(A/N: You already know, This is not edited, I'll do it tomorrow so since then, just read this one... and also please read the author's note below and give me your honest opinion cause I really need it, please, pretty please....okay that's all thanks!)
( Tokyo, Japan )
"Huwah, That was so tiring, why are there so many of them?....we are not expecting that number of Monsters.... Didn't the headquarters said that this part of the city has the least number of monsters..." Said by the sword guy towards their leader while breathing heavily.
"Yeah, That's what they said when they scan the whole city..... must be a miscalculation to their numbers, or the monsters just hide themselves well that they have been unnoticed."
"Either way, What's the plan?....I suggest we should retreat first and do a re-scan throughout the area, we were overwhelmed by their numbers and and we just barely win, we are not prepared for this, anymore than this might go unpredictable."
" But we have our orders, we have a mission we must accomplish no matter what. We have been caught off guard earlier because we have proceeded towards the area without thinking the possibilities, but that won't happen again, we already know about their numbers, so from now on we'll continue the mission with utmost care, we will go slowly and quiet towards the area, we will take the side roads and not the main ones so we will not attract their attention that much."
" *Sigh* Look Captain, I know we have an important mission and all but look at our group, all of them was already exhausted and the three of them was heavily injured and one of our Tanks have gone unconscious, and that was just our first fight, what more could it be if we continue...So I'm suggesting that we.... should go and have an Strategic Retreat.... Captain." Said by one of the Skill Casters towards their leader.
The leader look towards his team, he see that all of them are breathing heavily and some are already too exhausted and was now laying in the ground while catching their breath. The three heavily injured was the three Fighters, the three Fighters was caught off guard earlier by a group of monsters that look like a High Goblin, but not like in the movies, the High goblins they fought was big, it's height was around 8 feet and wielding a club that is made of stone like materials, and the size of it is much bigger than them but they are swinging it like it was nothing. It is the same monster who made the other Tank go Unconscious, He is the one that is protecting their Right Flank but he failed to dodge the the attack and took a full blown hit from that monster, he manage to shield himself but the Impact from the swing was too strong for him that it caught off his balance and was thrown wildly and smashed towards the building.
The leader are in a really deep thought, he didn't really know what to do, they have an important mission that they need to accomplish but the things that are happening was not in their plans and the chance that they will die in this mission was great since the number of Hostiles they were facing was very unexpected, but the mission that was given to them is really important that they need to accomplish it no matter what, he was really thinking really hard and having a hard time in making a final decision.
"Captain, I think you should decide fast because if we stay here for long, the monsters might attack us again."
" *sigh* AAaah! Fine, Fine!.... Listen up!.... We will retreat for now, we are too exhausted and beaten up, we can't continue any further so we will go back for now and prepare enough for next time.... Pack yourselves already and we'll go now, help the injured to walk and carry the one's who can't..."
" But sir, what about the..." Said by a guy wielding a spear
"aaAAAh! No Freaking Buts! Don't worry about that thing and Just carry on, I'm the one who gave you the order so just go already will ya!"
"B-but... this mission was task to us by the higher-ups, if...." Said by the other guy in the Skill Caster Group
"Didn't you hear me?...I said don't worry about those things and just go already... do you want to die that much, come here and I'll f*cking incinerate you..."
"N-no sir!"
"Anyone else?..." The leader looks at everyone asking if there's still anyone who wants to argue.
""""No sir!"""" They all answered in chime.
"Then just Go!"
"""""Yes Sir!"""""
" You choose the right decision Captain. But still that guy was right, it was still a mission from the higher-ups if they will really get mad at us, specially if the other teams have been lucky and manage to complete the mission, we will be roasted once we get back in the camp, and that's for sure haha-" Said by the same guy earlier who propose the retreat.
"*sigh* Don't worry, I'll handle those old geezers myself."
"*Whistle* What a caring Captain we have."
"What are you saying? Of course I'm not I'm just-...wait, what are you even doing here, aren't you supposed to be helping them and leave?"
"Wait, are you blushing Captain? are you weak at complements? haha-"
"Get out of here you pest! I'll f*cking burn you!"
"Haha- Hai, Hai, On my way Sir."
"*Sigh* that bastard.."
"Sir we have finished preparing, we have also carried the injured and the unconscious one's already, we are now ready to leave."
" Okay, tell them, let's leave."
They all started to go back, they didn't drop their guard and still remain in their positions, they meet a few monsters along the way but the number was still manageable and no one got hurt. they continue the pace until they reach the park area, but suddenly when they were about to enter the park, a strange sound can be heard somewhere, this cause them to stop and look around to where the sound is coming from.
"What is that sound?"
"Where is that coming from?"
" I don't see anything.."
"Look Captain...above us!"
(A/N: It's a bird, no it's a plane, No it's Super Op Ray! haha kidding..)
When they all look above they saw something that they can't explain but they are all somewhat familiar in it.
Just straight above them, they saw something floating in the sky. Its shape is rhombus and has a pitch black color but it's producing a green particles that looks like a falling pixels, it also has a circling green halo in both side of it that has the same size of its rhombus body.
"C-Captain isn't that?.."
"No it's not, its much more Smaller compare to the one in New York, it's design is also much more simple, it's different... but it's also the same."
"Captain...What are we going to do?"
"I'm getting a bad feeling about this, Fall back, now! Get away from its position!"
They all retreated towards the direction they come from but as they retreat, the thing in the sky has started to glow and produce some weird sound.
"Oh no!.... Come on, Hurry up!"
Suddenly it burst into light, its light was too strong that they can't look into it, It's like a flare but the brightness was ten times stronger.
"Ugh! Cover your eyes!"
It didn't last a minute when the light died down, when they open their eyes and look above them, they see that it's gone, the thing in the sky has vanished completely without a trace.
"What happened?... is everyone alright.?
"Yes Captain, We're alright."
"Everyone's fine."
" *Sigh* that's good....I don't know what did it do or what happened to it, but I'm pretty sure that something will happen soon so we need to get out of here fast and reunite with the others. Suzuki, Contact the other teams and tell them that we're going back."
"Yes Sir."
"Hamada! check the news in the system if something changes or if New things has been added."
"Okay, I'll check it..."
"Get Ready to move again, we'll continue going back to the meeting point inside the park..."
"Captain... I can't connect to the others, they are not responding."
"Mmm, maybe due to what happen earlier that our communications were cut off..."
" Sir, I also have checked the News and there's nothing new sir, it's still the same."
"Mmm, that's weird, I'm expecting that maybe some event will happen after that but.... what is that thing earlier?.. Anyway, Let's go, Let's not stay here for any longer, I'm still having a bad feeling about the thing earlier, the monsters might be-..."
"Mmm...what is it?"
"Uh Look.....Ahead of us."
When they look towards the pointed direction, they saw something in the middle of the street blocking their way to the park.
"Huh... Oh my.... What in the world is that?"
(A/N: Hey it's my note everybody! hey please notice me...*sad face*...anyway I'm just here to say that I received a freaking contract from the webnovel but I don't know, I want to sign but I still have a lot of things to do and I might not be able to focus in this so I don't really know, But I know I can do it if I use my secret move and go Serious Mode, oh well what do you think guys!? should I do it or not? just asking....I need your opinion since you know that I am new to this thing hahaha, but don't worry about the part where I'm not sure if I can do it or not, I'm asking your opinion in signing the contract itself....any way I'll see you tomorrow o have already finish writing the next chapter so expect it early tommorow, Peace out! :)
Hey Drop some stones!