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96.66% I'll Reincarnate In RWBY My Way / Chapter 57: To Mountain Glen

Chapitre 57: To Mountain Glen

"Would all first year students please report to the amphitheater." Jaune heard the announcement from Glynda Goodwitch from where he was seated on his bed with Ruby seated on his lap. Ruby had been extra clingy and desirous of physical contact with him in the couple days since the dance, after which they had made love for a solid nine hours. If not for the fact that they were supposed to take missions starting today, Ruby would have no doubt been eager for him to mess her up like he did after the dance, but unfortunately she couldn't destroy her combat effectiveness before she even left on the mission, so she could only savor the past few hours snuggling securely in his arms and occasionally kissing him..

"I love you Jaune" Ruby insisted while turning in his arms a bit to look at his face.

"I love you too, Ruby Rose." Jaune insisted while meeting her beautiful silver eyes with his own "Maybe our two teams can choose a mission together, but I can't mess you up while we are on a mission." he teased.

"Next weekend if we are back by then I want to feel that way again" Ruby insisted "The discomfort was sooo very worth it."

Jaune chuckled "well, I certainly don't want to let you down Rubes."

Ruby nodded and had a satisfied expression as she leaned in to kiss him again before she got up off of his lap to head to the amphitheater. She grabbed Jaune's hand and dragged him along with her.

When they arrived at the Amphitheater, Ruby led him over to where the other six members of their two teams were gathered. Jaune was glad to see that Nexus made it since Nexus had left right after classes the previous day and spent the night with his two girlfriends, Melanie and Miltis, so he Jaune hadn't known whether or not he would make it on time today. It turned out that those two were insatiable and thus Nexus was having sex even more then him, slipping out even in the middle of the week.

Jaune did not mind that he was having less sex, though, as it wasn't a competition in his mind and he was more focused on trying to have proper relationships with his girlfriends. When it came to Penny, Velvet, Rinoa and Pyrrha, he had been focused more on getting to know then, since his feelings for them were not at the same level as his feelings were towards Neo, Weiss and Ruby, but he wanted to treat them all right. They all loved him, so he wanted to fall in love with them properly as well.

Of the four, he felt he was closest to properly loving Penny since she was just a bundle of sunshine and how could anyone possibly not love her? Well, maybe if they had no soul. Velvet was in a close second for an identical reason, and her shy side was just so adorable. Jaune was confident that he would fall in love with Penny and Velvet, and was willing to date and see where things went with Rinoa and Pyrrha.

Ruby released his hand and went to hug her sister excitedly.

"So, what kind of mission should we accept sis?" Yang asked with curiosity.

"Ruby and I were going to see if we could pick a search and destroy mission with our two teams together." Jaune answered for Ruby, who merely nodded in agreement.

"You going to be able to behave, lover-boy?" Yang asked Jaune in her usual flirtatious manner.

"I think I can keep it in my pants while I am working" Jaune insisted and chuckled, amused at how much of a tease Yang could be in spite of still being a pure virgin, though he obviously did not say that out loud since he didn't want to trigger her by reminding her she was the only virgin left oin her team.

"I'll keep an eye on ya just in case." Yang snickered.

"Well, at least you'll get enjoyment out of that." Jaune insisted right back at her.

"Damn right I will!" Yang teased him right back.

"Quiet. Quiet please" Professor Goodwich suddenly called out "Professor Ozpin would like to share a few words before we begin."

"Today we stand together United." Ozpin started speaking once he reached the microphone "Mistral...Atlas...Vacuo...Vale...Four kingdoms of Remnant. On this day eighty years ago, the largest war in recorded history came to an end. It was a war of ignorance, of greed, and of oppression. It was a war about much more then about where borders fell or whom traded with whom, but about the very idea of individualism itself. We fought for countless reasons one of which being the destruction of all forms of art and self-expression. And as you are well aware that was something many could not stand. As a result, those that opposed this tyranny began naming their children after one of the core aspects of art itself...Color..."

Ozpin glanced around the room at the assembled students "It was their way to demonstrate that not only would they refuse to tolerate this oppression, but neither would the generations to come and it is a trend that has held to this very day...We encourage individuality, expressionism and unity through diversity...As I have said, today we stand together united, but this bond cannot exist without effort. Which is why today, while the rest of the world celebrates peace, Huntsmen and Huntresses will work to uphold it. As first year students, you will be tasked with shadowing a professional huntsman or huntress on a mission. Some of you may be taken out of the kingdom for several days. Others may work within the walls for the rest of the week. But no matter which path you choose remember to be safe, remember your training and remember to do your very best."

Jaune smiled at Ruby as Ozpin was leaving the stage and gestured for her to follow him over to the 'Search and Destroy' missions.

"Lets go team RWBY!" Ruby said excitedly before following Jaune and the two teams soon started looking over the list of missions.

Jaune found what he was looking for swiftly.







"It's in the Southeast. That's perfect." Jaune insisted and saw Ozpin approaching "Sir, can you assign Team JNPR and Team RWBY to this mission?" he asked.

"Two teams? Is there a reason in particular why you want to ask this?" Ozpin asked with genuine curiosity.

"I have reason to believe that the High Grimm Activity in this area is not coincidental, and that there may be a White Fang base here preparing something. Just in case, I think sending two of your top three freshmen Teams seems like a good idea. We regularly train together and can cooperate with each other nicely and get the mission done." Jaune explained to Ozpin "If I am wrong about the White Fang being there then one team might be sufficient, but it's better to error on the side of them being there, don't you think, sir?"

Jaune thought that it would be nice if he could have dragged Neo and her teammates along as well, but he knew that would by overkill.

"Unfortunately, we determined that the concentration of Grimm was too extreme for first year students, but how about this. Since Mr. Arc pointed out such a good reason for him wanting you all to go there, I will bend the rules a bit." Ozpin agreed and used his scroll to assign them the mission.

"We wont let you down. Thank you Professor." Ruby said to Ozpin.

"Do not thank me for this. Camaraderie and persistence have carried you far, but you must understand that the things that await you beyond the protection of the Kingdom will not care. Stay close to your huntsman at all times and do exactly as he says. He will be leading you on this mission and he can have you sent back to Beacon if he finds your skills to be unsatisfactory." Ozpin turned and started to leave "Good luck" was the last advice he gave them before their scrolls all notified them that they had an hour to prepare and arrive at the Bullhead dock.

The two Teams headed back to their rooms for last minute preparations, though Jaune was already prepared so he followed Team RWBY into their room. Once they were inside, Jaune wrapped his arms suddenly around Weiss and spun her towards him and gave her a proper kiss. Since he had been snuggling with Ruby much of the morning, he wanted to savor Weiss's delicious lips at least once before they had to be professional during the mission.

Weiss was surprised, of course, but swiftly recovered and was reciprocating the kiss on the tips of her toes while her body pressed up against his.

When the kiss finally parted, Jaune gave Weiss's bottom a light swat.

"Hey!" Weiss said with a blush.

"I can't properly express my emotions while we are going to be working, Weiss, so I want to say I love you." Jaune told her.

"Thanks, I love you too, Jaune, but you didn't have to spank me." Weiss insisted with a bit of a pout.

Jaune laughed "That was more of a love swat. Besides, when we made love I recall hearing you say things like 'Spank me', Make me yours' and many more things that would make even Blake blush my naughty little Snowflake."

Blake heard Jaune say that and looked at Weiss, genuinely shocked to hear that the uptight Schnee girl was apparently even more kinky then her. Was that really possible?

Weiss buried her face into Jaune's chest to hide from her teammates due to embarrassment, and Jaune took advantage to fondle Weiss's butt a bit. Eventually, though, he had to let her go to have her finish getting ready.

They were mostly finished before they had left this morning, though, so Jaune eventually got to sit on Weiss's bed with Weiss and Ruby each sitting on one of his legs and snuggling with him for 10 minutes before the two teams rushed out to the bullhead dock.


"Hey, Team CFVY is back" the two teams heard a boy say as they were walking out onto the Bullhead docks.

"Velvet, are you okay?" Blake asked as the two teams hard partially changed course and moved to intercept the second year team.

"I'm fine" Velvet answered cheerfully "My teammates are really dependable."

"Your mission was supposed to end a week ago. What happened?" Weiss asked.

"Nothing happened. It was just...There were just so many..." Velvet insisted "Oh, but don't worry. You first years are just shadowing huntsmen so you should be fine."

Jaune stepped up to Velvet suddenly and gave her a hug "Welcome back Velvet. The timing is a bit bad since we're just about to leave, but at least I got to see you in one piece before we left. Oh, and I left a little gift for you in your room."

"How did you get in..." Velvet was asking until Jaune stopped her with a finger on her lips.

"Shhh." Jaune chuckled "I'll tell you about it when we get back."

Jaune still had one arm around her, holding her body up against his, so Velvet was cherry red with a blush "I....I should go"

Jaune nodded and kissed the top of her head between her bunny ears before letting her go to rush to catch up with her teammates. Jaune guessed that she also wanted to check out the gift that he left with her.

"What gift did you leave with her?" Ruby asked him with curiosity.

"I gave her a Dimensional Trunk to share with her Teammates, like the ones I gave to your team and to Team FAMS (Flames)" Jaune explained to Ruby "I figured it was past due for me to give them one, since they are our friends as well after all and train with us sometimes. Not as often as we all train with Team FAMS since they are in a different grade, but often enough, and I am dating Velvet now, so an added bit of security for them in an emergency is nice."

"So it's kinda a gift to yourself as well" Weiss pointed out disapprovingly.

"Yes, but the Hard light Dust filling her new bedrooms closet will certainly also be useful to her, along with the walk-in weapons locker." Jaune countered.

"Walk-in Weapons locker?" Ruby asked, her expression looking excited and maybe a bit aroused.

Jaune chuckled and nodded to Ruby "Your room has an attached Forge, Weiss has a workshop and dust storage space, Velvet got an armory with a bunch of weapons she can take pictures of and copy, and Neo got a a walk-in freezer."

"What?" Weiss was surprised "I get Ruby, Velvet and I having what we have, but why does Neo get a freezer of all things?"

"Oh, I got this one!" Ruby raised her hand excitedly "Neo's favorite food is ice cream."

Jaune chuckled and wrapped an arm around Ruby's shoulders "Right you are, Rubes. Neo loves her Neapolitan Ice Cream. It's like her cookies and strawberries, ain't that right my adorable little cookie monster?" he asked Ruby playfully, causing her to Blush and nod.


"Why Hello ladies and gentlemen. Whose ready to fight for their lives?" The girls of Team RWBY, Pyrrha and Rinoa were looking rather shocked that the huntsman that they were accompanying was Doctor Oobleck, but Jaune just found their expressions adorable.

"Good morning Doctor Oobleck" Jaune greeted him.

"Ladies and gentlemen, those bags will not be necessary seeing as you've opted to shadow a huntsman on what is essentially a reconnaissance mission" Oobleck announced "I can assure you that we will not by establishing a single base of operations. Rather we will be traversing several miles of hazardous wasteland and making camp at any defensible locations we may stumble upon. I've packed all our essentials myself, plotted the course and readied the airship. And..." he looked at Jaune "Thank you for remembering to call me Doctor...I didn't earn my PhD for fun.

"Uhhhh." Weiss in particular still seemed to be in shock

"Come now children. According to my schedule we are already three minutes behind... schedule." Oobleck added.

"Well, alright then...It looks like we're going to save the world with....Doctor Oobleeeeeck." Ruby said awkwardly "Oh-kay, when you say it out loud it sounds even worse."

"Doctor Oobleck might seem a bit unusual, but aren't we all?" Jaune pointed out to the others "Now, lets go" he grabbed Weiss's hand since she seemed to still be in a shocked state and started leading her towards the bullhead that Oobleck had already disappeared into

Holding Weiss's hand and pulling her away first had a second benefit since Jaune had spotted Sun and Neptune approaching the group and he was not letting Neptune speak to Weiss if he got the chance to stop it.

Diamond was approaching as well, so he considered taking Blake away with him and Weiss, as an overprotective big brother, but he managed to stop himself from doing that as Blake actually seemed to like the boy.

Weiss recovered as Jaune was walking alongside her towards the Bullhead "Is something wrong, Jaune?" she seemed to have noticed his agitation.

"There almost was, but I got you away before Neptune could start flirting with you again." Jaune smiled at Weiss, who merely nodded to Jaune in response and did not look back as they were reaching their ride.

As Weiss went on board, Jaune turned back towards the others "Time to go, teams!" he called towards them and watched as Blake gave Diamond a kiss before running towards the Bullhead with a slight blush.

The others seemed to exchange a few more words with Sun before following after Blake. With annoyance, Jaune noticed that Neptune had been looking towards the Bullhead and hadn't been talking to the others as Sun had been.

Sun had a little crush on Blake early on, but it had been pretty clear that Blake was already interested in Diamond, so Sun had backed off and had become a good friend to the others, but Jaune wasn't so fond of Sun merely because Neptune was around him so much, and Neptune hadn't given up on Weiss yet even though Weiss had shown no interest in him.

While Weiss was a beautiful girl and Jaune didn't mind if others recognized her beauty as well, it was another matter when they were too persistent and acted as though they might have a chance with her. Jaune decided that he would have to educate Neptune in combat class when they returned to Beacon and hopefully knock some sense into the idiot.

"Yang, since you can't use my inventory function yet, you can have Blake store your bag in it if you want. And Rinoa, Nexus can store yours." Jaune suggested when the others caught up and boarded the Bullhead "Even though Doctor Oobleck says we don't need them, it wont hurt to carry them in inventory, just in case."

The other nodded and stored their bags, though Jaune did not store his and he just started closing the Bullhead hatch "Okay, lets get seated and prepare for the flight."

When Jaune went to sit down and put his bag on his lap, Pyrrha swiftly snatched the seat next to him before Ruby, Weiss, or Rinoa could, so everyone ended up seated with their partners. Pyrrha was curious why Jaune told everyone else to store his bags and yet he had not done the same, and decided to ask about it discretely on the flight. The answer she received when she asked was quite surprising.

Splendora_Gaming Splendora_Gaming

Summer did not die in this story so naturally things with Tai changed and Zwei was not sent to the girls, so what is in Jaune's bag? Find out in the next chapter, and today is a double release so you wont have too wait all that long. Just need to review it again and see if last minute edits need to make so should be up within an hour or so at the latest after this chapter.

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