"Ok" said Grace, "If you all have no objections then Kat and I will trigger the device together, assuming that is allowed, and use the two spots for our teams"
Every except for Ryo nodded at this, who instead decided to pout "Can't I go? If you don't need to win can't I show off a bit?"
Grace sighed "Well Ryo, are you in any condition at all to fight? As far as I can see you are tired, unnerved and without the ability to use mana"
"I mean, I don't use mana that much I'll be fine" said Ryo in protest
"Ryo, you know that is just further evidence Grace should go. You need better control over your mana. Maybe fighting against whatever effects the flour has will be good practice for you going forward" said Estelle
Ryo let her shoulders slump "Ok, I understand. This is important, even if the chances are low"
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