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18.78% A True Beginning / Chapter 37: Ch.36

Chapitre 37: Ch.36

The day passed in relative peace for the scoobies and I before the girls dragged me off to the bedroom. Then it was passion, things breaking and well, we nearly brought the house down. Luckily we'd gone to our house next door because I'd only imagine the problems if the scoobies had heard us.

As it was I ended up with deep nail marks and bite marks all over me while the girls were panting and barely able to move. The house was a wreck and I wasn't sure I even wanted to fix it just for it to return that way.

They had all three taken their turns doing their best to try and wear me out. Hell, I was a bit sore even with the magic healing spells I cast on myself and them. They were simply too numb to walk now and tingling all over from their most recent tries to tire me.

Smirking I told them. "Rest and relax, we have all the time in the world now."

I started giving them massages and when I applied the oil things got even more aggressive this time from me and them. Every time I touched them I needed more. It was as if my blood was lit afire and they were the only things that could quench it.

Soon enough even I was incapable of moving unless it was inside them. We were passion and lust personified and we only stopped when Xander came over and knocked on the door saying he was here to take Buffy to work.

I was bewildered until I looked at the clock. We'd been going at it for an entire day and a half. Seeing Buffy was simply in no position to go to work I handed her my cellphone. "Call in sick. I'll pay a nurse at the hospital to write you a work release note."

She was barely conscious enough to do so while I moved Faith off of me carefully before wrapping a towel around me to go see Xander. I cleaned myself with a cleansing spell and walked downstairs.

Xander was there just inside the front door looking around. He leaned over and picked up a pair of torn panties. I raised an eyebrow as he asked. "Do I even want to know?"

I shrugged. "They're Faith's. They were a bit rough when they found out they didn't have to be careful with my injuries anymore."

I indicated the broken furniture and holes all over the walls and the ripped clothes all around. "I'm a bit of an animal myself when it comes to them."

He chuckled. "So I'm here to take Buffy to work. She didn't come home last night and-"

I nodded. "Don't worry about it. She's calling in sick right now. She's not in any condition to walk more than a few steps let alone work in a fast food restaurant right now."

His eyebrows shot up and I sighed. "I've been gone longer than you and injured well before that. As it is I'm lucky to be walking. I've had to heal the rug burns and friction damage for us all several times now."

He snorted and I chuckled. "Relax, they're to tired to continue now. Let me grab a shower and I'll head with you to work. It's time I meet your bosses for the work I need done. It's a good time as any for a face to face meeting. Oh, how's the new house? I heard you completed it just before the honeymoon."

He nodded and told me about the decorations and changes he'd made. He's even put in a swimming pool and widened the house into more of a manor. I chuckled when he told me all cost around a half a million.

Sighing I told him. "That's good. The account I've signed over should have around a hundred million in it."

He gulped and looked at me with an ecstatic smile. "Thanks, I mean, thank you. It means a lot."

I nodded. "Faith, Buffy and Alice should have finished insuring the house by now for everything including apocalypses. Your house should be paid up and insured for your lifetime. As for it's worth, it's only worth about half the bank account I signed over. On the plus side if an apocalypse happens you're set."

He nodded and I headed for the shower. I was in and out with inhumane speeds. Smelling much fresher and cleaner than even what spells can do I was dressed and ready to go. I left a note tacked to the bedroom door saying I'd be back sometime tonight.

I left with Xander and headed to the main office for the company he works for. After meeting his bosses and signing the official contract they got to work. I'd supervise with Xander as the spell work would need to be laid in the very foundations of the compound. Every piece of it would be spell bound and warded against anything with demon essence even me, once it was finished.

We spent the day overseeing the fences going up and the deconstruction going on. All the power and water was cut off before the workers were told to. Ring it all down. I'd given them permission to take anything they wanted from the houses before it was destroyed and they'd done so.

Now a bunch of bulldozers were going on and off the property as they tore it all apart and disposed of the materials. They had a few days of that while I moved all the trees and plants off the properties without them noticing.

Magic really is helpful when dealing with mortals. The next few days were very awkward for myself and Xander as he kept coming over when I and the girls were busy.

That is until one evening when Buffy has accidentally broke her lawn gnome and found a camera inside. That evening Willow had tapped into it and he'd overseen Anya and Spike getting drunk and screwing on the magic shop table.

I saw the raw agony on his face as he'd watched it. When he went to leave Buffy went and stopped him from killing Spike or Anya. I hadn't seen him again for a while as he and Anya had a fight that ended in him divorcing her.

She'd called it a drunken mistake but I could tell he wasn't hearing it. After that he'd disappeared from Scooby meetings and from what I smelled Anya had accepted becoming a vengeance demon again.

One evening after Buffy had come back from the place the trio had called a hideout with a bunch of torn books I caught Spike trying to get in the house to see Buffy. She went out to meet him and when he tried to get handsy she threw him across the lawn saying. "Even if I wasn't already in a relationship Spike, I certainly wouldn't get in one with you. You don't even have a soul!"

He of course took off mopping and I asked her. "Can I kill him now? It'll be quick I promise. One move of my hand and he's dead."

She shook her head. "I owe him too much for protecting Dawn while I was, well, dead."

I nodded slowly. "I'm sorry I didn't do so-"

She stopped me shaking her head. "I understand, believe me, I do. If it'd been you now I don't think I'd be in any condition to take care of anyone."

I kissed her before sighing. "I've some things to do now. I've a bad feeling so I need to ask you and Faith to wear your wrist bands and orbs on patrols. I have a feeling you'll need them."

She nodded and smiled before kissing me. "They're in the new trunk Xander made me in the house. I'll wear them with the belt from now on if it'll ease your worries."

I nodded and smiled sadly. "Tell Faith the same, I've got something I need to do and it's time I finished preparing."

She didn't fully understand what I meant but she agreed and I left. I headed to the warehouse I'd bought for this moment where I began working on the green diamond, shaping it into a massive ward stone. It was the diameter a semi long. Even with my strength and speed it would take me a while to get it shaped and etched so I got to work.

Time flew by as I continued to work on it until I'd finished the preliminary cuts and it had a rough shape I started moving at speeds beyond human sight as I needn't worry about to ruining it now. Soon I'd finished with it and it was truly beautiful and huge.

Only slightly smaller than a semi now I begad etching runes into it and creating a powerful ward scheme that would allow it to take itself and the compound into the pocket dimension the bags were tied to when needed.

It was only a hand full of days later but I'd finished and headed back to the house afterwards. I grabbed a shower and met Buffy and who appeared to be Xander in the back yard. They were talking about the shit he's been through and why Anya had become a vengeance demon.

Sighing I walked over until I heard someone come in behind me and say something. I turned and earned a bullet to the chest as a second one joined it when I leaped in front of it heading for Buffy. I heard a third shot but I couldn't move as I fell down and passed out.

I couldn't tell how bad it was as I'd never been shot before. I expected my body to be tough enough to withstand something like this but it turns out I wasn't Superman, who'd have guessed?

There I was alone in the dark void I'd thought was my unconscious mind until Tara joined me. She smiled sadly. "I died."

I shook my head. "That's not possible. The house wards would've stopped a bullet Tara."

She shook her head. "Then they failed or someone intervened."

I grabbed her arms and told her with determination. "Then I can bring you back. Intervention by a higher power means it wasn't a mortal death. Like Buffy, you can come back."

She smiled until a demonic being showed up. It looked at us and I felt it's presence and recognized it. "You're a god."

He nodded. "I am Osiris. The witch with the red hair has demanded her lovers return."

I nodded. "Then take her back-"

He shook his head. "But she offers no sacrifice. I'm inclined to deny her."

I snorted. "Then I will be the sacrifice."

Tara shook her head. "No don't-"

The god smiled. "As intriguing as that would be it would cause some major problems for me. Gaia herself has spoken, you are to complete your trials here and return a god."

I growled and told him. "Gods do not pay, if Willow needs a sacrifice then do it for me, once I ascend I'll be a god-"

He sneered. "A bound god still pays like the rest."

I growled. "Then what do you suggest?"

He contemplated for a while and I thought of something. "How about a wager between a god and a possible god."

He looked intrigued as I continued. "No future sight either. With only what we know right now let's bet."

He seemed intrigued so he spoke. "Continue."

I nodded. "Deny Willow Tara's return and we bet on the outcome of what she does next. No powers only watching and using our minds. If I'm right you bring her back at no cost, if you're right I'll immediately face the trials and if I fail you get my soul as well as hers."

He looked at me for a moment but grinned all the same. I felt my visions block and he agreed. "Very well. Let's see what she does."

I chuckled. "She's going to scream at you FYI. I'm sure it'll hurt. Then she'll go dark. Her rage and fury will only be dwarfed by her need for vengeance. She'll drain the magic shop of it's dark magic books and go after Warren. I don't know if she'll try to heal me but I'm already here so it's a moot point either way. Then, when she's done with Warren she'll go after the two idiots in jail."

He nodded. "And their fate?"

I smirked. "They survive and head to Mexico. I don't know where but somewhere in Mexico. Then she'll try to end the world but fail, all because of love."

He looked intrigued. "And whom might she love if her lover is dead and here with you?"

I shook my head. "There are many types of love. It will be the love of an old friend that stops her."

He sighed. "Very well, lets see it."

He waved a hand and a screen of images showed as things played out. Faith and Buffy were in the hospital with Xander and my body. They were in tears while Alice was strangely missing. Willow showed up and drained my body of magic's but then she already had dark hair from draining the dark arts books in the magic shop.

Buffy shoved her away and she asked. "What? He's not using it."

She was crackling with power now as she took Buffy and Xander after Warren. When they tried to stand a magic at her and get her to stop after she destroyed his bot she left them there. They went to the magic box and found a paralyzed Anya who told them she could feel Willow, revealing she was a vengeance demon again. Faith herself was already after Warren now but she was far behind Willow.

She arrived just as Buffy and Xander did right as willow skinned him alive and burned the body. He appeared next to us and I told Osiris. "Take him away before I destroy his soul. I might not have power here but I'm willing to sacrifice mine to see him gone for eternity."

Osiris looked amused and sent Warren off to some hell i'm sure he deserved. I took Tara's hand and nodded in sympathy before turning back to the screen. Faith looked sick as did Buffy and Xander. Buffy asked her. "Why were you going after her alone?"

She shook her head. "I wasn't, I was going after him. I wanted- I- I just wanted it to go away. The pain is too much."

Buffy nodded in sympathy before telling her. "But killing him wasn't the way. We can't become killers or were no better than Warren. Think, would he have wanted you to do something like this?"

Faith hugged herself before sighing. "So, what's next?"

Anya spoke up. "She said one down, like there's two to go."

Buffy sighed. "Andrew and Johnathan. We can't let her kill them. If she does- that's a line we can't let her cross."

Faith sighed and agreed to help. They broke into the police precinct and saved the two idiots as Willow tore it apart from the outside. They drove a squad car away and barely got away as Willow's dark magic's wained. The light magic's she'd taken from me were fighting the dark in her already so she weakened quicker.

They went to the magic shop where Anya showed them the anti-magic book I'd acquired with some difficulties long ago. It was translated so they needn't worry but Willow would be coming sooner or later.

When Johnathan mentioned her weakening Alice showed up. I couldn't put my finger on it but I could tell she was different somehow. She told them about Rack and lead Buffy and Faith there. They got there in time to stop Willow from hurting Dawn while Rack himself was out of his mind trapped in his own body and out of magic.

Willow displaced them and they ended up in the magic box. There she attacked the two fools that made up the last of the trio. When it failed she tried again a few more times even going so far as to use light magic and injuring herself.

Still it failed and she switched up her game. She empowered herself to be strong enough to beat them to death. Faith and Buffy shared a look and activated the orbs and wrist bands. Faith's swords popped out and se swung at Willow while Buffy held her off with fists.

They both fought her fairly evenly for a while until she caught in and shattered the orbs and wrist bands saying. "Playing with magic toys are for good little slayers. Seeing as how you won't behave and get the hell out of my way it's time for a time out."

She knocked Faith out and beat Buffy back while the wonder twins left with Dawn and Xander. I could tell from the power she was using that the ward stones in the shop were already overloaded. She must've done so when she took the dark magic from the books. She beat Buffy down saying. "With Ryan dead I'm pretty sure there's no one left in the world that could beat me."

A blast of magic hit her back as Giles came in. "I'd like to test that theory."

Willows word spat with Giles continued until she tried doing a powerful chant to kill him. She tried drawing on even more powers as she called out to a goddess. Giles got her with a stasis field and rendered her inert for a while at least.

Sighing I turned to Osiris. "Amusing isn't it? As powerful as she is now she's helpless to a simple stasis spell."

He nodded. "All things have weaknesses in the mortal realm, something you should keep in mind. Your mother's gift to the slayers was a preemptive strike to keep others from getting yours. Only by those stakes can you be killed once you ascend. You'll be a god of nature but you'll also have command over blood and animals from your heritage. Vampires need a weakness just as any I'm sure. Though you'll finally be free of the moons sway you're beast form will change as well."

I frowned and he smirked. "You will be a mortal god, be careful whom you trust your power with as they too can kill you. The Devon coven has your essence blood pendant that will allow them to at least weaken you. Even as a god you're not all powerful. Only more powerful than mortals."

Sighing I nodded. "Figures."

He smirked. "Like your wolf form your vampire form will begin to take root. Absorbing Maloker will have its effects as much as his twin. You will need to adjust to it as well."

Sighing I looked to Tara and she shrugged. "I'm just a human."

I smiled. "Some days I wish I was to, just a human. But then I see my girls and I know I'd rather be damned to this road than be without them."

Osiris snorted but told us. "More is happening."

Anya had freed Willow and she'd attacked Giles and knocked out Buffy. They were fighting a magic battle that destroyed the shop. Finally he was spent and even I could see it. Buffy saved him when willow tried to drop the second floor on him. Willow sent a fire ball after the two idiots with Xander and Dawn.

Faith woke up and tried to help but Buffy told her. "Come with me, I need your help, Dawn and Xander are in trouble now."

They left and Willow toyed with Giles for a while. He goaded her and she drained the magic's from him. Those same magic's mixed with my own inside her and she was connected to the planet in a way only a nature goddess could understand. She felt the worlds sorrows and pain and decided to act .

While she went off to summon the temple of Proserpexa Buffy and Faith managed to save Dawn and the rest but they also ended up falling into a pit with Dawn. Xander was knocked out and the two idiots ran off.

Osiris asked. "Mexico?"

I nodded. "Idiots to be sure I'm hoping they get caught at the border or meet a trucker with some special needs they can satisfy. I'm not particularly fond of them."

He smirked. "I can't do anything about the border but I'm sure I cans influencer the trucker if only to make it amusing."

Tara snorted and I chuckled telling her. "Never underestimate a god's boredom. I'm sure he has other parts of himself doing other things but this part of him is bored, it's a habit of deities to amuse themselves with mortals."

Osiris snorted. "If the first hand broken the agreement and broken your wards she wouldn't even have this chance. You'd better pray a friend stops the witch."

I shrugged. "So the first is a god then?"

He shook his head. "No, but like us he has a place in the higher realms and with his influence he's bound by some of the same rules as we are. When he moved to break said rules I was allowed to act at my own discretion."

I nodded and sighed. "Then he's a problem for another time."

Osiris turned to me fully saying. "You'd be wise not to do battle with him. Even as a god you're not necessarily his match, not bound anyway. He has been around since time immemorial and has his claws in dimensions all over. This is not his first battle either. As far as demons go he's at the pinnacle of what an old one can achieve even weakened as he is in this dimension he is a cunning foe."

I sighed. "For another time then."

We watched Buffy, Faith and Dawn fight plant monsters while Xander stopped Willow. When it was over and her hair turned red I saw the green tint and wondered if she'd have access to my powers as well. I looked to Osiris and he smirked before saying to Tara. "Your debt is paid, begone."

She disappeared and he turned to me. "It is time you face your trials. Since I kept my end of the bargain you face them now with no preparations."

Three beings appeared with us and he faded away as well. There I faced two wolves, one massive and one small. And a giant bat like creature I knew was my father. Sighing I reached for the only power that was truly my own, and plants grew all around us.

While I couldn't tap into my magic's they were drained away anyway so it was only the weakened plants I could use and they were dying fast anyway because this was the realm of death. Thus the four way battle began for dominance and survival.

With wolves fought the vampire and I and not in a proportionate sense either. I faced the giant wolf while the little one faced the giant vampire. I didn't hesitate and leapt into battle the plants bound it's feet while a vine grew in my hands.

It lunges and tripped over. I ran and wrapped the bone around it's neck and for a moment their I rode it until I tied the vines ends and made it tighten and snap the giant wolves neck. It faded into essence and was absorbed into me.

I turned to see the limping wolf and the one winged Maloker turn to me. I reached for strength and charged now. I kicked the wolf away and dodged Maloker's giant claws and maw as best I could. In the first contact he tore my left arm off and slashed my side.

I began to waver and the wolf rebounded and attacked. It bit into my side and I began to weaken further until it released me to get a better grip. I used the last of my strength to send it flying into Maloker. They tore at each other like wild animals while I concentrated and built a cage of vines around them.

While they were focused on each other I shrunk the cage and they were squeezed into essence balls. I didn't even go near it as I simply didn't have the energy. It flew to me though by some unseen force now and it hit me like a freight train. Even here in the void of death I felt alive as power fused with my very being.

I looked up and saw Gaia smile before she disappeared into a bright blinding light. I jerked upwards on the metal slab and sat bolt upright. I tossed the sheet off me and looked around until I saw Tara waiting in the corner of the morgue.

When she saw me she looked worried until she asked. "Are you- you?"

I nodded and she smiled. "Good. I woke up in the bedroom with a bullet in my hand and blood everywhere. I came over as quickly as I could after getting changed of course. I didn't want you to wake up alone after all that."

I sighed and wrapped the sheet around me. She lunges and hugged me saying. "Thank you, for well, everything."

I sighed and patted her back while she cried. Like Willow could before I can now feel every living being on the planet. This is what drove Glory mad as she couldn't understand or relate to it. She was never human or even mortal before as most gods weren't.

I shut it out and focused omg the problems at hand. I reached for the power and made sure no taint came with it as I teleported us back to Buffy's house. With a thought I grew clothes on myself and sighed as she released me.

I dropped the sheet saying. "They'll be home soon now that they're safe. I'll repair the wards on the house but I've a feeling it's pointless as the hellmouth taint simply gives the First to much of an edge when it comes down to it."

I saw Alice and Faith come in first followed by Willow, Giles, Xander and Anya. Buffy and Dawn were last as they were talking about calling the city morgue to prepare funerals.

I simply thought it and the wards were back up as the power drained away. The moment I saw the slayers though I felt my powers bind themselves and heard my mothers voice. "Now you understand what it means to be a mortal god my son. No more easy power as you have to earn the rest or find my relic in this dimension."

Sighing my very breath caught the groups attention and they looked up to see Tara and myself. Willow broke down into tears again as Tara went to her and I smiled weakly and explained. "The First destroyed my wards on the house without us knowing and Warrens bullet was able to come through to kill Tara. Not a mortal death by mortal means as my wards can stop all things matter or not."

Giles understood instantly and I told Willow. "You tried to force the god of the dead to give up a soul for free, mortals always pay a price, you should remember that from now on."

Giles asked. "Then how?"

Alice answered his question for me. "He's no longer mortal. He's ascended."

I nodded slowly. "Yes and no. I've become what I was bound to be. Like Glory I'm a bound god and as such I can be killed."

I looked to the slayers as they moved to me with a predatory grace that called to me. I caught them as they almost mounted me right then and there. I held them both still to prevent any problems as they were trying to mate right here and now.

I turned to the group saying. "They feel the slayer essences need for me right now and it's driving them further."

I turned to Alice with surprise. "You're human, how?"

The others looked at her with surprise as well and she smiled. "The Mohra demon blood. I had to make a decision. A mortal life with you or a life without you as they'd kill me if I was still a vampire and in the same bed as you. Human, I'm just another one of the girls."

I frowned. "You were never just another one of the girls Alice."

She smiled and nodded. "I know that my wolf, nows the time for celebration and they really need to get that out of their systems so I think it's bed time."

Faith and Buffy were still struggling to touch me now while I turned back to Willow and Tara. "Be careful girl. You have the ability to draw on my powers now thanks to your greedy theft of my mortal magic's. If you draw to much you could kill us both or if I die ever slayer from now until your death will come for your head. They will not stop easily as they are bound to their goddess and she to me."

I took both Faith and Buffy's hands as I released the binding spell and asked Alice. "You want apart of this?"

She shook her head. "I'm human and breakable now. I'd prefer to have you alone from now on so go, let them run out of steam and come back to themselves and we'll talk later. "

Buffy was currently messing with my belt buckle while Faith ground herself into my had trying to get me to help her release said steam. Sighing I grabbed them both and disappeared as I ran faster than humans could see to the house.

We actually did destroy the house now as it collapsed in on us as we lost ourselves in the moment. Between Faith and Buffy both trying their best to ride me into oblivion I was feeling her, the slayer essence with us as she found herself riding me in Faith and Buffy's place at times. The essence bled through and reacted to my magic's taking form as a glamour of sorts.

It was less romantic passion and more an animalistic need as we continued into the basement destroying the ground floor. Pipes of water burst and electricity sparked everywhere but a field of power simply pushed it away as my powers acted on their own to protect my girls.

Electrocution would only tickle me now as my body truly was on Glory's level now. The animal in me or should I say my own nature egged me on to push them farther and deeper as I railed them both to the point they could no longer keep up and began tiring.

I was not finished though as I needed more and more with each thrust. When I came inside Buffy for the thirty seventh time she whimpered and her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she passed out.

I pulled out and grabbed Faith who was still gyrating on my chest. I entered her favorite place and she growled a little causing me to growl and go deeper. She pushed up to meet me again before slowing as the women came back and the goddess receded.

She stopped for a second before looking at me with need. I buried myself to the hilt as she bucked and came on my length. I emptied another load into her as she panted. I rolled off her and pulled her to my chest with her back lying on me and slowly pumped into her as she was to tired for more physical things.

She whimpered as I came again before pulling out and entering her other hole. She sighed in content as I was back inside her again. Even passed out Buffy was curling up next to me while I worked Faith slowly. I spun Faith around and she looked me in the eyes before saying tiredly. "I give champ. Any more and Ahh-"

I knotted in her and she moaned receiving all I had to give her. After I softened a little she bit her lip and I pulled out of her saying. "I know, that was the last for now. Buffy passed out a little bit ago as well. Feeling like yourself again?"

She nodded. "A little more than a lot sore but it's a good sore."

I chuckled and played with her breasts while she laid her head down in content to sleep a little. I continued to absentmindedly blah with her breast and Buffy's to while she slept. My body was different now, older looking I should thing. I no longer looked like the high school student or barely college kid without the glamours.

I had a small beard growing I debated on shaving now, if razors can cut it at least. It too was soaked in both Buffy and Faith's juices as they'd rode my mouth nearly as much as my penis in their desperate need for release at my hands.

I could tell it was no longer the same day or even the next day after. We'd been going for three days straight and we'd be still going if their bodies could handle it. I let them sleep as I looked at my mind scape. It was no longer like before but a universe unto itself and closed off to even my mother.

My mind had expanded farther as I'd taken in the old ones essence and the essence my animal half had been hiding back. Ironically it was actually the giant wolf to begin with. The wolf old one was actually smaller than it by a great deal because of it's severally weakened state.

Not that any of it mattered now as they were all me now. I'd locked the old ones memories away and assimilated the power into my own. I could feel every vampire and werewolf on the planet even now. They were connected to me now. It was uniquely my own power over them as they came from me.

I pinched a finger as a drop of blood rose to the surface at my command before receding. Sighing I thought about all Osiris had mentioned and what I'd become. I could not only feel the nature of the planet, plants and such, but of all those beings on the planet.

I could feel the evil Wolfram and Hart were influencing in the hearts of man and the good they had the potential to be and do. Sighing I let go of that power as I could do nothing about it for now. I'm a mere bound god little more powerful than Illyria is in her human vessel.

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