and looked more natural than Kat's own. Her eyes were a dark blue, and they were wide open in shock. Her mouth was clenched shut, and she was currently wearing what amounted to little more than a grey tarp with sleeves in it. Kat was initially concerned, until she noticed further details.
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