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21.05% Teen Wolf: Inari's Scroll / Chapter 8: Chapter VII

Chapitre 8: Chapter VII

Tenko returned back to his secret cave. When he arrived he found the place empty. But it was still covered in her scent. He then tried to get in touch with his inner canid and licked at the air. Nothing happened at first but a few moments his blood began to boil and something stirred the fox inside of him.

'Sex Pheromones' he thought. He then shook his head to regain his senses but the urge to chase her down and mount her was ever-present. But that's why he was there, to find the werecoyote and eventually mount her.

Tenko left the cave and sniffed the surrounding area. It was a faint scent but it was enough to track her. Tenko eventually found her at a treeline staring at a house from the distance. When he approached her, she turned and looked at him for a moment before they closed in and touched noses.

Coyote brushes by and the two sniffs each other, Tenko sense then flare up as her arches back and avoid the quick snap of her maw. They then circle each other before facing off. A ritual they couldn't do when she was injured in his cave.

Tenko wasn't surprised. He noticed her wound had healed. And depending on how long the shifter was trapped as a Coyote, she most likely already established herself as the local alpha female. Giving into Tenko was something she wouldn't allow easy. So she naturally tries to assert her dominance.

Tenko could feel her confidence swell. He backs away and she lunges at him again with the snap of her maw. This time, he dodges her attack and throws his body into hers, knocking her to the ground. He quickly pounces on her and snaps at her instead. She recoils and tries to wiggle free. Tenko lets her up, but puts his legs over her back to 'put her down'. she doesn't fight it and falls to the ground and lays splayed out in her back, exposing her belly and neck.

Tenko hoovers and sniffs her and she sniffs in return. The courting and bonding last throughout the night as the two of them pair and go off to hunt together. During their time together, they played and went on runs, when the time came, Tenko fought of dogs for her and she fought off the bitches that tried to approach him.

Tenko eventually learned how to communicate. They didn't speak in sentences or single words. It was sounds filled with intent, when they yelped, barked, woofed, howled, wooped, and so on, Tenko learned to feel her meaning and respond in kind. His fox helped him a lot, it was happy to be expressing its primal functions through Tenko.

Towards sunrise. The two canids chanced upon a bear. the coyote was set to flee until Tenko stopped her. His eyes glowed red and her cold steel-blue eyes shined in response. Tenko growled and woofed. The coyote bowed her head as the two separated to flank the bear.

Tenko kept sight on the shifter across the way. they both crouched low and Tenko was the first to lunge. His speed and strength tipped the bear. The bear roared as fell. The coyote watched as something in her clicked.

As the bear rolled, the shifter pushed off and attack bears exposed neck. She didn't move as fast as Tenko would have liked but he was pleased when he saw her using her strength. Her paws held the bear and her jaws were locked on the bear's throat, biting through the bear's hide, fat, and muscle. A bite, not any coyote could do.

The black bear struggles and was just about to deliver a devastating blow when Tenko snapped down its arm. The black bear eventually bleeds out and Tenko felt an excitement coming from the coyote. They cleaned each other's blood-soaked fur before Tenko marked the spot of the kill and the two left together.

When the pair went their separate ways. Tenko went back to the black bear in his human form and dragged the beast away. When he got to his mom's small four-door car, he looked at the dead bear and pulled out his phone. It was still early, but Tenko called Scott.

"Hey, call Stiles. I need to use his jeep."

"What? Why do--"

"No questions remember. When I say jump, you say, how high? I'll send you my location." said Tenko. He ended the call right after.

About forty minutes later, Tenko was putting the dead bear in a blue jeep. It didn't fit all of the ways. But it was close enough.

"Alright, let's get out of here," said Tenko.

"Oh no!" Stiles replied. He looked at Scott and said, "He's naked. With a dead black bear. None of this is right!"

"Stiles, please," said Scott.

"Yes, listen to Scott, Stiles, someone has to," Tenko spoke with a smile as he sat in the passenger's seat.

Stiles' jaw flexed, "You owe me." he told Scott, and Scott just sighed.


During the car ride, it wasn't the silence that killed Tenko, of the weird atmosphere due to his nakedness. Tenko suddenly growls and barked, "What the hell is wrong with you?!" he asked Scott.

Scott's eyes went wide. "Huh?"

"What. Is. Wrong. With. You?! You stink. Somethings got you all fucked up inside." Tenko explained.

"Uhh, I'm fine. Just worried about school." Scott replied.

"Bullshit, you're lying. And if you're stupid enough to lie to me, then that girl is involved. Do I need to break an arm again?"

Stiles looked in the rear-view mirror. He couldn't smell it, but he could also see that his friend was lying. "Wait, you broke his arm? Scott when did break your arm?"

"Derek told me about the Alpha."

Tenko laughed, "That's it? Dude, you should be happy that you know. Imagine how many people out there don't even know the Alpha that turned them. And you get a chance to kill him. So, stop your bitching, you're ruining my good mood."


When Tenko got home, he showered and dressed before he went back for his mom's car. He then went out to do some shopping, drew a portrait of the nurse that Mareth had shown him, and sent her a picture.

Tenko left a note for his mom to skin the bear, then went to school afterward and took a few quizzes, but left soon after to get back to the woods. Tenko wants to teach the shifter how to use her speed and strength. She needs to regain control and using her abilities was the first step. He also wanted her to get into a pack mentality before he helped her shift back into her human form. He needed a beta, and he didn't want Scott or Derek, and he wasn't going to experiment with his bite.

When he returned to his cave, or rather den, Tenko found that the little coyote was there and waiting for him. They did their playful wrestling, then it gradually turned into hidden lessons for the werecoyote, on how to use her superior speed and strength.

the time they spent together was good, but as the mating season progressed, her pheromones were constantly present, making it hard for Tenko to concentrate. But it became very clear that the shifters coyote was taking the lead by the way she constantly invited him.

It was Friday evening, Tenko was alternating between skinning animals, finding buyers for the meat, and investigating the house that the werecoyote always seemed to watch, before he went back out to spend the night and morning with the shifter.

Tenko was packing Furs to take to his den when the sudden smell of death and rotting flesh hit his nose. He then recognized three scents. Opening his front door. He saw Stiles and Mareth carrying a sickly Derek.

"What the fuck is this?!" he asked.

The trio came into the house and put Derek on the couch. Tenko shut and locked the door. When he got to the living room, he picked Derek up and put him on the kitchen table.

"Next time. Don't put him on my couch. It absorbs scent and it lasts for a few days. Now, what happened?" Tenko asked.

"A hunter shot Derek with a magic bullet." Stiles rattled off.

"Wolfsbane...Just burn it out. " Tenko replied.

"Can't, it's rare, like need the bullet rare. Not to mention how many rare forms exist, created just to kill werewolves," said Mareth.

"Fuck" Tenko sighed. "Where the hell is Scott. If Derek couldn't find me he would have gone to Scott. But you two are with him, how and why? "

Stiles scratched his head and looked away.

"He's working on getting us that bullet, and this guy was left to take care of Derek. I was at the clinic when they arrived and suggested we come here to you." Mareth answered him with no confidence it was just a bad night.

"Why can't you just heal? Don't have big magic?" Tenko asked

"I can't.." she admitted, "Magic comes with a price. And I'm still refueling after the invisible and corcle of fire stunt I pulled with you. To heal him, I will need magic that I don't have right now."

"Okay. So then where's the built?"

"The Argents." she coughed. "Scott says he heard Papa Argent talking to a woman. She said the wolf she shot only has 48 hours to live...That was over 24 hours ago."

Tenko's eyes hardened on Stiles. " I need honesty. You think he's going to get that bullet, in time?"

"Maybe... Honestly, I don't know" Stiles threw his hands up. "He's been all weird in the head since she came around."

"You think. His girlfriend's dad picks up a woman that just shot a werewolf and now he's what?!" Tenko was getting worked up.

"Having...Dinner with them." Stiles replied as he took a step back.

Tenko sighed heavily as he walked off. "Send me the address," he called out as he pulled a set of keys off of the wall.


Tenko pulled up to a nice house. He could smell a nervous Scott inside as he walked to the door. He gave a few hard knocks and waited.

When the door opened, a woman with long dirty blonde hair opened the door. She smiled at him and sized him up.

"Who might you be?" she asked.

"Tenko Nakashige. Scott's friend. I heard he was here."

The woman smiled and opened the door wider. "Come on in," she said.

Tenko was led to the dinner. He first saw Allison, then her father, and a short-haired woman he assumed to be her mother.

Mr.Argent frowned when he saw Tenko. "Kate, who is he?"

Kate raised an eyebrow at him and said, "Scott's friend.".

"Oh, we were just talking about him. Have a seat," said Chris Argent.

Tenko happily obliged and took a seat next to who he assumed to be Kate Argent, most likely the woman who shot Derek.

"Would you like something to drink?" Kate asked.

Tenko looked at Chris Argent and noticed the cold beer, as opposed to the wine that the ladies were drinking. "A beer would be nice."

Kate smiled and looked over at Chris. He just nodded.

"I'll be right back," said Kate.

When she returned, she handed Tenko and open beer. He sniffed it before he drank it and Chris tilted his head.

"A little paranoid?" Chris asked.

"The world's a dangerous place," Tenko replied with a smirk.

"That it is. So what's your name, Scott's friend?"

"Tenko?" Scott spoke when he entered the room.

Tenko smiled and looked at Scott. "You weren't answering your phone. Your mom was looking for you. She's pulling an overnight to help my dad. So dinner's on you. But I guess you've already eaten."

"Your parents work together?" Allison's mom asked.

"Yes, My father's a doctor and his mom's a nurse?" Tenko replied.

"Hmm, do they always work late together?" Chris was attempting to provoke him.

Tenko smiled big. "My stepfather wouldn't dare. My mother would castrate him and he knows I'll do worse. "

Kate laughed. "I like him. Sit down, Scott. "

"Yes, sit down, Scott" Tenko echoed.

Chris smiled at Tenko then looked at Scott. Allison slumped deeper in her chair.

"So, Allison was telling us that you work for a veterinarian," said Mrs. Argent.

"He was there to take care of the dog I hit," Allison spoke in a soft tone and reach out to gently grab Scott's hand.

"Yeah," Said Scott when he and Tenko both received emergency texts from Stiles and Mareth.

"What does your boss think of the animal attacks?" Chris asked. "Any theories?"

Everyone at the table honed in on Scott.

"Everyone says it's a mountain lion"

Kate laughed at his answer. "Sounds too big to be a mountain lion."

"What do you think, Scott?" Mrs. Argent asked.

Tenko finished his beer and smiled at Scott. Allison spied the Tension and narrowed her eyes at Tenko. While everyone was focused on Scott, Tenko sent her a friendly wink that made her uncomfortable.

"I don't know. We usually get cats and dogs at the vet, nothing that vicious."

Tenko scuffed.

"You ever deal with a rabid dog?" Chris asked him. Scott shook his head. "I grew up with a lot of dogs. I saw one get rabies from a bat. It was transferred through a bite. People think a rabid dog suddenly goes mad, but it's a lot more gradual than that. The first stage is subtle changes in behavior. Restless. Morose. It's the second stage that people know. The furious phase. That's when they attack. And they go for any moving object. Did you know a caged rabid dog will break its own teeth to chew through the bars?"

Scott shook his head again and Tenko was amused by the smell of fear coming off of Scott. Tenko suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to see that Kate had brought him a wrapped plate of food to take with him. She gave his thigh a squeeze when she sat down.

Chris continued, "It'll even rear back and snap its own spine. Can you imagine the amount of force it'll take to do that? Such a character reversal. This harmless animal turned to a perfectly vicious killer. And it all started with that one bite."

Scott stared back at Chris, his insides were twisting in knots at the very unsubtle Subliminals about werewolves.

"But it died didn't it?" said Allison in an attempt to break the tension.

"Yes, because your grandfather shot it," Said Mrs. Argent.

Tenko heard Scott's heart skip a beat due to shock. "Goodman," he commented.

"One of the best," Kate added with a proud smile.

"Because he wanted to put it out of its misery," Allison responded.

"Because it was too dangerous," her father corrected her. "Something that out of control is better off dead."

"Bullet, arrow, or blade. It has to be done." Tenko's eyes narrowed on Scott.

'Get the fucking message, runt' Tenko thought as he stared at Scott.

The Argents looked at each other and then focused on Tenko. Kate's hand crawled up his thigh and groped his crotch. Tenko didn't flinch. He took it all in stride. It got Kate excited.

Tenko let the tension go and smiled around the table, finally landing on Kate as his cock erected in her hand. But she suddenly let go when Chris kicked her under the table.

Allison squinted at her Aunt and Tenko. And then at her dad. She noticed her Aunt's arm pull back as she straightened up and created distance between herself and Tenko. Allison scuffed internally as she thought all the reason her dad would kick her aunt under the table. Then she thought about her Aunt's secretive ways. Her aunt wasn't who she remembered.

"Well, it's getting late. Thank you for having me. " Tenko took his plate and winked at Kate before leaving. "Oh, Scott, did you get that permission slip from coach, for the away game?"

Scott looks at him with a furrowed brow, then nods as a lightbulb went on in his head. "Yeah it's in my bag, I'll grab it."

"And I'll walk you out," said Kate as she got up.

Chris's jaw flexed and his wife made eyes at him to calm himself.

Scott went upstairs and grabbed random papers from his bag. He put the bullet that was going to save Derek's life on the paper and folded it.

At the door, Kate stood in front of Tenko with hungry eyes. "Why do I get the feeling that you want me to stay," said Tenko.

"Maybe I do," Kate responded.

"How about, you give me your number and we can meet up after the family dinner," Tenko suggested.

Kate bit her bottom lip and looked towards the dining room. It was like she was fighting something within her. She faces Tenko again and tugs on the waist of his pants. "That will be a bad idea. We shouldn't... I shouldn't have done what I did at the table. The place and age difference, it wasn't appropriate. "

'Oh my, Kate Argent likes them young.' Tenko realized what her internal conflict was. "Don't be sorry. You're just my type" he whispered as he undressed her with his eyes.

Kate inhaled sharply when Scott came down. Kate quickly created some distance between her and Tenko. While Scott handed him the 'permission slip'. So preoccupied, Kate was none the wiser about the handoff.

When Tenko was finally free, he ran to the car and sped back home.


At Tenko's house, the poison lines were spreading up Derek's arms. Mareth and Stiles were currently trying to stop him from rummaging through the kitchen when Tenko walked into the house.

"You all know that no one is going home until my kitchen his clean, right?" Mrs. Mason startled them. "And whose dying?" She asked.

Mareth explained the situation and Mrs. Mason just walked to the stove and started a flame. She then grabbed a teapot and began to heat the water.

A few moments later, Mrs.Mason was pouring Derek hot tea. Derek looked Skeptical, but Mrs. Mason rolled her eyes and explained, "The Herbs I mixed, make a coagulant. It will slow down your blood flow and stop the poison from spreading. Now shut up and let me sleep."

Derek drank the tea and Mrs. Mason went back upstairs.

"She's kind of scary" Stiles whispered.

Mareth snickered. "It's her noble aura. You can probably feel it around Tenko as well. But he's still young and probably has been around a lot of his kind. Kitsunes believe they are the handmade creation of the Kami Inari Okami. Along with vampires, they're among the most haughty of the supernatural races." she explained.

"Wow. You know a lot about this stuff," said Stiles.

"I was in school for it. It was close to finishing before my sister's murder," said Mareth.

"Wait, there's a school for this stuff?" Stiles became extremely interested.

"Yes, and hard as hell to get into. If Derek becomes alpha when all of this is over, and Scott joins his pack, I wouldn't mind doing my part to get you in the school. But it has to be our secret." Mareth winked at him and Stiles blushed.

The front door opened and Tenko rushed in.

Derek looked up hopefully when he saw Tenko pull apart the bullet and dumped the contents on the counter. "Go ahead. Work your magic." He told Mareth.

Mareth immediately walked over and put a lighter to the pile of wolfsbane, igniting it. The wolfsbane turns to ash and she gathers it with her fingers and presses the ash into Derek's bullet wound.

Derek roared in pain and Tenko held him down as the ashes purged the poison from his arm. The poisoned veins disappeared and the wound healed nearly instantly.

"Quit your bitching. Next time don't chase the alpha alone and you won't get shot, Asshloe. " Tenko patted his head.

Derek, Mareth, and Tenko laughed together. As they helped him out of his seat to get him moving.

"That was Awesome!" Stiles erupted.

The trio laughed a bit louder. "The alpha should have made this one the wolf. " Tenko commented.

"I thought he could have been the night I found him and his friend grave robbing" Mareth added.

Stiles smile faded and looked at Derek. "Did I ever apologize for that? I'm sorry by the way."

"Forget, She's buried with the rest of the family now," said Derek. "And where were you? I called you." Derek addressed Tenko.

"I was out recruiting." Said Tenko. "It has to be done now, so I'm going to be a bit absent. But Mareth can help you with all things Alpha. And if a fight is coming, she knows where to find me. Other than that, I'm gone for two days."

"Just hurry up man. Any new beta will be better than the lovesick fool we have now."

"I still think he's an Omega, but he's your responsibility, teach him. I have to go. And clean my kitchen before you leave. Look at this mess. My mom is gone kick my ass in the morning." Tenko Spoke as he picked up his furs and left the house.

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