The instructors craned their necks to watch. They saw the blue dot of light from group 10 moving slowly in front, while the red dot of light from behind followed closely behind. However, they maintained a short distance, and judging from the topographic map.., it looked like they were at most ten miles away.
“The Blue Dot should be group 10, and the Red Dot behind is group 250. Why would they choose the same route?”One of the instructors asked, puzzled.
Another teacher slapped his thigh. “Oh God, I know! Group 250’s wishful thinking was like a clap of thunder! They followed behind group 10, so they naturally didn’t need to waste their energy to deal with the demon beasts. They just needed to conserve their energy.
At the last moment, they would think of a way to go around to the front of group 10. Group 10 had been busy for a long time, but they were doing this for group 250! “Oh my God, team 250 is too despicable!”
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