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95.73% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 3925: SIBLINGS ORGY CIRCLE


was standing in my sister's bathtub, fully clothed, as she pulled the shower curtain closed. My dull life was starting to become interesting.

Most would agree that our family tends to be a little boring. My father is a claims adjuster for an insurance company. Mom has never worked outside the home.

Our parents were high school sweethearts, been married for thirty years, have never had affairs, never been drunk or gotten a traffic ticket. They still live in their first house next door to mom's parents and about a block from dads' parents in a small town. The major north south street is Main, and the major East West is of course Elm.

We have few family traditions. On the 4th of July we make homemade ice cream, we fry our Thanksgiving turkey and roast a goose for Christmas. We draw names for Christmas gifts, watch a Christmas Carol on Christmas eve and open presents on Christmas morning. We kids always voted for Christmas eve but to no avail. We watch the ball drop in Times square and eat black-eyed peas and cornbread on New Year's Day.

All of us kids couldn't wait to get away. After high school our older sister Pam worked for a year then her, I and my fraternal twin Rick matriculated to a small college. Our younger sister Carrie joined us the following year. We were on a pay as you go basis, so it took us more than 4 years to graduate. Carrie and Rick were on the gymnastics team. Other than that, we all just went to class and worked as many hours as we could. College life was not all that exciting. Rick and Carrie graduated with honors, Pam and I graduated.

Rick now sells real estate, Carrie is an associate professor at our alma mater, I'm an accountant. Pam is a bartender. Her business card reflects her B.B.A. but she annotates it as Best Barmaid Anywhere.

Even though we all live about an hour from each other we don't get together often. We do stay somewhat connected using group chat. Three of us are divorced and Pam will be shortly. Like Johnny and June, we all married in a fever hotter that a pepper sprout, then the fire went out. Today we're all meeting for lunch. Pam wants to update us on her divorce.

After quick hugs and air kisses over our masks, we sit down and order.

As the waitress walks away Pam starts, "Well it's almost done. He and I finally agreed to split everything 50-50. It's all signed, just needs to be recorded."

Rick asks, "What about the house? Do you get it?"

"No. I can't afford it so we're selling. It'll be on multi-list next week."

"So, are you happy with that?"

"Yeah, I just want it to be over."

Carrie asks, "Where will you live?"

Pam laughs, "As soon as it sells, I'll be homeless. I've been looking at apartments. There is just not much available in my area and in my price range. But I'll keep looking."

Carrie says, "Why don't you move in with me until you find something?"

Rick chimes in, "Hey, you're welcome to stay with me, I've got plenty of room. And if you need a loan let me know."

Pam, "Thanks guys but..."

I interrupt, "Sis, my casa is your casa anytime you want it, and I think it's actually closer to your job than where you live now."

"I appreciate the offers, but I've got some time, I'll keep looking, maybe something will turn up."

Pam loves table topics. Anytime we're together she throws out a question to be discussed.

Today her question was," What do you miss most abut married life? Rick you first."

Rick quickly said with a grin, "The pain."

We laughed.


"I guess the dream. I dreamed that we'd be together always. You know have a family, white picket fence. It just didn't last very long."


"That's easy, the first few months. It was great before the passion wore off. What about you?"

Pam, "it's not very dramatic but I miss being a homemaker. Stuff like, house cleaning, fixing dinner, doing laundry, I like it all except ironing and sewing. I still do those things but it's different being by myself."

She continued, "Here's a fun one. If you could have dinner with anyone in the world, living or dead, who would you pick?"

Lunch was good and we got caught up on what was going on in each of our lives.

We kept coming back to Pam's topics. Sharing war stories about our marriages and having hypothetical conversations with various celebrities.

We talked and laughed for several hours and were getting ready to leave when Carrie said, "You know this has been fun, it's great to see everyone. I think we need to do this more often."

I said, "I agree, it's been too long. Let's pick a date and place now."

Rick added, "Yeah let's do that but instead of a restaurant let's meet at one of our houses."

Pam, "That's a super idea, and that way we don't have to worry about having to leave or wearing masks."

Carrie, "Let's do a sleepover so we can have drinks and not worry about driving home."

Everyone was excited about the idea. We all talked at the same time. Someone said, "game night", someone "movie night", another threw out "potluck". The ideas kept flowing.

Finally, I said, "Let's just decide. I propose that we meet at my house next month, say the 2nd Saturday. I'll stock up on food, snacks and drinks. I've got three bedrooms and a pullout. I'll make sure there are clean sheets."

Everyone agreed. The goodbye hugs and kisses were heartfelt.

A few days later my phone chimed. It was Pam.

"Hey sis, what's up?"

"I just want to say I'm really wound up about all of us getting together, I can't wait."

"Me either, it'll be a blast."

"The real reason for my call is to tell you that we sold the house."

"That's good news, isn't it?"

"In a way, but they want to close quickly. I haven't found anything yet so is your offer still open? I clocked it and actually you are quite a bit closer to work. Can I bunk with you for a while? Pretty please."

"Of course. And I'll help you move."

"Actually, all I'm moving is my clothes and personal items. I'm renting a pod and storing everything else until I get a place."

A few weeks later it took us 2 trips in both cars to move her clothes and personal items. Fortunately, I had two empty closets. After helping her pack and move I knew that she was a size 2, wore a 34b bra, liked black panties, had more size 8 shoes than most shoe stores, a large collection of bikinis and a half dozen vibrators.

At first, having her in my house didn't really change much for me. She worked nights, I worked days, so we just left notes for each other. Sunday was the only time we were together, and she slept most of the day. That all changed during the second week. Covid19 regulations shut down all restaurants. She was out of work.

I was surprised to see her when I got home the first evening. She was sitting on the couch wiping tears when I walked in.

I asked, "Hey what's the matter? Are you OK?"

Then she told me. The restaurant had called her just as she was ready to leave.

I said, "Well that sucks. I'm sorry. Did they say how long they'd be closed?"

"They don't know. I feel bad for the employees. A lot of them have families. I'm lucky that I have a place to live, thanks to you. Supposedly we can all qualify for unemployment. But I actually love what I do. It'll be like breaking a good habit."

"I'm sorry you have to go through this, but as they say, this too shall pass. Come on cheer up let's have a drink."

We moved to the deck. I opened a bottle of wine and threw a couple of steaks on the grill. Soon she was laughing and planning how to move on. She always liked to be in charge, so, I just listened.

She said, "Until I can find work, I'll be your hausfrau. I'll do the laundry, shop, cook and clean. This place could use a heavy cleaning."

I said, "Wow, ok, ahh whatever turns you on. But you don't have to do anything. We can share the work and just enjoy spending some time together."

"No. I'm serious. I miss doing those things and I won't feel like a freeloader."

We enjoyed a couple glasses of wine with our steaks. After dinner she, said, "I'd like to watch a movie. I can't remember the last time I was able to watch a movie in the evening."

"That's sounds good to me. You pick one while I clean up and make some popcorn."

We were on the couch with a bowl of popcorn between us. We had both seen the movie, a rom com, several times so we were doing more chatting than watching. About halfway through the leading man proposed.

Pam asked, "Do you think you'll ever get married again?"

"I doubt it. The pain hasn't worn off. What about you?"

"I might. But it would have to be someone special."

"What do you mean special. Special, how?"

"For starters, he'd have to be sober, educated, smart, kind, have a sense of humor, good conversationalist and nice looking. Actually, someone just like you."

"I'm flattered."

"Oh, and he'd have to be good in bed. Are you good in bed."

Laughing I said, "I enjoy sex but I've never received any kind of rating."

"Let's find out. I'll rate you."

"Yeah, right. And what qualifies you as a sex rater? You're funny."

"I'm serious. I've had a good bit of experience. C'mon. Let's mess around."

She picked up the popcorn, stretched out with her legs on my lap.

"My life kinda sucks. I'm semi homeless, unemployed, haven't had a date in months and I'm really horny."

"I can identify with horny but we're family. Have you forgotten we're brother and sister?"

"So, we're also a man and woman. Don't you think I'm sexy enough?"

"Well, I think you're pretty cute but we're family. I love you and I respect you. As my sister."

She wiggled her legs on my lap.

"Ok let's try this. Do you like my legs?"

"Yeah, they're very nice but..."

She rubbed her foot on my cheek.

"You want to touch them?"

I just smiled.

"So let me ask you this. If I weren't your sister and we had just met, would I turn you on?"

"Pam, I'm sorry but I just keep seeing you as my sister."

She dropped her leg back to my lap and appeared to focus on the movie.

Shortly she said, "I think you need to be desensitized. You are conditioned to think of me as a sister. I need to desensitize you so that you will see me as a woman."

"I don't think that's possible."

"We'll see. I've got some ideas."

We watched the rest of the movie in silence.

As the credits were rolling, she stood up and said, "I'm heading to bed. Can you at least give me a hug?"

I hugged her, chuckled and said, "I do love you. I'm sorry if I've disappointed you."

"I love you too. What would you like for breakfast, I'm cooking?"

I had a little trouble falling asleep as I replayed the evenings conversation. Next morning, I showered and dressed for work. The smell of bacon frying greeted me when I stepped out of my room. In the kitchen I stopped and stared. Pam was standing at the cooktop in a very brief negligee.

She turned and smiled, "Good morning. Breakfast is almost ready. Sit down and I'll get your coffee."

She bent over a little farther than necessary as she handed me my cup. I could see everything from her neck to her belly button. And everything looked nice. I tilted the cup and spilled half my coffee. She grabbed a towel and began wiping the table. Her cute boobs jiggled as she wiped.

She took my cup, refilled it and returned.

I reached for it, but she said, "I think it's better if I place it on the table. My boobs might be distracting. You want to touch them?"

They were distracting. I tried to focus on the coffee and breathing.

She plated breakfast and placed them on the table. Again, giving me an enticing view.

We chatted as we ate as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

I had a busy day at the office, but it was hard for me to concentrate. I left a little early.

As I entered the house, "I yelled, hey, I'm home."

"I'm in the kitchen."

Indeed, she was. She was standing on a little step stool in the pantry. The counter was piled high with cans and boxes. She was wearing a t-shirt with the sleeves cut out. Looking from the side I could see part of a boob through the opening. But what really caught my eye was her butt cheeks. The shirt covered about half of her buns. I couldn't breathe so I quickly sat at the bar.

She said, "I'm redoing your pantry. It needed deep cleaning and purging. I threw out stuff that was expired. Some of them had dates from a couple of years ago. Don't you ever check dates?"

She stepped down and opened the refrigerator. Bent to pick up the wine bottle baring even more butt. Poured a glass of wine and brought it to me.

As she sat it down, "Looks like you could use this. Hard day?"

I stuttered, "Sort of."

She walked back to the pantry and resumed replacing the cans and boxes. Watching her butt cheeks flex as she walked away was fascinating to say the least. I sipped the wine and stared at her bare legs and butt. I focused on that little crease just under each cheek. I had just taken a sip when she reached up to the top shelf causing the shirt to ride up and a boob to peek out. I choked.

Looking over her shoulder she asked. "You OK?"

I nodded.

The feeling in my groin was not a brotherly feeling. I was a little ashamed. But I am only human.

She moved up a step and said, "C'mere and give me a hand. Hand me the stuff on the counter."

Standing that close to her bare butt, my hands shook. I handed her a few cans then dropped a couple.

She giggled and asked, "Are you looking at my butt? Do you want to touch em?"

I didn't respond, just handed her the last items and hurriedly moved back to the bar.

She stepped back and shut the pantry door, "Well that's done, thanks for your help."

She opened the oven, bent over. My heart stopped.

She poked at something inside and said, "That's almost ready."

My voice shaking, I asked, "What are you cooking?"

"It's dinner for you and your date."

"My date?"

"Yeah, didn't I tell you I arranged a blind date for you."

"No. You didn't say anything about that. Who is it? Is it someone you worked with?"

"It's not the brunette with the big boobs, if that's what you're hoping. It's a surprise she'll be here soon so you need to change clothes and get ready."

"Ready for what? What should I wear?"

"Something casual, something you'd wear on a first date."

"This is crazy, who is it and where are we going?"

"It's a surprise, just get cleaned up and you'll find out."

I showered and dressed. When I came out of my room, I didn't hear anything, so I walked around. The dining room was set up for two, linen tablecloth, silverware, china, crystal stemware and lit candles. Soft music playing in the background. To say the least my curiosity was peaked. I heard steps behind me. I turned and there was Pam. Wearing a short, sleeveless black dress, low neckline, and side slit up to her thigh, with stiletto heels. Oh, and she was wearing a small black mask with sequins outlining the eye holes.

I was staring as she said, "Hi, I'm Desiree, your date for the evening. Please be seated. She began opening a bottle of champagne, I'll also be your server."

I started to say something, but she placed a finger on my lips and said, "This is a special evening. Let's not talk, just enjoy the moment."

All I remember about the food, several courses of it, was, that it was all beautifully plated. I suppose I ate but don't remember. What I remember is how beautiful she was. And God forgive me how desirable she was.

I think we were on the second bottle of champagne when she turned up the music and asked, "May I have this dance?"

I held her close as we slowly swayed with the music.

After the second tune started, she said, "It's really hot in here."

She reached behind her and pulled the zipper. Slowly she slid the dress down and stepped out of it. She was wearing sheer black bra and bikini panties. She moved closer and held her arms out to resume our dance.

I attempted to say something but again she put her finger to my lips. I'm not sure what we did would be called dancing. It was more like just rhythmic rubbing together. When the song ended, she took my hand and led me to her bathroom. She slid the shower curtain open and motioned for me to step in.

I mimed "Like this?"

She again motioned for me to step in.

I was fully clothed as she pulled the curtain closed.

Softly she said, "Do you see my finger?"

I looked down and her finger was wiggling inside a hole she had obviously cut in the curtain.

"Do you know what this is?"

I didn't know what to say.

I couldn't think so I asked, "What."

"It's a glory hole."

"I want you to unzip your pants and stick your man tool through the hole."

It took me a while, but I took a deep breath, and did exactly that.

She said, "Good job, and nice one too."

I felt her hand enwrap my dick. There were several strokes before I felt a moist tongue then a warm mouth. She sucked and licked it a little bit then slid the curtain back.

She was standing bare assed naked on the other side. Naked except for the mask.

She motioned for me to step out. She wrapped her hand around my dick and led me to her room.

Outside the door she paused and asked, "Would you like to carry me across the threshold?"

I picked her up and carried her through the doorway. Inside she unbuttoned my shirt and pulled down my pants. I sat on the bed as she removed my shoes and socks and pulled my pants and underwear off.

She stood in front of me with her hands on her hips.

"I propose we mess around. Are you interested?"

I murmured, "Uh huh."

Her hands formed a heart around her pussy.

Smiling she said, "It's freshly shaved. Do you want to touch it?"

I ran a shaky finger lightly down her slit.

She responded, "Good. Thank God, finally. Do you want to mess around with Desiree or Pam?"

I laid back and pulled her on top of me, "Sis, just sit on my face."

She pulled off the mask before sitting on my face. After a bit she spun around, and we licked and sucked each other until we both came.

Afterwards, with her lying on top of me playing tongue tag, she said, "I'm giving you an a+ rating for pussy eating, we'll try something else later when you're ready, but I can have multiple orgasms. If you're interested just keep licking and sucking my clit?"

"How many can you have?"

"The most I've enjoyed is 4 or 5 in a short time. They usually kind of mellow out but the last one can be a doozy sometimes."

I moved down, she wrapped those luscious legs around my head, and I went to work. She was creamy and tasted so good. it didn't take long for her second spasm to start.

She put her hand over her crotch and said, "Give me a minute."

Soon she said. "Ok do it."

The next one was a little less intense. When she was again ready, I concentrated on rapidly flicking her clit. It took a while but she started to tense up then began shaking, then started flailing around. I couldn't maintain contact.

She shouted, "Oh my god, god stop."

I laid there watching her pussy quiver for a while them moved up and held her as she began relaxing.

"Well, that was a doozy."

I said, "That was amazing and so much fun. I never knew women could have multiple orgasms. Do you know your pussy quivers after an orgasm?"

She replied, "That's not all that quivers. I only orgasm with my clit. But I enjoy a nice dick in me too. Are you up for it?

Laughing she said, "Up for it, get it?"

I'm not sure her pussy was still quivering when I entered her but whatever it felt great. I took my time, enjoyed each stroke. She pulled my head to her and we kissed and tongued each other until I came.

I laid beside her playing with her tits, neither of us saying anything until she rolled on top of me.

We kissed then she said, "So are you sufficiently desensitized, or will I have to go through my little charade every time I want to have sex?"

"I think your magic worked, but I wouldn't mind seeing Desiree from time to time."

She slugged my shoulder, "Maybe the three of us can get together some time?"

We laid there talking for a long time. She told me that an apartment had come available. She couldn't qualify since she was unemployed, but asked if I would sign the lease. I suggested that she just stay with me and save her money until she went back to work.

I said, "I kinda like having you here, and I'm not just talking about sex."

"I like being here too, I can get used to the hausfrau bit. Hey, let's go have a drink. I think we killed the champagne.?"

"I'm sure we can find something."

We grabbed a couple of beers and settled onto the couch, her head on my lap. We chatted about nothing in particular, just enjoying being with each other. Being together naked didn't hurt my enjoyment.

It was late when she said, "You better get some sleep, you've got work tomorrow."

"I think I feel a sick day coming. We can just hang out together, maybe mess around again."

She giggled. We both began to yawn and headed upstairs.

She stopped at her bedroom, gave me a kiss and said, "See you in the morning."

I was a little taken aback.

"Don't you want to sleep together?"

"Sure, but I don't want to push the hausfrau thing too far."

"C'mon silly. I'll tell you if you push too hard. Speaking of hard, let's go."

I picked her up and carried her to my bed.

We spent the next day in and out of bed. Licking and sucking and fucking and etc. But we also went for a walk and did a little shopping together. Just like a real couple.

We fixed dinner together, watched a movie and spent another night in my bed.

She fixed breakfast and I went to work. The day dragged on but finally it was time to go home.

I parked the car and hurried inside. I opened the door. She was standing just inside wearing a big smile, a tiny apron and that's all.

Holding her arms out to me, she said, "Hi honey. How was your day at the office dear?"

We hugged and kissed and I massaged her butt.

I said, "With a greeting like this I don't think I'll be having a beer with the guys after work for a while."

She said, "You have time for a shower and dessert before dinner if you want."

I quickly showered and as I walked out she was laying spreadeagled on the bed with several ripe strawberries in her crotch.

Smiling she asked, "Do you prefer dessert straight up or with whipped cream?"

Dessert was delightful, so was poking her wet hole. Actually dinner and the rest of the evening was also delightful.

Each day I hurried home to see what she'd come up with. I was never disappointed. Sometimes she dressed in a skimpy costume, or maybe we'd try a position she found on the internet. It certainly was not boring living with her.

One evening we were relaxing on the sofa sort of watching a movie.

She started, "I know you've enjoyed my little sexual ploys but is there something you'd like to do that we haven't tried yet?"

"I'm very happy and satisfied."

"Oh, come on there must be something you'd like to try."

"Well it might sound weird but I'd really like to lick your butt."

"You've licked and sucked my butt a lot... oh you mean lick my butt hole?"

"Yeah, is that crazy. Does it turn you off?"

"No. I admit no one has ever done that to me. I'd say you've come a long way for someone that didn't even want to touch it a few days ago. If that's what you want, it might be interesting. I'll get a shower and meet you in the bedroom."

She was naked drying her hair with a towel, shook her butt at me, said, "It's squeaky clean. How do you want to start?"

"Just stay right there."

I knelt behind her as she continued to dry her hair. My hands were shaking in anticipation as I took the first baby step and laid a series of kisses on each lovely cheek. I heard a little giggle above me and took that as a sign to continue. I kissed her again, then took little love-bites of her ass. She responded with a little "Mmmm", which encouraged me to go further. I rubbed my face on her cheeks and licked the crease below each one. I spread her and stared at her little puckered hole then released them as I began running my tongue up and down her crack. I felt her glutes contracting as I continued.

Shortly, I asked her to kneel on the bed.

I tongued her smooth crack as I massaged her clit with my fingers. This time I get a short gasp and a longer, more impassioned "Ooooooh". Quickly she began to spasm which caused her butt to squeeze my tongue. I was so hot I was dripping. I entered her wet pussy doggie style and all too quickly shot my load.

We were lying together enjoying the afterglow when she said, "Well it certainly was interesting. I can't think of anything more intimate. I am surprised that my butt is an erogenous area."

I said, "It is certainly erogenous for me. I get a hardon just thinking about it."

The next few days I was swamped at work working on year end closing of a large account. I got home very late. Pam was usually asleep. Finally, we closed the books. I texted her that I'd be home early. She replied, great, we can celebrate.

That evening she greeted me wearing scrubs. As we hugged, my hands as usual covered her butt. I felt bare skin.

"Ahh, what's this?"

She laughed and slowly turned around. She had cut out the back of the pants so that her thighs and butt were exposed.

I said, "Wow. I love your outfit."

She said, "I said we'd celebrate. I thought a butt fuck would be a nice treat."

Crooking her finger for me to follow, we moved to our bed. She stepped out of the scrubs and knelt on the bed. I quickly stripped off.

She handed me a small tube and said, "Lube that thing."

I was lubing when she started laughing.

"What's funny?"

"I have to share what I read on the internet the other day. A woman went to her doctor and told him that her anus was sore. He asked her where it hurt. She told him at the entrance. The doctor said well it'll probably keep hurting as long as you call it an entrance."

We were giggling as I slowly eased into her gorgeous butt.

The Friday night before our sibling get together we made love and were lying together when she asked, "What are we going to do about Carrie and Rick? Should we tell them?"

"I assume you mean tell them about us. I've thought some about that. I'm sure when they see how we look at each other, they'll figure something is afoot. I think we just need to tell them."

"How do you think they'll react?"

"Hopefully they'll just be happy for us. Carrie is pretty straitlaced so she may be upset. Who knows about Rick."

'So should we tell them before they get here?"

"I think it'd be better to do it in person. We will just hope for the best."

We had agreed to meet mid-morning. Of course, Pam and I were there, Rick showed up about 10 and Carrie got there just before 11. The family joke is that she'll be late to her own funeral,

We enjoyed a light lunch and talked about what we were going to do. We finally agreed on playing Mexican train at a dollar a point. Of course, Pam and Carrie argued about house rules etc. Finally, the tiles were shuffled. It was pretty even for a while then Pam and Rick got hot. Carrie and I lost our butts.

As we paid our debts Carrie said, "I need to change my luck. Let's play holdem."

Rick and I boxed up the tiles and got cards and chips while the two sisters argued about buy ins, house rules etc. We drew high cards for the deal and Rick stated shuffling.

Carrie asked, "So how is living together working out for you two?"

Pam looked at me, I shrugged.

Carrie said, "Ah hah, somethings going on I knew it. OK, out with it."

Pam hesitated then said, "We're having sort of an affair."

Carrie said, "How do you have sort of an affair? You two are fucking aren't you?"

Pam and I both shook our heads.

Rick laid the cards down and looking at Pam said, "Hey if you want to get laid, you should come to my house. I'll give you Australian kisses."

Pam said, "What the hell is an Australian Kiss?"

Rick, "It's like a French Kiss only down under."

We all laughed.

Pam said, "That's so crude, cute but crude."

Carrie said, "If you're looking for something different, move in with me. Remember I invited you first."

Pam said, "We were concerned how you guys would take it. Thanks for making it easy."

Rick started dealing and said, "I'm just happy that someone in the family is hooking up. I haven't had a real date since I started wearing a mask."

By supper time I had already had to rebuy and Rick and Pam were short stacked. Carrie's stack was impressive.

We grilled hamburgers, Pam had made potato salad and Carrie brought baked beans and Cole slaw. Rick brought beer. The day was sunny, so we ate on the deck. Pam's table topic was, if you were in a circus, what character would you be? The conversation started lively and wandered far afield of the original topic. We killed a few brews so when play resumed the betting was significantly more aggressive. Within a couple of hours Rick and Carrie were up a bunch, Pam and I were skinny.

Pam said, "As an unemployed person I can't take much more."

Carrie said, "Let's play strip hold'em."

Rick said, "Great, then I'll have all the chips and all your clothes."

Pam said, "Hey don't act like it's skill, just your lucky day."

I said, "I can't believe our quiet little sister wants to play strip poker."

"I'm not as quiet as you might think. I've had some moments that you aren't aware of."

Rick says, "Hey stay on topic, are we going to play strip poker or not?"

Pam asks, "How would you play strip hold'em?"

We kicked it around a while then Pam says, "I got it. We'll just keep playing as usual, but anyone that gets beat on a showdown has to remove one thing."

Rick added, "Throwing in after fifth street shouldn't count. It has to be a showdown."

We agreed that should work.

Then Carrie says, "Hey wait a minute, I only have two things on, my shorts and top."

"What about your bra and panties?"

"I don't usually wear those."

"Really that's something I didn't know."

"There's a lot about me you don't know."

Pam said, "I'm sure. But back to the clothes, not counting flip flops, I just have three pieces."

Rick and I chimed in, "So do we."

Pam says, "OK, we'll give Carrie one free pass. That'll make it fair."

We all grabbed a beer and play resumed.

I was down to my jockeys pretty quickly. Play got looser in relation to volume of beer consumed. It was late when Rick lost his underwear, leaving all of us naked except Carrie who still had her shorts.

She declared, "I'm the winner."

I pushed in my short stack in and said, "Not so fast, I'm all in against your shorts for a high card showdown."

She said, "I accept, I want your money."

Pam dealt one card to both of us facedown. On the count of three we flipped our cards. Mine was a seven hers a trey.

Laughing, I said, "Off with it."

She said, "I want a redeal."

"No way, you lost fair and square. Drop em."

She stood up on her chair and said, "I demand a redeal."

Rick and I grabbed her shorts at the same time and pulled them down.

Laughing she kicked them on the table and twirled around on the chair. Hopping down, she walked around the table like a runway model.

As she passed Rick, she wrapped her hand around his dick and said, "You guys have nice dicks."

Rick says, "Yeah but mines bigger."

Pam says, "Hang on we'll find out."

She walked out and returned with a cloth measuring tape. In turn she measured Rick then me.

She said, "Rick wins by a 1/4 inch."

Carrie said, "Give me that."

She wrapped it around each and stated, "Yeah but Genes is bigger around by a skosh."

Rick says, "Now let's measure your tits to see whose are bigger."

Carrie says, "We already know, they're the same. I'm a 32b she's a 34b."

"Oh, then Pams are bigger."

"No dweeb, her back is just wider, but our boobs are the same size."

Actually, Carries nipples were a little longer. Her tits and crotch were highlighted by triangles of pale skin. Pam was tan all over.

I said, "I think both of you have perfect boobs and perfect everything else."

Rick says, "I have a question I've always been curious about. How does one describe a pussy? Can a pussy be beautiful? If so both of you have beautiful ones."

Pam says, "Let's move to the living room so we can enjoy looking at each other. This is so cool."

She added, "I'm switching to champagne. Anybody join me?"

We all said yes.

Carrie said, "I'll help."

In the living room, I said, "My God Rick, our sisters have great bods, I love their butts."

"Yeah, I never dreamed of this day but what gorgeous legs, tits, ass and they're cute as hell."

Carrie carried in two glasses, said, "We're out of champagne, but we've got lots of Prosecco."

We were sitting sipping our wine when Pam said, "Here's our topic. Carrie said, there's a lot we don't know about her. The topic is, tell us something we don't know about you. Carrie you first."

"I assume you mean sexual since that was the inference and we're all naked."

She took a big swig and said, "I can lick my own clit."

I almost dropped my glass.

"What did you say?"

"You heard me."

"Wow, can you really?"

"Well, I haven't done it in a while but I think I still can."

Pam said, "if I could do that, I'd probably die of orgasm poisoning."

I said, "It probably has something to do with gymnast training."

Carrie, "That's part of up but some of it is just genetic. You know Rick is flexible too. He can suck his own dick. I haven't seen it, but I've heard him bragging to his friends."

Pam looked at Rick and asked, "Is that right. Can you?'

He said, "I can only get the head in my mouth, I can't suck the whole thing."

I said, "If I could suck the head of my dick I'd probably be paralyzed by now."

Carrie said, "OK, Rick and I shared now it's your turn."

Pam replied, "I can't top that."

I added, "I got nothing worth sharing. Ok, Care, let's see you do it."

"You mean right now?"

"Yeah, we're all sitting here naked as jaybirds. It's not like you'll expose something we haven't seen."

Me, "Do it. Go on."

Rick and Pam began chanting, "Do it, do it..."

Carrie pushed the coffee table out of the way and laid down.

Pam said, "No, do it on the big table so we can all see."

On the table Carrie slowly raised her legs behind her arms then began moving her head toward her crotch. It took her a while but finally she stretched out her tongue and flicked her clit. We all applauded.

We were all close to the action. Pam leaned in to get a good view. As Carrie relaxed, Pam rubbed her finger over Carries slit.

She sat back quickly and said, "I'm sorry, it's just that I've never been that close to a pussy before."

Carrie said, "Its ok, I understand."

Carrie stretched out and relaxed.

Pam said, "I wish I could do that."

"Have you ever tried?"

"No. Never thought of it."

"Well lie down up here and move slowly, don't force yourself."

The girls were lying next to each other.

I said, "Rick in response to your question, those are two beautiful pussies in front of us."

Pam stretched out and was able to get both legs behind her arms but try as she might, she couldn't get close enough to her own pussy.

Carrie said, "Good try."

Carrie moved in close to Pams crotch and lightly rubbed her finger up and down her slit.

She stared for a while then bent and lightly kissed the lips, adding, "You're right it is beautiful.".

The girls got down and said, "OK, Rick it's your turn, show us."

He moved onto the table, stretched out and relaxed as he started bending forward.

Slowly he moved his mouth closer and with a final shrug sucked the head into his mouth. He sucked for a little bit and then slowly stretched out.

I said, "Wow."

He said, "Why don't you try it. You never know maybe you can do it too."

As I laid down I noticed Carrie was sucking Ricks erection.

I tried my best but it became obvious that I couldn't do it.

Pam said, "Here I'll help." and took me into her mouth.

After a minute or two Carrie said, "Ok, I licked my clit, kissed Pam's pussy and sucked Rick's dick. Now it's Gene's turn. Pam let's switch."

I was enjoying Carries mouth while watching Pam sucking her brother.

Pam saw me watching her, waved Ricks dick at me and asked, "You want a suck?

I nodded.

"Oh come on, all of us have sucked a dick except you."

I tried to ignore her question.

She grinned, "Well, do you want to touch it?"

"Pam don't start that. Concentrate on your business there."

They both concentrated and soon they had drained both of us.

Carrie was still licking me when Pam said, "Hop off boys it's our turn."

They stretched out with their legs on our shoulders.

Rick's face was in Pam's crotch as I ate Carrie.

Her pussy was as sweet as her sisters. Her orgasm lasted quite a while. Clamped hard against my face her thighs trembled as she relaxed. I watched Pam's legs shaking and squeezing Ricks head. Obviously shaky legs were genetic.

We were all catching our breath when Carrie rolled on her side and began licking Pam's tits. Pam ran her fingers through her sister's hair. Quietly we left to give them some privacy.

In the kitchen Rick said, "My gosh look at the time. No wonder I'm hungry."

We pulled the leftovers out and set the table. Before long, the girls' joined us, smirking like Cheshire cats. We ate and drank pretty much in silence.

Everyone was yawning when I said, "The beds are made up and ready. Just pick whichever one you want. I'm showering and hitting the sack."

Pam said, "Me too."

Everyone hugged and headed off.

I went to sleep quickly, Pam spooned into me.

Sometime later I woke up to see the two girls in a tight 69. Pam was on the bottom eagerly sucking Carrie with a finger in her sister's ass. I watched for a while before nodding off.

It was jut turning light the next time I opened my eyes. Carrie was playing with my dick. Rick and Pam were lying heads down at the foot of the bed as Rick slowly pumped her. Awake, I responded to Carries attention and she quickly sat on my dick.

It was bright outside when I finally woke up. Carrie lying on top of me and Pam on top of Rick. Pam was drooling on Ricks shoulder which tickled me. My laugh woke up everyone.

I made frittatas for everyone. We had our second or third cups of coffee on the deck. Replaying some of the events of yesterday and planning our next get together. Pam as usual threw out a topic.

"What can a foursome do together?"

Rick said, "I assume you're not talking about golf."

Carrie said, "I'd like to suck two dicks."

Pam said, "But that's only a threesome."

Carrie said, "Oh, I know, double penetration, I want to do that."

Pam said, "It's still only three. What can we do as a foursome? Get everyone involved at the same time."

Rick says, "While you're all busy thinking I want to offer a motion to double penetrate Carrie and have her suck two dicks when we get together next month."

Me, "I second the motion."

Pam said, "I've got it. A sibling circle."

"What the hell is a sibling circle?"

"C'mon I'll show you."

In the living room she knelt on the floor and said, "Everyone lie down here on your side. Gene you right here. Carrie behind him. You have to curl up a little so we'll all fit. Carrie start sucking him, Rick start eating her and I'll be between you and Gene."

That's how our first get together ended. I was eating Pam, she was sucking Rick. Rick was eating Carrie and Carrie was sucking me.We were all lying on the floor naked basking in the afterglow of our circle hookup.

Rick says, "Wow! If someone had told me I'd have a weekend like this I'd have said they're crazy. Hopefully we'll have more times like these but if not, it's been more than fantastic."

Carrie lying spreadeagled sighs and adds, "I feel like I'm waking up from the best erotic dream I could imagine."

Pam, "I agree, it's been amazing. I can't wait to see what the future holds."

Ricks phone chimes.

He says, "Whoever that is can leave a message. I don't want to move."

Finally, we all start to move around.

Rick listens to his message and says, "Ah shit, it's a client. They want me to show them a couple of houses."

He quickly showers, dresses, hugs everyone and leaves.

The three of us grab coffees and move to the deck. We replay the events of our weekend and plan our next get together. During a lull in the conversation, I leave to refill our coffees. When I return the two girls are huddled together in deep conversation.

Pam pats the seat next to her and says, "Have a seat, I want you to hear what Care just suggested."

Carrie says, "I had a thought that I think is worth exploring. Now that Pam is unemployed, I think she should start her own adult web site."

I asked, "You mean like a porn site?"

"Well sort of. I think Pam is very pretty with a great body. There are online platforms where one can post, let's say, intimate content that people pay to view. I think she could make big money showing off her body and personality."

I ask, "You also have a great body too so why don't you do it?"

"I've thought about it but if the school ever found out I'd be fired. I love teaching and don't want to risk it."

Pam, "Assume I'm going to do it, how would I get started."

"Well obviously you'd sign up, get your page on a platform. To build traffic you'd start posting, let's say provocative images on social media."

Me, "What if the restaurant found out? She's just laid off now they'd fire her."

Pam laughing, "I don't think so. They'd probably give me a raise. It'd increase the bar business."

Carrie, "You're probably correct but if I'm right I think you'll make so much money you won't have to ever work a regular job again. I know there are a lot of people that will pay to see you naked. And if you get creative you could make a killing."

"Creative, how."

"Well for starters, take advantage of your bartending skills. you could show how to make various drinks but do so while dressed provocatively. Show off your assets, if you know what I mean. Remember you have to build traffic."

I said, "I bet there's a lot of your regular bar customers that would pay to see you naked."

"I'm sure that's true. I get a lot of propositions. They all want to be my friends on the internet."

Carrie, "All you have to do is discreetly let those "friends" know about your site and that'll give you a kick start. I think you ought to try it."

"Well, it's certainly something to think about."

After Carrie left Pam and I enjoyed a lazy afternoon just hanging out with each other. We were quickly becoming a couple, settling into a comfortable routine. She was enjoying her domestic goddess role. My shirts, socks, underwear etc. were now organized by color. She had deep cleaned everything, the baseboards were pristine, the ceiling fans were dust free. Now she wanted to paint the kitchen cabinets, so we went paint shopping.

That night lying in bed, I asked, "So what do you think about Carrie's idea?"

"It's interesting. I find it hard to think that people would pay to see me naked."

"Well I think you're beautiful clothed or naked so I bet a lot of guys would. Tomorrow let's go online and see what your competition would be."

"I'll think about it."

The next evening, I pulled into the driveway and hit the garage opener. The door did open but there was no room for my car. There were cabinet drawers and doors in various states of refinishing all over the garage. Inside, all the cabinets were bare. Boxes of dishes, canned goods etc. were stacked in the dining room. We ordered delivery pizza.

I paid the driver and brought the box to the deck. Pam had opened some beers.

As I opened the box I asked, "Have you thought any more about our conversation?"

"As a matter of fact I signed up at a site called OnlyForYourEyes. I spent some time checking out some of the content. I subscribed to a few, live streamed some and paid tips for special requests. It was quite eye opening."

"So, you're serious? When are you going to start?"

"Yep, I'm serious, I'll start slow but I've got to get the kitchen done first. I can't just leave it like this."

In addition to the kitchen mess, the week after our family get together was hectic. Carries school sent everyone home with plans to resume classes online. My office moved half the staff to work from home status. I had my own office, but most staff and client meetings were now on Zoom. Rick and Carrie were doing sleepovers. Our group chat was very active.

Every evening I helped Pam with the kitchen. It took a little longer as she spent some time on her new business. As a subscriber I was able to follow her progress.

Sometimes I watched her perform live while viewing her on the web simultaneously. Talk about double the pleasure. Most times we ended these sessions in bed. Which further delayed the kitchen project. But, finally, we put new knobs and pulls on and the room looked great.

We all decided to have our next get together at our house again as everyone wanted to see the finished product.

Rick showed up early. Carrie of course was late. About noon she texted she was on the way and bringing a surprise. The three of us spent the time waiting for her guessing what the surprise would be. None of us were close with our guesses.

She finally walked in. With our mother. We were speechless. No one moved. We just stared. Actually, glared is more accurate. Rick was first to move.

He gave mom a hug and said, "Hey it's good to see you."

The rest of us joined in.

Carrie said, "Mom wanted to see your kitchen. So, I invited her over."

Pam sarcastically said, "Well aren't you the thoughtful one."

The doorbell rang.

Carrie said, "Another surprise."

I opened the door. It was Aunt Linda and our cousin Sue.

Linda says, "OK where's this this kitchen I've been hearing about?"

Pam glared at Carrie then hugged Linda and Sue, waved at mom, said, "C'mon I'll show you all around."

They all oohed and ahhed at the kitchen redo.

Mom opened every door and looked in every drawer before blessing the work.

"It's beautiful. Nice job. You can come do mine next."

We all laughed.

Pam said, "Rick take everyone out on the deck, I'll make some drinks."

As soon as the room cleared, Pam grabbed Carries face and said, "What the hell were you thinking? Did you forget this was to be just for the four of us? You've ruined it now."

Carrie replied, "It'll be Ok. They just want to hang out for a while. You know mom won't stay long. Don't be pissed at me. They just wanted to see your kitchen."

I said, "Well it's done now. Let's just make the best of it."

We enjoyed a light lunch and margaritas while we caught up on family news.

Linda is Mom's older sister. She is a meteorologist on our local channel and a community celebrity. She is known for her short skirts and gorgeous long legs. My college buddies called her Linda legs.

Sue is a senior in college and takes after her mother in the leg department.

Like Pam, Linda likes to be in charge.

Linda says, "Carrie tells us you all are into holdem. I've been known to play a little myself. Can I sit in?"

Pam hesitantly says, "Ah ok, Mom would you and Sue like to play?"

Sue replies, "'Actually, Carrie told me about your games. I think that would be fun."

We all started at Carrie. She smiled sheepishly. I'm sure everyone was thinking the same thing. What exactly had Carrie told her?

We all took seats at the table and Mom said, "I'd like to play left right, center instead. I brought money."

Left right center was one of Mom's favorites.

Rick says, "Maybe later Mom, everyone wants to play poker now. Is that OK?"

She nodded and pulled some cash from her purse.

While I got the poker chips, Pam said, "Here's our conversation starter, what's the sexiest movie you ever saw?"

As I sat the chips on the table, Rick quickly says, "Basic Instinct. I've paused that leg crossing scene so many times."

Carri adds, "Sleeping Beauty, not the Disney version."

Sue says, "Better than Chocolate. I never knew there were so many sex toys."

Everyone bought a stack. The game was fast paced, slowed occasionally with a movie discussion. Within an hour I was out of chips. Of course, Mom was up a bunch.

As I was buying another stack Linda says, "Here's another topic. Who was the sexiest teacher you ever had?"

I jumped in, "My junior year I took a creative writing course. The professor was a great lecturer that really made the class fun. As a bonus she was a looker. Always wore tennis skirts to class. She loved to sit on the desk with her long legs dangling. I was fascinated watching her bare thighs bulge as she sat on the desk. I always got there early so I could sit right in front. It drove me crazy wondering if she was wearing panties. I never found out, but I want to believe she was pantyless."

Everyone had a favorite to share. They were all fun stories. Then Sue told hers.

"Last semester I had to repeat a statistics class. I got a D the first time and had to pass with a C or better. The professor was handsome to say the least. I enjoyed just looking at him. That was probably part of the problem I did too much looking and not enough listening. I was limping along with a low C until the final. It didn't go well. I just knew I'd bombed it. As I handed in my test I asked him for an appointment. He agreed to see me that afternoon."

Linda said, "Hold on to your thought until after this hand."

She pushed all her chips into the pot and called, "All in."

Everyone threw in except Mom who called. It was an ugly beat. Linda's four of a kind topped Mom's full house.

Mom was broke and decided to just watch for a while.

As Linda was stacking her chips she said, "OK Sue back to your story."

"Well, I met him in his office. I told him I was sure I'd not done well on the final and I really needed to pull a C. I said I'd do anything for a C. Can I do something for extra credit? He casually picked up a picture of his wife and kids and turned it around so I could see it. He asked what I had in mind. I just sat there staring at that picture. I was desperate. I couldn't graduate if I didn't get the grade.

Finally, I pulled my shirt down exposing my boobs. I asked will this help? He stared for a minute then asked what else you got? Like I said I was desperate, so I pulled down my shorts. I wasn't wearing panties. He stared but didn't say anything, so I started to rub my pussy. He smiled so I just kept rubbing. I was really getting hot when he stood up and said he understood how important this was to me and would take everything into consideration but I should leave. Bottom line is I got a C-."

We all just sat there. No one said or did anything for the longest.

Pam stood up, said, "After that, I need a drink. Anyone want a margarita?"

We all wanted.

Most of us slugged the first glass and refilled.

Finally, Rick said, "If I were that professor, I think I'd have given you a chance at an A."

Everyone laughed.

Linda says, "OK here's another topic for everyone except Sue. Have you ever masturbated in front of someone?"

Immediately Mom says, "I don't masturbate."

Carrie looks incredulous and asks, "Never?"

Mom shakes her head.

Carrie asks, "Do you have orgasms?"

Mom, "Just once I think, I'm not sure."

The table was silent. Holdem was on hold.

Finally, Linda tells about a time she and a sorority sister masturbated together while watching a movie. Her description was very graphic with lot of details.

We all just sat silent.

After a while Linda, says, "Now back to my question."

Carrie said, "I never have."

Pam added, "Me neither."

Rick says, "Does jacking in front of a mirror count?"

I said, "I never have."

Pam brings in another pitcher, asks, "Doe's anyone else think it's hot in here?"

Mom asks, "If I weren't here would you all be naked?"

Three of us stared at Carrie.

She said, "I didn't mean to tell her everything but it just sort of came out."

Mom said, "Don't be upset with your sister. I think it's great that you kids are having fun with each other."

Pam said, "So you're not at all upset?"

"No. I don't want to spoil your fun, so I think I'll just take my empty purse and go home."

Carrie stood up, said, "Mom come with me, I want to show you something."

They walked away together.

Linda asks, "What was that all about? What did she mean about being naked?"

Sue adds, "Yeah what about that? Apparently, you all are keeping secrets."

Pam looks at Rick and I and says, "I'll tell them if it's all right with you guys."

We just shrug our shoulders.

She fills them in on our recent ah activities. Linda and Sue are full of questions.

At the end Sue asks, "So are these activities open to the whole family?"

Just then Carrie returns.

She asks, "What activities are you all talking about?"

Pam says, "Thanks to you, they know everything, and just what have you been up to? And where is Mom?"

Grinning, "She's getting dressed with a smile on her face."

Pam gasps, says, "Tell me you didn't!"

"I did. And I'm glad. She deserved it. Oh, and by the way her legs do shake."

Linda asks, "Ok let's hear what you two are mumbling about."

Pam says, "Well my dear sister just gave our mother an orgasm."

Just then mom walks in, grinning.

She says, "I've gotta go. I just remembered I have to pick your father up at work. His cars in the shop. It was great seeing everyone."

We all give her hugs and kisses and say goodbyes.

Carrie got an extra tight hug and walked her to the door.

As she sits down she looks at Linda and Sue and says, "Yes I did give my mother an orgasm. Apparently just her second one ever. I felt sorry for her, but I enjoyed every lick. So there, that little secret is out."

Linda fanning herself says, "Now it's really hot in here."

Carrie says, "To hell with it I vote we all strip."

She stands up and pulls her shirt over her head and drops her shorts.

Pam stands and strips also, says, "Mom said she wants us to have fun. Let the fun begin."

As Sue took her top off, Linda says, "First let's start by taking a look at that infamous shower curtain."

Pam said, "Give us a minute."

Then told Rick and I to follow her.

In the bathroom, she cut another hole in the curtain.

"I don't know where any of this is going. But let's find out. You guys get in there and get ready. I'll go get them."

Rick and I stepped in and pulled the curtain. Soon we heard murmuring and giggling coming down the hall. We stuck our equipment through the holes.

It turned quiet then Linda said, "Oh, I want one of those."

A hand stroked my semi hardon then a tongue licked it before a warm mouth covered it. My semi became full on hard. I could tell by Ricks reaction that he was experiencing the same thing.

After a couple of minutes, the mouth abandoned me and I heard giggling fading away.

Pam said, "Good job boys you can come out now."

Back at the table the four women were in deep conversation as Rick and I sat down.

Carrie said, "They liked the shower curtain and were impressed with your equipment."

Sue was now apparently naked. Her tits were perky and the size of my sisters, the table blocked my view of the rest of her.

Carrie looked at Rick and I and said, "Time to shed em boys."

We did as told.

She then turned to Aunt Linda and asked, "Are you joining us?"

Linda said, "Why don't you all stand up so I can get a better look."

We did as she asked.

There was a long pause then she said, "You have all grown up nicely. So now that you're all naked what would you do if I weren't here?"

Pam said, "If you stick around, I'm sure you'll find out. But how about if you join us? We'd like to see what you got."

I said, "Yeah auntie show us what you got."

Linda took a big gulp of her margarita, lifted her empty glass and said, "I think I need another one of these."

Pam refilled her glass.

Linda took a sip and said, "I thought I could do it but now I'm not so sure, what with you all staring and all."

Sue said, "Mom you don't have to but maybe if you close your eyes it'd be easier."

Linda sat there for a while sipping her drink. Slowly she stood up, closed her eyes and unbuttoned her blouse. She let it drop to the floor. Reaching behind, she unsnapped her bra and let it fall. Her hand shook as she felt for her glass. She took a couple of big gulps and unzipped her skirt and let it slide down her legs. She rolled her panties down and kicked them aside.

She stood for a minute, eyes still closed then said, "There, I did it."

We all applauded.

I said, "Auntie you're gorgeous.'

"I bet you say that to all your naked aunts."

We all laughed.

She did a slow turn and said, "I can't believe this is happening. It actually feels good."

Waving her arms overhead, she skipped around the room giggling. Her butt was a little fuller than the other girls, it was incredible seeing her cheeks flex as she skipped. Her breasts also a little fuller jiggled nicely.

Sue hugged her then we all took turns.

As I hugged her my hands gently squeezed her butt. She teared up.

I asked, "Are you OK?"

"I'm fine. Just happy. I haven't felt this free in a long time."

I kissed her and licked the tears.

As I let her go, she wobbled a bit and said, "I think I need to sit down."

I sat and pulled her on to my lap. She wrapped her arms around my neck and closed her eyes. Her boobs poking me in the chest. Which was only fair as I was poking her in the butt. We sat quietly for several minutes.

She opened her eyes and asked. "OK, so where do we all go from here?"

Pam said, "It all depends on what you want. Last month the four of us spent time exploring each other's bodies. We had planned on starting where we left off. I'm sure that will happen but now that you've joined us I for one would like to explore your body. Which by the way I think is luscious."

Carrie added, "Count me in in. I've always thought you were pretty, but you are one sexy lady."

Rick eyeing Sue, said, "And may I say what a sexy daughter you have."

Carrie said, "Speaking of sexy. Pam, I think you ought to think about having Aunt Linda and Sue join you on your new site. You're all sexy as hell."

Rick said, "Auntie can't do that. What if the station found out?"

Linda asked, "What is this new site? I've never heard about it."

Pam said, "It's a social media site where I post photos and videos that people can access for a fee."

Linda, "Are you talking about porn?"

Pam, "I don't know if porn is the correct term but I post intimate stuff, naked, sexual stuff and get paid for it."

Linda, "Are you making any money?"

"A little. I just started."

I say, "Little is not the word. Last week she had a special request. She made as much money in a few minutes as I make in a week."

Linda, "How does that work?"

"Well if she gets a request she can just do it or she can set a fee. People can then submit bids. Once the bids meet the fee she does it and gets the money. It's sort of like crowd funding."

Sue asks, "What was the request?"

I look at Pam.

She says, "They wanted to see me finger fuck my butt."

Linda, "And did you?"

I say, "I taped it. Do you want to see it?"

They all nodded.

I ran the tape.

Linda asks, "Does it bother you, doing that for everyone to see?"

Pam, "It's not like the whole world is watching."

She pointed at me and added, "Besides, I just pretend I'm doing it for him."

Sue said, "Well, I'm for sure going to subscribe. But, let's get back to Mom's question. What are WE going to do now?'

Linda was still sitting on my lap.

I looked at her and said, "To answer that question. I'd like to start by licking the inside of your thighs and sticking my tongue in your cute, ah.., you know."

Rick laughed, "It's hard to say my aunties pussy isn't it."

Linda said, "You know I've been around a long time and no one ever said anything like that to me or has ever done that to me."

"Well hop on the table and I'll show you what it feels like."

Carrie said, "I call seconds."

Rick says, "I call firsts on my sexy cousin."

He knelt if front of her and started kissing her thighs. I lost track of them from


Linda was lying with eyes closed tightly and her legs scrunched together. I started sucking her toes then spread her legs a little and kissed and licked my way up to her crotch. I licked her thin patch of hair then ran my tongue lightly over her pink lips. Her woman scent was pleasant, and she tasted wonderful. I gently spread her further exposing the bright pink inside and thrust my tongue in as far as I could. Soon I was focused on sucking her tiny clit. The girls who had been watching closely began sucking her boobs.

I lost track of time but soon felt her legs start to shake then her whole body spasmed.

As she relaxed, she started crying again.

The girls were trying to console her when she said, "Oh my, that was wonderful. I've never felt that good before."

Pam said, "You can feel that way anytime you want from now on. We can all help you."

Carrie was rubbing her legs, bent over and kissed her pussy and ran her tongue over her clit.

Linda ran her fingers through Carries hair and said, "Not now honey, I just need to catch my breath."

I needed to catch mine also. I just kept staring at her legs and wet pussy.

She saw me staring and said, "Pam, help put his eyes back in the sockets.

Pam laughed and slugged my shoulder.

Off to the side Sue let out a low moan as her legs shook.

Linda looking at Pam said, "While Sue calms down, I think you and your sister need to give us a masturbation exhibition."

Carrie asked, "Are you serious?"

Linda, "Yes, I think it's a shame you've never masturbated in front of anyone. Do it. You'll get a hell of a rush."

Rick pulled a couple of chairs close together and said, "Have a seat. I want to see your techniques."

Carrie looked at Pam and said, "C'mon let's show em how it's done."

They sat down, spread their legs. Both lightly ran their hands over their crotch. Then Pam scooted forward spreading her legs father apart, inserted a couple of fingers inside and began rubbing her clit with the moistened digits. Carrie spit on her fingers and began circling her clit. Rick knelt in front of her, his face inches away, watching intently.

I pushed him back and said, "Hey, you're blocking the view."

Pam was rubbing her clit with her left hand and finger fucking herself with the right. Carrie concentrated on a circular motion around her clit with two fingers while squeezing her tits with the other hand. Both had their eyes shut tight. Pams pussy was turning a dark pink when her legs started to tremble and then shake violently. A minute or so later Carries legs shot straight out and shook erratically.

Rick knelt in front of her licking the juices from her thighs and said, "You did good babe."

I knelt by Pam and hugged her as she relaxed.

Linda was now sitting on the edge of the table with her long legs dangling.

She said, "You girls were great but we kinda left you boys out. I bet your nuts are aching."

Pam pulled me close, licking my hardon said, "I'll make it up to you."

Carrie pulled Rick in front of her and started jacking him.

Linda slid off the table and squatted down beside Pam, "How bout we take turns?"

Sue knelt by Carrie and asked, "Mind if I join in?"

I love how Pam sucks me., the way she uses her tongue drives me crazy. I was focused on what she was doing when she backed off and waved my dick at Aunt Linda. Watching Linda's lips close around my tool almost made me come. Fortunately, I was able to hold off a while. With my dick in my aunt's warm mouth,

Pam began playing with my balls. That did it. I erupted in aunties mouth. She swallowed hard a couple of times then her and Pam licked me as I softened.

Apparently, it was going well for Rick as I could see cum dripping down Sues face.

We all just relaxed for a while.

Pam says, "Our neighbors are out of town and told us we could use their pool. I vote that we all go for a swim to cool off."

Linda said, "You mean skinny dipping? I didn't bring a suit."

Sue and Carrie added me toos.

I said, "Pam has enough suits to clothe the whole neighborhood."

Pam, "Yeah, I'm sure we can find something for all you all."

I gave Rick a pair of my shorts. When the girls came out I was wowed by how sexy they looked. I thought, this is crazy, I just spent the afternoon with them naked. Now I get turned on with them semi dressed. Speaking of semi dressed, Linda is a little more endowed in the butt and breasts than Pam. In her suit she was the epitome of sexy. The top exposed her luscious under boobs and the bottom, fitted more like a thong. Her butt cheeks were barely covered.

At the neighbors everyone jumped in the pool. The water was refreshing. Soon we were all sprawled out on the edge enjoying the warm sun.

Rick says, "Hey, I'm getting hungry."

Sue adds, "Yeah, I'm starved."

Pam ordered delivery from a neighborhood Taqueria which we ate back on our deck.

Linda said, "Well it's certainly been an entertaining day to say the least. I'm just curious how this all started with you all."

Carrie said. "It certainly wasn't planned. We just wanted to spend some time together. I think we were all a little lonely and horny what with covid restrictions and all. We had been drinking and someone suggested strip poker. It just took on a life of its own after that."

Pam said, "I think we're all a little skittish about trust in relationships, all of us being divorced and all. As family, we all love each other and know that we would never intentionally hurt each other. Let's face it we're all somewhat attractive which doesn't hurt. And as it turns out we all enjoy sex and are good at it."

Rick says, "Auntie let me say I have enjoyed seeing you in all your natural beauty but I have to say I'm surprised. I've always thought of you as pretty strait laced. What prompted you to be sitting here semi-naked with all of us?"

"Actually, I don't think of myself as strait laced. I've always been curious about sex but cautious about who I hooked up with. Your uncle was not adventuresome at all. With him it was always, man on top, pump pump thank you mam. After the divorce I just kind of withdrew. When Carrie was telling me about you all getting together, I sensed that she was hiding something. I just kept pumping her until she spilled the beans. I wanted to come today, not really to join in but just to be together. I was certainly titillated by what Carrie told me and I thought, oh I don't know what I thought. Maybe I was just hoping."

Pam says, "I think I can speak for everyone. Gene and I are kind of becoming a couple and it appears that Care and Rick are too. So I'm guessing that going forward we will be partners. Of course, with occasional partner swapping for fun. But you two are our focus today. What would you like to do with us?"

Sue says, "Well I can tell you I've certainly surprised myself. It's been fun but I can assure you there's no way I'd ever do this with a group of just friends. I would never have thought I'd be interested in girls. But you all are gorgeous and like Pam said, we're family and love and trust each other. Wow what a day."

Carrie adds, "The day is not over unless you are ready to leave."

Linda looked at her daughter, "It's up to you hun. I'll let you decide whether we leave or stay."

Sue, "What the hell, let's stick around. Besides neither of us should be driving after all the margaritas."

I said, "Why don't you girls go inside and relax while Rick and I straighten up."

The girls left. We gathered up the debris.

While we loaded the dishwasher Rick says, "It appears that you and Pam are enjoying your new relationship."

"Yeah, I couldn't be happier. How's it going with Care?"

"We've been talking about moving in together. We spend most nights together anyway. It would be fun and she's got it figured out that by living together we could save a lot of money towards retirement."

I said, "We've talked about that too. It's hard for me to think about retirement but I know she's right."

I shut the dishwasher and say, "That's done, let's go check on the girls."

In the living room there were bikinis strewn everywhere. Carrie and Linda were entwined with faces in each other's crotch as were Pam and Sue.

We sat down and watched the activities. Sue, on the bottom began arching her back lifting her butt off the floor. Suddenly her legs stiffened and began shaking. She squeezed her legs around Pam's head then rolled her over on her side. It appeared that she was trying to get Pam's entire crotch in her mouth. Soon Pam was shaking as she let out a deep guttural moan.

Within a few moments all four of the girls were on their backs, stretched out beside each other. All four pussies were a deep pink and glistening with each other's saliva.

Rick says, "Sue, for someone not interested in girls you do a pretty good job."

Sue grins, says, "I think my interest is growing."

After a while they started moving around.

I knelt between Pams legs and asked, "You want another one?"

She smiles and nods.

Rick kneels at her side says, "Oh right she likes to get off more than once. Can I help too?"

The two of us tag teamed her pussy until she started shaking and cried out, "Oh god, my god!"

Afterwards, she sat on my lap, snuggled tightly against me.

Linda stretched out on the couch beside us, said, "After all this I may need a nap."

Carrie said, "Me too. It's been fun but I think I'm about ready for bed."

Pam says, "Well we have enough beds for everybody. Just make yourselves at home. The shower in our room can accommodate several people at a time if anyone's interested. And we just got a Texas King size bed that could hold us all if you're interested in cuddling."

Linda says, "I've never heard of a Texas King bed."

Pam hops ups and says, "C'mon I'll show you."

Everyone followed her to our room. Rick flops down on the bed and makes like a snow angel. Soon we're all on the bed laughing and tickling each other.

After a few minutes Carrie says, "I call the shower. Who wants to join me?"

Her, Rick and Sue showered together. Pam and I go warm a bottle of brandy and bring it and glasses back to the room.

Carries group was toweling off so Linda, Pam and I jump in the shower. All of us clean bodies are sitting on the bed sipping brandy.

Linda raising her glass asks Pam, "So is this one of your nighttime rituals?"

Pam laughs, "We enjoy one occasionally, but I have a ritual I like better. If I wake up during the night I like to scoot down and put his softie in my mouth. I just love feeling it grow and get hard in my mouth."

Sue said, "Oh I want to try that."

She leaned down towards my now hardening dick, stopped and said, "Whoops too late. Oh well I don't want to waste it."

She sat down on my erection and began slowing rocking up and down.

Linda sat on Rick. Carrie immediately sat on his face. Pam sat on mine.

It didn't take long for me to squirt into my cousin. She licked me clean while I brought Pam to conclusion. Similar things were transpiring on the other side of the bed.

We were all lying scrunched together when Carrie said, "This is fun but I need more room."

She and Rick stood up and said, "We're going to bed if anyone wants to join us."

Sue asked, "Do you have room for me?"

"Sure, come on."

As they walked out Linda stood up as if to leave.

Pam says, "Auntie you're welcome to stay unless you want your own bed."

Linda laid back down, snuggled up to Pam and said, "I thought you'd never ask."

Sometime during the night, I felt a warm mouth on my dick. It stayed there until I shot my load.

It was late when I woke up. Pam was on the far side, Linda in between us. I tried to ease out of bed but woke Pam up.

She smiled and leaned over to give me a smooch, waking Linda.

Linda giggled and asked me, "Did I disturb you last night?"

Smiling I said, "I managed to survive it."

Saying, "Good morning, Auntie." Pam kissed her on the cheek as did I.

Then Pam kissed a tit, "Auntie you have great boobs."

I said, "Oh my yes. They're beautiful." as I sucked on the other one.

Linda said, "Wow what a way to start my day."

She laid there enjoying our mouths then threw the covers off, wrapped her hand around my hard-on and spread her legs.

I knelt between her legs, aiming my dick at her pussy I asked, "May I?"

She laughed and replied, "Yes you may fuck your aunt."

I laid on top of her and eased my hardon in her warm moist pussy. Pam was sucking her tits as I pumped slowly. I was savoring every thrust. I closed my eyes and had a vision of her standing in front of the weather map, in high heels naked from the waist down. I immediately started to come. She wrapped her long legs around me squeezing tightly as I shot my load. The three of us laid together kissing and licking until we heard voices in the kitchen.

I wanted to stay there all morning, but we joined the family who were fixing breakfast. We exchanged greetings and poured our coffee. Linda was leaning on the counter, cup in hand. I told her not to move and knelt behind her. I stared at her scrumptious butt then softly kneaded her cheeks before sucking each side in turn. Finally, I stood up and admired my hickey artwork.

Pam giggled, hugged me and said, "I wondered how long it'd be before you did something like that."

Looking at Linda she said, "You've got such a great butt and I knew he was obsessed with it."

We enjoyed breakfast as we replayed yesterday's events. It was late morning when Linda and Sue asked if they would be invited back next month. The four of us were enthusiastic in our response.

Linda said, "In that case let me be the hostess. We'll get together at my house."

We all agreed.

Carrie said, "I just remembered. I had a special request for this month."

Linda asked, "And what was that?"

"I wanted to suck two dicks then get fucked in the front door and back door at the same time."

Sue said, "Now that sounds interesting. Can you wait till next month?"

"Sure, it'll keep."

Sue, "Oh and I want to see Rick suck himself and..."

Linda interrupted, "We can work on next month's agenda later. It's been fun but I really need to get going."

Sue said, "Yeah me too."

Pam said, "Well we sort of started a tradition to end our get togethers. We called it a sibling circle but I think we can change that to a family circle if you're interested."

In unison, Linda and Sue said, "Whatever it is we're probably in."

Pam explained the circle giving them the choice of position.

Shortly, Linda was sucking me, I was sucking Pam, she was sucking Sue who was sucking Carrie who was sucking Rick who was sucking Aunt Linda.

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