Hallow swallowed his saliva hard. He felt as if the day that had awaited him had come... the day which he would die...
He could feel Caroline gaze on him that made his body shiver and his green eyed that candle handle to hold the woman's gaze darted all over the room when he noticed on the corner of the room there was the crow that had hanged itself in the corner as if to not be noticed.
Needlessly to ask, Hallow yelled a mouthful of curses in his mind, cursing Beelzebub to death for leaving him here to fend for himself.
Lady Caroline watched how the chick remained silent in stance and lips. Only his eyes had moved all around the room, "You won't speak again, chick?"
Hallow didn't pay a well heed to Caroline's words as his eyes were on Beelzebub who was moving his beak as if to talk to him voicelessly. It would have worked, thought Hallow if not for the fact Beelzebub didn't hav a mouth now and instead had a beak! Give him a break!
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