The spectators were discussing among themselves. “Look at his looks. He actually had the heart to throw away his own daughter. What a SCUM!”
“That’s right. That little girl is as pretty as jade. If she was my daughter, I would definitely cherish her like a treasure. To have met such a scum of the father, that little girl must have suffered a lot!”
“That little girl just tugged at his clothes and he even made her let go. What kind of person is this! He’s simply too cold and heartless!”
When little nine heard everyone’s discussion, she was laughing in her heart.
Alright, she was only so good-for-nothing. It was also good to tease this gigolo to vent her anger.
The Fat Old Man also looked at di beiming with disapproval. This person seemed to be quite rich, but with this attitude towards the little girl, he probably wouldn’t give him much money. He was really unlucky.
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