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59.39% A True Beginning / Chapter 117: Ch.2

Chapitre 117: Ch.2

When I said my heartbreaking goodbyes at the house, we all cried and had a laugh or two before donning our cold demeanors and heading to the train station. To the outside world we were a cold and expressionless pureblood family that was only in it for the money.

At home though we were more happy and innocent than most you'd ever see. When I boarded the train I looked at it with magic in my eyes. A trick I'd long mastered that helped me see the magic in something and how it worked. The train itself was only cloaked and had a lightweight charm on the outside while having a brooms speed charms on the wheels and engine.

The inside housed multiple layers of expansion charms and all sorts of charms to make the seats comfortable and clean while having safety charms on the windows.

As a first year I was relegated to the section with the smallest numbers. There were only twenty first years and out of them only five purebloods including myself. The only half blood in the mix was Nym while the other fourteen kids were Muggle-Borns.

Of the purebloods, the only one I knew was Charlie Weasley, and that's just because of his hair and the overly large group of redheads that'd seem him off. The other three were a mystery. As it was I found the seat I wanted in an empty compartment.

All my belongings were shrunken down and on my person. Even Fiona was in my realm flying free and exploring the endless territory. She'd been warned to stay away from the cave and to ignore the regular animals that went towards it.

Surprisingly she herself hunted some of the animals as well. As it turns out the extra strength and sharp talons marked Phoenix's as birds of prey and not silly pets to be treated as such. When I noticed it, I suddenly felt bad for Fawkes, Dumbledore's Phoenix.

The poor guy was forced to be stuck in doors most of the time to impress upon those that came into Dumbledore's office that he was powerful. After all he blatantly owned a Phoenix and it was a class four magical beast.

Even I, with my fathers connections, had to go through a dozen legal hurdles including getting a license and special permit. As far as the ministry records state Fawkes isn't registered as even being owned by Dumbledore let alone having a special permit to own it or have it out in a school full of children.

It is after all a predator that takes down deer sized creatures for food. I can't imagine what it could do to an innocent first year if someone caste a simple confundus charm on him. It could potentially be disastrous especially since Dumbledore was out of the castle a lot.

As for purity or whatever nonsense that was, I could attest to the falsehood of that claim. It was about compatibility and the magical power to attract it. It had to have the same personality as yourself.

I was lost in thought until a purple haired missile was launched at me. When I ended up half on the seat and the other half on the floor, upside down. A giggling Nym appeared laughing. I turned myself into a clown and honked my red nose drawing more laughter from her.

When I stood up I turned into a wizened old mad. "Young ladies should not behave in such an improper manner."

She kicked me in the shin and I made a dolphin face making the rapid clicking noise as I hopped one leg and pretending to be hurt. Her fit of laughter drew more kids to the compartment and I stilled as I heard them coming.

I changed back and sat down, taking on my cold and impersonal expression as they opened the door. Nym was confused when she saw me like that and got up while looking from me to the new arrivals.

The three purebloods I could only assume were idiots asked. "What's happening in here? Is she off her rocker?"

I stared at them coldly and radiated annoyance in my expression as I told them coldly. "Perhaps she figures you were here to look the fools and gave you an opening."

They looked at me before turning their gazes to my two heir rings. Seeing that I was an heir to two houses they backed off and left in a huff. A few of the Muggle-Borns that Hades been caught up in the grandeur of it all followed them.

They'd learn soon enough I'm sure. As it was only the redheaded boy stayed to linger. He asked Nym what was actually going on and she pointed to me. "He's like me but he acts differently when the others are around then when the doors are closed."

I raised my eyebrow at her and she stuck her tongue out at me. Charlie must've found it amusing as they clearly knew each other, he came in, closing the door behind him. When he went to put his trunk away, I pulled out my wand I'd received the day before and waved it once, shrinking his trunk. "There, you can just pocket it."

He looked at me in amazement just as Nym did. They were both excited now. "You can do magic? Show me!"

I sighed and gave in, showing them a few charms not in the books. I turned their robes green and pink while making them feel wet but every time they tried to touch them the feeling would move across their bodies until they wriggled while it was my turn to laugh.

I made Charlie's hair skunk like and turned his nose into a sheep's but so every time he breathed out with it dung flew out. When he moved towards me I turned myself into Nym's duplicate and tossed a switching spell and a Lumos to bling him for a moment so he'd miss the switch. He landed on her breathing dung on them both, causing her to squeal.

I laughed and changed back to my original appearance. I cast a muffling charm on the door so no one heard us. When they realized what I'd done, I cleaned up and changed them back. I quick scourgify and everything smelled so much better.

They asked where I learned it all and I told them I was mostly self taught and I'd read it all in my father's library. I told them I'd learned using my ancestors wand while I'd started at age five. They were both surprised as it wasn't common to be allowed to do so much even in pureblood families.

I shrugged it off showing them my heir rings saying. "My father wanted me learned and powerful to ensure the continuation of our family line especially after the last war. So many pureblood families were wiped out by the dark lord and his minions. I'd honestly say he was worse for us than any amount of Muggle-Borns."

They both frowned and Nym said. "Muggle-Borns aren't bad for us."

I shook my head. "I disagree and agree at the same time. The inbreeding was destroying us and it's true the new blood can make us stronger but with so many new people being introduced into our world, pieces of our magic and culture are lost in history."

They both frowned and I explained. "The magic's taught are Hogwarts have been repeatedly drawn back to the point where they no longer offer healing courses and Occlumency, the ability to defend and organize your mind which was once taught to all has now been band along with dueling restrictions and many other things Hogwarts used to offer. All because of two reasons, Muggle-Borns and those that follow Dumbledore decided they were dark or dangerous. Ironically he himself uses Occlumency and is a master Legilimency, a mind reader."

My words hit them like a bomb and Nym asked. "What's the second reason?"

I sighed. "The purebloods agreed and didn't fight the changes because their own inbreeding was affecting their own children's ability to learn. That's why there's only a few basic classes offered during the first two years and only four more as electives from third year on."

I sat back and snorted. "Ironically if they hadn't discontinued Occlumency then their kids would become masters of their own minds and gain better and stronger memories along with the ability to take in knowledge like a flood gate. As you can see I both agree and disagree with your statement that Muggle-Borns are bad for us."

They both went silent until Charlie asked. "Do you know the Occlumency stuff?"

I nodded. "My ancestors were the brighter of both lots. We declared it under family magic so that the ministry could only bark at best. If they try to charge us with anything they'll divide the Muggle-Borns and purebloods completely and drive the final nail in their coffin as infighting ensues. Family magic is protected by the founding laws of the ministry and to declare it against the law or to try forcing a family to reveal it would result in war."

They both gulped and I sighed. "Though that's a heavier subject and not what you need to know about now. Let's just say there's valid reasons my family doesn't choose either side as their both idiots."

Charlie's wars went red and he seemed a little mad but didn't say anything for the longest time until he asked. "What else have we lost?"

I smiled sadly. "So much. Rituals, what you call the dark arts, heck, even alchemy is dying out and our headmaster is famed for working with the last master alchemist in the world."

Nym frowned. "Rituals are dark aren't they?"

I shook my head. "No magic, no mater where it's from is truly dark. It's all just magic. Take rituals for example. The solstice rituals call for you to shed a few drops of blood in exchange for magic, the living essence of it, to purify your magic of influences and strengthen your magic throughout the year, boosting your own magic's growth as the seasons pass. Not so dark now that you know what it entails is it?"

She frowned and looked complicated at first before saying. "But what about the blood?"

I shook my head. "It's the cost of the magic involved. If you learn nothing else then understand this, all magic has a cost. Even our Metamorphmagus ability requires the magic in our bodies to use repeatedly. The bigger the change the more magic and concentration required to hold it. It's the same with all other magic's. I think magic is more like alchemy then anything else as both work off the concept of equivalent exchange."

My words stuck in them I could tell as questions bloomed in their minds. I waved it off when they asked more telling them to find a teacher or ask their parents. Charlie finally asked a question I chose to answer. "If there is no dark magic then why are there dark wizards?"

I sighed. "Finally an easy question. Ask your father how many muggle prisons there are in the world and how many are in the magical world both as a whole. You'd be surprised by the answer. As for magic and why they go dark it's simple, there are good people and bad, no matter the society you live in or place in the world. Those that go dark use magic for their own purposes and cause chaos. The magic and the wizard are then labeled dark just because one fool used it for evil."

I waved a hand and made a sign of a Phoenix in the air as it burned and the name Fiona was written underneath it. "In the last war the dark lord turned a simple spell that makes signs and lights much like muggle fireworks can, into a spell that made one specific sign."

With a wave my Phoenix sign turned into a green skull earring a snake that slithered in and out of it's mouth. They both gasped and I waved my wand one last time, making the image disappear. "As such the spell was labeled dark and banned by the ministry. Now no wizard is allowed to do said spell without a court hearing and a possible trip to Azkaban."

I sighed and summoned my Patronus, a green Phoenix matching Fiona. It flew around us before I released it and continued. "It's true that some spells cost different things like the ritual I told you about and even the charm I just used. It all depends on the spell and it's costs and whether the wizard or witch in question is prepared to pay that cost. The patronus charm I just used cost the emotions of pure joy you feed it from a happy memory along with the magic needed to cast and sustain it. As such there's always a flip side, the three unforgivables require the want to cause pain, death or control."

They shuddered and Nym asked. "Then aren't they evil?"

I shook my head. "Imagine if you will that you're walking in the woods and a deer came up to you to pet it."

The both smiled and I nodded. "Now imagine a lion pouncing from under the brush and tearing at the deer."

They both paled and frowned as I nodded. "The imperious curse would allow you to make the lion leave without killing you for disturbing it and if day the deer was too injured to save but was in great physical pain, then it would be a mercy to cast the killing curse on it to put it out of it's misery. At the very least it wouldn't have to suffer for the last few minutes as the blood pumps from it's body."

They grimaced but nodded as I sighed. "Now imagine if a person had drowned right in front of you while you tried to save them."

They both paled and I nodded now. "The cruciatus curse would force their hearts to start beating again while you helped them remove the water from their lungs, thus saving their lives. All three curses when used properly and responsibly are no darker than a simple fire starting charm or a severing charm that by the way is just as deadly as the killing curse and can be far more painful than the cruciatus curse."

Charlie nodded enlightened a bit until he asked. "Are there any spells like the imperious curse? I mean, just as bad or worse like the others?"

I grimaced. "I'm not a fan of mind control but yes. A confundus is basic but it can get one to attack their allies if used right and for the really bad stuff you have love potions. They strip the target of their free will and are even worse in my opinion as they can be used in mass to make an unsuspecting group of people into mindless loyal and fanatical followers. If they keep taking them permanent cases could end up just as bad as Bellatrix Lastrange and Barty Crouch Jr."

They both looked numb as love potions were while prohibited, actually very legal. While they thought on my words I hear the knock at the door that said we had ten minutes to get changed before we arrived. I simply disillusioned myself and changed right there. It's not like they can see me even if they wanted to and I wasn't getting completely naked anyway.

When I was changed and they finally got out of their stupor I removed my invisibility spell and told them. "You need to change or you'll be out of place for the sorting. Charlie, you can change in the corridor while I wait outside, Nym can change in here."

I walked out and waited for them to finish while reading a book on counter curses of the Egyptian era. When they finished we headed back in and talked about the sorting ceremony. I told them what was really required, a simple hat trick.

I'd no idea how the hat would fair against my mind defenses but I wanted to see it for myself. We did make a pact though that we'd still be friends no matter what house we entered.

We even sat on the boat together on the way to the castle. What a site it was to behold as well. I'm glad I chose this world to meet up with my wives. When we crossed the wards to Hogwarts, I felt resistance from my pocket as the wards tried spelling my wand.

Smirking, I let it play out until the wards failed to do their job. A loud ringing came from the wards and when we arrived at the docks the headmaster was there with deputy headmistress McGonagall. They were both testing the wards to find out which one failed.

When we got off the boat they had us separate and searched us with their wands until they landed on my pocket. When a charm rang out I smiled and held out my wand. "I'm sorry sir, is there a problem with my wand?"

The headmaster checked it before asking. "Is this one of Olivander's wands?"

I shook my head. "No sir, it's specially made for me by Mykew Gregorovitch. He did a special process to make it immune to all magic and resistant to wards by soaking it in lethifold essence while making it. Only the strongest of spells will effect it from the outside and no wards I've met have ever actually bothered with it."

Headmaster Dumbledore nodded while meeting my eyes and as I saw the twinkle I frowned at him when I felt him try to read me. I scowled. "Careful headmaster, using Legilimency on a student is a harsher punishment than just the fine you'd get if you used it on your own teachers. Not to mention I'm an heir to two great houses. Your attempt has been recorded and sent to the ministry by my heir rings."

I showed him my rings and he frowned now as the pressure left and he withdrew his basic scan of my mind. All he'd seen was that I had defenses as he'd yet to test them. "Forgive an old man his curiosity."

I shrugged. "So long as that's all it is. Now about my wand-"

He waved it off. "I'll send a special letter to the ministry informing them your wand is immune to the trace. So long as you don't take it out in a muggle town and start using magic I don't foresee a problem there."

I nodded and put my wand away as he asked. "Lethifold essence you say?"

I nodded. "I chose it specially for it's immunity to spells up to and including the killing curse. I doubt I'll ever be disarmed but it hardly matters as my wand is immune to the disarming charm. It'll just hurt a bit before I counter with my own spells."

He nodded lost in thought before saying. "Well, off you pop. We've a sorting to commence."

The students and faculty listening hopped to it and I followed Nym and Charlie in. I felt a colder gaze on me and ignored it as I felt it coming from the faculty table. It was at this moment that I wished I could still listen through shadows as we were called to the hat one at a time. It was a sad lot mostly as the three purebloods, Marcus Finch, Augustine Lestrange, Abby blow bastard, and Amanda Fawley, all went to Slytherin.

The Muggle-Borns varies between the three houses of Ravenclaw getting two, Gryffindor getting five and Hufflepuff getting the rest. Charlie went to Gryffindor, looking proud but hopeful at both Nym and I. Next was me as I ended up in Ravenclaw because the hat read my desire when I put it on.

I was reminded of Lucifer my previous reality's body's father. Come to think of it I still have my kindred and kindress and several pairs of wings from Lucifer when he went emo in a cutting fit. Anyway that's not important at the moment because Tonks was up next.

As I watched the hat I frowned inside. (What's taking so damn long?)

That's when it yelled. "Hufflepuff!"

Nodding absentmindedly I smiled lightly at her and Charlie happily before schooling my expression and listening to The speech Dumbledore gave, I ignored the cold gaze of my soon to be potions teacher.

When he welcomed the new defense against the dark arts teacher I sighed. It was some Romanian professor that had at one time retired called Mister Mxyzptlk. He looked strange and annoying but not very helpful so I decided to give him one class of my attention before I relegated it to self study, just to see if it was interesting.

I'd already learned all the classes books but perhaps a unique teacher could spark an interest or idea I lacked in the subjects until now. A fresh perspective as it were. When the headmaster finished his speech the food was brought out.

I ignored it as I wasn't interested and didn't trust the food and drinks provided here. Instead I pulled out a book and read about the unique curses of the Egyptian era. I'd finished with the Roman and Greek but Egypt was a rather large section that covered a great deal of time and therefore magic.

When the kids around me noticed what I was doing the Ravenclaws looked envious. There weren't that many students as the war had wrecked our population and honestly all of us could fit in who of the tables.

As there were so few of us, I stood out more as the odd child. Finally one of the staff moved after the students were halfway through their meal. Professor McGonagall came over to address their concerns. "Mr.Greengrass, traditionally the first meal of the school year is meant to be shared to promote comradely."

I set my book down and told her with a voided and blank expression. "I'm not hungry. Besides, I've no interest in knowing anyone in my house. If they were half as intelligent and wise they'd be using this time as self study to promote wisdom and their grasp of the magical world. We do after all only have seven years here and in that time very little of it can be used to learn a fraction of this school's knowledge."

She looked me over and sighed. "Truly a claw. At least try to make friends. These are after all the years that will define you for years to come."

I shook my head. "Hardly. There's little anyone can do in the first few years that could possibly make a lasting impression on the magical populace. The first few years should be used expanding our knowledge of the world we live in so that we may actually make a difference when it matters later."

Seeing she wasn't going to win an argument with me she left with an annoyed sigh of frustration. When she sat down at the teacher's table, I resumed reading my book in silence. I was a true Ravenclaw after all. I fully subscribed to the notion that knowledge was power and damned if I wasn't going to be the strongest there is.

I ignored the whispers of the students and furthered my own knowledge. When I finished a chapter on tomb curses, I closed the book as dinner was nearly done for the students. Soon enough we all stood up and were led to our common rooms.

The prefect showed us the riddle eagle statue that let anyone in that was smart enough to answer a silly riddle. It was rather dumb for the smartest witches of her age to do such a dumb thing. Especially when all it took was a bit of common sense- huh?

(Damn, she really might be the funniest and smartest witch of her age. By creating such a thing she was making fun of the fact that wizards all lacked common sense!)

Chuckling internally, I listened to the prefect telling us our schedules would be delivered in the morning by house elves and appear on our desks. We were given our own rooms not that there was enough of us to matter sharing a room.

After that I sat in the common room next to the personal library of Rowena Ravenclaw. It wasn't much but two stacks on each side of the common room and the back wall. The common area was meant for self study after all.

I continued reading my book well into the night before retiring to my room. When the sun started to rise, so did I. I grabbed a shower in my own bathroom chambers and dressed in the school uniform.

With my hair changed blue, I grabbed my class schedule and headed downstairs. There I headed to the bookshelves and scanned them before grabbing a book on learning magical tongues called Languages Throughout the Ages.

I'd finished my book on curses all the way back to Sumerian and ancient Babylonian times. Damned if some of the curses and counter curses weren't interesting. The spells alone were enough to change the definition of what should be considered unforgivable.

That didn't include the wards and powerful traps they'd created for all who were unfortunate and dumb enough to steal from them. I ate a quick premade meal I'd stored in stasis in my realm before heading down to breakfast to meet up with Nym and Charlie.

They were both late to arrive though surprised like everyone else that I was sitting at the Hufflepuff table. When my house head came by with a squeaky voice and asked what I was doing at the Hufflepuff table I simply told him. "There's so few of us that we should be sharing our meals together in two tables don't you think? After all, one cannot simply expect us to sit at the same tables all year long can they? We'd divide the very foundation of our society over silly house pride. Not that I don't show it already."

I'd indicated to my blue hair and he nodded slowly with a smile. "Very good Mr.Greengrass. Take five points for promoting inner house cooperation and another five for showing true wisdom over pride."

I returned to my book and a while later Charlie and Nym showed up. I indicated for them to sit next to me. The teachers didn't say anything as it wasn't against school rules. Heck, there weren't any rules that we had to sit at our house tables unless it was the beginning or end of the year feasts and then only to show the new students which house they belonged to and the house cup celebration at the end of the year.

Nym changed her hair to the badger yellow and black while Charlie sported his red hair already. We made an interesting group to say the least. Whispers spread and a few of the older years actually followed our example and sat with their friends regardless of tables.

When it was time for our first classes I wasn't surprised to see all twenty first years in a single class for our charms introduction. The class was while fun for most and even heartwarming as my head of house explained charms by showing small examples like the tickling charm, it was however dull in the sense that I'd already known everything.

When we were given the chance to try the wand lighting charm I wasn't even paying attention as I simply read and held up my wand with one hand while my wand lit. When I heard Professor Flitwick mention the counter charm I simply put it out with a quiet. "Nox."

He went around helping those who needed it and I set my book down to do the same for Charlie and Nym. When they had it, I continued reading. Only one of the three Slytherin kids had gotten it by the end of class and that was with the professor's help.

I shook my head in disappointment but ignored them as I headed to the next class, Herbology. In this class I had to pay attention because it was more hands on and required participation. At least I inherited my mother Gaia's green thumb. The plants seemed to respond to me like I was a living parent.

I did grab clippings and seeds from everything to start my own garden. The dragon dung compost was helpful as well though I only took small samples to change the composition of my inner realm garden I was making. I'd cleared a few miles of land and turned it all into fertile dragon dung compost soil for my own uses by the time class ended.

It was as easy as thoughts to change my inner realm to match my will and the compositions of known substances with the samples. I could even turn it all into real gold once I understood the process with the philosophers stones I had but I'd no interest in non goblin gold.

I can easily make money without relying on such endeavors. I ate a light pre-made lunch sandwich on the way to the cafeteria. This time I sat at the Gryffindor table with Nym and Charlie.

After lunch we had double potions where I stayed out of the professor's line of sight for the most part and made notes absentmindedly in my own potions book. Everything from modified methods to more advanced and quicker solutions to bring better results.

He'd only stopped by my table to glance at what I was writing and after his facade of cold indifference broke in a rare look of surprise for only a moment, he schooled himself and commented on making a show of paying attention even if I didn't need the help.

It wasn't exactly a praise but it was the closest I'd probably get. It was a unique class to say the least. If Nym hadn't been next to me her clumsiness could've caused real accidents. Charlie was slightly better albeit slower to make the basic healing salve.

As it was they both made passible solutions while I'd gone a lot further and made a healing salve that could not only cure burns but return the skin to a healthy appearance. My own skills and actions spoke of a practiced and mastered skill set.

After class we had the rest of the day off until the night where astronomy was necessary. An hour after our potions class had ended all my homework that was due in two days was completed. It really was child's play and left a ton of free time I used reading books.

I'd finished my fifth book from the Ravenclaw library by the time Astronomy class was ready to start. For my personal project, I made a map of the entire solar system calculating the stellar drift and position of the stars in regards to earth and what each star represented in regards to magic and it's influence on the moods and thus actions of individuals.

I made a notation that basically said knowing the predictability of such moods and actions in regards to humans and all manner of creatures would allow one in theory to predict the future or at least the mood of a populace in regards to possible actions taken in mass.

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