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38.57% A True Beginning / Chapter 76: Ch.18

Chapitre 76: Ch.18

Things on Atlantis grew a bit morbid for a while as the expedition team made video messages and compiled data to be sent back to the SGC. When they made the connection to earth and requested backup in case they needed to defend the city with my warriors, earth sent a colonel with half a dozen rail guns and promised Prometheus, Orion and the Daedalus were on their way.

The Asgard had been kind enough to outfit the earth ships with intergalactic hyper drives and their best shields. As the humans set up their defenses I sighed and left them to it. A few days later Teyla started having nightmares about past memories she'd repressed.

When she mentioned being a wraith experiment, I very promptly tortured the wraith prisoner to death in front of the humans. It's dying screams of agony echoed throughout Atlantis before I ripped it's essence and soul out, storing it for later.

The corpse was in many pieces that made several of the civilian scientists throw up. The military officers were grim while I hadn't lost my smile the entire time. I'd even eaten an arm while it was still alive to show it that I was the bigger predator.

The wraith has truly known fear with it's dying breath. It had shared all it knew on strategic information and even the wraith pecking order. There were always a dozen queens and each queen had it's own territory and fleet. Their set up was very much like the goa'uld system lords.

The humans, barring a few military personnel and my mates, were terrified of me now. The colonel took a few of his own people and joined Sam on the Lantean war ship two weeks later.

When we gathered the Athosian's and secured them in the city, the second Lantean war ship arrived. After Krishna stores his ship and the Lantean war ship was docked my people began effecting repairs.

I, of course, revived the captain of the Lantean ship. He was first as I only had enough for one right now and I wasn't willing to spend what I'd saved up so far for my girls, so he was the only option. He was confused but Weir and the rest filled him in.

When the hive ships showed up, I was in space watching, invisible to their senses. The satellite did it's job and took out all three ships with minimal damage.

All the essence I collected was used to revive the rest of the Lantean crew. The next day the Lantean's were informed about the state of affairs.

When the captain asked who was in control of Atlantis as he'd failed to access the council records, I answered him during the meeting. "I am effectively the prime minister of Atlantis. I assumed control the moment the expedition stepped through and have so far limited their access to the severely dangerous and banned technologies. The answer is no, I will not give control of this city to you."

He frowned and tried to enter my mind. I let him in and what he found shocked him to his core. My mind and indeed my thoughts were all in ancient thanks to the repository download and engraving.

He could see and understand most of it and when I pushed him out he asked. "How are you not ascended? No human or Lantean could possibly hope to hold so much information."

I chuckled. "Easy, because I'm not human or Lantean. I'm something else entirely. Now, as your prime councilor, I'm giving you and your crew a mission. Go and retrieve the Lantean ship Tria between the Milky Way galaxy and the Pegasus galaxy. They are traveling at close to the speed of light because their ship was damaged. They don't realize the relativistic effects doing such has caused so I'm sure you'll have to inform them of the changes."

I snapped my fingers and a Jaffa warrior bowed saying. "The Aurora has been repaired and upgraded, fitted with a mark III potentia as an extra power source. The parts to effect repairs and upgrades for the Tria are aboard the Aurora."

The captain finally sighed. "I expect to be included on the council once more as per Lantean laws. I expect the captain of the Tria will expect the same."

I shrugged. "That's fine by me but I'll not be allowing the start up of Janus's projects nor the contact of the Asurans."

He frowned now. "The Asurans cannot harm us."

I sighed. "The Asurans were responsible for the nano virus that was killing off the humans in the Pegasus galaxy. While they cannot harm Lantean's, they can harm humans. They figured this out and decided the best way to beat the wraith was to wipe out their food supply."

Captain Brutus paled and the humans including Weir and John were pretty upset. John asked. "Who are these Asurans anyway?"

I sighed and rubbed my forehead. "They are what you'd call human for replicators. These though were made to fight the wraith/Lantean war. They were a failure and ultimately managed to get infected with a wraith virus long enough to shut off their main objective. As such they've returned to their planet base and remained their ever since. If they're disturbed by anyone not with what you call the ancient DNA genes, those people will be killed at the very least."

I turned back to Brutus whom asked. "What about the command override to shut them off?"

I shrugged. "Up until now you and your crew are the first full blooded living Lantean's we've come across. Anything less and the Asuran's can ignore the override commands. Not to mention the idea that if they can access their sub routines because of the virus the wraith left behind then they could potentially erase the override commands. But if you're willing to try them by all means, when you return with the Tria and it's crew you're welcome to give it a shot."

Sam pulled up a map of the Asuran home world and Brutus gasped. "By the ascended, they've grown! The scanners indicate nearly a dozen war ships and over six full city ships! This alone would be a large boon in the efforts against the wraith. If we can get them, but then, we don't have enough people to properly command such ships."

I coughed and drew his attention to me. "My warriors-"

I gestured to Krishna who saluted me and grinned. "Can man the ships so long as a Lantean can properly captain them. Not to mention, when you and the Tria return, I will be willing to bring out my full fleet as well."

Weir's eyes went wide. "That's what you've been waiting on?"

I shrugged. "The war with the wraith is a necessity. Once the Lantean's are prepared this time, I fully intend to help them eradicated the wraith such as I did the goa'uld."

Captain Brutus asked. "How many are in your fleet might I ask?"

I turned to Krishna who was still grinning as he answered for me. "We command a hundred modified Lantean war ships and seven hundred city ships. We also have just over two thousand satellite weapon platforms like the one that took out the three wraith hive ships. All with cloaking capabilities and improved mark III potentia. We have a stockpile of over seven hundred mark I and II potentia and five thousand mark III potentia."

Brutus frowned. "What are mark I and II potentia much less three?"

I chuckled. "Mark I potentia are twice as powerful as your standard potentia the Lantean's had and can generate an equivalent proportion of energy. Mark II are five times as effective as mark I and mark III are ten times as effective as mark II. All in all-"

McKay muttered. "Good god, you've managed to make ZPM's that are one hundred times as effective as the ones we've been looking for."

I nodded while Brutus and the rest of the unofficial council were stunned. "We've had our own advancements and improvements on the Lantean technology. For instance, we've managed to figure out how to incorporate wormhole drives into the war ships as a third form of a means to escape if necessary."

It was Brutus's turn to mutter. "Dear ascended! You truly are the second forms of our people then."

I chuckled and shook my head. "I am not, but my warriors are. Each one of them has Lantean DNA and some are like John here with more than most. Once they've completed their tasks as warriors, I intend to remove their current gifts of power and instead help integrate that DNA as their primary features."

Back to Rodney again as he frowned and spoke up. "You intend to speed up their natural evolution until they're ancients."

I nodded and looked to Krishna who looked as if he were in ecstasy. Smiling I told them. "It will be their last reward for their service and faith. They can continue to pay tribute to me as they wish and I will continue to answer their prayers, but as a people, they will have earned their place amongst the oldest of their ancestors."

I waved to Brutus who frowned. "Can you do such a thing?"

I smiled. "I can. They already have the DNA necessary for the evolution. All I'll be doing is speeding up the process so that instead of some distant descendant that is your equal, they will be instead."

He frowned and I shook my head. "I've made my decision. Besides, it's nothing your ancestors didn't do when they sped up their own evolution millions of years ago before they put a genetic lock on their DNA. I'm merely ensuring the Alteran empire doesn't die out and that my followers are rewarded for their efforts."

Krishna bowed once more while Colonel Everett who had just arrived to help defend Atlantis asked. "Can you do such a thing for earth's population as well?"

I looked him over with a critical eye before sighing. "Should earth and it's people come together under one nation and people to decide such a thing and request it of me then, I will consider it. Until then I won't even think about such an option. The humans of earth have a long way to go to prove they are ready for such a thing. They can't even decide on uniting fully and instead bicker amongst themselves."

Colonel Everett sighed. "What about my men?"

I shook my head. "They have not earned it yet either. Should they help in winning the war with the wraith, I will consider it at their individual requests. For now that is a long way off."

I turned back to Brutus. "You and your crew have their orders Captain. Bring the Tria home."

He saluted me with a rare smile before leaving. I turned and gave Weir and John a gate address while saying. "It has a war ship in it's hanger and this is one of the times my warriors will be leaving off world. They will repair it but ultimately your people must bring it home and assess the outpost's viability. McKay should be able to check the logs of the outpost itself and determine it's usefulness and whether or not it's safe."

McKay frowned. "Safe? What do you mean? Is it possible it's not safe?"

I nodded. "The base itself sits in a caldera of a super volcano. The base has shields powered by the dormant volcano's geothermal energy. It's really just a safe place to efficiently build war ships as the outpost planet also has a decent supply of materials necessary to building Lantean technology."

John dragged McKay away as he kept bugging me about how safe it was. Faith chuckled and followed with Teyla and Lieutenant Ford saying to Rodney. "Relax, he'd never send me on a suicide mission."

Rodney seemed to calm down at that until Teyla mentioned the protections on Faith's wedding ring. Rodney has a manic fit before asking for the same protections or to borrow her ring.

Faith snorted. "Not a chance. Besides, it only works on me. Even if you could get it on your fingers it'd be little more than a trinket for you."

I blocked out the rest of their words and turned to Krishna. "Summon all war ships and city ships before docking them. The city's sensors indicate eleven more hive ships on their way. You've permission to engage them at your own leisure. Make sure the integrated jars are activated before each battle and turned off afterwards. Their essence is vital. Send the contingent with John and his team to fix the ship and upgrade it. A thousand should do. Tell them to hurry it up."

He saluted me as I transferred the city ships to his ring remotely. Once he left I turned to the colonel whom showed up with a few guns to defend Atlantis. "A bit more than you expected to find I take it?"

He sighed and nodded wearily and nervously as he truly understood where the power lay now. "How are my men to help?"

I sighed. "The ship Sam was intending to captain is yours now. It has all the bells and whistles and she can tell you how to use it. As for your men, put them where you see fit."

I turned to Elizabeth and waved a hand as three mark III potentia appeared on the table, glowing green. "It's time this city was at full power once more. Give the nearly full potentia to an unnecessary member of your expedition and send them to earth with it. Once there they can hook it up to earth's stargate. That way the SGC can really keep in contact."

She sighed and gave the order while taking away the potentia. When the council was done she asked to see me in private. There she asked. "Am I still in charge here or are you taking over?"

I sighed. "You're in charge of your people and soon enough, when I go into meditation to reach ascension, I'll turn over the prime councilor position to you. The Lantean's will respect my decision and while it will take you time and effort to catch up and keep up, you will be required to make the decisions for all those that call Atlantis home. My warriors, once the wraith are defeated, shall become ancient's as you call them and will be subject to the council's laws and rules."

She frowned. "How am I supposed to keep up with ancients when they have such a clear advantage both evolution wise and knowledge wise."

I shrugged and patted her shoulder. "You'll figure it out I'm sure."

As I did so I began her own rapid evolutionary process. She herself had received the ATA gene therapy and now it was ingrained into her very DNA as it altered. I walked away while Buffy and my wives that saw my actions smiled.

Sam left to give Colonel Everett all he needed to captain the Lantean war ship. Soon enough a battle raged over head while city ships connected to Atlantis like a giant spider web design. War ships flew in and out of the massive shield surrounding the city ships as the wraith were destroyed repeatedly.

Krishna came back with good news while the Tria and the Aurora came back again just after the battle. I gave Krishna the satellites, each upgraded and equipped with essence jars that automatically activated when the satellite fired and deactivated when it's sensors picked up no wraith nearby.

In the event that the satellite would be destroyed, the jars were equipped with teleportation beacons to send them back to Atlantis and specifically as special room I'd made for them.

The captain of the Tria, Helia, was welcomed on the council. There, I declared the council officially full, as per Lantean law. It contained Weir, Helia, John, Sam, Everett, and Krishna as the main body and me as the prime councilor.

Helia was resistant but when she saw what I was bringing to the table and offering, she fell in line. I told them. "As we speak, each and every ship is being outfitted with the best improved weapons and shields we have to offer. The improved weapon satellites are being deposited throughout half the galaxy, cloaked in each star system at five per star system. Weir's people will be returning with the Hippaforalkus, repaired and upgraded."

Weir took the opportunity to speak. "The outpost it's on is in danger of going critical in a few months time. Rodney says the Taranian's there unwittingly turned on and kept the shields at maximum, causing the super volcano to begin waking."

I waved that off. "I'll visit Taranis personally and settle the volcano. For now tell McKay to turn off the shields and switch over to cloaking the base. It should take a lot less power and ensure they not do any irreparable harm before I get there. As for the ship?"

Weir sighed. "John and the warriors you sent are in route with it as we speak. They had to argue with the Taranian leader for it and promise the Taranian's would get to meet a living ancestor."

I raised an eyebrow but Brutus sighed. "I'll head there with a security team to meet with the people that have settled there. Hopefully they'll understand that the facility will be needed once the war is over. The research on the energies given off by the planet was essential to improving our terraforming technology."

I nodded, understanding what he'd meant. Helia frowned. "Do you think they'd be willing to leave after calling it home for so long?"

I sighed. "It doesn't matter at this point. We'll deal with them on a diplomatic level once the war is over and the wraith threat is no longer there to threaten their people. For now our focus must remain on the wraith. To that end, Brutus, you've volunteered to go to Asura and deactivate the Asurans and by doing so increase our fleet power. I will go with you to ensure you do not fail."

Krishna spoke up now. "The satellites are in place now around half the Pegasus galaxy and we have already ran into a problem. The satellites have managed to wipe out nearly twenty hive ships and their escorts but the wraith are learning to be cautious now. They send drones and their escorts first and watch to track the satellite's positions before firing upon them as they enter a star system. We've taken heavy losses technological wise. Nearly a hundred satellites have been destroyed in the first three days now."

I frowned now and brought up the satellite's controls. I saw the problem and smiled now as I began tapping on the screen rapidly. Brutus and Helia watched in fascination at the rapid changes I made.

Even McKay who'd been allowed to sit in spoke up as he realized what I was doing. "You're changing their flight patterns to very and enter a sort of array of different alternating sequences. And from the looks of it, you're making it so that only one fires at a time until a full fleet is in range."

I smirked and stopped adding changes as they took hold. The screen remained up as my satellites showed their successes in wiping out another three fleets of five ships apiece.

I added a random variation sequence once I saw the wraith adapting and left it there as the screen went away. "The wraith will think twice before they act now but that just means they'll be slowly building their forces before they find a way to deal with the changes. We need to be doing the same. Captain, it's time we left. Choose your security team and meet me in the gate room in twenty minutes. As I see it, this council meeting is adjourned."

I stood and headed to the gate room while Krishna followed me. Everett left with Sam and McKay to fully understand his new ship. Weir and John went to make their own plans and Helia was on her way to catch up to me.

When I stopped near the DHD she spoke up. "I'd like to know your plans for the future of my people."

I gave her a critical eye before sighing. "If your people accept my warriors after I've sped up their genetic evolution to match your own then you will become one people and as such the Alteran empire will no longer be on the verge of extinction. I've no plans beyond cleaning up your people's messes for now."

She frowned. "Our messes?"

I snorted. "Damn right your messes. Everywhere the Alteran people went they left behind advanced technology and no instructions or limitations on how and who can use them. There's Alteran technology littered throughout both the Milky Way and the Pegasus galaxy that could very well end half or all of both galaxies."

Her frown deepened and I sighed and held up a finger "The Dakara device could be used to wipe out all life in the Milky Way and while I've left instructions with a trusted friend on how to destroy it, the fact remains that it should never have been left there to be activated in the first place."

I held up another finger. "The ancient healing device left on earth alone was enough to end the poor planet of some random human had found it."

Another finger added to that. "The goa'uld, as I'm sure you've read up on, have taken and adapted a number of your ancestors technologies over the years including a cloning research facility and several dozen outposts they used to advance themselves enough to pretend to be gods."

I continued as she denied any possible knowledge of these things. "Alright then, here in the Pegasus galaxy there are a number of devices and technologies that could be disastrous including the Attero device that could potentially be reactivated and destroy all stargates that activate in this galaxy or connect with it, not just the wraiths either."

She paled now as I told her. "And that's the least horrifying device on the list here In the Pegasus galaxy. The worst by far can just simply be turned on a rip a hole in the fabric of this reality. So excuse me if I'm not overly worried about your people's future for the moment. While I do intend to protect you all from your own stupidity and apparent inability to put away your own things."

Brutus arrived with his security team and I put in the gate address to the Asuran home world. He asked about a possible shield they'd use to protect their gate and I shook my head. "It'll be fine they don't fear others coming in as they expect you all to be dead. Send the deactivation codes through and we'll step through to see if it worked."

He did so and I walked through the gate with him and his security team. Surprisingly it worked as all the Asurans were turned to nanite particles. They'd basically become metal dust piles. I went to the nearest terminal and took control of their city and technology.

After weeding out the AI and the few who'd managed to get far enough away, I recalled all their ships and told Brutus. "Send word to Atlantis for my warriors and your crew to come here and retrieve the city ships. The war ships are docked and ready to be taken back to Atlantis. This planet is extremely rich in Neutronium so I intend to harvest it all for the war effort. It is more than enough to build a fleet of any size and many more satellites."

He grinned and sent word back to Atlantis. Soon enough my warriors were flying city ships to Atlantis until all that remained was the docking platforms for said ships and the master controls to build more.

Brutus wished to do just that by making more replicators but I warned him against it saying. "While a bigger fleet is necessary to actually win this war, I don't wish to do so here so we'll be taking everything with us instead."

He frowned up till I healed out a hand and the entire spire disappeared into my ring. I did so several more times until all that remained was the spire with the gate inside it. I told him and the warriors left still to head back as I would be emptying the neutronium from the planet before joining them with the last spire.

They did so to Brutus's confusion and I got to work. I turned the planet into a densely pact pure Neutronium material before treating it like I'd done several planets before and breaking it into manageable pieces before storing it in my ring.

With my supply of neutronium replenished, I took the last spire and stargate floating in space and returned to Atlantis via teleporting. When I appeared before the Captain and his security team they were surprised i was finished so quickly.

I told them what I'd done and assured them I won't be doing so again any time soon. After placing the spires floating on the ocean near the other city ships that had just landed, I told Brutus to go ahead and make more replicators but to ensure that they were basic builders only that would deactivate at a command from anyone, human, Jaffa or Lantean.

I filled the supply storages with neutronium as each ship's storage was filled, a lot of replicator builders were made. And began working in earnest now. I headed to Taranis with Brutus to deal with the people there next. I settled the super volcano down easy enough and returned it back into it's dormant state. Brutus and his security team met with the Taranian's about the outpost while I headed back to Atlantis.

For the several months all was quiet for the most part while the replicators built more and more ships and defense satellites. Our drones were refilled as well while we geared up for a war we knew was coming. The earth ships were all three outfitted with Lantean grade weapons and shields as well as given a ZPM apiece to power their ships.

A fleet of seven upgraded Lantean war ships and a single city ship was sent to earth as compensation and thanks for their help. The database the city ships was given had everything including how to make potentia and the satellite weapons translated into English.

They were extremely grateful as their new enemy, the Ori, had begun causing problems. Colonel Everett requested from the SGC that he and his men stay to help with the wraith threat and possibly see about becoming ancients themselves.

When he extended my words to possibly evolving the humans of earth to the ancient's level of genetic advancement, they were of mixed feelings about the requirements. Back on Atlantis, John and his team had continued to do expeditions through the gate.

They brought back many things including a satedan soldier who was a runner from the wraith for seven years. He found a place amongst my warriors quick enough but joined John and his team on missions.

Rodney ended up sharing his body as lieutenant Cadman, a female officer who helped back up the team on their little outings. It was an easy fix for us once they and the wraith dart that had sucked them up and stuck them together were back on Atlantis.

I didn't much pay attention to what they were up to again until they stumbled upon project Arcturus. McKay thought stupidly, that he could perfect it but I shut him down immediately saying. "That project is a dead end that can quite literally tear a hole in the fabric of reality. I'll be going personally to destroy the device and collect all relevant data to ensure it isn't tried again. The ancients of the time were desperate sure, but they had it right. It's far to dangerous for mortals to even attempt such a thing."

He of course thought he was right and turned it on anyway, I teleported over instead of taking the war ship I'd planned to use to blow it to bits as it became an emergency. When I arrived I gave the order for them to evacuate and had creature eat all the power it produced, effectively shutting off the device and killing the power to it permanently.

Creature got a hell of a lot bigger, the size of most of the solar system in fact, but when I forced it to shrink back into my cloak, it was stuffed full of energy and satisfied from the good meal.

I took the device into my ring and the entire outpost along with it before leaving the desolate planet. When Beckett and the team began experimenting with a retrovirus to turn wraith into humans I unsealed the file the ancients has on the subject and ultimately proved it a dead end.

Finally a week after the retrovirus attempt the team came across the planet I planned to ascend on. I was amused when Shepherd got stuck inside and his team along with Beckett and Weir went inside.

When those that ascended there left, leaving them a way to leave as well, I appeared before them. "Soon I will call this place home, so no more thoughts on destroying the device."

I took them back to Atlantis and set up several weapon satellites in orbit above the planet on my way back. After exploring the village I'd soon call home, I headed to the place of meditation to study it's writings. It had a more accurate way of self ascension without the need for others to help you do so, unlike Kheb.

Not even the ancient database had these particular instructions, only the gate address as those that came here ascended or died of old age and never returned to record their findings on Atlantis or any other ancient database.

After finding what I needed, I headed back to Atlantis and informed Illyria of the changes in the meditation instructions. There I waited for the right time while the very next mission John and his team went on, they found a city ship thought lost and not powered enough to activate the beacon inside to notify us of it's possible sound structure.

When I heard it was buried and out of power after the team had started the star drive to prevent the 'royals' from destroying the nearby villagers, I sent warriors through with replicator workers and enough materials to see the city ship repaired and returned to Atlantis and the Alteran empire.

Brutus and Helia went with a small guard with instructions to banned these 'royals' and block their genetic code from accessing ancient technology ever again. The villagers were taken in to be set free on the mainland where we could protect them with the Athosian's.

After two weeks and three hundred replicators with a massive supply of neutronium, they were able unbury the city ship and repair it to working order. The ship was then stored in Krishna's ring before being returned to Atlantis through the stargate.

One with the other ships it was powered by three mark III potentia. I decided to send warriors to every ancient outpost and planet with known city ships and war ships in the past. While they were away checking on every single outpost and possible ship location, Shepherd and his team continued their adventures.

As it is all of the city ships being built were finished while those planned were put on hold to build more war ships. We already had eight hundred city ships now and still only two hundred war ships, with most of those incomplete at the moment.

While the Atlantis expedition had their own things to deal with concerning the Genii and all the crap John's team dealt with, I was busy teaching the Osirans and bringing them up to the ancient's level technologically.

By the time they were ready and wiling to join us here on Atlantis, I had to hear about Rodney's most recent screw up and a hundred and fifty hive ships on their way. McKay, against the advisement of nearly every Lantean and my my warriors, created a project Arcturus only on an even more idiotic scale.

He created a bridge to an alternate reality and started pulling in massive amounts of energy while leaving the exotic particles in the alternate reality. When I got word of it from Krishna and saw his alternate reality self, I was surprised that Rod, the alternate Rodney, recognized me.

As soon as he saw me he paled and turned to my McKay. "You are so screwed. You have a god here as well?"

I growled and ignored him before back handing my McKay across the room and into a warrior who caught him. Growling Iroared at him. "I warned you with project Arcturus that it wasn't something mortals should be playing around with. You nearly blew up a solar system at best. Now you've doomed an entire reality to becoming unmade! Trillions of lives, innocent souls, will be destroyed because of your idiocy."

Rodney was bleeding from the busted lip and a broken nose. Krishna stood him up then put him on his knees before me. Rod frowned. "There's got to be another way. The other you said there was something you both could do if things got to bad."

I looked at the alternate reality Rodney and snorted. "Yes, one of us would sacrifice ourselves to patch the hole in reality. Even for a god, while we haven't ascended or stepped out of reality, that means certain death. Essentially we destroy the very core of our being and fuse our essence with the reality in question."

Rod and everyone in ear shot paled. I turned to Rodney who repeatedly said. "I had no idea."

I snorted. "You're in a lot more trouble than that. When a god dies it essentially an extinction level event for all matter in the vicinity. To do such a thing will mean either I sacrifice myself and fuse to seal the wound you've cause or he does. Either way one of the Atlantis's and everyone in that star system will be destroyed from the blast, perhaps even the Pegasus galaxy all together."

I looked to Krishna and nodded, he released Rodney and I sneered. "Pray my other self is more prepared and accommodating because if it's me, I'll be damn sure to keep you here to die with me."

I headed for the matter bridge while John and his team followed my brisk pace. Weir and the council responded to my call as I told them what was happening and what could potentially happen to Atlantis and the Pegasus galaxy.

Alice and the rest of my wives met me at the matter bridge room and my alternate self stepped through the matter bridge. He was alone and looked torn from the site of my wives. He spoke evenly. "You got my gifts from Willow before?"

I nodded slowly. "It's been a long time for what I assume was both of us."

I nodded and looked at Lexi now, pained. He looked between each of my wives until he settled on Teyla to my surprise. He spoke to her now. "We just had a son, Trevor, back in my reality. After I lost each of my mates, you kept me stable."

He raised a hand and with a sad look he touched her face before looking at my other wives. "I lost Buffy and Faith to the first. He ate their souls so I couldn't even revive them. Then with Lexi, Niklaus ended up killing her to teach me a lesson. I-I regained most of my memories after that and I hadn't been the same since. Then came Sam-"

He looked at her sadly a sighed. "I just lost you to the Ori. You insisted on staying in the Milky Way and fighting until it was time. An Ori took the opportunity to reach through a super gate they built and tore apart the ship you captained, consuming the souls on board. I-"

He lost his could for a second and his eyes changed as his claws came out. A more beastly and demonic form started to show from his unintentional shifting. I slugged him and forced the shift away through pain. He caught himself and stood back up out of the dented wall he'd hit.

Sighing he wiped the blood off his lip saying. "Sorry about that. I'm not entirely myself these days. I just had to say goodbye to my last surviving mate and my only child before I sent them and most of the Pegasus galaxy inhabitants to the Milky Way. I promised my Teyla I'd decide if it was me or you when I got here."

I nodded. "It's understandable, I don't know what I'd do if I ended up like you, but I'm telling you right now, if it's me then you'll have one hell of a fight on your hands. You know we don't die easily."

He grunted and shook his head. "No, I accepted that it'd be me the moment I saw Alice and the rest. I can't imagine taking you away from them and forcing them to feel what I've had to live with."

He gave my Rodney the stink eye before growling and turning to his own and saying sadly. "You'll be able to return to your reality through the quantum mirror. I'm sure me of here can feel out where you belong. Thanks for trying though. You've done good."

Rod nodded and gave him a hug before backing away. My alternate self tossed me his ring saying. "Do me a favor, when you send him home give them their Atlantis back. I stored it amongst all the other things I've managed to grab. Oh, and the rest is a thanks for doing this."

I grunted and he walked towards me telling my McKay. "If I had my way you'd be dying with me right now. As it is, activate your bridge and increase it's matter connection stream so the blast is directed at my reality."

He turned to me and I nodded before shoving a fist into his chest. He barely flinched as he nodded and I took his power, all that he'd collected before ejecting his soul in a blinding blast backwards into the matter stream generator behind him.

His essence and soul were sucked in as the beam of light died down and the city shook. When my McKay spoke up I knew it was done. "The bridge collapsed and it seems we can no longer make a connection."

I sighed as I took the corpse into my ring and turned to my red eyed mates and even a red eyed Teyla. "He's dead. Not even I can survive that. Perhaps only a bit of his essence will linger in his reality but he's no longer a god nor a sentient being."

I turned to Rod now. "I'll have to check but I'm fairly certain the wraith are all wiped out and so is the Pegasus galaxy. No galaxy could survive that blast. If there's one good side to this- no, I take that back, there's no good side to this."

I walked past them all and headed to my quarters where my wives came to me for comfort. There I held them while they took turns crying and holding onto me for fear life. An hour in Teyla showed up and cried her eyes out as I held her as well.

She stayed with us that night and most of the next morning before I got out of bed to take Rod to the quantum mirror on earth. He thanked me when we stepped through to his reality.

I was at a loss when I saw Teyla and a young baby boy there. Sighing I told her. "I'm not yours. It was him or me and while he had you and the babe, I had a lot more to fight for. I'm sorry."

She looked devastated while Rod took the baby. I turned my gaze to the Pegasus galaxy or what was left of it. All that remained was space dust and I told the SGC as much before telling them he'd made me an exchange. I gave them their Atlantis and put the extra supplies they no longer needed including the magical stuff, into my ring before handing his old one to Teyla who held it tightly.

As a thanks for understanding and a last hurrah, I reached out and teleported to the Ori home galaxy before slaughtering all of them and their followers and putting their essence in jars.

When I returned to their earth again I told them the Ori were no longer a threat before stepping through to my reality once more.

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Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

Chapitres de déverrouillage par lots

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