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80.71% A True Beginning / Chapter 159: Ch.44

Chapitre 159: Ch.44

As the day passed and the convergence began to affect things, I kept a barrier around the tents as we watched it's beauty, and it was definitely beautiful. I told Natasha and the others. "I've only been able to see it one other time with an old friend of mine while we studied it's magical correlations and significance. I figured you'd each appreciate the beauty of it. All nine worlds aligned and in sync, viewing them all as if they were one beautiful portrait. Unfortunately you can only see the portals and not the event itself."

Leo asked. "What's it look like to you?"

I sent them all the view of the aligned stars and planets as one from a fourth dimensional view as my eyes shined green. They all muttered. "Beautiful."

I turned to Nat. "There's something far more beautiful that outshines even cosmic events right here."

Leo smiled and looked at Piper. "Though our views are different, on that I have to agree."

Henry was looking at Paige in the same way while Nat turned to Jessica. "I don't know, there's at least one more in my eyes."

I nodded and looked to Jessica thoughtfully while she shifted her feet. I took the girl's hands and led them to the tent where a vastly more powerful barrier erected itself and the other couples laughed. While returning to the convergence for as long as they could hold it off before slipping away to their own tents.

That evening I when I was satiated and the girls were spooning, I portaled us to the condo while sending Leo and Henry's tents to the yard of the manor. Coulson contacted me about what happened and I told him and his team in person what the convergence was and why I'd gone to Asgard as well as where Jane was and the decision she was wrestling with.

They were a bit shocked and Skye, Coulson's newest recruit, asked. "And you can do that? Just make humans into gods?"

I snorted. "She'd hardly be a god. An Asgardian, yeah, that's not hard to change someone's DNA and rewrite is as something stronger with magic. Not that I do it often, but I've done so before. How powerful they become depends on the circumstances and my intent. In this case, she'd share in Thor's powers, his connection to the elements and the strength of a top tear Asgardian. Though she'd be even harder to kill as Asgardian's immortality can't compare to what I can give. Their golden apples at best extend life by a few thousand years."

She frowned. "What do yours do? Assuming you have any left?"

I smiled and tilted my head. "Mine girl, make you truly unkillable by the passage of time. You never age passed the first bite and your blood becomes gold ichor over time. It would heal you from all but an immediate death blow and you can always put the ichor back in. Unfortunately that also means you'll never be able to take a human blood transfusion as you're no longer human but a different, more evolved, immortal. Nothing is perfect after all, not even me."

She crossed her arms and Coulson asked. "Do you know how they brought me back?"

I nodded. "It was in a few top level files. The Tahiti project. A pull in case of emergency scenario. In case an Avenger ever fell in battle Fury wanted the project to work-"

I looked Coulson in the eyes. "And it did. It raised the first Avenger that fell in battle."

He smiled sadly. "I'm glad you think so highly of me."

I shook my head. "You inspired the team to fight not for what was right, but for the idea that we could be something better than our individual parts. Fury was very convincing on his part as well but you took on a mentally unstable Asgardian with a prototype weapon you had no idea even worked. You could even say you're the sole reason Avengers even exist, the best of us."

He sighed. "Do you know what they did to me?"

I frowned. "I do, but it wasn't pleasant. They used Kree blood from a body Hydra found during their hunt for alien artifacts back in the day and Shield confiscated. The process was flawed as the Kree have limited genetic memories and it's something you shouldn't look closer into for your own sanity Coulson. Fury was desperate to have you back and so you are."

He grunted. "So I have alien blood in me?"

I rolled my eyes. "And powers thanks to me. Are you saying I'm also experimenting on you?"

He gifted his teeth and I sighed. "Coulson, the blood isn't much more than a patch. Sure it's there but other than a genetic impression and the healing it did, there's nothing more to it. If you don't look you won't see it. The project was flawed and if you want I can remove the blood from you and heal you properly."

Skye asked. "You can do that?"

I raised an eyebrow. "For him, yes, but for you? No."

Coulson frowned and I shook my head. "She needs to know Coulson, she'll find out sooner or later."

Skye asked. "Know what?"

I sighed. "The Kree experimented on a small portion of the planet's inhabitants around five thousand years ago. They combined their own DNA with a small percent of the population in an effort to understand the crystals that had been used to accelerate their own ancestors by another alien race. Ultimately it was considered a failure or else a partial success. I'm not to clear on that as they were reportedly driven from the earth by these experiments not long after that. They called themselves Inhumans, advanced genetic hybrids between human and Kree DNA that were evolved to the max potential of their Kree DNA."

She frowned. "Are you saying-"

I nodded and Coulson shook his head. "No, what he's saying is he thinks you're a descendant of one of them, that's all."

I snorted. "Actually, I'm saying I know she's a descendant if one of them. After all, it was her DNA I used in creating this body for myself."

She looked horrified. "You did what?!!"

I rolled my eyes. "Relax girl. It wasn't more than a hair and I stripped away most of the human genetic markers. May scans of this world made you to be one of the still human potential Inhumans with the highest potential of them all. What it also means is that if you take one of those extra special fish oil pills you'll go through terragenasis like those people you've been rounding up and Fury has been training. I even know what power you'll have if you do."

I pulled out a gel ball and showed her as I made the liquid inside vibrate until it began bouncing uncontrollably all over the room. "The power of vibrations. To feel the very natural vibration of all things, the energy fields of the world and all it's inhabitants and shake it to your will."

She looked both fascinated and disturbed. "You got my powers?"

I nodded. "In a way yes, I inherited them from you because I didn't alter the DNA. I just stripped it down to the essentials. In a way you're apart of me in a way only a select few could say so. Banner, the Hulk, is another. Jean Grey, a mutant of extreme powers is another. Howard Stark is the human component and the only one who knowingly gave me his DNA for my body."

She frowned. "Why? Why did you need a body to begin with? What happened to yours?"

I sighed. "I'm not human, girl, or I wasn't made human to begin with."

I showed her my symbiote and told her. "That's what I was. An alien race and one of a nearly dead species called a Klyntar. Made from the blood and the dying breathes of an elder god. Like Odin, Thor's father, but much older and way more powerful. A different race all together and one that can't feel."

She frowned. "Feel as in no emotions?"

I shook my head. "No, well, yes mostly, but they can't feel pain the way humans do, though they can't feel much of anything at all. Not the skin to skin contact of a hug. The physical and emotional moments of a kiss. The joy and laughter of something funny. It was a hollow existence filled with only hunger and death and the drive to destroy everything."

"I looked at humanity and envied them. I became friends with some, or as close to friendship as I could feel at the time. For ten thousand years I walked side by side with humans, aliens and beasts and I envied you all every moment of emotion, feeling and even loss. So when technology caught up, I made myself a body, using the best of those available."

"Even Asgardian DNA. All mixed with a super soldier serum I made myself and bonded with Klyntar DNA as it was the glue that would keep it all together and now, you see the results before you. I'm as human as the next man. I feel everything, guilt, anger, pain, loss, and most of all, love. The greatest of all emotions, a veritable hurricane that makes even the former fade in it's presence."

I sighed and told her. "So hate me, rail at me for using your potential for my own means. Stab and shoot me if that'll make you feel better, I won't resist. I deserve it and far more. But even with as messed up as it seems, I can't bring myself to regret it. It made me feel and I can't regret that. I won't."

She had a tear run down her cheek but shook her head. "No, thank you. You've given me something I've been looking for even if it is a bit awkward and messed up."

I frowned. "What's that?"

She sighed and wiped away the tear. "A family member dumbass."

It jolted me as well. "I didn't even think of it like that. I guess it does make us family in a unique way. In that case-"

I stood up and hugged her and sighed. "See, I wouldn't be able even hug you and mean it before. Or hell, even feel it. So if you're wondering, I'd prefer to be the protective yet dysfunctional older brother. After all I am ten billion years old."

She laughed a bit while crying still before hugging tighter. When she pulled back, I wiped her tears away while telling Coulson. "I've your first mission as my champion Coulson."

He sighed. "Let me guess, I'm on guard duty?"

I shook my head. "Treat her like an Agent. Train her the hardest you've ever done so. Prepare her for the dangers out there so that she can protect herself, then watch her back. Keep her as safe as you can without ruining her potential."

Skye sighed. "And here I figured I'd be a glass princess."

I rolled my eyes. "Hardly. We both know you're made of sterner stuff. You'll shine brighter under pressure. Though I do have a request of my own. When and if you decide to change, come to me. I can safely teach you to harness your full powers and abilities without it hurting you. I should tell you, I've used your power to blow up a planet before, it's highly dangerous and not just to yourself. With an accidental concentrated blast-"

I raised a hand and the jell ball exploded. "That can be a human's head."

She shivered and I sighed. "It's not all bad. There's beauty in the power as well, come, I'll show you."

I took her hand and led them into the art room. There I used my vibrations saying. "When you can feel the vibrations of something, you can hear it's shapes in a way and manipulate them to your will. You see this block of stone?"

They nodded and I put a hand on it as I closed my eyes and spoke. "I can project what I want in my mind's eye and with our abilities-"

I used the power and the rock, or most of it anyways, fell away to reveal a beautiful statue of Skye crying and yet looking serene. They were both stunned by that as I told them. "It's just the beginning. Painting, music, even building things. All of it can be used in conjunction with this power to create beauty. I make music all the time now as a way to practice my control and refine it to the preciseness that I can do this."

I stood before them and vibrated the powers through my feet and flew up a bit. Skye spoke up. "Whoah! You can fly?!"

I nodded. "I could fly before but now I can do so with this power alone, allowing me to free up more energy for fights or simply traveling at speeds previously reserved for super sonic jets and rockets. It really is a gift Skye. I can teach you all this and so much more."

She shook her head. "But the planet-"

I waved that off. "That's a different story. Besides I augmented my powers like I did all my others to their full potential. You'll have to work at it to get that far and that would be decades from now before you could effects he world like that. Besides, I had to use it in conjunction with my magnetic powers. At worst you'd be able to cause a miniature earthquake with practice and bring down a few buildings at first. The rest of that stuff has to be learned. No, what I'm teaching is something far greater, how to use your powers and train them to bring joy in your life instead of just destruction."

She bit her lip and I patted her shoulder. "Just think on it. Whatever you decide I'll be here for you to support you either way. You've given me a realization I've been lacking, a real definition of expanded family. I guess Banner might be awkward to talk to but Jean will be happy. I guess this makes me and Tony family as well, huh, I guess there is a downside."

Skye chuckled and even Coulson smiled a bit at that last part. I turned to Coulson. "Do you want it out of you?"

He nodded. "I'm not exactly comfortable with it."

I nodded and put a hand in front of him and used a bit of magic and necromancy to keep him alive as I healed his body properly while removing all the alien DNA as well as the genetic memory triggers.

After ten minutes I lowered my hand. "There, one hundred percent pure human, no alien DNA at all. You'll want to go urinate soon to flush it all out properly. As for your powers, they stay so long as you consider yourself my champion. They are mystical in that sense and won't go away until you decide you no longer wish to represent me."

He smiled. "I doubt that'll happen anytime soon. So, what's next?"

I shrugged. "You've got your answers, you've been purged of the alien DNA. Oh, I almost forgot. Next month I'd like to visit the sandbox and see about mimicking the powers of the individuals inside. I can repress and seal the powers of the really dangerous ones as well. It might make it easier on S.H.I.E.L.D."

He frowned. "I don't think they'll like that idea."

I rolled my eyes. "It's not like a more diverse power base will make me any more dangerous. I can literally freeze time on the planet and blow it up before anyone can react. They already know this and Hill has agreed that it might be a good thing for both the inmates and future battles."

He frowned. "What does Fury think?"

I sighed. "He thinks I'm wasting my time collecting powers when I should be helping him with his new job, recruiting powered people to be the S.W.O.R.D to S.H.I.E.L.D. I've already given him what he needs though and I'm making him an identifier to tell him wether the people he's recruiting is a potential mutant, inhuman or human to be enhanced. He's going to give the modified super soldier serums to the humans, and awaken the mutants and Inhumans who volunteer and sign up."

Coulson spoke up. "Isn't that dangerous-"

I waved him off. "Magical contracts. I gave Fury a way to prevent betrayals and even have Hill them as well. I'm pretty sure you'll be signing some form or other as they re-evaluate all S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel. It will, magically speaking prevent you from betraying the principals S.H.I.E.L.D. was founded on. Just like anyone else that signs it."

He sighed. "Huh, well that's pretty effective. What happens if they break the contract?"

I smiled. "One way trip to hell, literally. Or a hell dimension where demons will do their worst there. Nothing but the best for the idiots who betray the world. Shield will protect the individual and humanity as a whole but it can no longer afford to risk it all for those same individual's greed. Don't worry, it won't work over something petty. It's about how you view it. It will only activate if you knowingly and intentionally betray those convictions Shield was founded on. There's a margin of error but it's enough to ensure Hydra or another organization doesn't try to infiltrate it ever again."

He sighed. "Then I have only one question. Where's he getting the space ships to be the S.W.O.R.D from?"

I smirked. "Coulson, I'm an alien from not just another planet, but another galaxy. My father/creator was an elder god who traveled the cosmos for hundreds of billions of years killing and conquering all who stood before him. I merely built the ships and translated the programming to English. He already has a fleet of two hundred warships and five city sized ships that could hold millions as well as smaller boarding ships, advanced weapons and energy shields and even cloaking and teleporting technology."

Coulson's eyes went wide and I nodded. "It's a hell of an upgrade from the helicarrier's I know. Besides, you'll be getting your own upgrades when you're promoted. You are my champion after all."

He set his jaw asking. "Why me though?"

I sighed. "I had Blonsky and Drake wipe out Hydra from S.H.I.E.L.D.'s ranks and it worked. Most of Hydra is gone from this world but then, so is S.H.I.E.L.D. Many of S.H.I.E.L.D.s members, thousands in fact, have been wiped out over night. Hill has been holding it together and trying to rebuild, but it needs someone with heart now to beat new life into it. Someone who believes absolutely in the moral codes it was founded on."

"You're that man. Fury is doing his own recruitment drive using the index and what S.H.I.E.L.D. employees he can use that would be a hinderance for you later on but all of this is so that you can truly rebuild S.H.I.E.L.D. don't forget, there's Hydra agents still out there and from what Fury and I suspect they're in the academy and have one of their own for training Hydra sleeper agents. The magic contracts will prevent reinfection but it won't stop other means they have of attacking. For that, you'll have to begin your own works soon enough. Hill thinks you're almost ready to take over."

Coulson was clearly shocked now and May asked. "Is the alien DNA really out of him?"

I nodded. "Yes it is. He's more human than you are, though with added bonus's."

She frowned. "What is that supposed to mean?"

I shrugged. "That you're like Skye here. You have Inhuman DNA. If you took a fish oil pill you'd be fine and even come out with powers. I don't know what you'r power would be, but whatever it is, you'd be inhuman. That's not necessarily a bad thing either. The inhumans aren't bad or evil, just slightly different, like mutants but without the world currently hating them. That doesn't mean some aren't evil and bad. After all, they're only human in the end."

May smirked. "Aren't we all."

I chuckled. "I suppose you're right. Anyways, feel free to take a load off for the day. The whole building is owned by me and the rooms will be prepared before you enter them. I employ magical beings to clean up and even cook so just speak your desires and they'll do their best to accommodate. Don't worry, they don't spy or peak or whatever. "

"They don't have human physiologies and so they see us as weird and goofy. They also can't harm you but are really sensitive. A compliment goes a long way and a derogatory remark hurts them badly unfortunately. They were made by mystics a long time ago to be servants and slaves. I employe them and pay them both in cash and in magic to feed off of as they'd die without it."

Fitz Simmons asked. "Where are they?"

One popped up in front of them. "Sorrys masters, we's be's invisibles to not be's in the ways. House elf magic's."

It faded from view and I told them. "Like I said, they're listening for you to want something or anticipate your every needs or desires. If it's privacy you want, just say so and they'll leave the room to do work elsewhere."

Skye asked. "That was an elf?"

I nodded. "Yes, though not a Dark Elf. These are much different. Just know they're here to help you with whatever you want."

With that I left them and headed the training room. There, Natasha and Jessica were having a bloody match, knowing they'd be healed up just fine should anything go wrong. Natasha's health wasn't in question anyway as her own body healed like Deadpool's but like mine it lacked something Deadpool had that gave him the extra oomph of infinite stamina.

I watched them fight for a while before whistling and saying. "That's it."

They stopped mid blow and Natasha healed up Jessica while I healed up her, faster than she herself would heal naturally now and from farther away.

Skye clapped from next to the door and I ignored her. She asked. "Is this how you train all the time?"

Jessica laughed. "Hardly. Only when there's someone here to heal us both. And never against Dark, he cheats."

I snorted. "You mean I stand still and let you beat on me until you're to tired to move while I correct you moves."

Jessica asked. "Yeah, that. Why is that I wonder?"

Natasha spoke up. "He's a master in every form of martial arts. He no longer has to act to see the flaws in our forms and if he moves, trust me, it hurts a lot worse than our sparing matches. Last time he broke six rips and my left leg in one consecutive move set. All before I could land a blow."

Skye raised an eyebrow and I shrugged. "I healed her. Besides, I've walked through time itself and trained to earn that mastery like you wouldn't believe. I've created my own fighting style that consists of only fatal blows and I've even mastered it. It's given me insight into training others that helps greatly. All I have to do is resist the urge to fight back while I train them."

Skye sighed. "Any chance you could teach me a few moves? May is my SO so I'm learning from her but it's only during our down time."

I smiled. "Well, I can do that, but you'll have to face her. So agent May, would you like to come out of the shadows and give a demonstration?"

As if on cue May walked out and spoke evenly. "Personally, i'd like to train with you as well, if you're not all talk."

I raised an eyebrow before sighing. "Very well. Love, stay to the side and be prepared to heal her just in case it's near fatal. I'll try to refrain from killing a friend of yours. Skye, I'll train you afterwards."

I hoped onto the mats and when May went to disarm, I waved her off. "Use whatever weapons you feel are necessary if you mastered them. There's a barrier that will come up around the arena so you done have to fear injuring anyone else. Just don't hold back or I may break my promise and kill you."

Killing intent flooded out of my and arms her. She stilled before narrowing her eyes and as soon as she got on the mats, the barrier popped up and she started firing her gun. The bullets literally hit my skin and fell off, flattened.

Seeing guns wouldn't work, she pulled out her taser sticks and we began dancing. I'd dodge her attacks and tell her what to correct and after twenty minutes her form was nearly flawless. I even told her so. "You've mastered your form now. All you need is the strength and speed of an Avenger to back it up. Here, I'll slow down so we can fight like humans. This is where it's going to hurt, FYI."

I slowed to human speeds and instead of dodging, I blocked and counter attacked, breaking and fracturing bones as she cried out a few seconds in. I still held back as I beat her into the ground bloody. When she could no longer stand or throw a punch, I tossed her to Natasha as the barrier fell and she caught her with telekinesis before healing her.

I spoke coldly now. "The wounds will heal, but the memory of the pain will linger. When you change forms, remember that just because you master one after another, it doesn't mean others haven't done the same. Somewhere out there is always someone better and one day you may face them in combat. Whatever hesitation I felt in your moves that's stopping you from being ruthless, it could very well get you killed as well as those you care about."

I turned to Skye. "Your turn."

She stilled and backed up a bit but I chuckled. "Relax, I'm not gonna fight back. I'm just gonna help you improve your form."

She asked. "Is there anyone out there better than you?"

I shrugged. "Perhaps. I don't doubt there may be a few with more skill and talent. Particularly considering my best form is a type of Kendo and I hardly ever use it anymore. I'm average in talent for everything else and my mastery is just from a shit ton of practice spread out over thousands of years."

She sighed and got on the mats where the barrier popped up again. May was already standing then and bowed to me saying. "Thank you for the lessons."

I waved it off. "I've only guided you a bit. The rest was all you and your own hard work. You'd have mastered it soon enough from how close you were."

She sighed and I turned to Skye and nodded. She began her moves and I allowed her to grapple and flip me a few times while I instructed her. She wasn't dumb by any degree and corrected herself repeatedly for the next hour. She improved to the point where May was impressed by the end.

It wasn't mastery, but she wasn't far off from where May left off when I told her. "Your form is greatly improved, but you lack experience now. I doubt even I could show you much more with this technique that you can't figure out on your own. You need to fight others, big and small, talented and not to get any more real improvements in your form."

The barrier fell down and Skye almost collapsed as well from being tired. I chuckled and turned to Coulson who was watching the whole time. "Do you want to practice as well?"

He shook his head. "I just wanted to see if they could improve under your tutelage. It seems they have."

I nodded. "In that case I'm going to grab a shower and head to dinner with my girls, feel free to ask Shadow or any of the elves if you need something. As my champion, weapons, armor and technology will be at your fingertips if you ask for it, including the super soldier serum if you'd like to use it yourself or on your team."

A man called Trip whom I barely recognized asked. "All kinds of tech?"

I raised an eyebrow. "For Coulson, yes. For you, only the serum is allowed unless he chooses to share what he asks for or wants it in bulk."

Coulson sighed. "Any chance you have any Iron Man suits?"

I smiled. "Is that a request?"

He nodded and I smiled. "I'm that case."

I waved a hand and the room altered as it's walls were lined up with suits and several floors of them as well. The room expanded and I told them. "This room has everything you could want, all you have to do is want it Coulson. Take whatever you want including this."

I tossed him a ring saying. "It's a spacial ring. You can put anything inside it and take it out by thought. It can store thousands of helicarriers worth of stuff. It's also protected by magic so no, your people can't study it. Once you put it on, it's DNA locked to you and you alone. Store weapons, armors even ships and carriers in it but don't put living things inside, or not anything you'd like to be living when you take it out. There's no air inside it and it's timeless so one second inside is all that goes by until you take it out again. Keeps the food fresh as well."

Natasha showed them hers and Jessica showed of hers as well. I'd kicked her off the booze habit and forbid her from putting alcohol inside hers in exchange for a one on one night that had her shivering every time she thought about it in anticipation. It was a sort of bet/exchange that she hadn't seemed to regret yet.

We left them there with a warning. "All super soldier serums stay on property so you'll have to change here if you want it. All security will activate and beam it back, even if it's inside the ring or less pleasant places. For your safety of course. The serum doesn't work properly without the vita ray chamber and instead you'd end up like Red Skull."

They shivered a bit as we left and we grabbed a shower before heading out to dinner before heading to bed for desert. The next morning I was cooking breakfast when Coulson walked in. I asked. "Scrambled, over easy, sunny side up or omelette?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Omelette. Sausage and back with brown sugar cinnamon toast."

I nodded and three minutes later he was enjoying his meal and I was cooking May's food as well as Trip and Skye's. Once his team was full, I made a tray full and headed to the room to wake up Jessica and Natasha. They'd both become less and less morning persons unless Nat was on mission.

She stilled did odd jobs for Fury and Hill on occasions and as such Jessica would wake up early having no one to spoon with in the morning. She'd always be grumpy and demand coffee which I easily provided along with distractions.

I'd learned early on if one was going through their period, they both were so I'd begun making moon potions for them and even had Frosthaven sell it. As of right now it was the highest grossing item sold by Frosthaven except for the medical nanites which everyone bought.

The world didn't need a medical plan when I was curing everything and Stark was making robotic prosthetics. I'd even given him and Jarvis program boosts to prevent hacks. It wasn't on Shadow's level, but it would prevent any hackers including AIM and S.H.I.E.L.D. from getting in.

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